Technical Changes in Spartacus 3.0

Note: Spartacus 4.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 4.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2205. Spartacus 4.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Table of Contents

Breaking Changes Introduced in 3.0

Translations (i18n) changed

  • fixed the typo in the key user.register.managementInMyAccount (previously …managmentInMyAccount)
  • key checkout.checkoutReview.editShippingMethod was removed
  • key checkout.checkoutReview.editPaymentMethod was removed

Default router options changed

The Angular router can be initialized with so-called ExtraOptions in the forRoot method of the RouterModule. For more information, see

The default ExtraOptions have changed with 3.0. Before 3.0, Spartacus set the anchorScrolling and scrollPositionRestoration options. In Spartacus 3.0, the scrollPositionRestoration was removed, and the relativeLinkResolution and initialNavigation have been added. See the following table for the actual values and reasoning:

Option < 3.0 ≥ 3.0
anchorScrolling 'enabled' 'enabled'
scrollPositionRestoration 'enabled' (removed)
relativeLinkResolution n/a 'corrected'
initialNavigation n/a 'enabled'

The enabled scrollPositionRestoration was causing a bad experience in most cases, as it would scroll the page to the top on each route change. This is unexpected in a single page experience.

The corrected relativeLinkResolution is used to opt-in to a fix that was added in Angular. This will become the default from Angular 11 onwards.

The enabled initialNavigation provides a better experience with server-side rendering, which starts initial navigation before the root component is created and blocks bootstrap until the initial navigation is complete. For more information, see the Angular documentation.

The RouterModule.forRoot() method can actually be called only once in an Angular application. This makes the default options rather opinionated, which is why the default configurations are carefully selected in Spartacus. The options that have been added or removed can be provided in your custom application with the Angular ROUTER_CONFIGURATION injection token. The following is an example:

providers: [
    useValue: {
      scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled',

There is no automation (schematics) planned for this change.

Page Layout

With version 2.1, we started to add the page layout-based style class to the root element of the application (cx-storefront). This was done in addition to the style class being added by the PageLayoutComponent. The style class on the PageLayoutComponent was considered to be too limited, as it would not affect selectors outside the page template component.

The implementation of the page layout-based style class has moved from the PageLayoutComponent to the PageTemplateDirective. This results in a cleaner PageLayoutComponent with a constructor that no longer requires the lower level Renderer2 service and ElementRef. The constructor reduces to the following signature:

constructor(protected pageLayoutService: PageLayoutService) {}

We’ve also made the PageLayoutService a protected argument, so that it is extensible.

There is no automation (schematics) planned to migrate constructors automatically.

Static CMS structure config changes

The default-header-config and default-cms-content-config have been removed. To create CMS content, use the defaultCmsContentProviders instead.

OCC prefix

The default value for the backend.occ.prefix configuration option was changed from /rest/v2/ to /occ/v2/.

Storefront config

The new config SeoConfig is imported.

JSON-LD schemas

To continue using JSON-LD schemas in Spartacus, or to start using JSON-LD schemas in Spartacus, you need to import the JsonLdBuilderModule to your application.


The ContentPageMetaResolver has a new required constructor dependency RoutingPageMetaResolver.


It is no longer the responsibility of the LoginFormComponent to redirect to the anticipated page (it no longer calls the method AuthRedirectService.redirect). Now the redirecting logic is placed inside the core AuthService to support more OAuth flows.

The LoginFormComponent no longer has the loginAsGuest and sub properties, and the ngOnDestroy method was removed as well.

HttpClientModule is not imported in feature libraries

In most cases, the HttpClientModule should only be imported in the root app module, because importing it in lazy-loaded modules can cause unexpected side effects regarding the visibility of HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, and so on. To fix this, we removed all HttpClientModule imports from all of our feature libraries and moved them to recipes.

There is no automation (schematics) planned for this change.

SSR engine optimizations

The NgExpressEngineDecorator now adds SSR optimization logic on top of the universal engine by default.

The NgExpressEngineDecorator was moved from @spartacus/core to @spartacus/setup/ssr. Also, the NgExpressEngineDecorator.get() method now accepts an additional second parameter to fine-tune SSR optimizations. Passing null there will turn off optimizations by removing the optimization layer completely (which brings back default 2.x behavior).

Store finder functionality was moved to a new library

The store finder logic from @spartacus/core and the store finder components from @spartacus/storefront were moved to respective entry points in the @spartacus/storefinder library. Store finder translations (storeFinderTranslations) and translation chunks (storeFinderTranslationChunksConfig) were moved to @spartacus/storefinder/assets.

Store finder functionality is now also lazy-loadable out of the box.


The StockNotificationComponent has a new required UserIdService dependency, but no longer depends on AuthService.


The return type for the CmsComponentsService.getChildRoutes method has changed from Route[] to CmsComponentChildRoutesConfig.

Config cmsComponents

The childRoutes property of the cmsComponents config changed type from Route[] to Route[] | CmsComponentChildRoutesConfig.

  • The return type for the PageMetaService.getMeta method changed from Observable<PageMeta> to Observable<PageMeta | null> so it can take into account page meta resolvers from lazy-loaded features.
  • The return type for the PageMetaService.getMetaResolver protected method changed from PageMateResolver to Observable<PageMetaResolver> so it can take into account page meta resolvers from lazy-loaded features.
  • The constructor for PageMetaService now uses the UnifiedInjector instead of injecting the PageMetaResolver token directly.

The constructor for ConverterService now uses the UnifiedInjector instead of the standard Injector.

Payload for constructor of PlaceOrder class from Checkout actions requires an additional property

The Checkout.action constructor payload now needs an additional termsChecked property.


  • The placeOrderSubscription property was removed. There is no replacement.
  • The component has the following new, required constructor dependencies: CheckoutReplenishmentFormService, LaunchDialogService and ViewContainerRef.

Property renamed in SearchConfig interface

The sortCode property in the SearchConfig interface was renamed to sort.

Changes in CheckoutStepsState interface

  • The CheckoutStepsState interface has a new, required property: poNumber: { po: string; costCenter: string; };
  • The type for the orderDetails property was changed from Order to Order | ReplenishmentOrder

Changes in CheckoutState interface

The CheckoutState interface has the following new, required properties:

  • paymentTypes: PaymentTypesState;
  • orderType: OrderTypesState;

OutletRefDirective unregisters template on destroy

The directive’s template in unregistered from the outlet on directive destroy.

Before v3.0, when an instance of OutletRefDirective was destroyed (removed from the DOM), its template remained registered for the outlet, which could cause the same template to be rendered multiple times if the same [cxOutletRef] was created again later on. This has now been fixed.

CartItemComponent lost members

The @Output() view and viewItem() members of the CartItemComponent have been removed. Use the [cxModal] directive instead to close modals on link click.


There can be more than one cart entry with the same product code. So now they are referenced by the entryNumber property instead of the product code in the CartItemListComponent.


The AddToCartComponent lost the following members:

  • increment - use the new numberOfEntriesBeforeAdd instead
  • cartEntry$ - use activeCartService.getLastEntry(productCode) instead

Auth module refactor

The @spartacus/core library has a new dependency on the angular-oauth2-oidc library. It is used to handle OAuth login and logout flows in Spartacus.


  • AuthSelectors were removed. Selectors related to the client token were moved under ClientAuthSelectors. The user token is no longer stored in NgRx Store. To get the token, use the AuthStorageService.getToken method.
  • StateWithAuth was removed. The state related to the client token was moved to StateWithClientAuth. Data related to the user token are stored in AuthStorageService and UserIdService.
  • AuthState was removed. The state related to the client token was moved to ClientAuthState. Data related to the user token are stored in AuthStorageService and UserIdService.
  • UserTokenState was removed. Data related to the user token are no longer stored in NgRx Store. The user token is stored in AuthStorageService and the user id is stored in UserIdService.
  • AUTH_FEATURE was removed. The client token state is under the key from the CLIENT_AUTH_FEATURE variable.
  • The value of the CLIENT_TOKEN_DATA variable changed to [Client auth] Client Token Data. Previously, it was [Auth] Client Token Data.
  • AuthActions now only contains Login and Logout action classes and LOGIN and LOGOUT variables with action type. Actions related to the client token (LoadClientToken...) are now available under ClientAuthActions export. The LOGOUT_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_AGENT constant is available in AsmActions export. Actions related to the user token were removed (LOAD_USER_TOKEN, LOAD_USER_TOKEN_FAIL, LOAD_USER_TOKEN_SUCCESS, REFRESH_USER_TOKEN, REFRESH_USER_TOKEN_FAIL, REFRESH_USER_TOKEN_SUCCESS, REVOKE_USER_TOKEN, REVOKE_USER_TOKEN_FAIL, REVOKE_USER_TOKEN_SUCCESS, LoadUserToken, LoadUserTokenFail, LoadUserTokenSuccess, RefreshUserToken, RefreshUserTokenSuccess, RefreshUserTokenFail, RevokeUserToken, RevokeUserTokenSuccess and RevokeUserTokenFail). Instead, initialize the user token load, and refresh or revoke with methods exposed in AuthService and OAuthLibWrapperService.


  • The UserToken interface was replaced with the AuthToken interface. The new interface contains different properties from the previous interface in order to match the requirements of the angular-oauth2-oidc library.
  • The AuthenticationToken interface was removed. Use AuthToken or ClientToken directly.
  • The Occ.UserGroupList interface was removed.
  • The Occ.UserSignUp interface was removed.


  • NotAuthGuard now returns Observable<UrlTree> as the homepage for logged-in users, instead of invoking a redirect. The constructor also changed for this guard. The RoutingService is no longer needed, but SemanticPathService and Router are now required.
  • AuthGuard now returns Observable<UrlTree> as the login page for anonymous users, instead of invoking a redirect. The constructor also changed for this guard. The RoutingService is no longer needed, but SemanticPathService is now required.


  • AuthRedirectService now requires AuthRedirectStorageService. Please ensure to provide it. It is a replacement for the redirectUrl private variable.
  • AuthService now requires UserIdService, OAuthLibWrapperService, AuthStorageService, AuthRedirectService and RoutingService.
  • AuthService.authorize was renamed to loginWithCredentials. It returns a Promise that resolves after the login procedure completes. Instead of dispatching an action, the method now invokes the login method from the OAuth library and sets the correct userId, dispatches the Login action, and redirects to the previously-visited page.
  • AuthService.getOccUserId was removed from AuthService. Use the UserIdService.getUserId method instead. It is the direct replacement.
  • AuthService.invokeWithUserId was moved to UserIdService. It is available under the same name.
  • AuthService.getUserToken was removed. To check if a user is logged in, use isUserLoggedIn, and to get the user id, use UserIdService.getUserId. If you need access to tokens, use AuthStorageService.getToken.
  • AuthService.refreshUserToken was moved and renamed to OAuthLibWrapperService.refreshToken. The behavior changed as well. It not only dispatches actions, but performs a complete token refresh procedure from the OAuth library.
  • AuthService.authorizeWithToken was removed. Instead, you can create an object of the shape AuthToken and pass it to AuthStorageService.setToken.
  • The AuthService.logout method changed behavior to redirect to the logout page. Then the method AuthService.coreLogout is dispatched and performs operations previously done by the logout method (Logout action dispatch, clearing local state, revoking tokens).
  • AuthService.getClientToken, AuthService.refreshClientToken and AuthService.isClientTokenLoaded were moved to ClientTokenService.


  • AuthConfig no longer extends OccConfig.
  • The login and revoke endpoints were removed from OccConfig. The login endpoint is now available under the tokenEndpoint property in AuthConfig. The revoke endpoint is available under the revokeEndpoint property in AuthConfig.
  • The storageSync configuration for the auth branch in NgRx Store was removed. The state of the token and userId is now synchronized with AuthStatePersistenceService. Override this service if you want to sync more properties to localStorage (for example, refresh_token).
  • The storageSync configuration for the anonymous-consents branch in NgRx Store was removed. The state is now synchronized with AnonymousConsentsStatePersistenceService. Override this service if you want to sync more or less properties to localStorage.


The KymaModule was removed with all its code. We expose the same functionality through configuration of auth.

To fetch the OpenId token along with the access token in Resource Owner Password Flow, you have to use following configuration:

authentication: {
  client_id: 'client4kyma',
  client_secret: 'secret',
  OAuthLibConfig: {
    responseType: 'id_token',
    scope: 'openid',
    customTokenParameters: ['token_type', 'id_token'],

Then you can access the OpenId token with the OAuthLibWrapperService.getIdToken method. For more options related to the OpenId token, look into the angular-oauth2-oidc library documentation.

ASM module refactor

  • getCustomerSupportAgentTokenState, getCustomerSupportAgentToken and getCustomerSupportAgentTokenLoading were removed from AsmSelectors. To get a token, use AuthStorageService.getToken and AsmAuthStorageService.getTokenTarget to check if it belongs to the CS agent.
  • Effects in AsmModule now use normalizeHttpError instead of makeErrorSerializable for error transformation.
  • The storageSync configuration for the asm branch in NgRx Store was removed. The state of the ASM UI and tokens is now synchronized with AsmStatePersistenceService.
  • The CSAGENT_TOKEN_DATA variable was removed.
  • The AsmState.csagentToken was removed. The token is now stored in AuthStorageService. Check AsmAuthStorageService.getTokenTarget to validate if the token belongs to the CS agent.
  • AsmActions no longer contains actions related to the customer agent token (LoadCustomerSupportAgentToken, LoadCustomerSupportAgentTokenFail, LoadCustomerSupportAgentTokenSuccess). Instead, interact directly with CsAgentAuthService.
  • The CustomerSupportAgentTokenInterceptor interceptor was removed. Token and error handling for CS agent requests are now handled by AuthInterceptor and AsmAuthHttpHeaderService.


The AsmAuthService was renamed to CsAgentAuthService. This service is now responsible for making the AuthService aware of ASM, and adjusts it for CS agent support.

  • AsmAuthService.authorizeCustomerSupportAgent was moved to CsAgentAuthService. It now performs full login flow for the CS agent and resolves when it completes.
  • AsmAuthService.startCustomerEmulationSession was moved to CsAgentAuthService. Behavior has not changed.
  • AsmAuthService.isCustomerEmulationToken was removed. To check the token, use AuthStorageService.getToken, and to check if it belongs to the CS agent, use AsmAuthStorageService.getTokenTarget.
  • AsmAuthService.getCustomerSupportAgentToken was removed. To check the token, use AuthStorageService.getToken and to check if it belongs to the CS agent, use AsmAuthStorageService.getTokenTarget.
  • AsmAuthService.getCustomerSupportAgentTokenLoading was moved to CsAgentAuthService.

    Note: It is not implemented there yet.

  • AsmAuthService.logoutCustomerSupportAgent was moved to CsAgentAuthService. It performs the logout procedure for the CS agent and resolves when it completes.

CDC library

  • CdcUserTokenEffects now uses normalizeHttpError for error serialization.
  • The CdcUserTokenEffects.loadCdcUserToken$ effect now calls CdcAuthService.loginWithToken instead of dispatching AuthActions.LoadUserTokenSuccess action.
  • CdcAuthService no longer extends AuthService.
  • CdcAuthService has the following new, required dependencies: AuthStorageService, UserIdService, GlobalMessageService and AuthRedirectService need to provided.
  • The CdcAuthService.authorizeWithCustomCdcFlow method was renamed to loginWithCustomCdcFlow.
  • The CdcAuthService.logout method was removed. Now CDC hooks into the logout process by providing CdcLogoutGuard as LogoutGuard.
  • CdcJsService now requires AuthService because CdcAuthService no longer extends it. AuthService should be passed after CdcAuthService. CdcAuthService is available in the service under cdcAuth and AuthService is available under the auth property. Additionally, GlobalMessageService and AuthRedirectService are not longer required. Note that we do not provide automatic migration for that constructor change.


The OrderDetailHeadlineComponent was removed.


The following functions have been removed from the OrderDetailShippingComponent component:

  • getAddressCardContent()
  • getBillingAddressCardContent()
  • getPaymentCardContent()
  • getShippingMethodCardContent()

You can use the OrderOverviewComponent instead.


The following functions have been removed from the OrderConfirmationOverviewComponent component:

  • getAddressCardContent()
  • getDeliveryModeCardContent()
  • getPaymentInfoCardContent()
  • getBillingAddressCardContent()

The return type for order$ was changed from Observable<Order> to Observable<any>.


The BaseSiteService type is changed from BaseSiteService implements SiteContext<string> to BaseSiteService implements SiteContext<BaseSite>.

The return type of the getAll() function is changed from getAll(): Observable<string[]> to getAll(): Observable<BaseSite[]>.

The return type of the setActive(baseSite: string) function is changed from setActive(baseSite: string): Subscription to setActive(baseSite: string): void.

ConfigInitializerService constructor

An additional parameter was added to the ConfigInitializerService constructor. Before 3.0, it was the following:

    @Inject(Config) protected config: any,
    protected initializerGuard
  ) {}

In Spartacus 3.0, it is the following:

    @Inject(Config) protected config: any,
    protected initializerGuard,
    @Inject(RootConfig) protected rootConfig: any

CmsComponentsService constructor

An additional parameter was added to the CmsComponentsService constructor. Before 3.0, it was the following:

    protected config: CmsConfig,
    @Inject(PLATFORM_ID) protected platformId: Object
  ) {}

In Spartacus 3.0, it is the following:

    protected config: CmsConfig,
    @Inject(PLATFORM_ID) protected platformId: Object,
    protected featureModules?: FeatureModulesService
  ) {}

The configurationFactory was removed

The configuration merging logic now uses separate tokens for the default configuration and the user configuration.


  • The routerState$ property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The activeStepUrl property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The steps property was removed. Use steps$ instead.


  • The routerState$ property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The activeStepUrl property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The steps property was removed. Use steps$ instead.


  • The routerState$ property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The activeStepUrl property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The steps property was removed. Use steps$ instead.


  • The checkoutStepUrlNext property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The checkoutStepUrlPrevious property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The currentDeliveryModeId property was removed. The current delivery mode selection is stored in a form called “mode” in the “deliveryModeId” input field. Also, you can use CheckoutDeliveryService.getSelectedDeliveryMode() to access the selected delivery mode in the checkout state.
  • The supportedDeliveryModes$ property was modified. This observable will now only emit when the data in the list of supported delivery modes changes.
  • The next() function does not update the delivery mode on the cart because the delivery mode is already updated on the cart when the component initializes, and when a choice is made in the delivery mode form.


  • The checkoutStepUrlNext property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The checkoutStepUrlPrevious property was removed. This logic is now handled by checkoutStepService.
  • The goNext method was renamed to next.
  • The goPrevious method was renamed to back.


  • The existingAddresses$ property was removed.
  • The newAddressFormManuallyOpened property was renamed to addressFormOpened.
  • The goNext method was renamed to next.
  • The goPrevious method was renamed to back.
  • The ShippingAddressComponent now implements OnDestroy.


The canActivate method now returns the type Observable<boolean | UrlTree.


  • The steps property was removed. Use checkoutStepService instead.
  • The checkoutStepService method was removed. Use the checkoutStepRoute method in checkoutStepService instead.
  • The getFirstCheckoutStepRoute method was removed. Use the getFirstCheckoutStepRoute method in checkoutStepService instead.
  • The getFirstCheckoutStepRoute method was removed. Use the getFirstCheckoutStepRoute method in checkoutStepService instead.
  • The getNextCheckoutStepUrl method was removed. Use the getNextCheckoutStepUrl method in checkoutStepService instead.
  • The getPreviousCheckoutStepUrl method was removed. Use the getPreviousCheckoutStepUrl method in checkoutStepService instead.
  • The getCurrentStepIndex method was removed. Use the getCurrentStepIndex method in checkoutStepService instead.
  • The CheckoutConfigService no longer uses RoutingConfigService.

The placeOrder method for CheckoutAdapter, OccCheckoutAdapter and CheckoutConnector

The placeOrder method for CheckoutAdapter, OccCheckoutAdapter and CheckoutConnector now has a new, third, required argument: termsChecked: boolean.


  • The public window() getter method was removed. Instead, you can directly reference the windowRef.
  • The protected getClosest method was removed. Instead, use the getBreakpoint method.
  • The _breakpoints property was removed.
  • The public breakpoint$ getter was removed. Instead, use the breakpoint$ property.
  • The BreakpointService has a new, required platform dependency.


The return type of the ProtectedRoutesGuard.canActivate method changed from Observable<boolean> to Observable<boolean | UrlTree>.


The ItemCounterComponent component now implements OnInit and OnDestroy.


The protected splitViewCount getter method was removed.


The return type of the onSuccess method was changed from void to Promise<void> in order to wait for the logout to complete before updating the email.


The param type of the collapseMenuIfClickOutside method was changed from MouseEvent to any. The behavior has also been modified to only trigger when the header element is passed to the function.


  • The StarRatingComponent uses HostBinding to bind to CSS custom properties (available since angular 9), which is why we no longer need the ElementRef and Renderer2 in the constructor. There is an automated constructor migration added for the 3.0 release.
  • ngOnInit is no longer used.
  • The setRate no longer requires a second argument (force).
  • The setRateOnEvent() method is replaced by reusing the setRate() (which also fixes a bug). We now bind directly from the view. The more generic keydown output binding was removed.


  • The return type of the canActivate method was changed from Observable<boolean> to Observable<boolean | UrlTree> to support OAuth flows.
  • SemanticPathService is a new, required constructor dependency.
  • Router is new, required constructor dependency.
  • CartNotEmptyGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from Router and SemanticPathService.


The return type of the canActivate method was changed from Observable<boolean> to Observable<boolean | UrlTree> to support OAuth flows.


  • The canActivate method now requires a parameter of type ActivatedRouteSnapshot.


  • The return type of the canActivate method was changed from Observable<boolean> to Observable<boolean | UrlTree> to support OAuth flows.
  • The return type of the logout method was changed from void to Promise<any> to support OAuth flows.
  • The redirect method was removed. Use getRedirectUrl instead.


The getProduct method now only emits distinct products.


The sync method was renamed to initSync.


The get method was removed. Use the getProductReferences and loadProductReferences methods instead.


The return type of the setActive method was changed from Subscription to void.


The return type of the setActive method was changed from Subscription to void.


The OCC CMS component API in SAP Commerce Cloud before version 1905 was using a POST method. This was changed in 1905 to use a GET method instead. Spartacus has supported both version from version 1.0 by using a legacy flag to distinguish this back end API behavior. With the release of Spartacus 3.0, we maintain the support for the pre-1905 CMS component API, but the implementation was moved to a separate adapter (LegacyOccCmsComponentAdapter). With that change, we are also dropping the legacy flag in the OCC configuration.


The interface for the UserState NgRx state now has the following new, required properties: replenishmentOrders, replenishmentOrder and costCenters.


The userToken$ property of the CloseAccountModalComponent was replaced with isLoggedIn$ of type Observable<boolean>.


The BaseSiteState interface has now a new, required entities: BaseSiteEntities property.


The loadOrderList method of the UserService also loads replenishment orders when the URL contains a replenishment code.


The getTitles method of the UserOrderService will load titles when it is empty.

Checkout selectors

The MemoizedSelector return type of the getCheckoutOrderDetails selector was changed from Order to Order | ReplenishmentOrder.


  • The sub property was removed from ProductListComponentService. It is no longer used.
  • The setQuery method was removed from ProductListComponentService. It is no longer used.
  • The viewPage method was removed from ProductListComponentService. It is no longer used.


The getProductReferences() function was removed.


  • The placeOrder method of the CheckoutService now requires a termsChecked parameter.
  • The return type of the getOrderDetails method was changed from Observable<Order> to Observable<Order | ReplenishmentOrder>.


The loadAnonymousConsents method of AnonymousConsentTemplatesAdapter is no longer optional.


The return type of the loadAnonymousConsents method of the AnonymousConsentTemplatesConnector was changed from Observable<AnonymousConsent[] | null> to Observable<AnonymousConsent[]>.


The subscription property of the SplitViewComponent is no longer protected. It is private now.

Error payload of LOAD FAIL actions has changed in @spartacus/core

It now has a consistent shape of HttpErrorModel or is undefined.

Automated Migrations for Version 3.0

  • CheckoutProgressMobileBottomComponent no longer uses CheckoutConfig, RoutingService and RoutingConfigService. The use of these services was replaced with the corresponding methods from the CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to the CheckoutProgressMobileBottomComponent.
  • CheckoutAuthGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from Router and SemanticPathService. The additional UserService and GlobalMessageService services also need to be provided to CheckoutAuthGuard.
  • CheckoutProgressMobileTopComponent no longer uses CheckoutConfig, RoutingService and RoutingConfigService. The use of these services was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to CheckoutProgressMobileTopComponent.
  • CheckoutProgressComponent no longer uses CheckoutConfig, RoutingService and RoutingConfigService. The use of these services was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to CheckoutProgressComponent.
  • DeliveryModeSetGuard no longer uses CheckoutConfigService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to DeliveryModeSetGuard.
  • DeliveryModeComponent no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to DeliveryModeComponent.
  • LoginFormComponent no longer uses ActivatedRoute, CheckoutConfigService and AuthRedirectService. The logic that used these services was moved to a different component.
  • OrderDetailShippingComponent no longer uses TranslationService. The logic that used this service was moved to OrderDetailShippingComponent.
  • PaymentDetailsSetGuard no longer uses CheckoutConfigService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to PaymentDetailsSetGuard.
  • PaymentMethodComponent no longer uses CheckoutConfigService and RoutingService. The use of these services was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to PaymentMethodComponent.
  • ReviewSubmitComponent no longer uses CheckoutConfigService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. In addition, PaymentTypeService, CheckoutCostCenterService and UserCostCenterService need to be provided to ReviewSubmitComponent.
  • ShippingAddressSetGuard no longer uses CheckoutConfigService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to ShippingAddressSetGuard.
  • ShippingAddressComponent no longer uses CheckoutConfigService and RoutingService. The use of these services was replaced with the corresponding methods from CheckoutStepService. This service needs to be provided to ShippingAddressComponent.
  • MultiCartService now requires the additional provider UserIdService.
  • PageSlotComponent no longer uses CmsComponentsService. The use of this service was replaced with the PageSlotService.
  • ForbiddenHandler now uses GlobalMessageService, AuthService, and OccEndpointsService.
  • CheckoutPaymentService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • CheckoutService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • CustomerCouponService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • OrderReturnRequestService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • UserAddressService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • UserConsentService now also requires UserIdService.
  • UserInterestsService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • UserNotificationPreferenceService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • UserOrderService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService. It now also requires RoutingService.
  • UserPaymentService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • UserService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from UserIdService.
  • ActiveCartService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the UserIdService.
  • CartVoucherService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the UserIdService.
  • SelectiveCartService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the UserIdService.
  • WishListService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the UserIdService.
  • CheckoutDeliveryService no longer uses AuthService. The use of this service was replaced with the UserIdService.
  • UnauthorizedErrorHandler was removed.
  • StarRatingComponent no longer uses ElementRef and Renderer2.
  • ProductCarouselService no longer uses ProductReferenceService.
  • NotCheckoutAuthGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from SemanticPathService and Router.
  • StoreFinderSearchConfig was removed. SearchConfig should be used instead.
  • ForgotPasswordComponent now also requires AuthConfigService.
  • OrderHistoryComponent now also requires UserReplenishmentOrderService.
  • OrderReturnGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from Router and SemanticPathService.
  • OrderCancellationGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from Router and SemanticPathService.
  • OutletRefDirective no longer uses FeatureConfigService.
  • OutletService no longer uses FeatureConfigService.
  • RoutingService now also requires RoutingParamsService.
  • JsonLdScriptFactory now also requires SeoConfig.
  • LogoutGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from Router.
  • ProductVariantGuard no longer uses RoutingService. The use of this service was replaced with the corresponding methods from Router and SemanticPathService.
  • FeatureModulesService no longer has the getInjectors method.
  • CmsComponentsService no longer has the getInjectors method.
  • ViewComponent now also requires ChangeDetectorRef.
  • SplitViewDeactivateGuard was removed.
  • FeatureModulesService no longer uses Compiler. The newly-added getModule method does not need it anymore.
  • FeatureModulesService no longer uses Injector. The newly-added getModule method does not need it anymore.
  • FeatureModulesService now uses LazyModulesService.
  • JsonLdProductReviewBuilder now uses SeoConfig.
  • RegisterComponent now uses AuthConfigService.
  • SplitViewComponent now also requires BreakpointService and ElementRef.
  • CheckoutGuard now also requires CheckoutStepService.
  • OrderConfirmationOverviewComponent no longer uses TranslationService. The logic using this service was moved to the OrderOverviewComponent.