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Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry Command-Line Interface

To deploy your app developed with SAP Cloud SDK to SAP Business Technology Platform you'll need Cloud Foundry command-line interface (CLI). You can download latest release of DEB package from the official CF GitHub repository or follow instructions to install it with you package manager: apt-get, yum and homebrew are supported.

After installing the CLI you might need to reload you shell before it becomes available. To check if it works run:


Bind Your Command-Line Interface to an API Endpoint

Let's associate your Cloud Foundry CLI to your SAP account by providing an API endpoint and logging in with your account.

Select endpoint depending on your region:

To use a snippet for Europe run:

cf api

Provide your credentials for SAP BTP:

cf login

For more details on the Cloud Foundry CLI and SAP BTP follow this official tutorial.

SAP Business Technology Platform

Find out more about the SAP Business Technology Platform, Cloud Foundry environment in the official documentation.