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SAP Cloud SDK Version 5.0.0 is out 🥳

We are happy to announce the latest release of the SAP Cloud SDK. SAP Cloud SDK Version 5.0.0 is the first release of the SAP Cloud SDK as an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license. You can find the project sources on GitHub.

Version 5 also updates the SAP Cloud SDK to the latest Java technology stack, including the JakartaEE APIs, Spring 6 and Java 17. Make sure to check out the updated requirements and the dedicated upgrade guide.

We highly recommend regularly updating to the latest SAP Cloud SDK version. It will help you:

  • Ensure access to the latest SAP Cloud SDK features
  • Keep up with the latest changes in SAP Cloud Platform
  • Update client libraries giving access to latest SAP services on SAP Cloud Platform and SAP S/4HANA
  • Protect yourself from bugs and breaking changes in the future

5.17.0 - February 20, 2025

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • Changes regarding the TLS Upgrade header thanks to Apache httpclient5 5.4.2
    • TlsUpgrade.DISABLED no changes
    • TlsUpgrade.ENABLED will not send the Upgrade header for non-proxy connections anymore
    • TlsUpgrade.AUTOMATIC Default behaviour will not send the Upgrade header anymore
      • Except for proxyType(ProxyType.INTERNET)

✨ New Functionality

  • OpenAPI: Add toMap() and deprecate getCustomField(String) on generated model classes.

5.16.0 - January 29, 2025

All Release Changes

✨ New Functionality

  • Add experimental support for updating nested fields in OData v2 complex types via PATCH requests
    • Use optional argument FluentHelperUpdate#modifyingEntity( ModifyPatchStrategy ) to control updates with delta or full complex property payloads.

📈 Improvements

  • Improve the OData v4 class BatchRequestBuilder to now also implement the ModificationRequestBuilder interface.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix non-compilable code using OpenAPI generator with schema definitions having additionalProperties: true. Previously they would result in model classes extending HashMap, which disabled proper deserialization and serialization.

5.15.0 - December 19, 2024

All Release Changes

✨ New Functionality

  • Add support for TypeDefinition entries in OData V4 EDMX files.
  • Add generateApis and generateModels options to the openapi-generator-maven-plugin to disable the generation of APIs and models respectively.

📈 Improvements

  • Stabilize most of the remaining experimental APIs without changes, e.g.
    • RequestHeaderAccessor
    • ServiceBindingDestinationLoader
  • OData v2 and v4 generators now use LinkedHashMap for the properties of the generated classes to maintain the order of the properties.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix ApacheHttpClient5Wrapper to propagate the configuration to Spring RestTemplate.
  • Fix OData v2 and v4 generators to work when property name is value or values and is of collection type.
    • The internal variable is now respectively cloudSdkValue or cloudSdkValues to avoid conflicts with the value or values property.

5.14.0 - November 08, 2024

All Release Changes

📈 Improvements

  • Minor improvement on OpenAPI code generator to apply Javadoc on customized model class constructors.
  • Fix a TLS compatibility issue between the latest Apache HttpClient 5 and on-premise connectivity (via SAP Cloud Connector).
  • Stabilize ApacheHttpClient5 related API without changes. The @Beta annotations are removed in most places and consuming applications no longer need to suppress warnings.

5.13.0 - September 27, 2024

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • Minimum required versions:
    • SAP BTP Security Services Integration Libraries 3.4.3
    • CAP 2.9.3
    • SAP Java Buildpack 2.10.0
  • Using IAS requires XSUAA version to be minimum 3.4.0.
  • Change the DefaultHttpDestination.Builder to throw an exception when the proxy configuration can not be determined for on-premise destinations. Previously, only an error was logged to give a grace period for analyzing and fixing the underlying issue.
  • Change the default implementations of HttpClientCache and ApacheHttpClient5Cache to throw an exception in cases where previously only an error was logged. The previous behavior of logging an error and falling back to creating a new http client granted a grace period to fix the underlying issue.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • OpenAPI QueryParameters are now encoded

🐛 Known Issues

  • Using the latest Apache HttpClient 5 to connect to on-premise systems (via SAP Cloud Connector), may result in "403 Forbidden" responses due to a TLS compatibility issue. Please use older version SAP Cloud SDK 5.12.0 or use upcoming 5.14.0.

5.12.0 - September 03, 2024

All Release Changes

✨ New Functionality

  • Timeouts for OAuth2 token retrievals can now be customized. As part of ServiceBindingDestinationOptions the new option OAuth2Options.TokenRetrievalTimeout can now be passed to set a custom timeout. Refer to this documentation for more details.
  • In DestinationService class allow for optional argument DestinationServiceRetrievalStrategy in method getAllDestinationProperties. This additional API allows for ensuring tenant-specific destination lookups. Available values are: CURRENT_TENANT (default), ALWAYS_PROVIDER and ONLY_SUBSCRIBER.

📈 Improvements

  • [OpenAPI Generator] Setting the Maven plugin configuration property openapi.generate.deleteOutputDirectory to true will no longer result in deletion of all files from the outputDirectory prior to generation. Instead, only the apiPackage- and apiPackage-related directories will be cleaned. This reduces the risk of deleting files unexpectedly and allows for reusing the same outputDirectory for multiple generator plugin invocations.
  • [OpenAPI Generator] The property accessors of generated model classes now have consistent @Nullable and @Nonnull annotation.
  • [OpenAPI Generator] Enable the option <enumUnknownDefaultCase> that allows for lenient handling of unknown enum values coming from a server.
  • Upgrade to version 1.66.0 of gRPC dependencies coming in transitively when using connectivity-ztis
  • Improve the error handling for OData batch requests. In case an OData error is given within a batch response it will now be parsed and returned as ODataServiceErrorException.
  • Reduce the amount of DwC headers sent when communicating via megaclite. This reduces the risk of exceeding the maximum header size limit of the Cloud Foundry infrastructure.
  • Improve the error handling for requests to the destination service. In case of an error a potential response body will now be logged with the error message.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • fix: issue #557: DwC Auth Token not available (DwC + IAS) by @jingweiz2017 in #568
  • Fix an issue where proxy headers are applied multiple times for On-Premise destinations.

5.11.0 - August 01, 2024

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • The OpenAPI generator doesn't add //NOPMD after imports anymore.

✨ New Functionality

  • Add experimental support for Destination Fragments. Fragment names can be passed upon requesting destinations via DestinationServiceOptionsAugmenter.fragmentName("my-fragment-name").
  • Allow removing properties when using a destination builder.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • The OpenAPI Generator correctly declares @Nonnull and @Nullable annotations on generated endpoint methods.
  • The OpenAPI Generator uses correct camelCase again, when creating methods to add items to a collections. Version 5.10.0 used incorrect addfooItems(Foo) instead of addFooItems(Foo). This is fixed now.

5.10.0 - June 12, 2024

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • Using the X509_ATTESTED credential type now requires a version >= 3.4.0 of the SAP BTP Security Library.
  • Deprecate the IAS communication option withConsumerClient(clientid, tenantid). The option is non-functional. Use withConsumerClientId(clientid) instead, the tenant will automatically be inferred from the context upon execution.

✨ New Functionality

  • Support the X509_ATTESTED credential type for XSUAA service bindings.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue that prevented OAuth flows from working correctly for subscriber tenants when using IAS with credential type X509_ATTESTED

5.9.0 - May 13, 2024

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • Deprecate the BtpServiceOptions.IasOptions.withTargetUri method overloads. As a replacement, users should use the corresponding BtpServiceOptions.AuthenticationServiceOptions.withTargetUri method. Additionally, the existing behavior of the deprecated methods has been changed: They are no longer returning an instance of BtpServiceOptions.IasOptions.IasTargetUri but instead return now an instance of BtpServiceOptions.AuthenticationServiceOptions.TargetUri. The BtpServiceOptions.IasOptions.IasTargetUri class is also deprecated.

    Please Note: The deprecated methods will stay functioning (with the mentioned behavior changes) for a while to give users time to migrate to the new methods. Nevertheless, we are planning to remove the deprecated methods and the class still within version 5 of the SAP Cloud SDK.

✨ New Functionality

  • Support the OAuth Refresh Token authentication type of the Destination Service. Find more details on how to use the functionality in the documentation.
  • Service Bindings for the SAP XSUAA service (Service Identifier xsuaa) can now be converted into destinations just as any other supported service. This is most useful when combined with the newly introduced BtpServiceOptions.AuthenticationServiceOptions.withTargetUri methods, which allows for communication between services that are backed by the same XSUAA instance.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix a regression that was introduced with the SAP Cloud SDK 5.0 release where the principal would no longer be derived from a Basic authorization header, in cases where neither a JWT nor an OIDC token was present.
  • Fix a regression that was introduced with the SAP Cloud SDK 5.0 release where auth tokens sent by the Destination service would no longer be stored in the cloudsdk.authTokens destination property for non-HTTP destinations.

5.8.0 - April 22, 2024

All Release Changes

📈 Improvements

  • Improve the efficiency of HTTP clients: The default cache duration for HTTP clients have been increased to expire one hour after last access (was 5 minutes after creation). Aside from a performance improvement, this improves the handling of cookies, as they are retained for much longer.
  • Improve connecting to IAS-based applications and services. Scenarios where an IAS tenant is connected to multiple subaccounts of an application are now supported.
    • Note that when mocking an IAS binding for testing the binding entry app_tid is now required.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue that would cause a NPE when using bound services backed by IAS via the dedicated service binding format.
  • Fix an issue that would cause a NPE when using the OData applyAction method with a null parameter value.

5.7.0 - April 05, 2024

All Release Changes

✨ New Functionality

  • (Beta) Add support for the SAP-internal Zero Trust Identity Service
    • Add a new module connectivity-ztis.
    • Add support for the credential-type X509_ATTESTED for all OAuth2 flows.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Stop unnecessarily throwing and catching NullPointerException when interacting with DefaultHttpDestination#equals(...) and #hashCode().

5.6.0 - March 19, 2024

All Release Changes

✨ New Functionality

  • Add support for connecting to applications and services backed by the SAP Identity Authentication Service (IAS).
    • The ServiceBindingDestinationLoader API now supports service bindings to the IAS service.
    • The BtpServiceOptions class has now offers IasOptions to pass additional options depending on the use case.
    • A standardised service binding format for IAS-backed services is introduced.
    • Support connecting to arbitrary services as long as their service binding conforms to the standardised format.
    • Head over to the documentation for more information on the new features.
  • Support service bindings to the SAP BTP AI Core Service by default in the ServiceBindingDestinationLoader API.
  • Failed OData v4 Batch requests now return the specific failed request from the exception: ODataResponseException.getRequest().

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue where the same HttpClient would be used for different users when using PrincipalPropagation and thus could potentially share the same (session) cookies.
  • Fix an issue where destinations for the Business Logging service that are created from a service binding (using the ServiceBindingDestinationLoader API) contained the concrete API path. This behavior caused problems when using such a destination in a client generated with the SAP Cloud SDK's OpenApi generator.
  • [DwC] Fix an issue where the AuthTokenAccessor would not recognize JWT tokens passed in via the dwc-jwt header.
  • [DwC] Fix an issue where the current tenant would not be resolved if the dwc-subdomain header was missing.

5.5.0 - February 28, 2024

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • Deprecated RfcDestination and all associated usages, the replacement is Destination.

✨ New Functionality

  • war deployment in combination with the SAP Java Buildpack 2.2.0 is supported again. Our RFC artifact is now released, and JCo functionalities are supported again. Please follow our guide to update to version 5.

📈 Improvements

  • Improve the DefaultHttpDestination builder API: For destinations with proxy type ON_PREMISE the proxy URL can now be customized by using the proxy method of the builder.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where adding header providers to a destination after it had already been used to obtain an Apache HttpClient 5 would not work as expected.

5.4.0 - February 15, 2024

All Release Changes

📈 Improvements

  • Destination key-stores of type PKCS #12 with empty (or no) password will be correctly loaded, including their certificates.
  • OpenAPI clients can now be generated with specifications with oneOf and anyOf keywords by enabling their processing by using <enableOneofAnyofGeneration> in openapi-generator-maven-plugin(This option is turned off by default):
    But,the generated client may not be feature complete and work as expected for all cases involving anyOf/oneOf.
Dependency Updates
commons-codec (commons-codec)
java-modules-bom (
jcl-over-slf4j (org.slf4j)
joda-time (joda-time)
neo-java-web-api (
openapi-generator (org.openapitools)
slf4j-api (org.slf4j)
slf4j-ext (org.slf4j)
json (org.json)2023101320240205
java-modules-bom (

5.3.0 - February 1, 2024

All Release Changes

📈 Improvements

  • The destination property HTML5.ForwardAuthToken is now evaluated and forwards the current AuthToken to the target system.
  • Improve how certificates are evaluated for the authentication types SAMLAssertion and OAUTH2_SAML_BEARER_ASSERTION. The certificates are no longer unnecessarily parsed when obtaining the destination.
  • The spring-boot3 archetype no longer contains the integration-tests module. The contained tests are now part of the test suite of the application module.
  • Dependency Updates:

5.2.0 - January 22, 2024

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • The de-facto standard resilience4j implementation for the resilience API is now included by default. In case you are loading a different implementation of the Resilience4jDecorationStrategy via the Java Service Provider Interface (SPI), you should use resilience-api and ensure resilience4j is not loaded transitively. Alternatively, you can invoke ResilienceDecorator.setDecorationStrategy explicitly in your code.

    • In case you are using custom facade implementations for accessors (e.g. TenantAccessor) this might have additional implications.

      Details: Impact on custom facades

      First, check if all the following conditions apply for your use case:

      • You are providing a custom implementation of a facade interface (e.g. the TenantFacade registered to the TenantAccessor).
      • Your custom facade implementation uses ThreadLocal variables which are not configured to be passed on by the ThreadContextExecutor.
      • Before version 5.2.0 the resilience4j module was not in the dependency tree and no alternative implementation was provided.
      • You are implicitly or explicitly using a resilience configuration with a TimeLimiter defined.
        • This means that the TimeLimiter was not taking effect before 5.2.0 and respective warnings have been logged about this.
      • The code inside the resilient execution is implicitly or explicitly using the facade implementation.

      If all the above conditions apply, you might need to ensure that the ThreadLocal variables you are using for your custom facades are passed on by the ThreadContextExecutor. Please follow this documentation on how to achieve this.

  • now enables change detection by default, but can be disabled via DestinationService.Cache.disableChangeDetection().

    • DestinationService.Cache.enableChangeDetection() has been deprecated.

✨ New Functionality

  • OpenAPI generated objects can now write custom fields which are not part of the object's schema:
    • setCustomField("nameOfField", "valueOfField")
  • Destinations from SAP BTP Destination Service with AuthenticationType=ClientCertificateAuthentication now support PEM file format for provided key-stores.

📈 Improvements

  • Improved the resilience module structure. The de-facto standard resilience4j implementation is now included by default. It is no longer necessary to explicitly reference this module in the pom.xml, if resilience is already referenced or is present transitively.
  • Improved the upgrade path from SAP Cloud SDK version 4 by handling older implementations of Resilience4jDecorationStrategy in a graceful manner. In the previous releases, any occurrence of the maven module needed to be excluded (in case it came in transitively) to not conflict with This is no longer required, as the SAP Cloud SDK 4 strategy will be ignored now, if there is exactly one alternative.
  • Improved the application of resilience patterns for OAuth authorization flows. Stateful resilience patterns (e.g. circuit breaker) will now be applied per client_id of the OAuth client (was per instance of the OAuth service / destination).
  • Improved the ApacheHttpClient5CacheBuilder API, it would return a non-public class in the previous releases.
  • Dependency Updates:
    • SAP dependency updates:
    • Other dependency updates:
      • Update Guava from 32.1.3-jre to 33.0.0-jre
      • Update Jackson from 2.15.3 to 2.16.1
      • Update Commons Lang from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0
  • Destinations retrieved from the SAP BTP Destination Service now correctly evaluate the forwardAuthToken property if it has the authentication type NoAuthentication.

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where adding header providers to a destination after it had already been used to obtain an HttpClient would not work as expected.

5.1.0 - December 27, 2023

All Release Changes

🔧 Compatibility Notes

  • An earlier version of the V5 Upgrade Guide contained an instruction to move handling of DestinationAccessExceptions from DestinationAccessor.getDestination() to destination.getHeaders(). This instruction was incorrect and has been removed. In case you have followed this instruction, please revert the change.
  •, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment) has been deprecated in favor of, authority, path, query, fragment).
  • Deprecate the strategies LOOKUP_ONLY and LOOKUP_THEN_EXCHANGE of DestinationServiceTokenExchangeStrategy. They are replaced by the FORWARD_USER_TOKEN strategy. If there are any issues when using FORWARD_USER_TOKEN for destinations that require user tokens, please report them and use EXCHANGE_ONLY for such cases.
  • DestinationService.tryGetAllDestinations() and DestinationService.tryGetAllDestinations(DestinationOptions opts) have been deprecated in favor of DestinationService.getAllDestinationProperties().

✨ New Functionality

  • Added new API to retrieve destination properties only from the SAP BTP Destination Service. DestinationService now offers getDestinationProperties(String destinationName) and getAllDestinationProperties().

📈 Improvements

  • A warning is now logged when destinations with expired authentication tokens are used for requests.
  • SAP dependency updates:
  • Other dependency updates:

🐛 Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue where an invalid hostname in a destination would lead to an empty hostname. The hostname is now accepted.
  • Fix an issue where errors from token flows of destinations retrieved from the SAP BTP destination service were not handled consistently. For the non-default strategy LOOKUP_ONLY errors were handled too late and results would get cached unintentionally.

Major Version Update: 5.0.0

This is the first release of the SAP Cloud SDK as an open source project. As this is a new major version, this release contains a lot of (under the hood) improvements, refactoring, and other changes.

These release notes list the most relevant API changes. Please refer to the Upgrade Guide for detailed instructions on how to upgrade your project to version 5 and for a detailed list of changes.

Important Compatibility Changes with Version 5

Please take note of the following changes introduced with version 5:

  • The SAP Cloud SDK is now open source on
  • The minimum required Java version increased:
    • Java 17 is now the minimum required version to build and use the SAP Cloud SDK.
  • The integration with JavaEE servlets changed:
    • The Jakarta servlet namespace is now used for servlet integration.
  • The minimum required versions for Spring and the SAP BTP Security Libraries increased:
    • Spring 6 and SAP BTP Security Libraries version 3 are now the minimum required versions.
  • The compatibility with the SAP Java Buildpack changed:
    • Deployments to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry with packaging type war require version 2 of the SAP Java Buildpack.
  • The SAP BTP Neo Environment is no longer supported.
  • A significant number of modules have been renamed, moved or been removed. Please refer to the Upgrade Guide for the full list of module changes.

API Changes

Changes to the overall Destination API:

  • Both HttpDestination as well as HttpDestinationProperties are now sub-types of Destination for improved compatibility with the SAP Cloud SDK APIs.
  • The Destination#decorate method has been removed without replacement.
  • The public constructor of DefaultHttpDestination has been replaced with a static factory method DefaultHttpDestination#fromProperties.
    • We also added some extra static factory methods (DefaultHttpDestination#fromMap and DefaultHttpDestination#fromDestination) for convenience.
  • The public constructor of DefaultDestination has been replaced with a static factory method DefaultHttpDestination#fromMap.
    • We also added an extra static factory method DefaultHttpDestination#fromProperties for convenience.
  • The DefaultHttpDestination.Builder has been modified in the following ways:
    • The user(String) and password(String) methods have been replaced with basicCredentials(String, String).
    • Using any overload of basicCredentials will now automatically set the AuthenticationType to BASIC_AUTHENTICATION.
    • Using proxyConfiguration(ProxyConfiguration) will now throw an IllegalArgumentException in case the contained Credentials are not supported. Supported types are BearerCredentials and NoCredentials.
  • Changed the following DestinationPropertyKey instances:
    • AUTH_TYPE: authentication -> Authentication
    • CERTIFICATES: certificates -> cloudsdk.certificates
    • AUTH_TOKENS: authTokens -> cloudsdk.authTokens
    • These changes are most relevant for users who are not already using these constant DestinationPropertyKey instances but instead retrieved properties from DestinationProperties (and sub-types) using the get(String, Function) method.
  • The deprecated ClientCredentialsHttpDestination has been removed in favor of the improved OAuth2DestinationBuilder.
    • The OAuth2DestinationBuilder has been changed to allow for setting arbitrary destination properties after the OAuth2 configuration has been set.
    • The .withProperties(..) aspect of the builder has been replaced with .withProperty(..).
  • The BearerCredentials behavior has been adjusted slightly: The getToken() method no longer just returns the value passed in via the constructor but instead is now guaranteed to NOT contain the prefix "Bearer ". To compensate this change, the #getHttpHeaderValue() method has been added, which is guaranteed to contain the "Bearer " prefix.
  • The ScpCfDestination and ScpCfHttpDestination classes are replaced by the baseline Destination and DefaultHttpDestination implementations.
  • The ScpCfDestinationLoader has been renamed to DestinationService. All related classes have been renamed similarly:
    • ScpCfDestinationRetrievalStrategy -> DestinationServiceRetrievalStrategy
      • The deprecated CURRENT_TENANT_THEN_PROVIDER has been removed.
    • ScpCfDestinationTokenExchangeStrategy -> DestinationServiceTokenExchangeStrategy
    • ScpCfDestinationServiceV1Response -> DestinationServiceV1Response
  • Removed the following elements from enum

Changes to HTTP clients:

  • The HttpClientAccessor and ApacheHttpClient5Accessor classes are generalised to accept Destination instances, making invocations to .asHttp() superfluous when obtaining HTTP clients.
  • The getSslContext() method was removed from the CloudPlatform interface and the implementation was moved to the modules connectivity-apache-httpclient4 and connectivity-apache-httpclient5.

Changes to Multi-Tenancy APIs:

  • The public constructor of DefaultPrincipal now only accepts a String argument for principalId.
  • The PrincipalFacade of the PrincipalAccessor will default to DefaultPrincipalFacade in the case that a facade cannot be found.
  • The RequestHeaderContainer no longer splits header values.
  • The ODataRequestResult no longer splits header values.
  • The AuthTokenFacade of the AuthTokenAccessor will default to DefaultAuthTokenFacade
  • The TenantFacade of the TenantAccessor will default to DefaultTenantFacade
  • The TenantWithSubdomain#getSubdomain is now @Nullable.

Changes to the SAP Cloud Platform API:

  • The CloudPlatform interface and all related classes have been removed. In particular, the following classes have been removed:
    • ScpCfCloudPlatform and ScpNeoCloudPlatform
    • CloudPlatformAccessor and CloudPlatformFacade

Maven Module Changes

  • has been deprecated. Please use instead.
  • All classes related to the Apache Http Client 4 have been moved from to a new module
  • All classes related to the Apache Http Client 5 have been moved from to
  • All classes related to Resilience4j have been moved from to
  • All classes related to OAuth authorization flows have been moved into a new module
  • The cloudplatform-connectivity-scp-cf module got renamed to connectivity-destination-service.
    • To prevent breaking changes with the renamed module the cloudplatform-connectivity-scp-cf module is still available as a dependency, but it is empty and just contains a reference to the new module connectivity-destination-service.
  • All modules related to the SAP BTP Neo Environment have been removed.
  • All modules with suffixes -scp-cf have been merged into their respective baseline modules:
    • tenant-scp-cf has been merged into tenant
    • security-scp-cf has been merged into security
  • and have been removed.
  • All deprecated pre-generated clients for OData and OpenAPI have been removed:

Major Dependency Changes

  • Upgrade the SAP BTP Security Libraries ( from 2.14.2 to 3.3.0.
  • Upgrade Spring (org.springframework) from 5.3.29 to 6.1.1.
  • Upgrade SLF4J (org.slf4j) from 1.7.36 to 2.0.9.
  • Upgrade Caffeine (com.github.ben-manes.caffeine) from 2.9.3 to 3.1.8.
  • Change the servlet integration to the Jakarta namespace (jakarta.servlet).
  • The overall dependency footprint of the SAP Cloud SDK has been reduced significantly.
    • This also means that some dependencies have been removed from the sdk-bom.

Other Improvements

  • The Destination#asHttp() and Destination#asRfc() methods no longer always return a new instance of HttpDestination and RfcDestination if the current objects is already a HttpDestination or RfcDestination respectively.
  • The OData, OpenAPI and SOAP APIs are generalised to accept instances of Destination, making invocations to .asHttp() superfluous when executing OData or REST requests.
    • OData v2 and OpenAPI clients need to be re-generated to adjust for this change.
  • Destination#asHttp() no longer throws an exception in case the Destination originates from the Destination service and the attached auth token contains an error. Instead, an exception will be thrown upon invoking the getHeaders() method, for example, during request execution.
  • Loading a Destination from the SAP BTP Destination service will now:
    • No longer eagerly evaluate authentication tokens or On-Premise related headers (if applicable). Instead, those will be evaluated lazily upon request execution. As a consequence, the getHeaders method might now throw an exception if resolving (on-premise) authentication information fails.
    • Throw an exception if the tenant changed between loading and using the destination to execute requests.
    • Throw an exception if any of the attached certificates isn't valid.
  • Removed the javax.inject.Named annotation from code generated with any of the OData generators (v2, v4).

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed a bug where an Authorization header was attached multiple times to outgoing HTTP requests under some circumstances
  • Fixed an issue where the DestinationType of an DefaultHttpDestination could be changed to anything but DestinationType.HTTP
  • Fixed an issue with custom GSON serialization of OpenAPI generated classes having unexpected customFieldNames properties in JSON payload.