Changes to Styles in 4.0

Note: Spartacus 4.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 4.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2205. Spartacus 4.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Changes in the storefrontstyles Components

  • The $page-template-blacklist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $page-template-blocklist in _page-template.scss.
  • The $cart-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $cart-components-allowlist in cart/_index.scss.
  • The $cds-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $cds-components-allowlist in cds/index.scss.
  • The $store-finder-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $store-finder-components-allowlist in store-finder/index.scss.
  • The $checkout-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $checkout-components-allowlist in checkout/_index.scss.
  • The $content-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $content-components-allowlist in content/_index.scss.
  • The $layout-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $layout-components-allowlist in layout/_index.scss.
  • The $misc-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $misc-components-allowlist in misc/_index.scss .
  • The $myaccount-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $myaccount-components-allowlist in myaccount/_index.scss.
  • The $product-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $product-components-allowlist in product/index.scss.
  • The $product-list-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $product-list-allowlist in product/list/_index.scss.
  • The $pwa-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $pwa-components-allowlist in pwa/add-to-home-screen-banner/_index.scss.
  • The $user-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $user-components-allowlist in user/_index.scss.
  • The $wish-list-components-whitelist SCSS variable name has been renamed to $wish-list-components-allowlist in wish-list/index.scss.

Changes in the Organization Feature Library

  • The $page-template-blacklist-organization SCSS variable name has been renamed to $page-template-blocklist-organization.
  • The $page-template-whitelist-organization SCSS variable name has been renamed to $page-template-allowlist-organization.

Changes in the Storefinder Feature Library

  • The $page-template-blacklist-store-finder SCSS variable name has been renamed to $page-template-blocklist-store-finder.
  • The $page-template-whitelist-store-finder SCSS variable name has been renamed to $page-template-allowlist-store-finder.

Changes in the Checkout Components

  • The cx-product-variants selector has been moved to the corresponding @spartacus/product feature library.

Change in the Configurator Attribute Type Components

  • The cx-quantity selector has been added to achieve a consistent styling.

Changes in the Configurator Product Title Component

  • The width is set to 80% in the %cx-configurator-product-title to use only 80% of the configuration product title width.
  • There is now a button instead of an anchor link in the %cx-configurator-product-title.
  • The padding is set to 16px/ 32px in the %cx-configurator-product-title for the cx-details selector to align spacing depending on the screen size.
  • The cx-configurator-image mixin has been defined in the %cx-configurator-product-title for the cx-details-image selector to achieve a consistent styling.
  • The cx-configurator-truncate-content mixin has been added to the %cx-configurator-product-title for the cx-detail-title, cx-code and cx-description selectors to enable the truncation for the small widgets.

Changes in the Configurator Group Menu Component

  • The cx-group-menu class replaces the ul element in the %cx-configurator-group-menu.
  • The cx-configurator-truncate-content mixin has been added to the %cx-configurator-group-menu for the span selector to enable the configuration group title truncation for the small widgets.

Changes in the Configurator Form Component

  • The width is set to 100% in the %cx-configurator-form to use the whole width of the configuration form.
  • The padding is set to 16px in the %cx-configurator-form for the cx-group-attribute to align the spacing between the configuration group attributes.

Changes in the Configurator Attribute Header Component

  • The margin is set to 17px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-header to align the spacing to the attribute header to the attribute type.
  • The padding is set to 0px and the margin to 17px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type to align the spacing between the configuration attribute types.

Changes in the Configurator Attribute Drop-Down Component

  • The flex-direction is set to column in the %cx-configurator-attribute-drop-down.
  • The cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price mixin has been defined in the %cx-configurator-attribute-drop-down for the .cx-attribute-level-quantity-price class to achieve a consistent styling.
  • The margin-block-start is set to 32px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-drop-down for the .cx-value-price class to align the spacing for mobile widget.
  • The margin-block-start is set to 32px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-drop-down for the .cx-attribute-level-quantity-price class to align the spacing.

Changes in the Configurator Attribute Checkbox List Component

  • The padding is set to 1rem in the %cx-configurator-attribute-checkbox-list to define the spacing between the checkbox-list attribute type and the quantity counter.
  • The cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price mixin has been defined in the %cx-configurator-attribute-checkbox-list for the cx-attribute-level-quantity-price selector to achieve a consistent styling.
  • The cx-configurator-attribute-visible-focus mixin has been defined in the %cx-configurator-attribute-checkbox-list to enable visual focus.

Changes in the Configurator Attribute Radio Button Component

  • The padding is set to 1rem in the %cx-configurator-attribute-radio-button to define the spacing between the radio-button attribute type and the quantity counter.
  • The cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price mixin has been defined in the %cx-configurator-attribute-radio-button for the .cx-attribute-level-quantity-price class to achieve a consistent styling.
  • The cx-configurator-attribute-visible-focus mixin has been defined in the %cx-configurator-attribute-radio-button to enable visual focus.

Change in the Configurator Previous Next Button Component

  • The padding is set to 16px in the %cx-configurator-previous-next-buttons to align the spacing between the configuration form and the bottom of the configuration.

Change in the Configurator Price Summary Component

  • The padding is set to 16px in the %cx-configurator-price-summary for the cx-total-summary selector to align the spacing.
  • The padding is set to 16px in the %cx-configurator-footer-container mixin to align the spacing between the price summary and add-to-cart button.

Change in the Configurator Required Error Message Mixin

  • The padding is set to 5px in the %cx-configurator-required-error-msg mixin to add spacing at the end of the cx-icon selector.

Change in the Configurator Attribute Single-Selection Bundle Component

  • The cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price mixin has been replaced in the %cx-configurator-attribute-single-selection-bundle to cx-configurator-bundle-attribute-level-quantity-price.

Change in the Configurator Attribute Multi-Selection Bundle Component

  • The cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price mixin has been replaced in the %cx-configurator-attribute-multi-selection-bundle to cx-configurator-bundle-attribute-level-quantity-price.

Changes in the Configurator Attribute Type Mixin

  • The width is set to 100% in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the fieldset selector to use 100% of the width.
  • The display is set to flex in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the form-check selector.
  • The flex-direction is set to row in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the form-check selector.
  • The justify-content is set to space-between in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the form-check selector.
  • The width is set to 80% in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the cx-value-label-pair selector to use only 80% of the width.
  • The padding-inline-end is set to 10px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the cx-value-label-pair selector.
  • The line-break has been set to anywhere in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the cx-value-label-pair selector to enable a line break if the value pair label gets longer.
  • The width is set to 20% in the %cx-configurator-attribute-type for the cx-value-price selector to use only 20% of the width.

Changes in Configurator Form Group Mixin

  • The width is set to 100% in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the form-group selector to use 100% of the width.
  • The display is set to flex in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the form-group selector.
  • The flex-direction is set to row in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the form-group selector.
  • The align-items is set to center in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the form-group selector.
  • The justify-content is set to space-between in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the form-group selector.
  • The width is set to 80% in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the select selector to use only 80% of the width.
  • The width is set to 20% in the %cx-configurator-form-group for the cx-value-price selector to use only 20% of the width.

Changes in the Configurator Attribute Level Quantity Price Mixin

  • The margin-block-start has been removed from %cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price.
  • The margin-block-end has been removed from %cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price.
  • The margin-inline-start has been removed from %cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price.
  • The margin-inline-end has been removed from %cx-configurator-attribute-level-quantity-price.

Changes in the Configurator Overview Form Component

  • The padding is set to 0px in the %cx-configurator-overview-form to fix inconsistent spacings in the configuration overview form.
  • The padding is set to 20px and the margin to 0px in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-group selector to align spacing between the configuration overview groups.
  • The padding is set to 32px/16px in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the h2 selector to align spacing around the configuration overview group titles.
  • The cx-configurator-truncate-content mixin has been added to the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the span selector to enable the overview group title truncation for the small widgets.
  • The padding is set to 32px in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-attribute-value-pair selector to align spacing between the configuration overview attribute value pairs.
  • The display is set to none / inline and visibility to hidden in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-attribute-value-pair selector to define the visibility for the configuration overview attribute value label.
  • The padding is set to 20px in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-no-attribute-value-pairs selector to align spacing between the configuration overview form and the container which is shown when there are no results, including a link for removing filter(s).
  • The font-size is set to 1.25rem in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel selector to adjust the attribute header according to the new styling requirement.
  • The font-weight is set to 700 in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel selector to adjust the attribute header according to the new styling requirement.
  • The border-bottom is set to solid 1px var(--cx-color-light) in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel selector to create the bottom border of the attribute header.
  • The border-top is set to solid 1px var(--cx-color-light) in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel selector to create the top border of the attribute header.
  • The border-left-style is set to none in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel selector to achieve a top-bottom border.
  • The border-right-style is set to none in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel selector to achieve a top-bottom border.
  • The background set to none in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel to make the header background transparent.
  • The text-transform is set to none in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the topLevel to prevent the header form transforming to uppercase.
  • The margin-bottom is set to -60px in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the subgroupTopLevel to eliminate the space between the top-level attribute header and its subgroups.
  • The background-color is set to var(--cx-color-background) in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-group h2 to set the background color of the subgroup headers.
  • The font-size is set to 1rem in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-group h2 to specify the font size of the subgroup headers.
  • The text-transform is set to uppercase in the %cx-configurator-overview-form for the cx-group h2 to transform the subgroup header into uppercase.

Changes in the Configurator Overview Attribute Component

  • The justify-content is set to space-between in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute.
  • The width is set to 50% in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-value selector to use only 50% of the width for the small widgets.
  • The font-weight is set to 600 in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-value selector to make the attribute values bold.
  • The line-break has been set to anywhere in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-value selector to enable line break if the attribute value label gets longer.
  • The padding-inline-end is set to 10px in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-value selector to align spacing between the cx-attribute-value selector and the next element.
  • The width is set to 100% in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-label selector to use 100% of the width for the small widgets.
  • The padding-inline-end is set to 10px in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-label selector to align spacing between the cx-attribute-label selector and the next element.
  • The line-break has been set to anywhere in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-label selector to enable a line break if the attribute value label gets longer.
  • The width is set to 50% in the %cx-configurator-overview-attribute for the cx-attribute-price selector to use only 50% of the width for the small widgets.

Changes in the Product Configurator Card Component

  • The .cx-card-title class was added (a11y).
  • The .deselection-error-message class was added.
  • The display is set to inline-block in the %cx-configurator-attribute-product-card for the &.deselection-error-message to prevent a line break in the deselection error message.
  • The width is set to 80% in the %cx-configurator-attribute-product-card for the &.deselection-error-message to set the element’s box size and prevent a line break.
  • The flex-wrap is set to wrap in the %cx-configurator-attribute-product-card for the .cx-product-card-selected to align the deselection error to the desired position.
  • The padding-top is set to 5px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-product-card for the .deselection-error-message to create space between the value description and the error message.
  • The color is set to var(--cx-color-danger) in the %cx-configurator-attribute-product-card for the .deselection-error-message to signal the message as an error message.
  • The padding-right is set to 5px in the %cx-configurator-attribute-product-card for the .deselection-error-message-symbol to create space between the message and the ‘error’ icon.

Change in the Cart Item Component

  • An h2 was added under .cx-name to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).

Change in the Order Summary Component

  • The h4 was changed to h3 to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).

Change in the Review Submit Component

  • A type(3) was added to the .cx-review-title class to retain the previous style after changes in the markup template.

Change in index.scss

  • A new cx-page-header component was added to the allow list (a11y).
  • _screen-reader.scss was added, which will contain screen reader specific styles (a11y).

Changes in the Category Navigation Component

  • The h5 was changed to span to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).
  • The > h5 was changed to > span to remove headings from the category navigation for improved categorization in the screen reader elements dialog (a11y).
  • The h5 was changed to span under .flyout, @include media-breakpoint-down(md), nav and nav > to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).
  • The h3 was changed to an h2 to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).
  • The h4 was changed to an h3 to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).

Change in the Product List Item Component

  • An h2 was added to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).

Change in the Wish List Item Component

  • An h2 added to account for the change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).

Change in the Checkout Media Style Component

  • type(3) and font-weight were added to retain the existing styling after a change in the markup template for improved screen reader support (a11y).

Change in _screen-reader.scss

  • The .cx-visually-hidden class was added. This class can be used to hide elements specific to screen reader announcement and narration (a11y).

Change in _list.scss

  • .cx-table td .text and .cx-table td a padding-inline-start removed to align the cx-org table items with head labels.

Change in buttons.scss`

  • text-transform: var(--cx-button-text-transform) is changed to text-transform: var(--cx-text-transform) to accommodate for theme changes.

Changes in _searchbox.scss

  • cx-icon.reset was changed to button.reset
  • .dirty was changed to .dirty
  • :not(.dirty) cx-icon.reset was changed to :not(.dirty) button.reset
  • cx-icon was changed to button,
  • cursor: pointer was removed.
  • .reset was changed to .reset cx-icon
  • was changed to

Change in _payment-form.scss

  • legend was added with font-size: 1rem in .cx-payment-form-exp-date

Change in _list.scss

  • .sort has been wrapped in a label in .header.actions. A min-width: 170px; was added for .sort and a few other stylings for label.

Change in _my-coupons.scss

  • Styling was added for .cx-my-coupons-form-group: align-items: center; display: flex; and a few other stylings for span and cx-sorting.

Change in _my-interests.scss

  • Styling was added for .cx-product-interests-form-group: align-items: center; display: flex; and a few other stylings for span and cx-sorting.

Change in _order-history.scss and _order-return-request-list.scss

  • Styling added for cx-order-history-form-group: align-items: center; display: flex; and a few other stylings for span and cx-sorting.

Change in _replenishment-order-history.scss

  • Styling added for .cx-replenishment-order-history-form-group: align-items: center; display: flex; and a few other stylings for span and cx-sorting.

Change in _product-list.scss

  • Styling added for .cx-sort-dropdown: align-items: center; display: flex; and a few other stylings for span and cx-sorting.
  • text-transform: var(--cx-button-text-transform) was changed to text-transform: var(--cx-text-transform) to accommodate for theme changes.

Change in _popover.scss

  • popover-body > .close has been moved to popover-body > .cx-close-row > .close.

Changes in navigation-ui.scss

  • popover-body > .close has been moved to popover-body > .cx-close-row > .close.
  • padding-bottom: 25px was changed to padding-bottom: 22px to accommodate for the header navigation links line-heights.

Change in _versioning.scss

  • For the 4.0 release, themes for versioning of minor releases was changed from $_fullVersion: 3.3; and $_majorVersion: 3; to $_fullVersion: 4; and $_majorVersion: 4;, respectively.