Class FilterLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

Data structure to represent filter on properties of a navigation property (link). In OData v2 filtering for navigation properties is ONLY supported for properties with a one-to-one cardinality (OneToOneLink).

In the following filter statement `Entity.requestBuilder().filter(Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(`,
`Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(` is a `FilterLink`.

In OData v4 filtering is also possible on one-to-many links. See {@link OneToManyLink}.

Type of the linked entity which is used in the filter.

Type Parameters




_deSerializers: DeSerializersT

Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

_entity: EntityT

Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.

_linkedEntityType: EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>

Linked entity to be filtered by.

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