Updating Spartacus to Version 4.0

Note: Spartacus 4.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 4.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2205. Spartacus 4.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Before you migrate to version 4.0 of the Spartacus libraries, it is highly recommend that you update your app structure to match the Spartacus reference app structure, and that you also make the move to using feature libraries. It is easier to perform the migration in multiple, small steps (migrating to the new app structure, switching to the extracted feature libraries, and then migrating to 4.0), where you can make sure that everything still works as before after each step.

Note: The procedures below are listed in the order they should be performed, which is to say, migrate to the reference app structure first, then upgrade your Angular libraries, then upgrade to Spartacus 3.4.x, and finally, upgrade to Spartacus 4.0.

Table of Contents


Before the 3.0 release, Spartacus started to have separate libraries based on their responsibility. With 3.0, Spartacus was released with a few libraries already in separate packages (such as @spartacus/organization and @spartacus/storefinder). More libraries continued to be moved in the minor 3.x releases. This was done while trying to avoid breaking changes. However, each major release provides an opportunity to pay off technical debt that has accumulated during the minor releases. The extracted libraries are a big contributor to technical debt, because the same functionality has been kept in two places. With the 4.0 release, the functionality that was extracted to separate libraries in the minor releases is now removed from the core libraries (that is, from @spartacus/core, @spartacus/storefront, @spartacus/assets and @spartacus/styles).

To accommodate these changes, it was necessary to also modify a few of the bigger modules, namely B2cStoreFrontModule, StorefrontModule and CmsLibModule.

For these reasons, it is strongly recommended to switch to the new app structure, which does not use these modules, and to switch to the new feature libraries if they exist for the features you are using.

For more information on the Spartacus reference app structure, see Reference App Structure.

Migrating to the Reference App Structure

The following steps describe how to migrate to the new reference app structure.

  1. Create a module called SpartacusModule with the following path: app/spartacus/spartacus.module.ts.
  2. Add the SpartacusModule to the imports in AppModule.
  3. Add BaseStorefrontModule to the imports and exports of the SpartacusModule. This module is exported from the @spartacus/storefront library.
  4. Create a module called SpartacusFeaturesModule with the following path: app/spartacus/spartacus-features.module.ts
  5. Add the SpartacusFeaturesModule to the imports in SpartacusModule.
  6. Create a module called SpartacusConfigurationModule with the following path: app/spartacus/spartacus-configuration.module.ts.
  7. Add the SpartacusConfigurationModule to the imports in the SpartacusModule.
  8. Move Spartacus configurations to the SpartacusConfigurationModule.

    These are the configurations you pass with provideConfig, provideConfigFactory, or with the withConfig methods from some of the modules (such as the B2cStorefrontModule and ConfigModule). It is recommended that you use provideConfig or provideConfigFactory in module providers to configure Spartacus.

  9. Configure the AppRoutingModule.

    If you do not have this module, first create it under app/app-routing.module.ts. Make sure you import this module in you AppModule. In the imports of AppRoutingModule, configure the RouterModule with the following options:

     RouterModule.forRoot([], {
       anchorScrolling: 'enabled',
       relativeLinkResolution: 'corrected',
       initialNavigation: 'enabled',

    Previously, this module was configured in StorefrontModule, which is now deprecated and removed in version 4.0.

  10. Configure the NgRx modules in your AppModule.

    The NgRx modules were part of the StorefrontModule, but similarly to the RouterModule, Spartacus requires this configuration to be present in the application. You need to add the following modules to the imports of your AppModule: StoreModule.forRoot({}) and EffectsModule.forRoot([]). Import these modules from @ngrx/store and from @ngrx/effects, respectively. The following is an example:

       imports: [
         // then the rest of your custom modules...
  11. Continue with the following procedures, which focus on replacing deprecated Spartacus grouping modules.

Migrating the B2cStorefrontModule

  1. From the steps in the previous section, the configuration from B2cStorefrontModule.withConfig should already be moved to the SpartacusConfigurationModule and provided with provideConfig, but if not, then you can do so now.
  2. Add the HttpClientModule to the imports in your AppModule if it is not there.
  3. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule module imports, add the StorefrontModule and CmsLibModule from the @spartacus/storefront library.

    These modules are removed in 4.0, but it is better to migrate the modules step by step. The migration of these modules is covered in the next steps.

  4. The B2cStorefrontModule provided a few default configurations. If you rely on them, add them to your SpartacusConfigurationModule. The following is an example:

       pwa: {
         enabled: true,
         addToHomeScreen: true,
  5. Remove any use of the B2cStorefrontModule from your app.

Migrating the B2bStorefrontModule

  1. From the steps in the first section, the configuration from B2bStorefrontModule.withConfig should already be moved to the SpartacusConfigurationModule and provided with provideConfig, but if not, then you can do so now.
  2. Add the HttpClientModule to the imports in your AppModule if it is not there.
  3. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule module imports, add the StorefrontModule and CmsLibModule from the @spartacus/storefront library.

    These modules are removed in 4.0, but it is better to migrate the modules step by step. The migration of these modules is covered in the next steps.

  4. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule module imports, add CostCenterModule.forRoot() from the @spartacus/core library.
  5. The B2bStorefrontModule provided a few default configurations. If you rely on them, add them to your SpartacusConfigurationModule. The following is an example:

  6. Remove any use of the B2bStorefrontModule from your app.

Migrating the StorefrontModule

  1. From the steps in the first section, you should have already configured RouterModule in AppRoutingModule, but if not, then you can do so now.
  2. The imports of your AppModule should already include StoreModule.forRoot({}) and EffectsModule.forRoot([]), but if not, you can add them now.
  3. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the AsmModule from @spartacus/storefront.
  4. Add the StorefrontFoundationModule to the imports of the SpartacusFeaturesModule.
  5. Add the MainModule to the imports of the SpartacusFeaturesModule.
  6. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import SmartEditModule.forRoot(), PersonalizationModule.forRoot() and OccModule.forRoot() from @spartacus/core.
  7. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the ProductDetailsPageModule and ProductListingPageModule from @spartacus/storefront.
  8. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import ExternalRoutesModule.forRoot() from @spartacus/core.
  9. Remove any use of the StorefrontModule from you app.

Migrating the CmsLibModule

  1. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the following modules from @spartacus/storefront:

     AsmModule, // remove if it's already present
  2. Remove any use of the CmsLibModule from your app.

Migrating the MainModule

  1. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the AnonymousConsentsDialogModule from @spartacus/storefront.
  2. Remove any use of the MainModule from you app.

Migrating the StorefrontFoundationModule

  1. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the following from @spartacus/core:
    • AuthModule.forRoot()
    • AnonymousConsentsModule.forRoot()
    • CartModule.forRoot()
    • CheckoutModule.forRoot()
    • UserModule.forRoot()
    • ProductModule.forRoot()
  2. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the CartPageEventModule, PageEventModule and ProductPageEventModule from @spartacus/storefront.
  3. Remove any use of the StorefrontFoundationModule from your app.

Migrating the OccModule

  1. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the following modules from @spartacus/core:
    • AsmOccModule
    • CartOccModule
    • CheckoutOccModule
    • ProductOccModule
    • UserOccModule
    • CostCenterOccModule
  2. Remove any use of the OccModule from your app.

Migrating the EventsModule

  1. In the SpartacusFeaturesModule, import the CartPageEventModule, PageEventModule and ProductPageEventModule from @spartacus/storefront.
  2. Remove any use of the EventsModule from your app.

Cleaning Up

Now that you have migrated your application to the new app structure, you have the opportunity to remove feature modules that were originally included in the core Spartacus libraries, but which you may not have been using. By removing unused feature modules, you can make your application’s initial load time faster.

The following is a list of common Spartacus features that you may not be using, and which you can remove from your application:

  • If you do not use ASM, you can remove the AsmModule and AsmOccModule imports from the SpartacusFeaturesModule.
  • If you do not use Smartedit, you can remove the SmartEditModule import from the SpartacusFeaturesModule.
  • If you do not use Qualtrics, you can remove the QualtricsModule import from the SpartacusFeaturesModule.
  • If you do not use product variants, you can remove the ProductVariantsModule import from the SpartacusFeaturesModule
  • If you do not support order replenishment, you can remove the ReplenishmentOrderHistoryModule, ReplenishmentOrderConfirmationModule and ReplenishmentOrderDetailsModule imports from the SpartacusFeaturesModule.

There are many more modules that you may not need, and it is recommended to go through all of the imports in the SpartacusFeaturesModule and verify if you are using them or not. If not, simply remove the import to make your application smaller.

Upgrading Your Angular Libraries

Before upgrading Spartacus to 4.0, you first need to upgrade Angular to version 12, and upgrade Angular third party dependencies, such as @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap and @ng-select/ng-select, to the version that is compatible with Angular 12.

The following is an example command that upgrades Angular to version 12, and also upgrades the related dependencies:

ng update @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@10 @ng-select/ng-select@7 @angular/core@12 @angular/cli@12

For more information, see the officialAngular Update Guide.

Upgrading Spartacus to 3.4.x

You must first upgrade all of your @spartacus libraries to the latest 3.4.x release before you begin upgrading to Spartacus 4.0. For more information, see Upgrading Spartacus Libraries to a New Minor Version.

Upgrading Spartacus to 4.0

Spartacus 4.0 includes many new features and fixes. Since this update is a major release, some of the updates may also be breaking changes for your application. In this case, additional work on your side may be required to fix issues that result from upgrading from 3.4.x to 4.0.

To update to version 4.0 of Spartacus, run the following command in the workspace of your Angular application:

ng update @spartacus/schematics@4

When the update has finished running, inspect your code for comments that begin with // TODO:Spartacus. For detailed information about each added comment, see the Detailed List of Changes.

Importing the App Routing Module from the Storefront Library

After upgrading to 4.0, you can delete your local app-routing.module file, if it exists. Instead of importing the local AppRoutingModule into your AppModule, you should import the AppRoutingModule from @spartacus/storefront.

Migrating from Accelerator to Spartacus

If you are considering migrating a project from Accelerator to Spartacus, see Migrate Your Accelerator-based Storefront to Project Spartacus on the SAP CX Works website.