Class OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT, SelectableT>

EdmTypeField, that represents a property with an EDM type, that can be compared with greaterThan, greaterOrEqual, lessThan and lessOrEqual.

Type Parameters

  • EntityT extends EntityBase

    Type of the entity the field belongs to.

  • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers
  • EdmT extends EdmTypeShared<"any">

    EDM type of the field.

  • NullableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

  • SelectableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



_deSerializers: DeSerializersT

Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

_entity: EntityT

Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
_fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
edmType: EdmT


  • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

    Returns string

    Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.