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Develop your App for the Kyma Environment with Java SDK

Kyma is an application runtime that provides you a flexible and easy way to connect, extend, and customize your applications in the cloud-native world of Kubernetes. Find more details in the official documentation.

You can also refer to this additional material available for getting started with SAP Cloud SDK on Kyma:

SAP Cloud SDK Features Supported on Kyma by SAP

The SAP Cloud SDK supports the Kyma runtime through the regular Cloud Foundry specific modules and classes. Hence, Cloud Foundry application developers usually don't need to adjust their code to deploy and run it on Kyma.

Nevertheless, before deploying your application on a Kyma cluster, please ensure that following dependency is on the classpath:

Find below the list of features we currently support: Legend: ✅ - supported, ❗- partially supported, ❌ - not supported

  • ✅ Consume SAP BTP services like Destination, Connectivity, IAS, XSUAA, and others
  • ✅ Multitenancy
  • ✅ Resilience & Caching
  • ✅ Connect to and consume services from SAP S/4HANA Cloud
  • ❗ Connect to and consume services from SAP S/4HANA On-Premise
  • ✅ Seamless use of typed clients provided by the SAP Cloud SDK

Getting Started with the SAP Cloud SDK on Kyma

This detailed guide will help get your SAP Cloud SDK Java application up and running in Kyma. You can also use this guide to migrate your existing application to Kyma.


To follow this guide you will need:


When deploying applications to Kyma, you are not limited to Spring Boot applications. In fact, you may deploy any application that can be executed within a Docker container. The examples in this document, however, do use a Spring Boot app.

Check out the details below in case you are uncertain about any of the prerequisites.

Kyma Environment

This guide assumes you already have a Global Account, a subaccount on SAP BTP platform and have Kubernetes CLI installed on your local machine. If not, please refer to these guides on getting a Global Account and creating a subaccount

In your subaccount in SAP BTP cockpit, create a Kyma Environment instance. Make sure that you select an appropriate plan and also assign the necessary roles to users.

Kyma Setup Time

Creating a Kyma environment instance can take up to 30 minutes.

Once your Kyma environment is created, you can download a Kubeconfig file directly from the SAP BTP cockpit.

Kubeconfig file download


This guide assumes you have Docker installed on your local machine.

Furthermore, you need a Docker repository where you can store images. The repository needs to be publicly accessible in order for the cluster to access and download the Docker image we are going to create.

In case you don't have such a repository yet we recommend either:

Access to images in a repository may be limited to authenticated and/or authorized users, depending on your configuration.

Make sure you are logged in to your repository on your local machine by running:

docker login (your-repo) --username=(your-username)

And check your configuration which is usually located under (your-home-directory)/.docker/config.json.


In case AuthN/AuthZ is required to download images make sure you have a secret configured in your cluster

kubectl create secret docker-registry (name-of-the-secret) --docker-username=(username) --docker-password=(API-token) --docker-server=(your-repo)
Application using the SAP Cloud SDK

If you don't have an application already you can comfortably create one from our archetypes.

Containerize the Application

To run on Kyma the application needs to be shipped in a container. For this guide we will be using Docker.

Create a Dockerfile in the project root directory:

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-slim
ARG JAR_FILE=application/target/*.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]

If needed, update the JAR_FILE to point to your JAR file.


You can find more information on how to containerize Spring Boot applications in this guide (in particular, check the Containerize It section).

Compile and push the image by running:

docker build -t <your-repo>/<your-image-name> .
docker push <your-repo>/<your-image-name>

# alternatively, you may add a tag to your image
docker build -t <your-repo>/<your-image-name>:<your-tag> .
docker push <your-repo>/<your-image-name>:<your-tag>

In case you are facing authorization issues when pushing to your repository refer to the dedicated section under Prerequisites.

Create a Kyma Deployment

  1. Create a new YAML file:

     apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: my-app-deployment
    replicas: 1
    app: my-app
    app: my-app
    # Configure the docker image you just pushed to your repository here
    - image: <name-of-the-image>
    name: my-app
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    memory: '1.5Gi'
    cpu: '500m'
    memory: '2Gi'
    cpu: '1000m'
    # Volume mounts needed for injecting SAP BTP service credentials
    value: "/etc/secrets/sapbtp"
    # In case your repository requires a login, reference your secret here
    - name: <your-secret-for-docker-login>
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    app: my-app
    name: my-app
    type: NodePort
    - port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    app: my-app
  2. Install the configuration via kubectl apply -f path/to/deployment/file/deployment.yml.

  3. Monitor the status of the deployment by running: kubectl get deployment my-app-deployment.

Eventually, you should see an output similar to:

kubectl get deployment my-app-deployment

my-app-deployment 1/1 1 1 15s

In case something went wrong use kubectl describe together with deployment or pod to get more information about the status of your application.

Access Your Application

To access your application without further configuration you need to find the name of the application pod by listing out all available pods:

kubectl get pods

Now use the name of the application pod and forward the application port to your local machine:

kubectl port-forward [pod-name] [local-port]:[application-port]

In case you started with an SAP Cloud SDK Archetype, you can test the hello endpoint:

curl localhost:[local-port]/hello

If your application is running on port 8080 (default configuration) in it's pod, you can use the following command to gain access to your app:

kubectl port-forward my-app-pod-XYZ :8080

Please note that we skipped the [local-port] parameter in the command above. This will let kubectl choose a random available port on your local machine every time you run the command.

If everything worked as expected, you should see an output similar to the following:

Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:50309 -> 8080

In this example, kubectl chose the local port 50309. Hence, you should be able to successfully run the following curl command:

curl localhost:50309/hello
SSH Access to your Pods

If port-forwarding is not enough for you, you can also get SSH access to your application pods:

kubectl exec --stdin --tty [pod-name] -- /bin/sh

Bind SAP BTP Services to the Application

The SAP Business Technology Platform offers various services that can be used by applications. To access services from a Kyma environment, instances have to be created and bound to the application.

For this guide we'll assume we want to use two services:

  1. Destination Service
  2. XSUAA Service

Create and Bind the Destination Service

  1. Open your Kyma dashboard and select the namespace of your application (top right hand side of the screen) and navigate to Service Management > Service Instances.

  2. Create a new service instance by first clicking on the + Create Service Instance button.

    Choose a name for the instance, then enter destination as offering name and lite as plan.

    Destination Service Instance Creation

  3. Finalize the service instance creation by confirming your configuration with a click on the Create button.

    Save the configuration as YAML

    If you prefer to maintain your configration as code you can copy the resulting YAML into your project.

  4. Navigate to Service Management > Service Bindings and create a binding for the service instance you just created.

    Destination Service Binding Creation

    Make sure to provide a meaningful name to the binding as it will also be used for the created secret, which is needed for the next step.

  5. The automatically created secret (derived from the service binding) needs to be mounted to the file system of your application pods. Open your deployment.yml and add the following content:

    1. Find the empty list of volumes in your deployment.yml. Add a new volume, referencing the secret:

      - name: my-destination-service-binding-volume
      secretName: <the name of your binding goes here>
    2. Mount this volume into the file system of your application. Add it to the empty list of volumeMounts in the container section of your deployment.yml:

      - name: my-destination-service-binding-volume
      mountPath: '/etc/secrets/sapbtp/my-destination-service-binding'
      readOnly: true
  6. Apply the changes to your deployment by running kubectl apply -f deployment.yml.

Bind the XSUAA Service

Apply the same steps as for the destination service, but use the following values when creating the service instance:

  • Offering Name: xsuaa
  • Plan: application

Here is an example of what the YAML for the service instance and service binding might look like:

kind: ServiceInstance
name: my-xsuaa
labels: my-xsuaa
annotations: {}
namespace: sdk-java
serviceOfferingName: xsuaa
servicePlanName: application
kind: ServiceBinding
name: my-xsuaa-binding
labels: my-xsuaa-binding
annotations: {}
namespace: sdk-java
serviceInstanceName: kyma-xsuaa-serv

Expose your Application to the Internet

During the next steps, you will configure and deploy an approuter so that only authenticated users can access your application. For that, you will need to create a simple application that uses the @sap/approuter and starts it for this purpose.

  1. Based on the approuter application you used, containerize your application and push the image to a docker repository of your choice.

  2. Create a new YAML file describing the approuter deployment:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: my-approuter-deployment
    app: my-approuter
    replicas: 1
    app: my-approuter
    app: my-approuter
    - name: <your-secret-for-docker-login>
    # Configure the docker image of your approuter application here
    - image: <name-of-the-image>
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: my-approuter
    - name: PORT
    value: '5000'
    - name: destinations
    value: >
    "name": "<name-for-the-backend-app>",
    "url": "<URL-to-access-backend-app>",
    "forwardAuthToken": true
    value: <URL-pattern-for-outside-cluster-access>
    - name: my-xsuaa-service-binding-volume
    mountPath: '/etc/secrets/sapcp/xsuaa/my-xsuaa-service-binding'
    - name: my-xsuaa-service-binding-volume
    secretName: my-xsuaa-secret
    restartPolicy: Always

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    app: my-approuter
    name: my-approuter
    type: NodePort
    - port: 5000
    targetPort: 5000
    protocol: TCP
    nodePort: 31002
    app: my-approuter
  3. Also adapt the xs-app.json file:

"welcomeFile": "/web-pages/index.html",
"routes": [
"source": "/<path-for-backend-endpoints>/(.*)",
"target": "$1",
"destination": "<name-for-the-backend-app>",
"identityProvider": "<optional-identity-provider-id>",
"csrfProtection": false
  1. Follow steps similar to steps 2-3 in Create a Kyma Deployment section to deploy the approuter and check if the deployment is successful.

  2. Update the already created XSUAA service instance with few parameters like xsappname and oauth2-configuration. This is required to provide authenticated access to backend application via the approuter.

kind: ServiceInstance
name: xsuaa-service
clusterServiceClassExternalName: xsuaa
clusterServicePlanExternalName: <your-desired-plan>
xsappname: <your-backend-app-name>
- <your-idp-key>
- <URL-pattern-for-outside-cluster-access>
kind: ServiceBinding
name: my-xsuaa-service-binding
name: xsuaa-service
secretName: my-xsuaa-secret
  1. Update the configuration via kubectl apply -f xsuaa-service.yaml.

  2. Make the approuter accessible outside the cluster by creating an API rule:

kind: APIRule
name: <your-rule-name>
gateway: kyma-gateway.kyma-system.svc.cluster.local
- accessStrategies:
- config: {}
handler: noop
path: /.*
host: <subaccount-prefix>.<URL-pattern-for-outside-cluster-access>
name: my-approuter
port: 5000
  1. Update the configuration via kubectl apply -f create-api-rule.yml.

  2. Finally, access the application by using the host address provided in the API rule created and appending the path-for-backend-endpoints given in xs-app.json along with the an actual end point of your backend application.


You need not necessarily push an Approuter to access your application outside a cluster. You could also go ahead and expose the service for your application directly by creating an APIRule. But, this would mean that access to your application would not be authenticated first.

On-Premise Connectivity


This guide assumes you have both the Transparent Proxy (version >= 1.3.0) and Connectivity Proxy (version >= 2.9.2) installed in your cluster. Please refer to this and this documentation on how to install it if you haven't already.

Kyma Compatibility

On Kyma, two scenarios are supported by the SAP Cloud SDK:

  1. Using the Connecitivty Proxy in "trusted mode" together with the Transparent Proxy
  2. Using a custom Connecitivty Proxy instance in "untrusted mode" without the Transparent Proxy

The Connecitivty Proxy managed by Kyma is coming in "trusted mode", thus this guide covers scenario (1). In case you want to run scenario (2) refer to this guide for using the Connectivity Proxy without Transparent Proxy. Other scenarios are currently not supported.

Background Information

When using the Transparent Proxy your app performs requests against the Transparent Proxy without explicit authentication, relying on the secure network communication provided by Kyma via Istio. The Transparent Proxy will obtain the relevant destination from the destination service and use it to forward the request via the Connectivity Proxy to the On-Premise system. Consequently, your app itself does not interact with destination or connectivity service at all and thus your application pods do not require bindings to these two services.

Please note that the current implementation of the Transparent Proxy does not yet cover all use cases.

Constraints when using the Transparent Proxy

This approach is conceptually different from what you may be used to from a CloufdFoundry environment. The official documentation of the Transparent Proxy gives more information on the architecture.

Create a Kubernetes Resource

Create the following YAML file:

kind: Destination
name: example-dest
name: 'example-dest-onprem' # name from BTP Cockpit
destinationServiceInstanceName: dest-service-instance-example # can be ommited if config.destinationService.defaultInstanceName was provided to the helm chart of the transparent proxy upon installation
  • Adjust the name example-dest-onprem to the On-Premise destination you defined in your SAP BTP Cockpit.

It will create a Kubernetes resource in your cluster, pointing to the destination you created in the cockpit. Apply the YAML with kubectl apply to take effect.


This step is required for each destination that should be reachable via the Transparent Proxy. If you do not create a custom Kubernetes resource of type for a given destination, the destination will not be handled by the Transparent Proxy.

Executing Requests

In your application you can now configure a destination to execute requests:

DefaultHttpDestination destination = DefaultHttpDestination
// for a subscriber tenant make sure to send the tenant header:
// .header(new Header("X-Tenant-Id", TenantAccessor.getCurrentTenant().getTenantId()))
// for principal propagation make sure to set the auth type to "TOKEN_FORWARDING":
// .authenticationType(AuthenticationType.TOKEN_FORWARDING)

List<SalesArea> execute = new DefaultSalesAreaService().getAllSalesArea() // example OData request
  • Replace namespace in the URL with the namespace you installed the Transparent Proxy into

This will target the Kubernetes resource example-dest we created above which will be resolved to the destination we configured in that resource. The code above shows an example how you can use it to perform an OData request.


Repeat this process for all destination names you want to use in your application.

Connecting to Cloud systems

The above approach is not limited to destinations of proxy type ON_PREMISE. INTERNET destinations are equally supported.