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How to Migrate a CloudFoundry Application to a Kubernetes Cluster

In this how-to, we will show step-by-step what is necessary to migrate an application from CloudFoundry to Kubernetes.

  1. We decide what kind of environment we are creating. Is it a proof-of-concept (PoC), staging, or productive environment?
  2. We prepare and set up our cluster with the sufficient services and service bindings to satisfy the environment's requirements.
  3. We adapt our application to deploy to Kubernetes and make sure it can consume bound services from within our Kubernetes cluster.

Select the type of environment you're planning to build and click on it to jump to a corresponding section:

  • Simple PoC Environment
    • If you want to create a PoC, this kind of environment will be sufficient for you. It's not recommended for productive use or long-running PoCs.
  • Staging Environments
    • For staging environments, we will take a look at a way to create and bind services manually. This is primarily meant to try out different service setups.
  • Production Environments
    • For production environments, we will take a look at a way to create and bind services with reproducibility, longevity, and developer simplicity in mind.

Simple PoC Environments

For a simple PoC, we can create and bind services in CloudFoundry, or preferably even use already existing service bindings.


Create and Bind Services

If you want to create and bind new services, you can deploy a hello-world app to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry and then bind services to this app. Once that is done, access and copy the JSON representation of the bindings and create a secret in Kubernetes out of them.

The secret has to be in YAML format like in the example below. Use the values from service binding's JSON data to replace the corresponding value in the stringData section of the YAML.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: destination-service
type: Opaque
clientid: <client-id>
clientsecret: <client-secret>
url: <url>
identityzone: <identityzone>
tenantid: <tenantid>
tenantmode: <tenantmode>
verificationkey: <verificationkey>
xsappname: <xsappname>
uaadomain: <uaadomain>
instanceid: <instanceid>
uri: <uri>

Once you are done, run kubectl apply -f <your-binding>.yml to create the secret in your cluster.

Now let's take a look at how we adapt our application to deploy it to Kubernetes and how it can consume services from inside of a Kubernetes cluster. For this jump over to the Deploy to Kubernetes section.

Staging Environments

For a staging environment where you want to try out different services or experiment with service configurations, it is fine to use the following setup.


Configure the Service Manager

First, create a service manager instance in CloudFoundry with the subaccount-admin plan.

To be able to create a service manager, you will need sufficient privileges in the SAP BTP Cloud Foundry. Follow the steps below to get them:

In the SAP BTP cockpit, navigate to your subaccount and choose Security → Trust Configuration → SAP ID Service. Assign the Subaccount Service Administrator role collection to your email address.

Next, you need to login to the service manager control, also called smctl, and register your cluster

smctl login -a https://service-manager.<cf-api-end-point> --param subdomain=<your-cf-subdomain>
smctl register-platform <name-you-want-to-give-the-cluster> kubernetes > service-manager-credentials.txt

The service-manager-credentials.txt contains sensitive data, keep it in a safe place. You will need the username and password later on.

Service Broker Registration

To make the services available in the Kubernetes cluster, we need to register a service broker into the Service Catalog of our Kubernetes cluster. In SAP BTP Cloud Foundry the role of a service broker is fulfilled by the Service Manager. Register it using the Service Catalog CLI, svcat.

To access the Service Manager on SAP BTP CF, we need to install the service-broker-proxy in our Kubernetes (K8s) cluster. Here's how you do it:

helm repo add peripli ''

kubectl create namespace service-broker-proxy

helm install service-broker-proxy peripli/service-broker-proxy-k8s \
--namespace service-broker-proxy \
--set image.tag=v0.3.2 \
--set<service-manager-url> \
--set sm.user=<service-manager-user> \
--set sm.password=<service-manager-password>

After installing the proxy you have to wait a few seconds until it is fully operational. Once the proxy is up, try running svcat marketplace, all the services available on SAP BTP CF should now be listed.

Create and Bind Services

Now we can create service instances with the service catalog. Let's create a destination service instance first.

svcat provision destination-service --class destination --plan lite

Notice how destination-service is just the name we give to this particular service instance, it could be anything.

Now we could also create an XSUAA service instance.

svcat provision xsuaa-service --class xsuaa --plan broker

Finally, we just need to bind the services to make them available to our application.

svcat bind destination-service
svcat bind xsuaa-service

Now let's take a look at how we adapt our application to deploy it to Kubernetes and make it consume services from inside of a Kubernetes cluster. For this jump over to the Deploy to Kubernetes section.

Production Environments

For production environments, you need a reliable and reproducible way of configuring which services are running in your cluster. To achieve that you can leverage the service operator. With the service operator, all services are deployed via YAML files. It makes services management a lot easier, scalable, and protected from errors in a long-term production environment.


Configure Operator

To use the service operator, you'll need to set up at least basic TLS with a self-signed issuer certificate. Run the command below to install the cert-manager to aid your TLS setup.

kubectl apply -f

To deploy the cert-manager into your cluster, install the cert-manager CRDs with

kubectl apply -f

Finally, add a self-signed certificate issuer to your cluster. It can be done by adding the following YAML configuration:

kind: Issuer
name: selfsigned-issuer
selfSigned: {}
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: selfsigned-cluster-issuer
selfSigned: {}

After you deployed the self-signed certificate issuer, we can start steps to deploy a service operator instance.

  • First, we create a service manager instance in SAP BTP CF with the service-operator-access plan.
  • After creating an instance we also need to bind it. The binding JSON should look similar to this:
"clientid": "<clientid>",
"clientsecret": "<clientsecret>",
"url": "<url>",
"xsappname": "<xsappname>",
"sm_url": "<sm_url>"

Once you have the data from the service manager's binding, provide it to helm and deploy the service operator. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes.

helm upgrade --install sapbtp-operator<release>/sapbtp-operator-<release>.tgz \
--create-namespace \
--namespace=sapbtp-operator \
--set manager.secret.clientid=<clientid> \
--set manager.secret.clientsecret=<clientsecret> \
--set manager.secret.url=<sm_url> \
--set manager.secret.tokenurl=<url>

Create and Bind Services

Now that the service operator is running in your cluster, you can create services just like you would do in SAP BTP CF, but instead of the SAP BTP cockpit, you'll use YAML service definitions.

Here is an example of creating and binding a Destination service:

Creating an instance:

kind: ServiceInstance
name: operator-destination-service
serviceOfferingName: destination
servicePlanName: lite

Binding the instance:

kind: ServiceBinding
name: operator-destination-service
serviceInstanceName: operator-destination-service

Notice that the metadata -> name property can be anything you want. In our case, it's operator-destination-service. Make sure it matches exactly to the spec -> serviceInstanceName field in the binding.

Follow this pattern for all services your application needs to create and bind.

Now let's take a look at how we adapt our application to deploy it to Kubernetes and make it consume services from inside of a Kubernetes cluster. For this jump over to the Deploy to Kubernetes section.

Deploy to Kubernetes

To deploy an application to Kubernetes we have to take a look at two things:

  1. How do we deploy our application to Kubernetes.
  2. How do we consume the services in our application from within Kubernetes. We'll use our example application to demonstrate this.

Example Application

Here's the example application we're going to use: Kubernetes app. To figure out what has to be migrated we just have to take a look at the manifest.yml.

- name: k8s-e2e-app
path: deployment/
- nodejs_buildpack
memory: 256M
command: npm run start:prod
random-route: true
- destination-service
- xsuaa-service

From this we see that:

  • We need a node environment
  • We need 256MB of memory
  • How to start the app
  • The services we need to create and bind

This information is important in the following steps.


Kubernetes Pods are running container images. We'll need a Dockerfile defining a container for our example application. Then it can be deployed to one or more Kubernetes Pods.

FROM node:12-alpine

WORKDIR /workdir

COPY /deployment /workdir

RUN ["npm", "install", "--unsafe-perm"]

CMD ["npm", "run", "start:prod"]

You can see that our Dockerfile reflects the information from the manifest.yml. We specify Node as an environment, /deployment as a path to copy our application to, and the command to run when the container image is fully loaded.

Deployment YAML

Next, we need to create a deployment.yml that contains the following data:

  • resources definition our application needs
  • container image, as well as registry secrets (in case your image was pushed to a private repository)
  • service bindings we previously created
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sdkjs-e2e-deployment
replicas: 2
app: sdkjs-e2e
app: sdkjs-e2e
- name: sdkjs-e2e
memory: '256Mi'
cpu: '500m'
memory: '512Mi'
cpu: '1000m'
- containerPort: 3000
- name: destination-volume
mountPath: '/etc/secrets/sapcp/destination/operator-destination-service'
readOnly: true
- name: xsuaa-volume
mountPath: '/etc/secrets/sapcp/xsuaa/operator-xsuaa-service'
readOnly: true
- name: regcred
- name: destination-volume
secretName: operator-destination-service
- name: xsuaa-volume
secretName: operator-xsuaa-service

From the manifest.yml we know that the app roughly needed 256MB of RAM on SAP BTP CF, we can use it as guidance for Kubernetes by adding it to the requests field. With Kubernetes, we can allow the resources to scale by also providing the limits field which in our case allows extending RAM up to 512MB.

Notice that we used imagePullSecrets, which is using the regcred secret, the regcred secret contains our own registry credentials that we previously bound as a secret. You can do this either by writing a secret.yml or directly in the CLI (though this will be in your .bashrc) like this:

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
--docker-username=<name \
--docker-password=<password> \

Finally, notice how we mount every service which we also had in the manifest.yml, in this case, a Destination service and an XSUAA service. To do this we use volumes and volumeMounts.

The structure for volumes is:

- name: <some-volume-name>
secretName: <name-of-service-binding>

Here we make a secret, in this case, a service binding, available as a volume. Next, we need to mount this secret at a specific path for it to be usable by our application. For this, we follow a path convention provided by the xsenv library.

- name: <volume-name>
mountPath: '/etc/secrets/sapcp/<service>/<service-name>'
readOnly: true

Deploy and Expose Your Application

To deploy your application, run:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

To access your application you have two options, either you expose it to the internet directly or port-forward to your local machine.

Local Connection

Run kubectl port-forward deployment <your-deployment> :3000 on your local machine to enable port forwarding. We use port 3000 because our application is listening on it. Kubernetes will find any available port on your local machine and forward port 3000 of your deployment to it. Then you'll be able to make a call to your application via a provided link.

Internet Facing Connection

Run the command below to expose your application to the internet. It will use your cluster's IP address and port your application listens on. Exposing an application this way is good only for testing. Don't use it in production.

kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type="LoadBalancer"

If you want to expose your cluster under Domain name with TLS and/or basic authentication check out the Configure TLS and obtain a Domain in SAP Gardener part for an SAP Gardener setup or the official Kubernetes documentation for a general setup.

Create a CI/CD Pipeline

You can create a simple CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions or change your existing pipeline. To automatically deploy your application into the K8s cluster, two things are needed:

  1. Automatic build and deployment of the container image into the container repository
  2. Automatic re-start of the Kubernetes deployment

Step (1) can be achieved by building and pushing the container image with a technical user. For Step (2) we need a technical user that is entitled to manage the cluster deployment.

  1. Create a service account in your cluster
  2. Bind the cluster-admin ClusterRole to the service account. Alternative, create a more strict role.
  3. Obtain the token and CA certificate from the secret that is automatically created for that service account
  4. Obtain the cluster API endpoint via kubectl cluster-info

You can now use the service account in your automation to connect to the cluster:

kubectl config set-cluster gardener --server=<your-cluster-api-endpoint>
kubectl config set-context gardener --cluster=gardener
kubectl config use-context gardener
kubectl config view
kubectl --token=${{ secrets.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_TOKEN }} --certificate-authority <path/to/ca.cert> cluster-info

After completing the previous steps, run the command below. It shutdowns all the Pods to restart them.

kubectl --token=${{ secrets.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_TOKEN }} --certificate-authority <path/to/ca.cert> rollout restart deployment/<your-deployment-name>

If your deployment is configured with ImagePullStrategy: Always this will pull the updated image and use it.

Configure TLS and Obtain a Domain in SAP Gardener


  • Enable the NGINX Ingress add-on for your SAP Gardener cluster

The fastest way to enable TLS and obtain a domain for your application is to create a service, which contains your deployment, and an Ingress, which handles the routing. In SAP Gardener you can already specify your desired domain and the TLS will be managed for you, more on that later.

Create a service that contains your deployment and the port you want to expose as in example below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: sdkjs-e2e-svc
app: sdkjs-e2e
- port: 8080
targetPort: 3000

Next, check your shoot-cluster YAML for the currently configured DNS. The shoot-cluster YAML should be located in your Gardener project's dashboard, under the YAML tab. It should be a field that looks like this:


Since you have the NGINX Ingress enabled, all your domains have to follow the pattern *.ingress.<your-dns>, for example

This is how your Ingress file should look like:

kind: Ingress
name: sdkjs-e2e-ingress
annotations: managed
- hosts:
secretName: secret-tls
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: sdkjs-e2e-svc
number: 8080

Notice how our Ingress uses the SAP Gardener annotations, which is important so that SAP Gardener manages our TLS.

Next, you can see in the spec.tls.hosts part that we expose 2 domains. The first one is our default domain, it's limited to a maximum of 64 characters. Other domains can be any size, but should follow the Ingress pattern.

Notice we specified secretName: secret-tls, in this secret. All TLS certificates will be saved by SAP Gardener. Finally look at how we serve our service at the root of our subdomain, this way the service is exposed to the internet.

After a short delay, you should be able to access the mentioned domains via a valid TLS.

Configure Basic Authentication

In case your application doesn't have built-in authentication, you can add basic authentication in front of your Ingress with the following steps:

  1. Create a htpasswd file
htpasswd -c auth username
  1. Create a secret out of this file
kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-file=auth
  1. Add annotations to your Ingress. For our example, it should look like the following:
kind: Ingress
name: sdkjs-e2e-ingress
annotations: basic ingress-gate-auth 'Authentication Required - This services is protected.' managed
- hosts:
secretName: secret-tls
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: sdkjs-e2e-svc
number: 8080

Notice how ingress-gate-auth is the name of the secret containing our password. The text following the annotation contains a message, which is prompted when asking for credentials for the basic authentication. Your basic authentication should now work. Accessing any path should open an authentication window.

On-Premise Connectivity


On-Premise connectivity in Kubernetes is currently not available for external SAP customers. This might be changed in the near future. We'll be updating our documentation accordingly.

To connect to On-Premise systems inside a Kubernetes cluster, you need to use the Connectivity Proxy. The following guide will show you what has to be done to create and use it.

  1. You need to create a route for the Connectivity Proxy to use. This route needs to have TLS enabled. To enable TLS on SAP Gardener, refer to Configure TLS and Obtain a Domain in SAP Gardener section. If your cluster is not backed by SAP Gardener, refer to the official Kubernetes documentation.

Here is an example where we add our custom domain connectivitytunnel.* to our TLS section, in SAP Gardener. This creates a certificate for this domain automatically.

- hosts:
secretName: secret-tls
  1. Now we need to add our CA certificate to the JVM trust store of the Cloud Connector. The CA certificate is stored in the TLS secret, in our case, we named it secret-tls.

To access the information inside a secret, use the following code snippet:

kubectl get secret <secret-name> -o go-template='
{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'

Inside the secret should be a block prefixed with ca.crt, copy this certificate into a file and then follow this guide to add it to the JVM trust store of your Cloud Connector.

  1. Create and bind the connectivity service with the connectivty_proxy plan. We already explained how to do it above. Additionally, to bind the secret represented by Kubernetes native YAML format, you need to convert it to a JSON to be consumable by the connectivity proxy. If you use the PoC environment, save the binding as a secret, use the example below to guide you. Otherwise, you need to retrieve the binding first and then convert it to JSON before saving it as a secret. For that you need to retrieve the secret's content first, you can use the previous code snippet we used to retrieve the values of a secret for that.

Then save the JSON as a secret, here is an example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: connectivity-proxy-service-key
type: Opaque
connectivity_key: '{
"clientid": "<client-id>",
"clientsecret": "<clientsecret>",
"xsappname": "<xsappname>",
"connectivity_service": {
"subaccount_id": "<subaccount_id",
"subaccount_subdomain": "<subaccount_subdomain>",
"token_service_domain": "<token_service_domain">",
"token_service_url": "<token_service_url>",
"token_service_url_pattern": "https://{tenant}",
"token_service_url_pattern_tenant_key": "subaccount_subdomain"

Note that we used the stringData field type instead of the default data field type to benefit from automatic base64 encoding, instead of doing it ourselves. This is a requirement of the connectivity proxy since it can't consume the data of the secret in YAML format yet.

  1. Now we need to download the CA certificate of the connectivity service and create a secret containing:
  • The CA certificate of the connectivity service
  • Our private key
  • Our public certificate

The private key and public certificate are also stored in our TLS secret, use the previous code snippet to retrieve it from the secret and save them in separate files. Finally, download the CA certificate with the following line:

curl -o connectivity_ca.crt

Now you can create the secret with this command:

kubectl create secret generic connectivity-tls --from-file=ca.crt=<your-connectivity-ca.crt> --from-file=tls.key=<your-private.key> --from-file=tls.crt=<your-public.crt> --namespace default
  1. Create a secret that contains credentials to access the docker image which the Connectivity Proxy is using.

The image is located here:

To create the registry secret, use the following command:

kubectl create secret docker-registry <your-registry-secret> \
--docker-username=<your-username> \
--docker-password=<your-password> \
  1. Create a values.yaml file containing the configuration that suits your desired operational mode of the connectivity proxy, for the available operational modes refer to the documentation. For the specific content of the configuration refer to the configuration guide.

Here is an example for the Single tenant in a trusted environment mode:

replicaCount: 1
pullSecret: 'proxy-secret'
secretName: 'connectivity-tls'
mode: console
serviceCredentialsKey: 'connectivity_key'
tenantMode: dedicated
subaccountId: '<subaccount-id>'
subaccountSubdomain: '<subaccount-domain>'
externalHost: ''
externalPort: 443
enabled: true
enableProxyAuthorization: false
enabled: true
enableProxyAuthorization: false
enableRequestTracing: true
enableProxyAuthorization: false
  1. For your application to reach On-Premise destinations, it needs to provide the proxy settings and the token URL. Currently, you have to add them manually to the secret containing the service binding.

To do this, use the following code snippet:

kubectl edit secret <binding-name>

Now you have to add the fields onpremise_proxy_host and onpremise_proxy_port and url. The host has the pattern connectivity-proxy.<namespace> which is in our case connectivity-proxy.default. The default port is 20003. The url field should contain the same value as token_service_url. Be aware that the values have to be encoded in base64, for example:

onpremise_proxy_host: Y29ubmVjdGl2aXR5LXByb3h5LmRlZmF1bHQ=
onpremise_proxy_port: MjAwMDM=
url: aHR0cHM6Ly9teS1hcGkuYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb24uc2FwLmhhbmEub25kZW1hbmQuY29tCg==
  1. Finally, add the binding to your deployment.yml, the same way you would add any other binding.

Principal Propagation

You can use the Application Router also known as approuter to propagate a principal in Kubernetes and achieve multi-tenancy. It works in a similar fashion to SAP BTP CloudFoundry.

  1. You need an XSUAA instance that can redirect to a Kubernetes URI. For this the parameter redirect-uris is important, however, if you use one parameter while creating a service, you have to use all of them.

Below is an example using the SAP BTP Operator, to create an XSUAA with a very generic rule specifying the allowed URI with wildcards https://*/**. For your application, it is recommended to point directly at your specific URI.

If you are not using the SAP BTP Operator, you still have to provide the same parameters but in a different format. In CloudFoundry, for instance, you have to provide these parameters in JSON format.

kind: ServiceInstance
name: operator-xsuaa-service
serviceOfferingName: xsuaa
servicePlanName: application
xsappname: kubernetes-xsuaa
tenant-mode: dedicated
- name: '$XSAPPNAME.Callback'
description: 'With this scope set, the callbacks for tenant onboarding, offboarding and getDependencies can be called.'
- $XSAPPNAME(application,sap-provisioning,tenant-onboarding)
description: Token exchange
- uaa.user
- name: 'MultitenancyCallbackRoleTemplate'
description: 'Call callback-services of applications'
- '$XSAPPNAME.Callback'
- authorization_code
- client_credentials
- password
- refresh_token
- urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer
- user_token
- client_x509
- urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
- https://*/**
  1. Package the AppRouter as a Dockerimage so that it can run in Kubernetes, refer to the documentation for configuration details.

  2. After creating a container image, create a Deployment and a Service to run and expose the AppRouter. Below are two examples for an AppRouter, a Pod, and a Service.

First the Deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: approuter
app: approuter
replicas: 1
app: approuter
app: approuter
- image:
memory: '256Mi'
cpu: '250m'
memory: '512Mi'
cpu: '500m'
name: approuter
- name: xsuaa-volume
mountPath: '/etc/secrets/sapcp/xsuaa/operator-xsuaa-service'
readOnly: true
- name: PORT
value: '5000'
- name: destinations
value: '[{"name":"backend", "url":"http://sdkjs-e2e-svc:8080/", "forwardAuthToken": true}]'
- name: regcred
- name: xsuaa-volume
secretName: operator-xsuaa-service

You can see that we mount the XSUAA service the same way we do for apps using the SAP Cloud SDK. Notice the way we reference the application running in our cluster. Instead of an Ingress endpoint we directly point at the Service. This is possible because the AppRouter runs in our cluster and can therefore use the Kubernetes native Service discovery.

And the Service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: approuter-svc
app: approuter
- port: 8080
targetPort: 5000
app: approuter
  1. Finally, configure the Ingress to create a session cookie that is consumed by the AppRouter and point it at the AppRouter service. To secure your application, remove all previous routes that pointed at your application's endpoints and only expose them through the AppRouter. This way only users authenticated by your Identity Provider can access these endpoints. For that, specify the service names in your approuter destinations' configuration and remove the rules you previously created for these endpoints in the Ingress.

    Depending on your Ingress controller you have to use different annotations. For the NGINX Ingress controller use the following annotations: cookie '600' JSESSIONID

A complete example of an Ingress that only exposes the AppRouter and is using the annotations is shown in the following example:

kind: Ingress
name: sdkjs-e2e-ingress
annotations: 'cookie' '600' 'JSESSIONID' managed
- hosts:
secretName: secret-tls
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: approuter-svc
number: 8080
  1. Be aware that just like in SAP BTP CloudFoundry, you have to collect the principal's JWT from the authentication header after executing one of the requests with our typed client libraries. Here is an example utilizing our retrieveJwt function:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { BusinessPartner } from '@sap/cloud-sdk-vdm-business-partner-service';
import { retrieveJwt } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/core';
import { Request } from 'express';

export class PrincipalBusinessPartnerService {
async getFiveBusinessPartners(request: Request): Promise<BusinessPartner[]> {
return BusinessPartner.requestBuilder()
destinationName: 'MY-DESTINATION',
jwt: retrieveJwt(request)