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Release Notes

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2.15.0 [Core Modules] - February 28, 2023

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] When making a request to a destination that has a certificate in its defintion, the certificate is only added, if it is needed for the according authentication type. That way, ClientCertificateAuthentication will have a certificate in the request, while OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion does not. Previously, the certificate would be added regardless. (5bad86c70)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Stop adding certificates when sending requests to a destination, if the authentication type does not require a certificate. (5bad86c70)

2.14.0 [Core Modules] - January 13, 2023

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix the combination of providing the iss together with OnPremise basic destinations. (20f550efd)

2.13.0 [Core Modules] - January 06, 2023

Compatibility Notes

  • [generator] The SAP Cloud SDK does not differentiate between function imports and action imports anymore. Therefore the actionImports and functionImports exposed in generated services are now deprecated and replaced by options. (aa0cf4820)
  • [openapi-generator] The options licenseInPackageJson and versionInPackageJson are deprecated. If you want to set the license or version in your generated package.json file, use the include option to add a custom package.json instead. (aa0cf4820)

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-v2] Allow to update OData v2 entities to null. Fixes 3204.
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/connectivity@2.13.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client@2.13.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/odata-common@2.13.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/util@2.13.0 (83eee1a3b)

2.12.1 [Core Modules] - January 03, 2023


2.12.0 [Core Modules] - December 07, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [generator] Deprecate the processesJsGeneration option. (0f1056817)
  • [generator] Deprecate the generatePackageJson option. Use packageJson instead. (0f1056817)
  • [generator] Make options in GeneratorOptions optional, if they are not mandatory. (0f1056817)
  • [generator] Deprecate generateCSN option. (0f1056817)
  • [generator] Deprecate the licenseInPackageJson option. Use include instead. (0f1056817)
  • [generator] Deprecate the forceOverwrite option. Use overwrite instead. (0f1056817)


  • [generator] Show warnings for deprecated options only if options where used.
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/generator-common@2.12.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/odata-common@2.12.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/odata-v2@2.12.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/odata-v4@2.12.0
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/util@2.12.0 (0f1056817)

Fixed Issues

  • [generator] Allow OData service to contain an entity name 'Service'. (0f1056817)

2.11.0 [Core Modules] - November 16, 2022

New Functionalities

  • [odata-common] Add getBatchReference() and setBatchId() in request builders to use the batch ID as a reference to an entity in a batch request changeset. Batch reference are available in create, delete, getByKey, update and actions/functions request builder. (79e0fe811)
  • [odata-v4, generator] Support parsing and generating OData bound functions and actions in OData v4 (8ea28151b)
  • [generator, openapi-generator, generator-common] Generated sources are formatted using prettier with default config. Use the CLI option prettierConfigPath to provide a custom config. (74e14427a)


  • [odata-common] Change the place where batch ID is generated from on serialization to request creation. (79e0fe811)

2.10.0 [Core Modules] - November 02, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4] Changed constructor argument of class EntityBase from schema to _entityApi. (144ff66f4)


  • [openapi-generator] Add force option torm commands, when setting clearOutputDir to true. (f76da3060)

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-v2, odata-v4] Fix the "entity generic type" of the "delete request builder". (f76da3060)
  • [generator, openapi-generator] Show detailed error message of compilation errors instead of [object Object]. (f76da3060)
  • [generator-common] Show detailed error message of compilation errors instead of [object Object].
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/util@2.10.0 (f76da3060)

2.9.0 [Core Modules] - September 20, 2022

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support fetching all subaccount- and service instance destinations from the destination service simultaneously. (24029503)
  • [mail-client] Expose SMTP transport options of nodemailer. (d1bf2dee)
  • [util] Add method setGlobalTransports to support setting custom transport globally. (4c51d3dc)


  • [odata-common] Set orderBy() to ascending order by default. (f62eb0d3)

2.8.0 [Core Modules] - September 06, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [eslint-config] Activated the eslint rule 'check-tag-names' to allowed jsdoc tags. If you use custom tags add them via the 'definedTags' in the eslint options. (15e9ef4b)
  • [generator] Deprecated generateNpmrc cli option. This option was only used to configure the now defunct npm registry hosted by SAP. It now has no effect anymore and should be removed in all invocations of the generator cli. (15e9ef4b)
  • [generator, openapi-generator, generator-common] Description for package.json in a generated client has changed. (15e9ef4b)

New Functionalities

  • [mail-client] Support defining the strategy of sending emails. By default, the emails are sent "in parallel" and can be set to "in sequential". (15e9ef4b)
  • [odata-common, generator] Allow function imports using GET http method in batch requests. (15e9ef4b)


  • [connectivity] Reduce default logs for failing requests in @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client.
    • @sap-cloud-sdk/util@2.8.0 (15e9ef4b)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Remove last explicit references to 'VCAP_SERVICES' and replace them with '@sap/xsenv'. (15e9ef4b)
  • [connectivity] Fix that unparsable destinations in the subaccount prevent other destinations from beeing fetched. (15e9ef4b)

2.7.1 [Core Modules] - August 12, 2022

Fixed Issues

  • [mail-client] Fix proxy authorization for sending emails.

2.7.0 [Core Modules] - August 10, 2022

New Functionalities

  • [openapi-generator] Support globs in the input option. (3f70b0c9)


  • [connectivity] Support consumption of the XSUAA API via destinations. (010a46fa)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix a breaking change of serviceToken introduced in 2.0, so it accepts XsuaaServiceCredentials again as an option. (3bff42e1)

2.6.0 [Core Modules] - July 15, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-v4, temporal-de-serializers] Adjust parsing of Edm.Date, Edm.DateTimeOffset, Edm.Time, and Edm.Duration to be closer to the OData v4 specification. There may be loss of precision if using the default (de-)serializers with high-precision fractional seconds. (de851289)
  • [generator] Deprecate generator option versionInPackageJson. If you need to set the version, use the new include option to add your own package.json file instead. (069aa168)
  • [generator] The hidden generator option additionalFiles is renamed to include. (069aa168)
  • [connectivity] Rename transformationFn into serviceBindingTransformFn in DestinationForServiceBindingsOptions to avoid ambiguity and make the function async. (8fdfebd6)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support JWTs without a JKU property. (cb598c16)
  • [connectivity] Add interface DestinationCacheInterface and method setDestinationCache to support implementation of custom destination cache. (09094607)
  • [connectivity] Fetch client credential token for destinations created by service bindings. (93d41281)
  • [generator] New generator option include which allows to add files to generated packages. (069aa168)


  • [http-client] Make requestConfig of OriginOptions optional. (e46bb51d)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix getDestination() to allow passing an async transform function serviceBindingTransformFn in options. The transform function can also be passed by execute(), executeHttpRequest(), executeRaw(), etc.
  • [http-client] Fix the executeHttpRequest/executeHttpRequestWithOrigin function, so the warning is only shown when overwriting headers by using custom headers. (e44c214a)
  • [odata-common, odata-v4, temporal-de-serializers] Fix parsing of Edm.DateTimeOffset with high-precision fractional seconds and edge-cases like 5-digit years. (de851289)
  • [odata-common, generator] Allow OData service to contain an entity name 'entity'. (0675ee3b)
  • [odata-v2] Support negative epoch timestamps in serialization. (9ffe0824)

2.5.0 [Core Modules] - June 13, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-common, generator] Change Edm.String, Edm.Boolean and Edm.Guid to be orderable to support lt/lessThan(), le/lessOrEqual(), gt/greaterThan(), and ge/greaterOrEqual operators. Re-generate odata services to adopt the changes. (c3166ff6)
  • [util] Stop using VCAP_SERVICES to determine the log format. Use setLogFormat and setGlobalLogFormat to specify the log format. By default, the log format is set to kibana for NODE_ENV=production and local otherwise. (89f1c423)

Fixed Issues

  • [http-client] Fix the executeHttpRequest function, so it accepts the same parameters as in version 1. [Compatibility Note] Deprecate one overload of the executeHttpRequest function, that accepts HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin as a parameter. Use the new function executeHttpRequestWithOrigin as replacement. [New Functionality] Support defining header options and query parameter options with origins. (9481ec69)

2.4.0 [Core Modules] - May 20, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] Mark the function noDestinationErrorMessage() as internal API.
  • [odata-v4] Mark the function uriConverter as internal API.
  • [eslint-config] Switch the following jsdoc related levels from warn to error:
    • jsdoc/check-param-names
    • jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence
    • jsdoc/require-jsdoc
    • jsdoc/require-param
    • jsdoc/require-returns
  • [connectivity, http-client] Only log the successful retrieval of destinations on the info log level, log everything else as debug or warn.

New Functionality

  • [connectivity] Support self-signed certificate using the trustStore property of the destination object.


  • [connectivity, http-client] Reduce default log output on the info level significantly.

Fixed Issues

  • [util] Fix a bug in the implementation of the trim method.

2.3.0 [Core Modules] - Apr 22, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4] Remove all $format=json query parameters since header Accept: application/json is sent by default.

New Functionality

  • [odata-common] Generate mandatory Content-Id headers for changeset parts in batch request payloads (see OData Spec).
  • [odata-common] Support transforming response data for function and action imports before deserialization. #682.


  • [generator] Change log level from warn to error if service path cannot be determined from the service specification (VALUE_IS_UNDEFINED).
  • [generator] Reduce memory usage of schema in API classes (e.g., BusinessPartnerAPI).

Fixed Issues

  • [openapi-generator, openapi] Support path parameters that are not separated by '/', e.g., /path/{param}:{param}.

2.2.0 [Core Modules] - Apr 6, 2022

Compatibility Notes

  • [eslint-config] Replace valid-jsdoc with eslint-plugin-jsdoc plugin for checking JSDoc comments, since the valid-jsdoc rule is deprecated in ESLint. To stop your project from using a specific rule, turn it off by setting the rule ID to off under the rules key inside your configuration file.
  • [generator] Stop exporting service classes (e.g., BusinessPartnerService) from generated clients, use businessPartnerService() instead.
  • [generator] Stop exporting API classes (e.g., BusinessPartnerAPI) from generated clients, use businessPartnerService().businessPartnerApi instead.

New Functionality

  • [http-client] Introduce the parameterEncoder option to the request configuration of the http-client to allow custom parameter encoding.
  • [http-client] Remove method from defaultDisallowedKeys to not filter out custom http method when using filterCustomRequestConfig.
  • [odata-common] Support adding custom http method in addCustomRequestConfiguration to overwrite the default http method.
  • [openapi] Support adding custom http method in addCustomRequestConfiguration to overwrite the default http method.


  • [generator] Remove unused imports (e.g, moment, bignumber.js and EdmTypeField) in API classes (e.g., BusinessPartnerAPI) to reduce memory usage.
  • [http-client] Introduce consistent query parameter encoding for all non custom parameters.

2.1.0 [Core Modules] - Feb 18, 2022


  • [connectivity] Add details to error message for missing "URL" properties in destinations.
  • [util] Add sanitizeRecord function to cloud-sdk-logger which replaces potentially sensitive information in a Record<string, any> based on a list of sensitive keys.
  • [generator] The new CLI option licenceInPackageJson offers the possibility to specify the license property in a generated package.json.

Fixed Issues

  • [openapi-generator] Add @sap-cloud-sdk/openapi as a dependency to the OpenAPI generator to fix errors during generation with --transpile enabled.
  • [connectivity] Fix an issue when using registering destinations with a JWT but without XSUAA service binding.
  • [connectivity] Fix a missing export DestinationSelectionStrategies.
  • [odata-common] Fix URL encoding for getByKey

2.0.0 [Core Modules] - Feb 03, 2022

We released version 2 :partying_face: Be mindful of breaking changes when upgrading. Enjoy multiple improvements and new features. Check the upgrade guide.

Compatibility Notes

  • Upgrade the ES version to es2019.

New Functionality

  • [connectivity] Create a new package with minimal API.
  • [connectivity] Add registerDestination function to create destinations in the destinations environment variable.
  • [connectivity] Support the SamlAssertion flow in destination retrieval.
  • [http-client] Create a new package with minimal API.

Removed functionality

  • [generator] Remove the option: aggregatorDirectoryName and aggregatorNpmPackageName
  • [generator] Remove the option: generateTypedocJson
  • [generator] Remove packageJson function from aggregator-package
  • [core] Remove some functions
  • [analytics] Remove the @sap-cloud-sdk/analytics package

New module structure

  • [core] We have split the core package into smaller packages, so functions are moved to the target package.

Changed signatures

  • [core] EdmTypeField only support EDM types, no field types in generics

Changed implementation

  • [generator] changed the following implementations
    • ServiceNameFormatter deprecated constructor removed, reserverdName parameter from typeNameToFactoryName method removed
    • VdmNavigationpropety multiplicity, isMultiLink removed
    • VdmFunctionImportReturnType isMulti removed
  • [openapi] changed the following implementations
    • execute Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
    • executeRaw Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
  • [odata-common] changed the following implementations
    • ComplexTypeField deprecated constructors removed
    • Constructable Selectable removed
    • CreateRequestBuilderBase prepare removed
    • EntityBase getCurrentMapKey, initializeCustomFields removed
    • EnumField edmType removed
    • Filter _fieldName property removed
    • FilterFunction toString, transformParameter removed
    • Link clone, selects removed
    • MethodRequestBuilder withCustomHeaders, withCustomQueryParameters, withCustomServicePath removed, build protected
    • ODataRequestConfig contentType, deprecated constructor removed
    • ODataBatchRequestConfig batchId, content_type_prefix removed
    • OneToOneLink clone removed
    • UpdateRequestBuilderBase prepare, requiredFields, ignoredFields, withCustomVersionIdentifier removed
    • execute Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions..
    • executeRaw Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
  • [odata-v2] changed the following implementations
    • execute Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
    • executeRaw Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
  • [odata-v4] changed the following implementations
    • execute Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
    • executeRaw Request Builder APIs changed to use a single parameter, either a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions.
  • [connectivity] changed the following implementations
    • getDestination changed to use DestinationFetchOptions as single parameter.
    • getProxyRelatedAuthHeaders legacyNoAuthOnPremiseProxy case removed
    • serviceToken uses JWT instead of userJwt now.
    • jwtBearerToken uses JWT instead of userJwt now.
    • fetchVerificationKeys merged with executeFetchVerificationKeys, now only accepts URL as parameter
  • [http-client] changed the following implementations
    • executeHttpRequest fetches CsrfToken for non-GET requests by default.