Class OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

Create OData request to execute an operation. For v2, only function, but not action, is supported.

Type Parameters

  • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers
  • ParametersT

    Type of the function import parameters.

  • ReturnT

    Type of the function import return value.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Creates an instance of OperationRequestBuilder.

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<
    • ParametersT
    • ReturnT


    • method: RequestMethodType

      HTTP method to be used for the request.

    • defaultBasePath: string

      Default base path for the service the operation belongs to.

    • operationName: string

      The name of the operation.

    • responseTransformer: (data: any) => ReturnT

      Transformation function for the response.

    • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

      Parameters to be set in the operation.

    • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      (De-)serializers used for transformation.

    Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


_deSerializers: DeSerializersT
responseTransformer: (data: any) => ReturnT


  • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.


    • headers: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.

    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.


    • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.

    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.


    • requestConfiguration: CustomRequestConfig

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.

    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


    • ...path: string[]

      Path to be appended.

    Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Execute request.


    • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

      Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

    • OptionaldataAccessor: (data: any) => any

      A function to modify the received response data.

    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.

  • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    • ...middlewares: HttpMiddleware[]

      Middlewares to be applied to the executeHttpRequest().

    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

    Returns string

    The relative URL for the request.

  • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


    • basePath: string

      Path to override the default with.

    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


    • id: string

      User-defined batch request identifier.

    Returns void

  • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.

    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

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