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Generic HTTP Client

What Is the Generic HTTP Client?

In the Executing a request using a generated OData client section, we explained how to make OData requests using the generated OData client. This client is the highest layer of convenience and type safety for the user. Below the OData client uses the generic HTTP client of the SAP Cloud SDK. For the final HTTP calls, the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript uses the axios library.

In this document, we explain when and how to use the middle layer directly. Different clients serve different purposes:

OData Client: Provides strong typing for the request (payload, select, filter, etc.) and response. For each OData service, a separate client needs to be generated which defines the types and methods for this service. The client takes care of deserializing your request to a URL and JSON payload as well as serializing the response. The generated payload and URL are passed to the Generic HTTP Client.

Generic HTTP Client: Adds SAP infrastructure-specific functionality on top of a standard HTTP Client. All OData services use the same generic HTTP client, so it contains no service-specific information. The client handles connectivity related issues such as:

In the end, all information from the destination, connectivity service, and proxy configuration ends up in header fields and proxy-agents. The information goes one level down to the axios client.

axios HTTP Client: Is a widely used open-source HTTP client for node. This client executes the actual HTTP requests in the end.

How to Use It

To make a request using the Generic HTTP client use the executeHttpRequest function.

executeHttpRequest(destination, requestConfig, httpRequestOptions);

The destination argument is either a full destination object, that you have already fetched or an object containing a destination name and an optional JWT. In the latter case, the SAP Cloud SDK fetches the destination for you. For more details, see here. The request configuration argument contains the request configuration. A minimal configuration would look like this:

method: 'get',
params: {
a: 'a',
b: 'b'

Note that you can also give values for url in the request configuration. The values you give in the request configuration will be merged with ones related to the destination:

headers: {

For keys that exist for both objects, the value from the custom request configuration will be used. For example, a request configuration with authorization headers will overwrite the authorization header information from the destination.

You can also pass an optional third parameter httpRequestOptions, where you can indicate, for example, whether the SAP Cloud SDK should fetch CSRF token for a non-GET request. For a GET request, the CSRF token is not fetched and this option is ignored.

Below is an example of the httpRequestOptions to delegate the CSRF token fetching to the SAP Cloud SDK.

fetchCsrfToken: true

By default, the value of fetchCsrfToken is false.

When to Use It

You should consider the Generic HTTP client if:

  • You need to use an unsupported feature by the typed OData Client like upsert for example. With this, you can profit from the aforementioned convenience in connectivity.
  • You want to ping a service or trigger a function import without a complicated payload. In such a case the size of a full data model of the typed client is perhaps not worth the benefits.
  • You want to call a non-OData service that has no service definition.

You should consider the OData client if:

  • You have to build complicated filter, selection, and/or expand conditions. Here you will highly benefit from the help of the OData client.
  • You want to update or create new entities. The OData Client has built-in ETag versions handling. With the generic client, you have to manage versions on your own.

Headers and Query Parameters from Different Origins

As partially described in the destination guide, there are multiple possible origins for query parameters:

  • Provided by the user on the request level. These parameters are referred to as custom parameters.
  • Defined by the destination object or properties.
  • Introduced by the SAP Cloud SDK. These parameters are referred to as internal parameters.

In case there are parameters with the same key from multiple origins the priority is:

  1. Custom headers and parameters
  2. Destination headers and parameters
  3. Internal headers and parameters

Custom Headers and Query Parameters

The code snippets demonstrate how to provide custom headers and parameters:

executeHttpRequest(myDestination, {
headers: {
apiKey: 'my-api-key'
params: {
myParam: 'my-param'

Headers and Query Parameters from Destination

You set these parameters on the destination object as described here. The example below shows how to get:

  • parsed parameters in the queryParameters property of the destination object
  • authentication value from the destination object, which will be used for the authentication header
const { queryParameters, authentication } = await getDestination({
destinationName: 'myDestination',
jwt: 'yourJwt'

Provide Headers and Query Parameters with Origin information


This is an SAP Cloud SDK version 2.x feature.

In some situations you want to define the priority of headers and parameters:

  • You want to enforce a hard-coded API key/JWT and ignore the ones from e.g. the destination
  • You want a default query parameter, which can be overwritten by the destination properties

Check the example below, how you can define the headers and parameters with origin information:

executeHttpRequestWithOrigin(myDestination, {
headers: {
custom: { apiKey: 'custom-header' },
requestConfig: { apiKey: 'default-header' }
params: {
custom: { myParam: 'custom-param' },
requestConfig: { myParam: 'default-param' }



This section applies to version 2 of the SAP Cloud SDK. For version 1 of the SAP Cloud SDK, encoding is done on OData-related query parameters without a way to configure it.

In the end, query parameters end up in the URL to the target system. Therefore, special characters with a meaning in a URL need to be % encoded. The SAP Cloud SDK takes care of this encoding depending on the origin you use. For calls executed via a typed client and generic HTTP client the encoding is done as:

  • Custom parameters are not encoded. The idea behind this is to give you a way to send parameters with the highest priority to the target system as they are.
  • Destination parameters are encoded.
  • Internal parameters are encoded.

For the executeHttpRequest method, an option is available to adjust the behavior.

const parameterEncoder = function (
params: Record<string, any>
): Record<string, any> {
// your custom implementation
executeHttpRequest(destination, { parameterEncoder });

The parameterEncoder function is applied to the keys and values of all parameters of the request. In case you need to encode all parameters including custom ones, we exported a encodeAllParameters method to do that. Pass this method as the parameterEncoder to the executeHttpRequest call.

Note that this option is not available for the OData and OpenApi clients. The typed clients take care of encoding already, and an additional encoding layer would lead to errors.