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How the SAP Cloud SDK handles Trust and Keystores


The essence of web applications is communication between two parties. These two parties could be a server and a client, two servers, or any other combination. In the communication you want to ensure that:

  1. You are talking to the party you expect to talk to.
  2. The content of your conversation is securely encrypted and therefore private.

To ensure this the secure socket layer (SSL), later called transport layer security (TLS), was developed. If you want to add this security layer to your request you use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

The method to achieve both points above (trust and privacy) are private and public keys. Such keys offer the following properties:

  • You can encrypt something with one key, but you can decrypt it only with the counterpart.
  • You can distribute one key but you can not derive the counterpart from the distributed one.

The process of encrypting something with the private key is sometimes called signing because everybody can check the signature with the public key. The format of the private and public keys are certificates that provide additional information like:

  • the used encryption algorithm
  • the issuer of the key pair
  • the validity of the key
  • the domain the key was issued for
  • etc.

Formats and Naming

We already introduced terms like certificates for the public and private keys. However, we would like to introduce a few more terms:

  • Keystore: A keystore is an object containing keys. Usually, these are private and public key pairs as introduced above, but they may contain a certificate instead. You need a password to open a keystore. Typical formats are .jks, .p12, .pfcks, and .pkcS7
  • Truststore: A truststore contains public keys like certificates. Some formats allow you to protect the trust store with a password. Typical formats are .jks, .crt, .pem, .pub, and .der.

For X.509 certificate there are two encodings: base64 ASCII (e.g. .pem) and binary (e.g. .der). The content of a PEM file looks like this:


Classic TLS / One-Way SSL

The typical situation is that a client requests something from a public server and wants to be sure that the server is not somebody else. The server does not care about the identity of the client. The identity is verified in the following way:

  • Server presents the public key (certificate) and some signed content to the client.
  • Client checks that the domain in the certificate matches the requested resource.
  • Client checks that the certificate issuer is on the list of trusted certificate authorities (CA).
  • Client checks that the content was signed with the public key.

If all checks have passed, the server is trustworthy. Creating a secure connection is possible using private and public keys. For an encrypted connection, you need to interchange a secret. An initial secret can be encrypted using the public certificate and sent back to the server. This is the starting point for a private connection between client and server.

Mutual TLS (mTLS) / Two-Way SSL

Sometimes you would also like to verify the identity of the client. You can do this via a username and password or some authentication token. However, you can also use a private and public key pair to do that.

You would store the public part of your client certificate on the server. When sending a request you then access your keystore and sign your request with the private part. This is called client certificate authentication or two-way SSL because the identity of the server and client is verified using private and public keys.

Truststore Configuration

In most cases, your server will use a certificate from trusted CAs and one-way SSL just works without additional actions. Sometimes this is impossible and locally created key pairs also call self-signed certificates are used. Per default, browsers and node clients do not trust such a certificate. You will encounter errors like:

Error: self-signed certificate in certificate chain.

In such a case you need to add the self-signed certificate to the ca property of the node http client. The SAP Cloud SDK does this for you if you maintain the truststore configuration via the destination service. You have to do the following steps:

Note that you can also upload certificates in the destination service instance. The SAP Cloud SDK searches the subaccount first and only if no certificate with the given name is found proceeds to the instance certificates.


The SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript supports only .pem as certificate format.


The SAP Cloud SDK also considers the TrustAll property on the destination. This leads to rejectUnauthorized: false in the node client and should be used with great caution. If you trust everybody, you are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Avoid this option if possible.

Keystore Configuration

As discussed above you can also use a certificate to authenticate the client. This is the mentioned two-way SSL scenario and is called clientCertificateAuthentication in the destination service. The SAP Cloud SDK supports this authentication flow. You have to do the following steps:

  • Upload the keystore in the destinations section of the subaccount.
  • Configure the destination to use ClientCertificateAuthentication and provide the keystore information like keystore name and password.

The SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript only supports formats .p12 and .pfx for the keystore.