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Destination Cache and Isolation

The SAP Cloud SDK provides the option to cache destinations for efficiency reasons. If a destination is stored in the cache the question of isolation arises. Should the destination be cached for all users? This guide explains the different options you have regarding the destination cache of the SAP Cloud SDK. The general destination lookup is described in this guide.

Destination-Service Cache

When you request a destination from the destination-service you can improve performance by enabling the cache. This reduces the number of calls to the destination service. All the discussed options apply to the execute() and getDestination() methods of the SAP Cloud SDK. The destination caching is disabled by default and you switch it on by the useCache flag:

.execute({ destinationName: 'myDestination', jwt: '<JWT>' }, { useCache: true })

A cached destination is stored for 5 minutes in the cache. The SAP Cloud SDK tries to set the proper isolation strategy for the destination automatically. There are two options:

  • Tenant: The destination is cached for a tenant and different users will hit the same cache entry.
  • UserTenant: The destination is cached for each user of a tenant separately.

The SAP Cloud SDK sets the isolation based on the provided JWT:

  • No JWT: Isolation is Tenant and value for the tenant is the provider account.
  • JWT without user_id: Isolation is Tenant and the value for the tenant is the zid of the JWT
  • JWT with user_id: Isolation is TenantUser and values are taken from zid and user_id.

This is a safe choice ensuring that you do not run into privilege escalation due to caching. The first two cases are typical for user-independent authentication flows. Examples of such a flow are BasicAuthentication, ClientCertificateAuthentication or OAuth2ClientCredentials.

There are cases where the choice made by the SAP Cloud SDK is not optimal. Assume you have a multi-tenant scenario and you need to pass the JWT to obtain the destination for the right tenant. The JWT contains a user_id but the destination flow is user-independent. The SAP Cloud SDK would use isolation UserTenant, although Tenant would be sufficient. In such a case you can manually enforce weaker isolation:

destinationName: 'myDestination',
jwt: 'yourJWT'
useCache: true,
isolationStrategy: IsolationStrategy.Tenant

Be very careful with this option. You should know what you're doing when manually downgrading the isolation strategy from the maximally possible TenantUser level. An erroneous configuration can lead to severe privilege escalation between users.


In version 1.X of the SAP Cloud SDK the isolation strategy is always TenantUser per default. You need to set it manually. You need to activate caching explicitly with the useCache option, even if you pass an isolation strategy.

Custom Destination-Service Cache

When the cache option is enabled, the SAP Cloud SDK stores the fetched destinations in an in-memory cache. However, in certain cases, a persistent or distributed cache may be more suitable according to your application architecture. For such cases where different cache storage is desired, the SAP Cloud SDK allows you to plug in your implementation for the destination cache.

To create your custom destination cache provider, implement the DestinationCacheInterface interface shown below and define the get, set, and clear methods.

export interface DestinationCacheInterface {
hasKey(key: string): Promise<boolean>;
get(key: string | undefined): Promise<Destination | undefined>;
set(key: string | undefined, item: CacheEntry<Destination>): Promise<void>;
clear(): Promise<void>;

Note that each item in the cache is represented using the type CacheEntry<T> which defines two properties:

  • entry, the item you want to store, and
  • expires, the expiration time for an individual cache item, this is optional.

Once you have implemented your custom cache provider, you can tell the SAP Cloud SDK to use it in place of the default one. To do this, call the method setDestinationCache at the start of your application code, i.e., before the first calls to either the getDestination or the generic client's executeHttpRequest methods, and pass your cache provider instance as an argument to this method.

class CustomCacheProvide implements DestinationCacheInterface {
// your custom implementation

setDestinationCache(new CustomCacheProvider());

All subsequent calls to fetch destinations will use the custom cache.

Register-Destination Cache

Version 2.0 introduced the registerDestination() method, which is like a manual cache for destinations. We explain the usage of this method in the guide on destination lookup. The method behaves similarly to the destination-service cache discussed above.

import { registerDestination } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/core';

const destination = {
url: ''

registerDestination(destination, { jwt: 'yourJWT' });

The isolation strategy is automatically detected and applied based on the given JWT:

  • No JWT: Isolation is Tenant and value for the tenant is the provider account.
  • JWT without user_id: Isolation is Tenant and the value for the tenant is the zid of the JWT
  • JWT with user_id: Isolation is TenantUser and values are taken from zid and user_id.

You can override the automatically detected isolation strategy. This could be necessary if you want to register a destination that cares only about Tenant while your JWT contains both a tenant and a user_id which would make it TenantUser by default.

registerDestination(destination, {
jwt: 'yourJWT',
isolationStrategy: IsolationStrategy.Tenant