The following are the events for OpenJDK 22 (jdk-22.0.2+9, permalink, 15-November-2024), and Graal VM 24.0.2 (jdk-22.0.2) . The events are collected from the event configuration and the source code. Visit the jfreventcollector repository for more information. This is also the place you can contribute additional event descriptions, if you don't want to contribute them directly to the OpenJDK. The site generator lives on GitHub , too.
This page is maintained by Johannes Bechberger of the SapMachine team at SAP and contributors.
Some events have fake end times/durations; these are hidden in the event description here.
Flight Recorder
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
Who requested the recording and why
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static void post_events(bool exception_handler, Thread* thread) { if (exception_handler) { EventShutdown e; e.set_reason("VM Error"); e.commit(); } else { // OOM LeakProfiler::emit_events(max_jlong, false, false); } EventDumpReason event; event.set_reason(exception_handler ? "Crash" : "Out of Memory"); event.set_recordingId(-1); event.commit(); } void JfrEmergencyDump::on_vm_shutdown(bool exception_handler) { if (!guard_reentrancy()) { return; } Thread* thread = Thread::current_or_null_safe(); if (thread == nullptr) {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Reason Reason for writing recording data to disk |
recordingId | int | Recording Id Id of the recording that triggered the dump, or -1 if it was not related to a recording |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Flight Recorder
Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jlong, jfr_host_total_memory(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm)) #ifdef LINUX // We want the host memory, not the container limit. // os::physical_memory() would return the container limit. return os::Linux::physical_memory(); #else return os::physical_memory(); #endif JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_emit_data_loss(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jlong bytes)) EventDataLoss::commit(bytes, min_jlong); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jlong, jfr_register_stack_filter(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jobjectArray classes, jobjectArray methods)) return JfrStackFilterRegistry::add(classes, methods, thread); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_unregister_stack_filter(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jlong id)) JfrStackFilterRegistry::remove(id); JVM_END
assert(!buffer->transient(), "invariant"); assert(buffer->lease(), "invariant"); storage_instance.control().increment_leased(); return buffer; } } return acquire_transient(size, thread); } static void write_data_loss_event(JfrBuffer* buffer, u8 unflushed_size, Thread* thread) { assert(buffer != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(buffer->empty(), "invariant"); const u8 total_data_loss = thread->jfr_thread_local()->add_data_lost(unflushed_size); if (EventDataLoss::is_enabled()) { JfrNativeEventWriter writer(buffer, thread); writer.begin_event_write(false); writer.write<u8>(EventDataLoss::eventId); writer.write(JfrTicks::now()); writer.write(unflushed_size); writer.write(total_data_loss); writer.end_event_write(false); } } static void write_data_loss(BufferPtr buffer, Thread* thread) { assert(buffer != nullptr, "invariant"); const size_t unflushed_size = buffer->unflushed_size(); buffer->reinitialize();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
amount | ulong: bytes | Amount Amount lost data |
total | ulong: bytes | Total Total lost amount for thread |
experimental startTime duration 14 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
template <typename Functor> static u4 invoke(Functor& f) { f.process(); return f.elements(); } template <typename Functor> static u4 invoke_with_flush_event(Functor& f) { const u4 elements = invoke(f); EventFlush e(UNTIMED); e.set_starttime(f.start_time()); e.set_endtime(f.end_time()); e.set_flushId(flushpoint_id); e.set_elements(f.elements()); e.set_size(f.size()); e.commit(); return elements; } class StackTraceRepository : public StackObj { private:
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ns |
profiling | false | 0 ns |
Field | Type | Description |
flushId | ulong | Flush Identifier |
elements | ulong | Elements Written |
size | ulong: bytes | Size Written |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ActiveRecording") @Label("Flight Recording") @Category("Flight Recorder") @StackTrace(false) @RemoveFields({"duration", "eventThread", "stackTrace"}) public final class ActiveRecordingEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { // The order of these fields must be the same as the parameters in // commit(... , long, String, String, long, long, long, long, long) @Label("Id") public long id; @Label("Name") public String name; @Label("Destination")
// and check for missing files. This will emit more error logs that can be seen in subsequent recordings. for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) { r.removeNonExistantPaths(); } } } // Decrease initial reference count chunk.release(); FilePurger.purge(); } private void writeMetaEvents() { long timestamp = JVM.counterTime(); if (ActiveRecordingEvent.enabled()) { for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) { if (r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING && r.shouldWriteMetadataEvent()) { WriteableUserPath path = r.getDestination(); Duration age = r.getMaxAge(); Duration flush = r.getFlushInterval(); Long size = r.getMaxSize(); Instant rStart = r.getStartTime(); Duration rDuration = r.getDuration(); ActiveRecordingEvent.commit( timestamp, r.getId(), r.getName(), path == null ? null : path.getRealPathText(), r.isToDisk(), age == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : age.toMillis(), flush == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : flush.toMillis(), size == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : size, rStart == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : rStart.toEpochMilli(), rDuration == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : rDuration.toMillis() );
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketReadEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketWriteEvent.class,
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
id | long | Id |
name | string | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
destination | string | Destination Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
disk | boolean 21+ | To Disk |
maxAge | long: millis | Max Age |
flushInterval | long: millis 14+ | Flush Interval |
maxSize | long: bytes | Max Size |
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | Start Time |
recordingDuration | long: millis | Recording Duration |
Examples 3
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr
disk | boolean | true
flushInterval | long: millis | 1000
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 0
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702899981921
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 360834042
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr
disk | boolean | true
flushInterval | long: millis | 1000
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 262144000
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1727266203142
startTime | long: millis | 884453080167
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseParallelGC.jfr
disk | boolean | true
flushInterval | long: millis | 1000
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 0
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702899886817
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 416785542
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ActiveSetting") @Label("Recording Setting") @Category("Flight Recorder") @StackTrace(false) @RemoveFields({"duration", "eventThread", "stackTrace"}) public final class ActiveSettingEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { // The order of these fields must be the same as the parameters in // commit(... , long, String, String) @Label("Event Id") public long id; @Label("Setting Name") public String name; @Label("Setting Value")
r.getId(), r.getName(), path == null ? null : path.getRealPathText(), r.isToDisk(), age == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : age.toMillis(), flush == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : flush.toMillis(), size == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : size, rStart == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : rStart.toEpochMilli(), rDuration == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : rDuration.toMillis() ); } } } if (ActiveSettingEvent.enabled()) { for (EventControl ec : MetadataRepository.getInstance().getEventControls()) { ec.writeActiveSettingEvent(timestamp); } } } private void periodicTask() { if (!JVMSupport.hasJFR()) { return; } while (true) {
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketReadEvent.class,
void writeActiveSettingEvent(long timestamp) { if (!type.isRegistered()) { return; } for (NamedControl nc : namedControls) { if (nc.control.isVisible(type.hasEventHook()) && type.isVisible()) { String value = nc.control.getLastValue(); if (value == null) { value = nc.control.getDefaultValue(); } if (ActiveSettingEvent.enabled()) { ActiveSettingEvent.commit(timestamp, type.getId(),, value); } } } } public ArrayList<NamedControl> getNamedControls() { return namedControls; } public PlatformEventType getEventType() { return type;
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
id | long | Event Id |
name | string | Setting Name |
value | string | Setting Value |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine
Description of JVM and the Java application
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
PeriodicType JfrPeriodicEventSet::type(void) { return _type; } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ResidentSetSize) { os::jfr_report_memory_info(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JVMInformation) { ResourceMark rm; EventJVMInformation event; event.set_jvmName(VM_Version::vm_name()); event.set_jvmVersion(VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string()); event.set_javaArguments(Arguments::java_command()); event.set_jvmArguments(Arguments::jvm_args()); event.set_jvmFlags(Arguments::jvm_flags()); event.set_jvmStartTime(Management::vm_init_done_time()); event.set_pid(os::current_process_id()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(OSInformation) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
jvmName | string | JVM Name |
jvmVersion | string | JVM Version |
jvmArguments | string | JVM Command Line Arguments |
jvmFlags | string | JVM Settings File Arguments |
javaArguments | string | Java Application Arguments |
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | JVM Start Time |
pid | long | Process Identifier |
Examples 3
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseSerialGC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702899981604
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 14273
startTime | long: millis | 96709433583
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseG1GC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1727266202802
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (22+36) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (22+36), built on 2024-03-13T13:18:01Z by "sapmachine" with clang Apple LLVM 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)
pid | long | 26284
startTime | long: millis | 791758941375
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseParallelGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseParallelGC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702899886436
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 13981
startTime | long: millis | 75084757333
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine
System Property at JVM start
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
jlong max_size = conf.has_max_size_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.max_size(); EventYoungGenerationConfiguration event; event.set_maxSize((u8)max_size); event.set_minSize(conf.min_size()); event.set_newRatio(static_cast<unsigned int>(conf.new_ratio())); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(InitialSystemProperty) { SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties(); JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now(); while (p != nullptr) { if (!p->internal()) { EventInitialSystemProperty event(UNTIMED); event.set_key(p->key()); event.set_value(p->value()); event.set_starttime(time_stamp); event.set_endtime(time_stamp); event.commit(); } p = p->next(); } } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadAllocationStatistics) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | Key |
value | string | Value |
Examples 3
JVM: Class Loading
startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// readers (we must ensure write ordering) // // Note that placeholders are deleted at any time, as they are removed // when a class is completely loaded. Therefore, readers as well as writers // of placeholders must hold the SystemDictionary_lock. // class BootstrapInfo; class ClassFileStream; class ClassLoadInfo; class Dictionary; class PackageEntry; class GCTimer; class EventClassLoad; class Symbol; class SystemDictionary : AllStatic { friend class BootstrapInfo; friend class vmClasses; friend class VMStructs; public: // Returns a class with a given class name and class loader. Loads the // class if needed. If not found a NoClassDefFoundError or a
static bool check_shared_class_super_type(InstanceKlass* klass, InstanceKlass* super, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, bool is_superclass, TRAPS); static bool check_shared_class_super_types(InstanceKlass* ik, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, TRAPS); // Second part of load_shared_class static void load_shared_class_misc(InstanceKlass* ik, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) NOT_CDS_RETURN; protected: // Used by SystemDictionaryShared static bool add_loader_constraint(Symbol* name, Klass* klass_being_linked, Handle loader1, Handle loader2); static void post_class_load_event(EventClassLoad* event, const InstanceKlass* k, const ClassLoaderData* init_cld); static InstanceKlass* load_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, TRAPS); static InstanceKlass* load_shared_class(InstanceKlass* ik, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, const ClassFileStream *cfs, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, TRAPS);
InstanceKlass* loaded_lambda = SystemDictionary::load_shared_lambda_proxy_class(lambda_ik, class_loader, protection_domain, pkg_entry, CHECK_NULL); if (loaded_lambda == nullptr) { return nullptr; } // Ensures the nest host is the same as the lambda proxy's // nest host recorded at dump time. InstanceKlass* nest_host = caller_ik->nest_host(THREAD); assert(nest_host == shared_nest_host, "mismatched nest host"); EventClassLoad class_load_start_event; // Add to class hierarchy, and do possible deoptimizations. loaded_lambda->add_to_hierarchy(THREAD); // But, do not add to dictionary. loaded_lambda->link_class(CHECK_NULL); // notify jvmti if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) { JvmtiExport::post_class_load(THREAD, loaded_lambda); } if (class_load_start_event.should_commit()) {
InstanceKlass* check = loader_data->dictionary()->find_class(current, name); if (check != nullptr) { // Klass is already loaded, so just return it return check; } // check if other thread failed to load and cleaned up oldprobe = PlaceholderTable::get_entry(name, loader_data); } } } return nullptr; } void SystemDictionary::post_class_load_event(EventClassLoad* event, const InstanceKlass* k, const ClassLoaderData* init_cld) { assert(event != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(k != nullptr, "invariant"); event->set_loadedClass(k); event->set_definingClassLoader(k->class_loader_data()); event->set_initiatingClassLoader(init_cld); event->commit(); } // SystemDictionary::resolve_instance_class_or_null is the main function for class name resolution. // After checking if the InstanceKlass already exists, it checks for ClassCircularityError and // whether the thread must wait for loading in parallel. It eventually calls load_instance_class, // which will load the class via the bootstrap loader or call ClassLoader.loadClass(). // This can return null, an exception or an InstanceKlass. InstanceKlass* SystemDictionary::resolve_instance_class_or_null(Symbol* name, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, TRAPS) { // name must be in the form of "java/lang/Object" -- cannot be "Ljava/lang/Object;" assert(name != nullptr && !Signature::is_array(name) && !Signature::has_envelope(name), "invalid class name"); EventClassLoad class_load_start_event; HandleMark hm(THREAD); // Fix for 4474172; see evaluation for more details class_loader = Handle(THREAD, java_lang_ClassLoader::non_reflection_class_loader(class_loader())); ClassLoaderData* loader_data = register_loader(class_loader); Dictionary* dictionary = loader_data->dictionary(); // Do lookup to see if class already exists and the protection domain // has the right access. // This call uses find which checks protection domain already matches
// Note: this method is much like resolve_class_from_stream, but // does not publish the classes in the SystemDictionary. // Handles Lookup.defineClass hidden. InstanceKlass* SystemDictionary::resolve_hidden_class_from_stream( ClassFileStream* st, Symbol* class_name, Handle class_loader, const ClassLoadInfo& cl_info, TRAPS) { EventClassLoad class_load_start_event; ClassLoaderData* loader_data; // - for hidden classes that are not strong: create a new CLD that has a class holder and // whose loader is the Lookup class's loader. // - for hidden class: add the class to the Lookup class's loader's CLD. assert (cl_info.is_hidden(), "only used for hidden classes"); bool create_mirror_cld = !cl_info.is_strong_hidden(); loader_data = register_loader(class_loader, create_mirror_cld); assert(st != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(st->need_verify(), "invariant");
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | false | true | 0 ms |
profiling | false | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
loadedClass | Class | Loaded Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Initiating Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/spi
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 181
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/DecimalFormatSymbols;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 25
name | string | getInstance
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/text
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 398637042
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | true
modifiers | int | 4112
name | string |$$Lambda+0x000007f806382a98/1585496022
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/storage
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;ZILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1025
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 840683095417
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/text/spi/DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/text/spi
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 181
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/DecimalFormatSymbols;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 25
name | string | getInstance
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/text
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 461266458
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// before references to the initiating class loader. loader_data->record_dependency(loaded_class); update_dictionary(THREAD, loaded_class, loader_data); if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) { JvmtiExport::post_class_load(THREAD, loaded_class); } } return loaded_class; } static void post_class_define_event(InstanceKlass* k, const ClassLoaderData* def_cld) { EventClassDefine event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_definedClass(k); event.set_definingClassLoader(def_cld); event.commit(); } } void SystemDictionary::define_instance_class(InstanceKlass* k, Handle class_loader, TRAPS) { ClassLoaderData* loader_data = k->class_loader_data(); assert(loader_data->class_loader() == class_loader(), "they must be the same");
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
definedClass | Class | Defined Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/reflect/api/ImplicitTags
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/reflect/api
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1025
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 843501814458
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/jar/Manifest$FastInputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/jar
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 287
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/jar/Manifest
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/jar
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 380962583
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/logging/StreamHandler
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.logging
name | string | java.logging
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/logging
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 266
name | string | findBootstrapClass
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 450507125
default profiling startTime 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
_timer_rsc_phase1.stop(); if (log_is_enabled(Info, redefine, class, timer)) { _timer_rsc_phase2.start(); } if (the_class->oop_map_cache() != nullptr) { // Flush references to any obsolete methods from the oop map cache // so that obsolete methods are not pinned. the_class->oop_map_cache()->flush_obsolete_entries(); } increment_class_counter(the_class); if (EventClassRedefinition::is_enabled()) { EventClassRedefinition event; event.set_classModificationCount(java_lang_Class::classRedefinedCount(the_class->java_mirror())); event.set_redefinedClass(the_class); event.set_redefinitionId(_id); event.commit(); } { ResourceMark rm(current); // increment the classRedefinedCount field in the_class and in any // direct and indirect subclasses of the_class log_info(redefine, class, load)
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
redefinedClass | Class | Redefined Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
classModificationCount | int | Class Modification Count The number of times the class has changed |
redefinitionId | ulong | Class Redefinition Id |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_classCount(class_count); event.set_redefinitionId(; event.commit(); } return error; } /* end RetransformClasses */ // class_count - pre-checked to be greater than or equal to 0 // class_definitions - pre-checked for null jvmtiError JvmtiEnv::RedefineClasses(jint class_count, const jvmtiClassDefinition* class_definitions) { //TODO: add locking EventRedefineClasses event; VM_RedefineClasses op(class_count, class_definitions, jvmti_class_load_kind_redefine); VMThread::execute(&op); jvmtiError error = op.check_error(); if (error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { event.set_classCount(class_count); event.set_redefinitionId(; event.commit(); } return error; } /* end RedefineClasses */
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
classCount | int | Class Count |
redefinitionId | ulong | Class Redefinition Id |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
class_definitions[index].class_byte_count = (jint)reconstituter.class_file_size(); class_definitions[index].class_bytes = (unsigned char*) reconstituter.class_file_bytes(); } else { // it is cached, get it from the cache class_definitions[index].class_byte_count = ik->get_cached_class_file_len(); class_definitions[index].class_bytes = ik->get_cached_class_file_bytes(); } class_definitions[index].klass = jcls; } EventRetransformClasses event; VM_RedefineClasses op(class_count, class_definitions, jvmti_class_load_kind_retransform); VMThread::execute(&op); jvmtiError error = op.check_error(); if (error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { event.set_classCount(class_count); event.set_redefinitionId(; event.commit(); } return error; } /* end RetransformClasses */
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
classCount | int | Class Count |
redefinitionId | ulong | Class Redefinition Id |
startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
ClassLoadingService::notify_class_unloaded(ik); SystemDictionaryShared::handle_class_unloading(ik); if (log_is_enabled(Info, class, unload)) { ResourceMark rm; log_info(class, unload)("unloading class %s " PTR_FORMAT, ik->external_name(), p2i(ik)); } Events::log_class_unloading(Thread::current(), ik); #if INCLUDE_JFR assert(ik != nullptr, "invariant"); EventClassUnload event; event.set_unloadedClass(ik); event.set_definingClassLoader(ik->class_loader_data()); event.commit(); #endif } static void method_release_C_heap_structures(Method* m) { m->release_C_heap_structures(); } // Called also by InstanceKlass::deallocate_contents, with false for release_sub_metadata.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
unloadedClass | Class | Unloaded Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 3889419208
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/collection/SortedSetFactoryDefaults
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 4558925167
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/runtime/java8/JFunction1$mcZJ$sp
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/runtime/java8
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 852482484500
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | scala/collection/Hashing$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection
JVM: Code Cache
default profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
A code heap is full, this leads to disabling the compiler
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
{ ttyLocker ttyl; tty->print("%s", s.freeze()); } if (full_count == 1) { if (PrintCodeHeapAnalytics) { CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(tty, "all", 4096); // details, may be a lot! } } } EventCodeCacheFull event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_codeBlobType((u1)code_blob_type); event.set_startAddress((u8)heap->low_boundary()); event.set_commitedTopAddress((u8)heap->high()); event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)heap->high_boundary()); event.set_entryCount(heap->blob_count()); event.set_methodCount(heap->nmethod_count()); event.set_adaptorCount(heap->adapter_count()); event.set_unallocatedCapacity(heap->unallocated_capacity()); event.set_fullCount(heap->full_count()); event.set_codeCacheMaxCapacity(CodeCache::max_capacity());
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
codeBlobType | CodeBlobType | Code Heap Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
commitedTopAddress | ulong: address | Commited Top |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
entryCount | int | Entries |
methodCount | int | Methods |
adaptorCount | int | Adaptors |
unallocatedCapacity | ulong: bytes | Unallocated |
fullCount | int | Full Count |
codeCacheMaxCapacity | ulong: bytes 17+ | Code Cache Maximum Capacity |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerConfiguration) { EventCompilerConfiguration event; event.set_threadCount(static_cast<s4>(CICompilerCount)); event.set_tieredCompilation(TieredCompilation); event.set_dynamicCompilerThreadCount(UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheStatistics) { // Emit stats for all available code heaps for (int bt_index = 0; bt_index < static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::NumTypes); ++bt_index) { const CodeBlobType bt = static_cast<CodeBlobType>(bt_index); if (CodeCache::heap_available(bt)) { EventCodeCacheStatistics event; event.set_codeBlobType((u1)bt); event.set_startAddress((u8)CodeCache::low_bound(bt)); event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)CodeCache::high_bound(bt)); event.set_entryCount(CodeCache::blob_count(bt)); event.set_methodCount(CodeCache::nmethod_count(bt)); event.set_adaptorCount(CodeCache::adapter_count(bt)); event.set_unallocatedCapacity(CodeCache::unallocated_capacity(bt)); event.set_fullCount(CodeCache::get_codemem_full_count(bt)); event.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
codeBlobType | CodeBlobType | Code Heap Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
entryCount | int | Entries |
methodCount | int | Methods |
adaptorCount | int | Adaptors |
unallocatedCapacity | ulong: bytes | Unallocated |
fullCount | int | Full Count |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_startAddress((u8)CodeCache::low_bound(bt)); event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)CodeCache::high_bound(bt)); event.set_entryCount(CodeCache::blob_count(bt)); event.set_methodCount(CodeCache::nmethod_count(bt)); event.set_adaptorCount(CodeCache::adapter_count(bt)); event.set_unallocatedCapacity(CodeCache::unallocated_capacity(bt)); event.set_fullCount(CodeCache::get_codemem_full_count(bt)); event.commit(); } } } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheConfiguration) { EventCodeCacheConfiguration event; event.set_initialSize(InitialCodeCacheSize); event.set_reservedSize(ReservedCodeCacheSize); event.set_nonNMethodSize(NonNMethodCodeHeapSize); event.set_profiledSize(ProfiledCodeHeapSize); event.set_nonProfiledSize(NonProfiledCodeHeapSize); event.set_expansionSize(CodeCacheExpansionSize); event.set_minBlockLength(CodeCacheMinBlockLength); event.set_startAddress((u8)CodeCache::low_bound()); event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)CodeCache::high_bound()); event.commit(); }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
initialSize | ulong: bytes | Initial Size |
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | Reserved Size |
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | Non-nmethod Size |
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | Profiled Size |
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | Non-profiled Size |
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | Expansion size |
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | Minimum Block Length |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
Examples 3
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 4797415424
startAddress | ulong: address | 4545757184
startTime | long: millis | 833251964000
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 4733009920
startAddress | ulong: address | 4481351680
startTime | long: millis | 96717754667
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 5217714176
startAddress | ulong: address | 4966055936
startTime | long: millis | 78960108292
JVM: Compiler
default profiling startTime eventThread 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
Restart of the JIT compilers after they were stopped
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
delete curr; curr = next; } _exception_cache_purge_list = nullptr; } // Restart compiler if possible and required.. void CodeCache::maybe_restart_compiler(size_t freed_memory) { // Try to start the compiler again if we freed any memory if (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs() && freed_memory != 0) { CompileBroker::set_should_compile_new_jobs(CompileBroker::run_compilation); log_info(codecache)("Restarting compiler"); EventJITRestart event; event.set_freedMemory(freed_memory); event.set_codeCacheMaxCapacity(CodeCache::max_capacity()); event.commit(); } } uint8_t CodeCache::_unloading_cycle = 1; void CodeCache::increment_unloading_cycle() { // 2-bit value (see IsUnloadingState in nmethod.cpp for details) // 0 is reserved for new methods.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
freedMemory | ulong: bytes | Freed Memory |
codeCacheMaxCapacity | ulong: bytes | Code Cache Maximum Capacity |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
Results of method compilation attempts
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#if INCLUDE_JFR #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp" #endif class ciMethod; template <typename> class GrowableArray; class Method; class EventCompilation; class EventCompilationFailure; class EventCompilerInlining; class EventCompilerPhase; struct JfrStructCalleeMethod; class CompilerEvent : AllStatic { public: static jlong ticksNow() { // Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder. JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L); } class CompilationEvent : AllStatic { public: static void post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); }; class CompilationFailureEvent : AllStatic { public: static void post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); }; class PhaseEvent : AllStatic { friend class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant; public:
void CompileBroker::handle_compile_error(CompilerThread* thread, CompileTask* task, ciEnv* ci_env, int compilable, const char* failure_reason) { if (!AbortVMOnCompilationFailure) { return; } if (compilable == ciEnv::MethodCompilable_not_at_tier) { fatal("Not compilable at tier %d: %s", task->comp_level(), failure_reason); } if (compilable == ciEnv::MethodCompilable_never) { fatal("Never compilable: %s", failure_reason); } } static void post_compilation_event(EventCompilation& event, CompileTask* task) { assert(task != nullptr, "invariant"); CompilerEvent::CompilationEvent::post(event, task->compile_id(), task->compiler()->type(), task->method(), task->comp_level(), task->is_success(), task->osr_bci() != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci, task->nm_total_size(), task->num_inlined_bytecodes()); } int DirectivesStack::_depth = 0;
// Allocate a new set of JNI handles. JNIHandleMark jhm(thread); Method* target_handle = task->method(); int compilable = ciEnv::MethodCompilable; const char* failure_reason = nullptr; bool failure_reason_on_C_heap = false; const char* retry_message = nullptr; #if INCLUDE_JVMCI if (UseJVMCICompiler && comp != nullptr && comp->is_jvmci()) { JVMCICompiler* jvmci = (JVMCICompiler*) comp; TraceTime t1("compilation", &time); EventCompilation event; JVMCICompileState compile_state(task, jvmci); JVMCIRuntime *runtime = nullptr; if (JVMCI::in_shutdown()) { failure_reason = "in JVMCI shutdown"; retry_message = "not retryable"; compilable = ciEnv::MethodCompilable_never; } else if (compile_state.target_method_is_old()) { // Skip redefined methods failure_reason = "redefined method"; retry_message = "not retryable";
bool method_is_old = ci_env.cache_jvmti_state(); // Skip redefined methods if (method_is_old) { ci_env.record_method_not_compilable("redefined method", true); } // Cache DTrace flags ci_env.cache_dtrace_flags(); ciMethod* target = ci_env.get_method_from_handle(target_handle); TraceTime t1("compilation", &time); EventCompilation event; if (comp == nullptr) { ci_env.record_method_not_compilable("no compiler"); } else if (!ci_env.failing()) { if (WhiteBoxAPI && WhiteBox::compilation_locked) { whitebox_lock_compilation(); } comp->compile_method(&ci_env, target, osr_bci, true, directive); /* Repeat compilation without installing code for profiling purposes */ int repeat_compilation_count = directive->RepeatCompilationOption;
template <typename EventType> static inline void commit(EventType& event) { JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current(); JavaThreadState state = thread->thread_state(); if (state == _thread_in_native) { ThreadInVMfromNative transition(thread); event.commit(); } else { assert(state == _thread_in_vm, "coming from wrong thread state %d", state); event.commit(); } } void CompilerEvent::CompilationEvent::post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType compiler_type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) { event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_compiler(compiler_type); event.set_method(method); event.set_compileLevel((short)compile_level); event.set_succeded(success); event.set_isOsr(is_osr); event.set_codeSize(code_size); event.set_inlinedBytes(inlined_bytecodes); commit(event); }
* Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link EventProvider}. This implementation * can be used when no logging is requested. */ static EventProvider createEmptyEventProvider() { return new EmptyEventProvider(); } /** * Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link CompilationEvent}. */ static CompilationEvent createEmptyCompilationEvent() { return new EmptyCompilationEvent(); } /** * Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link CompilationEvent}. */ static CompilerFailureEvent createEmptyCompilerFailureEvent() { return new EmptyCompilerFailureEvent(); } /** * An instant event is an event that is not considered to have taken any time.
/** * Ends the timing period for this event. */ void end(); } /** * Creates a new {@link CompilationEvent}. * * @return a compilation event */ CompilationEvent newCompilationEvent(); /** * A compilation event. */ public interface CompilationEvent extends TimedEvent { void setMethod(String method); void setCompileId(int compileId); void setCompileLevel(int compileLevel); void setSucceeded(boolean succeeded);
package; /** * An empty implementation for {@link EventProvider}. This implementation is used when no logging is * requested. */ final class EmptyEventProvider implements EventProvider { static InternalError shouldNotReachHere() { throw new InternalError("should not reach here"); } @Override public CompilationEvent newCompilationEvent() { return new EmptyCompilationEvent(); } static class EmptyCompilationEvent implements CompilationEvent { @Override public void commit() { throw shouldNotReachHere(); } @Override public boolean shouldWrite() { // Events of this class should never been written. return false; }
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 100 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | int | Compilation Identifier |
compiler | CompilerType 14+ | Compiler Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
method | Method | Method Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
compileLevel | ushort | Compilation Level |
succeded | boolean | Succeeded |
isOsr | boolean | On Stack Replacement |
codeSize | ulong: bytes | Compiled Code Size |
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | Inlined Code Size |
Examples 3
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 35920
compileId | int | 105910
compileLevel | ushort | 4
compiler | CompilerType | c2
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 4542
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/Symbols$Symbol;Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/Scopes$Scope;Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/Contexts$Context;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | enter
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymDenotations$ClassDenotation
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | dotty/tools/dotc/core
startTime | long: millis | 905936627042
succeded | boolean | true
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 10736
compileId | int | 15307
compileLevel | ushort | 4
compiler | CompilerType | c2
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 2815
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | hashCodeAscii
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | io/netty/util/internal/PlatformDependent
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/util/internal
startTime | long: millis | 35336696500
succeded | boolean | true
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 6160
compileId | int | 6487
compileLevel | ushort | 4
compiler | CompilerType | c2
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 935
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lakka/actor/ActorRef;Z)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | supervise
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | akka/actor/ActorCell
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | akka/actor
startTime | long: millis | 10169870500
succeded | boolean | true
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
Describes various phases of the compilation process like inlining or string optimization related phases
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
if (n->is_Allocate()) { if (i != allocates) { Node* tmp = macro_node(allocates); _macro_nodes.at_put(allocates, n); _macro_nodes.at_put(i, tmp); } allocates++; } } } void Compile::print_method(CompilerPhaseType cpt, int level, Node* n) { if (failing()) { return; } EventCompilerPhase event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, C->_latest_stage_start_counter, cpt, C->_compile_id, level); } #ifndef PRODUCT ResourceMark rm; stringStream ss; ss.print_raw(CompilerPhaseTypeHelper::to_description(cpt)); if (n != nullptr) { ss.print(": %d %s ", n->_idx, NodeClassNames[n->Opcode()]); }
// Only used from CompileWrapper void Compile::begin_method() { #ifndef PRODUCT if (_method != nullptr && should_print_igv(1)) { _igv_printer->begin_method(); } #endif C->_latest_stage_start_counter.stamp(); } // Only used from CompileWrapper void Compile::end_method() { EventCompilerPhase event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, C->_latest_stage_start_counter, PHASE_END, C->_compile_id, 1); } #ifndef PRODUCT if (_method != nullptr && should_print_igv(1)) { _igv_printer->end_method(); } #endif }
#if INCLUDE_JFR #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp" #endif class ciMethod; template <typename> class GrowableArray; class Method; class EventCompilation; class EventCompilationFailure; class EventCompilerInlining; class EventCompilerPhase; struct JfrStructCalleeMethod; class CompilerEvent : AllStatic { public: static jlong ticksNow() { // Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder. JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L); } class CompilationEvent : AllStatic { public:
class PhaseEvent : AllStatic { friend class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant; public: // Gets a unique identifier for `phase_name`, computing and registering it first if necessary. // If `may_exist` is true, then current registrations are searched first. If false, then // there must not be an existing registration for `phase_name`. // If `use_strdup` is true, then `phase_name` is strdup'ed before registration. // If `sync` is true, then access to the registration table is synchronized. static int get_phase_id(const char* phase_name, bool may_exist, bool use_strdup, bool sync) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(-1); static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, jlong start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) { JFR_ONLY(post(event, Ticks(start_time), phase, compile_id, level);) } }; class InlineEvent : AllStatic { static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); public: static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, Method* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); }; };
event.set_succeded(success); event.set_isOsr(is_osr); event.set_codeSize(code_size); event.set_inlinedBytes(inlined_bytecodes); commit(event); } void CompilerEvent::CompilationFailureEvent::post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) { event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_failureMessage(reason); event.commit(); } void CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) { event.set_starttime(start_time); event.set_phase((u1) phase); event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_phaseLevel((short)level); event.commit(); } void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) { event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_caller(caller); event.set_callee(callee);
C2V_END C2V_VMENTRY_0(jint, registerCompilerPhase, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jphase_name)) #if INCLUDE_JFR JVMCIObject phase_name = JVMCIENV->wrap(jphase_name); const char *name = JVMCIENV->as_utf8_string(phase_name); return CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::get_phase_id(name, true, true, true); #else return -1; #endif // !INCLUDE_JFR C2V_END C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerPhaseEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong startTime, jint phase, jint compileId, jint level)) EventCompilerPhase event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, startTime, phase, compileId, level); } C2V_END C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerInliningEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint compileId, ARGUMENT_PAIR(caller), ARGUMENT_PAIR(callee), jboolean succeeded, jstring jmessage, jint bci)) EventCompilerInlining event; if (event.should_commit()) { Method* caller = UNPACK_PAIR(Method, caller); Method* callee = UNPACK_PAIR(Method, callee); JVMCIObject message = JVMCIENV->wrap(jmessage);
/** * @return current JFR time stamp */ public static long now() { return compilerToVM().ticksNow(); } } /** * Helper methods for managing JFR CompilerPhase events. The events are defined in {@code * src/share/jfr/metadata/metadata.xml}. */ public static final class CompilerPhaseEvent { private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> phaseToId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static int getPhaseToId(String phaseName) { return phaseToId.computeIfAbsent(phaseName, k -> compilerToVM().registerCompilerPhase(phaseName)); } /** * Commits a CompilerPhase event. * * @param startTime time captured at the start of compiler phase
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 60 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
phase | CompilerPhaseType | Compile Phase |
compileId | int | Compilation Identifier |
phaseLevel | ushort | Phase Level |
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
In case a JIT compilation failed, a compilation failure is triggered, reporting the reason
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#if INCLUDE_JFR #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp" #endif class ciMethod; template <typename> class GrowableArray; class Method; class EventCompilation; class EventCompilationFailure; class EventCompilerInlining; class EventCompilerPhase; struct JfrStructCalleeMethod; class CompilerEvent : AllStatic { public: static jlong ticksNow() { // Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder. JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L); } class CompilationEvent : AllStatic { public: static void post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); }; class CompilationFailureEvent : AllStatic { public: static void post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); }; class PhaseEvent : AllStatic { friend class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant; public: // Gets a unique identifier for `phase_name`, computing and registering it first if necessary. // If `may_exist` is true, then current registrations are searched first. If false, then // there must not be an existing registration for `phase_name`. // If `use_strdup` is true, then `phase_name` is strdup'ed before registration. // If `sync` is true, then access to the registration table is synchronized.
void CompilerEvent::CompilationEvent::post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType compiler_type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) { event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_compiler(compiler_type); event.set_method(method); event.set_compileLevel((short)compile_level); event.set_succeded(success); event.set_isOsr(is_osr); event.set_codeSize(code_size); event.set_inlinedBytes(inlined_bytecodes); commit(event); } void CompilerEvent::CompilationFailureEvent::post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) { event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_failureMessage(reason); event.commit(); } void CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) { event.set_starttime(start_time); event.set_phase((u1) phase); event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_phaseLevel((short)level); event.commit();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ciEnv::record_failure() void ciEnv::record_failure(const char* reason) { if (_failure_reason.get() == nullptr) { // Record the first failure reason. _failure_reason.set(reason); } } void ciEnv::report_failure(const char* reason) { EventCompilationFailure event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::CompilationFailureEvent::post(event, compile_id(), reason); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ciEnv::record_method_not_compilable() void ciEnv::record_method_not_compilable(const char* reason, bool all_tiers) { int new_compilable = all_tiers ? MethodCompilable_never : MethodCompilable_not_at_tier ; // Only note transitions to a worse state if (new_compilable > _compilable) {
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
failureMessage | string | Failure Message |
compileId | int | Compilation Identifier |
Examples 3
startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler / Optimization
Describes the result of a method inlining attempt
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(callee_method, inline_level(), caller_bci, inlining_result_of(success), inline_msg); if (C->print_inlining()) { C->print_inlining(callee_method, inline_level(), caller_bci, inlining_result_of(success), inline_msg); guarantee(callee_method != nullptr, "would crash in CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post"); if (Verbose) { const InlineTree *top = this; while (top->caller_tree() != nullptr) { top = top->caller_tree(); } //tty->print(" bcs: %d+%d invoked: %d", top->count_inline_bcs(), callee_method->code_size(), callee_method->interpreter_invocation_count()); } } EventCompilerInlining event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(event, C->compile_id(), caller_method->get_Method(), callee_method, success, inline_msg, caller_bci); } } //------------------------------ok_to_inline----------------------------------- bool InlineTree::ok_to_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, JVMState* jvms, ciCallProfile& profile, bool& should_delay) { #ifdef ASSERT assert(callee_method != nullptr, "caller checks for optimized virtual!"); // Make sure the incoming jvms has the same information content as me.
#if INCLUDE_JFR #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp" #endif class ciMethod; template <typename> class GrowableArray; class Method; class EventCompilation; class EventCompilationFailure; class EventCompilerInlining; class EventCompilerPhase; struct JfrStructCalleeMethod; class CompilerEvent : AllStatic { public: static jlong ticksNow() { // Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder. JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L); }
// there must not be an existing registration for `phase_name`. // If `use_strdup` is true, then `phase_name` is strdup'ed before registration. // If `sync` is true, then access to the registration table is synchronized. static int get_phase_id(const char* phase_name, bool may_exist, bool use_strdup, bool sync) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(-1); static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, jlong start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) { JFR_ONLY(post(event, Ticks(start_time), phase, compile_id, level);) } }; class InlineEvent : AllStatic { static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); public: static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, Method* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN(); }; }; #endif // SHARE_COMPILER_COMPILEREVENT_HPP
event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_failureMessage(reason); event.commit(); } void CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) { event.set_starttime(start_time); event.set_phase((u1) phase); event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_phaseLevel((short)level); event.commit(); } void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) { event.set_compileId(compile_id); event.set_caller(caller); event.set_callee(callee); event.set_succeeded(success); event.set_message(msg); event.set_bci(bci); commit(event); } void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, Method* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) { JfrStructCalleeMethod callee_struct; callee_struct.set_type(callee->klass_name()->as_utf8()); callee_struct.set_name(callee->name()->as_utf8()); callee_struct.set_descriptor(callee->signature()->as_utf8()); post(event, compile_id, caller, callee_struct, success, msg, bci); } void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) { JfrStructCalleeMethod callee_struct; callee_struct.set_type(callee->holder()->name()->as_utf8()); callee_struct.set_name(callee->name()->as_utf8()); callee_struct.set_descriptor(callee->signature()->as_symbol()->as_utf8()); post(event, compile_id, caller, callee_struct, success, msg, bci); }
#else return -1; #endif // !INCLUDE_JFR C2V_END C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerPhaseEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong startTime, jint phase, jint compileId, jint level)) EventCompilerPhase event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, startTime, phase, compileId, level); } C2V_END C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerInliningEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint compileId, ARGUMENT_PAIR(caller), ARGUMENT_PAIR(callee), jboolean succeeded, jstring jmessage, jint bci)) EventCompilerInlining event; if (event.should_commit()) { Method* caller = UNPACK_PAIR(Method, caller); Method* callee = UNPACK_PAIR(Method, callee); JVMCIObject message = JVMCIENV->wrap(jmessage); CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(event, compileId, caller, callee, succeeded, JVMCIENV->as_utf8_string(message), bci); } C2V_END C2V_VMENTRY(void, setThreadLocalObject, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint id, jobject value)) requireInHotSpot("setThreadLocalObject", JVMCI_CHECK); if (id == 0) {
void GraphBuilder::print_inlining(ciMethod* callee, const char* msg, bool success) { CompileLog* log = compilation()->log(); if (log != nullptr) { assert(msg != nullptr, "inlining msg should not be null!"); if (success) { log->inline_success(msg); } else { log->inline_fail(msg); } } EventCompilerInlining event; if (event.should_commit()) { CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(event, compilation()->env()->task()->compile_id(), method()->get_Method(), callee, success, msg, bci()); } CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), inlining_result_of(success), msg); if (!compilation()->directive()->PrintInliningOption) { return; } CompileTask::print_inlining_tty(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), inlining_result_of(success), msg); if (success && CIPrintMethodCodes) {
* @param phaseName compiler phase name * @param compileId current compilation unit id * @param phaseLevel compiler phase nesting level */ public static void write(long startTime, String phaseName, int compileId, int phaseLevel) { compilerToVM().notifyCompilerPhaseEvent(startTime, getPhaseToId(phaseName), compileId, phaseLevel); } } /** * Helper methods for managing JFR CompilerInlining events. The events are defined in {@code * src/share/jfr/metadata/metadata.xml}. */ public static final class CompilerInliningEvent { /** * Commits a CompilerInlining event. * * @param compileId current compilation unit id * @param caller caller method * @param callee callee method * @param succeeded inlining succeeded or not * @param message extra information on inlining * @param bci invocation byte code index */
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | int | Compilation Identifier |
caller | Method | Caller Method |
callee | CalleeMethod struct | Callee Method |
succeeded | boolean | Succeeded |
message | string | Message |
bci | int | Bytecode Index |
Examples 3
bci | int | 82
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (B)V
name | string | putUncheckedByte
type | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event/EventWriter
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | putUncheckedLong
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event/EventWriter
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jfr
name | string | jdk.jfr
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event
compileId | int | 1455
message | string | callee uses too much stack
startTime | long: millis | 362612333
succeeded | boolean | false
bci | int | 36
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | ()Z
name | string | isLive
type | string | java/lang/ClassValue$Entry
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([Ljava/lang/ClassValue$Entry;II)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | removeStaleEntries
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 8
name | string | java/lang/ClassValue$ClassValueMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
compileId | int | 85789
message | string | inline (hot)
startTime | long: millis | 792228282292
succeeded | boolean | true
bci | int | 14
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (B)V
name | string | putUncheckedByte
type | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event/EventWriter
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | putUncheckedLong
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event/EventWriter
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jfr
name | string | jdk.jfr
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event
compileId | int | 1482
message | string | callee uses too much stack
startTime | long: millis | 421838000
succeeded | boolean | false
default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 14 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
Describes the detection of an uncommon situation in a compiled method which may lead to deoptimization of the method
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_DEOPTIMIZATIONREASON, true, new DeoptReasonSerializer()); JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_DEOPTIMIZATIONACTION, true, new DeoptActionSerializer()); } static void post_deoptimization_event(CompiledMethod* nm, const Method* method, int trap_bci, int instruction, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason, Deoptimization::DeoptAction action) { assert(nm != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(method != nullptr, "invariant"); if (EventDeoptimization::is_enabled()) { static bool serializers_registered = false; if (!serializers_registered) { register_serializers(); serializers_registered = true; } EventDeoptimization event; event.set_compileId(nm->compile_id()); event.set_compiler(nm->compiler_type()); event.set_method(method); event.set_lineNumber(method->line_number_from_bci(trap_bci)); event.set_bci(trap_bci); event.set_instruction(instruction); event.set_reason(reason); event.set_action(action); event.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | false |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | int | Compilation Identifier |
compiler | CompilerType | Compiler Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
method | Method | Method Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
lineNumber | int | Line Number |
bci | int | Bytecode Index |
instruction | Bytecode | Instruction Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
reason | DeoptimizationReason | Reason Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
action | DeoptimizationAction | Action Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
action | DeoptimizationAction | maybe_recompile
bci | int | 5
compileId | int | 3090
compiler | CompilerType | c2
instruction | Bytecode | invokeinterface
lineNumber | int | 164
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | begin
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/stream/ReduceOps$3ReducingSink
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
reason | DeoptimizationReason | class_check
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 5
lineNumber | int | 164
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | begin
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/stream/ReduceOps$3ReducingSink
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1839892125
action | DeoptimizationAction | maybe_recompile
bci | int | 2
compileId | int | 86004
compiler | CompilerType | c2
instruction | Bytecode | invokeinterface
lineNumber | int | 119
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | $plus$colon
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/collection/SeqOps
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection
reason | DeoptimizationReason | bimorphic_or_optimized_type_check
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 2
lineNumber | int | 119
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | $plus$colon
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/collection/SeqOps
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 845179853292
action | DeoptimizationAction | maybe_recompile
bci | int | 5
compileId | int | 3157
compiler | CompilerType | c2
instruction | Bytecode | invokeinterface
lineNumber | int | 164
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | begin
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/stream/ReduceOps$3ReducingSink
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
reason | DeoptimizationReason | class_check
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 5
lineNumber | int | 164
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | begin
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/stream/ReduceOps$3ReducingSink
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1857170000
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 22 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
{CompileBroker::c2_compile_queue(), c2_compiler_queue_id, &CompileBroker::get_c2_thread_count, 0, 0}}; const JfrTicks cur_time = JfrTicks::now(); static JfrTicks last_sample_instant; const JfrTickspan interval = cur_time - last_sample_instant; for (int i = 0; i < num_compiler_queues; i ++) { CompilerQueueEntry* entry = &compilerQueueEntries[i]; if (entry->compilerQueue != nullptr) { const uint64_t current_added = entry->compilerQueue->get_total_added(); const uint64_t current_removed = entry->compilerQueue->get_total_removed(); const uint64_t addedRate = rate_per_second(current_added, entry->added, interval); const uint64_t removedRate = rate_per_second(current_removed, entry->removed, interval); EventCompilerQueueUtilization event; event.set_compiler(entry->compiler_queue_id); event.set_addedRate(addedRate); event.set_removedRate(removedRate); event.set_queueSize(entry->compilerQueue->size()); event.set_peakQueueSize(entry->compilerQueue->get_peak_size()); event.set_addedCount(current_added - entry->added); event.set_removedCount(current_removed - entry->removed); event.set_totalAddedCount(current_added); event.set_totalRemovedCount(current_removed); event.set_compilerThreadCount(entry->get_compiler_thread_count()); event.commit();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 10 s |
profiling | true | 5 s |
Field | Type | Description |
compiler | CompilerType | Compiler Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
addedRate | long: hertz | Requets Added Rate Requests added per second |
removedRate | long: hertz | Requests Removed Rate Requests removed per second |
queueSize | long | Queue Size |
peakQueueSize | long | Peak Queue Size |
addedCount | long | Requests Added |
removedCount | long | Requests Removed |
totalAddedCount | long | Total Requests Added |
totalRemovedCount | long | Total Requests Removed |
compilerThreadCount | int | Compiler Thread Count |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(SymbolTableStatistics) { TableStatistics statistics = SymbolTable::get_table_statistics(); emit_table_statistics<EventSymbolTableStatistics>(statistics); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(StringTableStatistics) { TableStatistics statistics = StringTable::get_table_statistics(); emit_table_statistics<EventStringTableStatistics>(statistics); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerStatistics) { EventCompilerStatistics event; event.set_compileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_compile_count()); event.set_bailoutCount(CompileBroker::get_total_bailout_count()); event.set_invalidatedCount(CompileBroker::get_total_invalidated_count()); event.set_osrCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_osr_compile_count()); event.set_standardCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_standard_compile_count()); event.set_osrBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_osr_bytes_compiled()); event.set_standardBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_standard_bytes_compiled()); event.set_nmethodsSize(CompileBroker::get_sum_nmethod_size()); event.set_nmethodCodeSize(CompileBroker::get_sum_nmethod_code_size()); event.set_peakTimeSpent(CompileBroker::get_peak_compilation_time()); event.set_totalTimeSpent(CompileBroker::get_total_compilation_time());
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
compileCount | int | Compiled Methods |
bailoutCount | int | Bailouts |
invalidatedCount | int | Invalidated Compilations |
osrCompileCount | int | OSR Compilations |
standardCompileCount | int | Standard Compilations |
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | OSR Bytes Compiled |
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | Standard Bytes Compiled |
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | Compilation Resulting Size |
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | Compilation Resulting Code Size |
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | Peak Time |
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | Total time |
Examples 3
bailoutCount | int | 3
compileCount | int | 8056
invalidatedCount | int | 0
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | 9523928
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | 15111504
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
osrCompileCount | int | 92
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | 953
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
standardCompileCount | int | 7964
startTime | long: millis | 25302356917
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | 17946
bailoutCount | int | 2
compileCount | int | 8157
invalidatedCount | int | 0
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | 10133664
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | 15767936
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
osrCompileCount | int | 82
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | 1099
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
standardCompileCount | int | 8075
startTime | long: millis | 33120917917
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | 28586
bailoutCount | int | 10
compileCount | int | 84022
invalidatedCount | int | 0
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | 110520728
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | 167118360
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
osrCompileCount | int | 983
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | 10885
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
standardCompileCount | int | 83039
startTime | long: millis | 854268872417
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | 388104
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_invalidatedCount(CompileBroker::get_total_invalidated_count()); event.set_osrCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_osr_compile_count()); event.set_standardCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_standard_compile_count()); event.set_osrBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_osr_bytes_compiled()); event.set_standardBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_standard_bytes_compiled()); event.set_nmethodsSize(CompileBroker::get_sum_nmethod_size()); event.set_nmethodCodeSize(CompileBroker::get_sum_nmethod_code_size()); event.set_peakTimeSpent(CompileBroker::get_peak_compilation_time()); event.set_totalTimeSpent(CompileBroker::get_total_compilation_time()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerConfiguration) { EventCompilerConfiguration event; event.set_threadCount(static_cast<s4>(CICompilerCount)); event.set_tieredCompilation(TieredCompilation); event.set_dynamicCompilerThreadCount(UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheStatistics) { // Emit stats for all available code heaps for (int bt_index = 0; bt_index < static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::NumTypes); ++bt_index) { const CodeBlobType bt = static_cast<CodeBlobType>(bt_index); if (CodeCache::heap_available(bt)) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
threadCount | int | Thread Count |
tieredCompilation | boolean | Tiered Compilation |
dynamicCompilerThreadCount | boolean 20+ | Uses Dynamic Number of Compiler Threads |
Examples 3
JVM: Diagnostics
experimental default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 16 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Diagnostics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
} else { assert(DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses == LOG_WARNING, "invalid value for DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses"); ResourceMark rm(current); Log(valuebasedclasses) vblog;"Synchronizing on object " INTPTR_FORMAT " of klass %s", p2i(obj()), obj->klass()->external_name()); if (current->has_last_Java_frame()) { LogStream info_stream(; current->print_active_stack_on(&info_stream); } else {"Cannot find the last Java frame"); } EventSyncOnValueBasedClass event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_valueBasedClass(obj->klass()); event.commit(); } } if (bcp_was_adjusted) { last_frame.interpreter_frame_set_bcp(last_frame.interpreter_frame_bcp() + 1); } }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
valueBasedClass | Class | Value Based Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Diagnostics
Information about a successfully written Java heap dump
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
thread_dumper.dump_stack_refs(segment_writer); } // dump the heap to given path. int HeapDumper::dump(const char* path, outputStream* out, int compression, bool overwrite, uint num_dump_threads) { assert(path != nullptr && strlen(path) > 0, "path missing"); // print message in interactive case if (out != nullptr) { out->print_cr("Dumping heap to %s ...", path); timer()->start(); } // create JFR event EventHeapDump event; AbstractCompressor* compressor = nullptr; if (compression > 0) { compressor = new (std::nothrow) GZipCompressor(compression); if (compressor == nullptr) { set_error("Could not allocate gzip compressor"); return -1; } }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ns |
profiling | true | true | 0 ns |
Field | Type | Description |
destination | string | Destination Path of the Dump |
size | long | Size |
gcBeforeDump | boolean | GC Before Dump |
onOutOfMemoryError | boolean | Heap Dump on Out of Memory Error |
overwrite | boolean 21+ | Overwrite Heap dump overwrites previous file location if it exists |
compression | int 21+ | Compression Level Compression level of the dump, if larger than 0 we use gzip compression with this level |
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Diagnostics
A Java programming language agent making use of the java.lang.instrument package for instrumenting programs running on the JVM
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_name(agent->name()); event.set_options(agent->options()); event.set_dynamic(agent->is_dynamic()); event.set_initializationTime(agent->initialization_time()); event.set_initializationDuration(agent->initialization_duration()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JavaAgent) { const JvmtiAgentList::Iterator it =JvmtiAgentList::java_agents(); while (it.has_next()) { const JvmtiAgent* agent =; assert(agent->is_jplis(), "invariant"); EventJavaAgent event; send_agent_event(event, agent); } } static void send_native_agent_events(const JvmtiAgentList::Iterator& it) { while (it.has_next()) { const JvmtiAgent* agent =; assert(!agent->is_jplis(), "invariant"); EventNativeAgent event; event.set_path(agent->os_lib_path()); send_agent_event(event, agent);
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | endChunk |
profiling | true | endChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
options | string | Options |
dynamic | boolean | Dynamic If the agent attached to the JVM dynamically during runtime, i.e. not at startup |
initializationTime | Ticks | Initialization Time The time the JVM initialized the agent |
initializationDuration | Tickspan | Initialization Duration The duration of executing the initialization method, either premain or agentmain |
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Diagnostics
A native programming language agent making use of the JVMTI interface used by development, profiling and monitoring tools
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
const JvmtiAgentList::Iterator it =JvmtiAgentList::java_agents(); while (it.has_next()) { const JvmtiAgent* agent =; assert(agent->is_jplis(), "invariant"); EventJavaAgent event; send_agent_event(event, agent); } } static void send_native_agent_events(const JvmtiAgentList::Iterator& it) { while (it.has_next()) { const JvmtiAgent* agent =; assert(!agent->is_jplis(), "invariant"); EventNativeAgent event; event.set_path(agent->os_lib_path()); send_agent_event(event, agent); } } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NativeAgent) { const JvmtiAgentList::Iterator native_agents_it = JvmtiAgentList::native_agents(); send_native_agent_events(native_agents_it); const JvmtiAgentList::Iterator xrun_agents_it = JvmtiAgentList::xrun_agents(); send_native_agent_events(xrun_agents_it); }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | endChunk |
profiling | true | endChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
options | string | Options |
dynamic | boolean | Dynamic If the library attached to the JVM dynamically during runtime, i.e. not at startup |
initializationTime | Ticks | Initialization Time The time the JVM initialized the agent |
initializationDuration | Tickspan | Initialization Duration The duration of executing the JVMTI VMInit event callback. If no VMInit callback is specified, the duration is 0. For a dynamically loaded agent, it is the duration of executing the call to Agent_OnAttach. |
path | string | Path The path of the library |
JVM: Flag
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
virtual void print_range(outputStream* st, const JVMFlagLimit* range) const { const JVMTypedFlagLimit<T>* r = (const JVMTypedFlagLimit<T>*)range; print_range_impl(st, r->min(), r->max()); } virtual void range_error(const char* name, T value, T min, T max, bool verbose) const = 0; virtual void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, T min, T max) const = 0; }; class FlagAccessImpl_int : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<int, EventIntFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, int value, int min, int max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "int %s=%d is outside the allowed range " "[ %d ... %d ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, int value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_int)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, int min, int max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | int | Old Value |
newValue | int | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, int value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_int)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, int min, int max) const { st->print("[ %-25d ... %25d ]", min, max); } void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const { st->print("[ " INT32_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " INT32_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } }; class FlagAccessImpl_uint : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<uint, EventUnsignedIntFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, uint value, uint min, uint max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "uint %s=%u is outside the allowed range " "[ %u ... %u ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uint value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uint)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uint min, uint max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | uint | Old Value |
newValue | uint | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uint value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uint)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uint min, uint max) const { st->print("[ %-25u ... %25u ]", min, max); } void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const { st->print("[ " UINT32_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINT32_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", 0, UINT_MAX); } }; class FlagAccessImpl_intx : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<intx, EventLongFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, intx value, intx min, intx max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "intx %s=" INTX_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range " "[ " INTX_FORMAT " ... " INTX_FORMAT " ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, intx value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_intx)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, intx min, intx max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | long | Old Value |
newValue | long | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, intx value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_intx)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, intx min, intx max) const { st->print("[ " INTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " INTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max); } void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const { st->print("[ " INTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " INTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min_intx, max_intx); } }; class FlagAccessImpl_uintx : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<uintx, EventUnsignedLongFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, uintx value, uintx min, uintx max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "uintx %s=" UINTX_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range " "[ " UINTX_FORMAT " ... " UINTX_FORMAT " ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uintx value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uintx)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uintx min, uintx max) const { st->print("[ " UINTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max); } void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const { st->print("[ " UINTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", uintx(0), max_uintx); } }; class FlagAccessImpl_uint64_t : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<uint64_t, EventUnsignedLongFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, uint64_t value, uint64_t min, uint64_t max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "uint64_t %s=" UINT64_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range " "[ " UINT64_FORMAT " ... " UINT64_FORMAT " ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uint64_t value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uint64_t)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uint64_t min, uint64_t max) const { st->print("[ " UINT64_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINT64_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max); } void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const { st->print("[ " UINT64_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINT64_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", uint64_t(0), uint64_t(max_juint)); } }; class FlagAccessImpl_size_t : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<size_t, EventUnsignedLongFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, size_t value, size_t min, size_t max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "size_t %s=" SIZE_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range " "[ " SIZE_FORMAT " ... " SIZE_FORMAT " ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, size_t value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_size_t)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, size_t min, size_t max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | ulong | Old Value |
newValue | ulong | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, size_t value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_size_t)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, size_t min, size_t max) const { st->print("[ " SIZE_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " SIZE_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max); } void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const { st->print("[ " SIZE_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " SIZE_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", size_t(0), size_t(SIZE_MAX)); } }; class FlagAccessImpl_double : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<double, EventDoubleFlagChanged> { public: void range_error(const char* name, double value, double min, double max, bool verbose) const { JVMFlag::printError(verbose, "double %s=%f is outside the allowed range " "[ %f ... %f ]\n", name, value, min, max); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, double value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_double)func)(value, verbose); } void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, double min, double max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | double | Old Value |
newValue | double | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
*((T*)value_addr) = old_value; flag->set_origin(origin); return JVMFlag::SUCCESS; } JVMFlag::Error check_constraint(const JVMFlag* flag, void * func, bool verbose) const { return typed_check_constraint(func, flag->read<T>(), verbose); } virtual JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void * func, T value, bool verbose) const = 0; }; class FlagAccessImpl_bool : public TypedFlagAccessImpl<bool, EventBooleanFlagChanged> { public: JVMFlag::Error set_impl(JVMFlag* flag, void* value_addr, JVMFlagOrigin origin) const { bool verbose = JVMFlagLimit::verbose_checks_needed(); return TypedFlagAccessImpl<bool, EventBooleanFlagChanged> ::check_constraint_and_set(flag, value_addr, origin, verbose); } JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, bool value, bool verbose) const { return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_bool)func)(value, verbose); } }; template <typename T, typename EVENT> class RangedFlagAccessImpl : public TypedFlagAccessImpl<T, EVENT> { public:
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | boolean | Old Value |
newValue | boolean | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVMFlag::Error JVMFlagAccess::set_impl(JVMFlag* flag, void* value, JVMFlagOrigin origin) { if (flag->is_ccstr()) { return set_ccstr(flag, (ccstr*)value, origin); } else { return access_impl(flag)->set(flag, value, origin); } } JVMFlag::Error JVMFlagAccess::set_ccstr(JVMFlag* flag, ccstr* value, JVMFlagOrigin origin) { if (flag == nullptr) return JVMFlag::INVALID_FLAG; if (!flag->is_ccstr()) return JVMFlag::WRONG_FORMAT; ccstr old_value = flag->get_ccstr(); trace_flag_changed<ccstr, EventStringFlagChanged>(flag, old_value, *value, origin); char* new_value = nullptr; if (*value != nullptr) { new_value = os::strdup_check_oom(*value); } flag->set_ccstr(new_value); if (!flag->is_default() && old_value != nullptr) { // Old value is heap allocated so free it. FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, old_value); } // Unlike the other APIs, the old value is NOT returned, so the caller won't need to free it. // The callers typically don't care what the old value is.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | string | Old Value |
newValue | string | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | int | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | PerfDataSamplingInterval
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 798681836083
value | int | 50
name | string | JavaPriority10_To_OSPriority
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 30519911917
value | int | -1
name | string | JavaPriority4_To_OSPriority
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423302958
value | int | -1
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | uint | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | VerifyIterativeGVN
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 75087033167
value | uint | 0
name | string | TypeProfileLevel
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 84416231708
value | uint | 111
name | string | VerifyIterativeGVN
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773033083
value | uint | 0
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | long | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | LoopPercentProfileLimit
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364806667
value | long | 10
name | string | Tier4MinInvocationThreshold
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773048042
value | long | 600
name | string | C1MaxTrivialSize
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423467958
value | long | 6
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | ulong | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | CompressedClassSpaceSize
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773064958
value | ulong | 1073741824
name | string | LoopStripMiningIter
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423575792
value | ulong | 0
name | string | GCOverheadLimitThreshold
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364826042
value | ulong | 5
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | double | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | ZYoungCompactionLimit
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 17899885250
value | double | 25.0
name | string | MinRAMPercentage
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 40031222333
value | double | 50.0
name | string | MinRAMPercentage
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 798682014875
value | double | 50.0
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | boolean | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | UseCryptoPmullForCRC32
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423594375
value | boolean | false
name | string | UseGlobalValueNumbering
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773074125
value | boolean | true
name | string | TimeEachLinearScan
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364841208
value | boolean | false
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | string | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | CompilationMode
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773197250
value | string | default
name | string | StartFlightRecording
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Command line
startTime | long: millis | 364880625
value | string | filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc
name | string | ArchiveHeapTestClass
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 39268447417
value | string | null
JVM: GC: Collector
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Garbage collection performed by the JVM
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// All GC dependencies against the trace framework is contained within this file. typedef uintptr_t TraceAddress; bool GCTracer::should_send_cpu_time_event() const { return EventGCCPUTime::is_enabled(); } void GCTracer::send_garbage_collection_event() const { EventGarbageCollection event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_name(; event.set_cause((u2) _shared_gc_info.cause()); event.set_sumOfPauses(_shared_gc_info.sum_of_pauses()); event.set_longestPause(_shared_gc_info.longest_pause()); event.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); event.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); event.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | GCName | Name The name of the Garbage Collector |
cause | GCCause | Cause The reason for triggering this Garbage Collection |
sumOfPauses | Tickspan | Sum of Pauses Sum of all the times in which Java execution was paused during the garbage collection |
longestPause | Tickspan | Longest Pause Longest individual pause during the garbage collection |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.commit(); } JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_Halt(jint code)) before_exit(thread, true); vm_exit(code); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_GC(void)) if (!DisableExplicitGC) { EventSystemGC event; event.set_invokedConcurrent(ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent); Universe::heap()->collect(GCCause::_java_lang_system_gc); event.commit(); } JVM_END JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_MaxObjectInspectionAge(void)) return Universe::heap()->millis_since_last_whole_heap_examined(); JVM_END
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
invokedConcurrent | boolean | Invoked Concurrent |
Examples 3
invokedConcurrent | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | gc
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Runtime
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 868866518833
invokedConcurrent | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | gc
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Runtime
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 3825581833
invokedConcurrent | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | gc
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Runtime
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 72820985458
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: ParallelGC
Missing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_smallChunksTotalSize(summary.small_chunks_size_in_bytes()); e.set_mediumChunks(summary.num_medium_chunks()); e.set_mediumChunksTotalSize(summary.medium_chunks_size_in_bytes()); e.set_humongousChunks(summary.num_humongous_chunks()); e.set_humongousChunksTotalSize(summary.humongous_chunks_size_in_bytes()); e.commit(); } } void ParallelOldTracer::send_parallel_old_event() const { EventParallelOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_densePrefix((TraceAddress)_parallel_old_gc_info.dense_prefix()); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } void YoungGCTracer::send_young_gc_event() const { EventYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
densePrefix | ulong: address | Dense Prefix The address of the dense prefix, used when compacting |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void ParallelOldTracer::send_parallel_old_event() const { EventParallelOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_densePrefix((TraceAddress)_parallel_old_gc_info.dense_prefix()); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } void YoungGCTracer::send_young_gc_event() const { EventYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_tenuringThreshold(_tenuring_threshold); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } bool YoungGCTracer::should_send_promotion_in_new_plab_event() const { return EventPromoteObjectInNewPLAB::is_enabled();
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
tenuringThreshold | uint | Tenuring Threshold |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
EventPromoteObjectOutsidePLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_objectSize(obj_size); event.set_tenured(tenured); event.set_tenuringAge(age); event.commit(); } } void OldGCTracer::send_old_gc_event() const { EventOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } static JfrStructCopyFailed to_struct(const CopyFailedInfo& cf_info) { JfrStructCopyFailed failed_info; failed_info.set_objectCount(cf_info.failed_count());
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to G1 Young Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
send_adaptive_ihop_statistics(threshold, internal_target_occupancy, current_occupancy, additional_buffer_size, predicted_allocation_rate, predicted_marking_length, prediction_active); } void G1NewTracer::send_g1_young_gc_event() { // Check that the pause type has been updated to something valid for this event. G1GCPauseTypeHelper::assert_is_young_pause(_pause); EventG1GarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_type(static_cast<uint>(_pause)); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_info_event(G1EvacInfo* info) { EventEvacuationInformation e;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
type | G1YCType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Extra information specific to ZGC Young Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
ZMinorTracer::ZMinorTracer() : GCTracer(ZMinor) {} ZMajorTracer::ZMajorTracer() : GCTracer(ZMajor) {} void ZGenerationTracer::report_start(const Ticks& timestamp) { _start = timestamp; } void ZYoungTracer::report_end(const Ticks& timestamp) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_tenuringThreshold(ZGeneration::young()->tenuring_threshold()); e.set_starttime(_start); e.set_endtime(timestamp); e.commit(); } void ZOldTracer::report_end(const Ticks& timestamp) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
tenuringThreshold | uint | Tenuring Threshold |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Extra information specific to ZGC Old Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_tenuringThreshold(ZGeneration::young()->tenuring_threshold()); e.set_starttime(_start); e.set_endtime(timestamp); e.commit(); } void ZOldTracer::report_end(const Ticks& timestamp) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_starttime(_start); e.set_endtime(timestamp); e.commit(); } void ZTracer::initialize() { JFR_ONLY(register_jfr_type_serializers()); } void ZTracer::send_stat_counter(const ZStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
JVM: GC: Configuration
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the garbage collector
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(G1HeapRegionInformation) { G1GC_ONLY(G1HeapRegionEventSender::send_events()); } // Java Mission Control (JMC) uses (Java) Long.MIN_VALUE to describe that a // long value is undefined. static jlong jmc_undefined_long = min_jlong; TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCConfiguration) { GCConfiguration conf; jlong pause_target = conf.has_pause_target_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.pause_target(); EventGCConfiguration event; event.set_youngCollector(conf.young_collector()); event.set_oldCollector(conf.old_collector()); event.set_parallelGCThreads(conf.num_parallel_gc_threads()); event.set_concurrentGCThreads(conf.num_concurrent_gc_threads()); event.set_usesDynamicGCThreads(conf.uses_dynamic_gc_threads()); event.set_isExplicitGCConcurrent(conf.is_explicit_gc_concurrent()); event.set_isExplicitGCDisabled(conf.is_explicit_gc_disabled()); event.set_gcTimeRatio(static_cast<unsigned int>(conf.gc_time_ratio())); event.set_pauseTarget((s8)pause_target); event.commit(); }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
youngCollector | GCName | Young Garbage Collector The garbage collector used for the young generation |
oldCollector | GCName | Old Garbage Collector The garbage collector used for the old generation |
parallelGCThreads | uint | Parallel GC Threads Number of parallel threads to use for garbage collection |
concurrentGCThreads | uint | Concurrent GC Threads Number of concurrent threads to use for garbage collection |
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | Uses Dynamic GC Threads Whether a dynamic number of GC threads are used or not |
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | Concurrent Explicit GC Whether System.gc() is concurrent or not |
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | Disabled Explicit GC Whether System.gc() will cause a garbage collection or not |
pauseTarget | long: millis | Pause Target Target for GC pauses |
gcTimeRatio | uint | GC Time Ratio Target for runtime vs garbage collection time |
Examples 3
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 0
gcTimeRatio | uint | 99
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | SerialOld
parallelGCThreads | uint | 0
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 15621221667
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | DefNew
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 2
gcTimeRatio | uint | 12
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | G1Old
parallelGCThreads | uint | 8
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 824402874250
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | G1New
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 0
gcTimeRatio | uint | 99
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | ParallelOld
parallelGCThreads | uint | 8
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 39413196458
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | ParallelScavenge
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the survivors of garbage collection
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCTLABConfiguration) { GCTLABConfiguration conf; EventGCTLABConfiguration event; event.set_usesTLABs(conf.uses_tlabs()); event.set_minTLABSize(conf.min_tlab_size()); event.set_tlabRefillWasteLimit(conf.tlab_refill_waste_limit()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) { GCSurvivorConfiguration conf; EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event; event.set_maxTenuringThreshold(static_cast<u1>(conf.max_tenuring_threshold())); event.set_initialTenuringThreshold(static_cast<u1>(conf.initial_tenuring_threshold())); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapConfiguration) { GCHeapConfiguration conf; EventGCHeapConfiguration event; event.set_minSize(conf.min_size()); event.set_maxSize(conf.max_size()); event.set_initialSize(conf.initial_size());
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
maxTenuringThreshold | ubyte | Maximum Tenuring Threshold Upper limit for the age of how old objects to keep in the survivor area |
initialTenuringThreshold | ubyte | Initial Tenuring Threshold Initial age limit for how old objects to keep in survivor area |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_oldCollector(conf.old_collector()); event.set_parallelGCThreads(conf.num_parallel_gc_threads()); event.set_concurrentGCThreads(conf.num_concurrent_gc_threads()); event.set_usesDynamicGCThreads(conf.uses_dynamic_gc_threads()); event.set_isExplicitGCConcurrent(conf.is_explicit_gc_concurrent()); event.set_isExplicitGCDisabled(conf.is_explicit_gc_disabled()); event.set_gcTimeRatio(static_cast<unsigned int>(conf.gc_time_ratio())); event.set_pauseTarget((s8)pause_target); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCTLABConfiguration) { GCTLABConfiguration conf; EventGCTLABConfiguration event; event.set_usesTLABs(conf.uses_tlabs()); event.set_minTLABSize(conf.min_tlab_size()); event.set_tlabRefillWasteLimit(conf.tlab_refill_waste_limit()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) { GCSurvivorConfiguration conf; EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event; event.set_maxTenuringThreshold(static_cast<u1>(conf.max_tenuring_threshold())); event.set_initialTenuringThreshold(static_cast<u1>(conf.initial_tenuring_threshold()));
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
usesTLABs | boolean | TLABs Used If Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs) are in use |
minTLABSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum TLAB Size |
tlabRefillWasteLimit | ulong: bytes | TLAB Refill Waste Limit |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the garbage collected heap
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) { GCSurvivorConfiguration conf; EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event; event.set_maxTenuringThreshold(static_cast<u1>(conf.max_tenuring_threshold())); event.set_initialTenuringThreshold(static_cast<u1>(conf.initial_tenuring_threshold())); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapConfiguration) { GCHeapConfiguration conf; EventGCHeapConfiguration event; event.set_minSize(conf.min_size()); event.set_maxSize(conf.max_size()); event.set_initialSize(conf.initial_size()); event.set_usesCompressedOops(conf.uses_compressed_oops()); event.set_compressedOopsMode(conf.narrow_oop_mode()); event.set_objectAlignment(conf.object_alignment_in_bytes()); event.set_heapAddressBits(static_cast<u1>(conf.heap_address_size_in_bits())); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(YoungGenerationConfiguration) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
minSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum Heap Size |
maxSize | ulong: bytes | Maximum Heap Size |
initialSize | ulong: bytes | Initial Heap Size |
usesCompressedOops | boolean | If Compressed Oops Are Used If compressed Oops (Ordinary Object Pointers) are enabled |
compressedOopsMode | NarrowOopMode | Compressed Oops Mode The kind of compressed oops being used |
objectAlignment | ulong: bytes | Object Alignment Object alignment (in bytes) on the heap |
heapAddressBits | ubyte | Heap Address Size Heap Address Size (in bits) |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the young generation of the garbage collected heap
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_minSize(conf.min_size()); event.set_maxSize(conf.max_size()); event.set_initialSize(conf.initial_size()); event.set_usesCompressedOops(conf.uses_compressed_oops()); event.set_compressedOopsMode(conf.narrow_oop_mode()); event.set_objectAlignment(conf.object_alignment_in_bytes()); event.set_heapAddressBits(static_cast<u1>(conf.heap_address_size_in_bits())); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(YoungGenerationConfiguration) { GCYoungGenerationConfiguration conf; jlong max_size = conf.has_max_size_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.max_size(); EventYoungGenerationConfiguration event; event.set_maxSize((u8)max_size); event.set_minSize(conf.min_size()); event.set_newRatio(static_cast<unsigned int>(conf.new_ratio())); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(InitialSystemProperty) { SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties(); JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now(); while (p != nullptr) { if (!p->internal()) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
minSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum Young Generation Size |
maxSize | ulong: bytes | Maximum Young Generation Size |
newRatio | uint | New Ratio The size of the young generation relative to the tenured generation |
Examples 3
JVM: GC: Detailed
internal startTime duration eventThread 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Temporary latency measurements used during development and debugging of ZGC
Only valid for the ZGC.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
inline void XTracer::report_stat_sampler(const XStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadDebug::is_enabled()) { send_thread_debug(name, start, end); } } inline XTraceThreadDebug::XTraceThreadDebug(const char* name) : _start(Ticks::now()), _name(name) {} inline XTraceThreadDebug::~XTraceThreadDebug() { XTracer::tracer()->report_thread_debug(_name, _start, Ticks::now()); }
NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current_or_undefined()); e.set_name(name); e.set_starttime(start); e.set_endtime(end); e.commit(); } } void XTracer::send_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadDebug e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current_or_undefined()); e.set_name(name); e.set_starttime(start); e.set_endtime(end); e.commit(); } }
inline void ZTracer::report_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadDebug::is_enabled()) { send_thread_debug(name, start, end); } } inline ZTraceThreadDebug::ZTraceThreadDebug(const char* name) : _start(Ticks::now()), _name(name) {} inline ZTraceThreadDebug::~ZTraceThreadDebug() { ZTracer::report_thread_debug(_name, _start, Ticks::now()); }
NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current_or_undefined()); e.set_name(name); e.set_starttime(start); e.set_endtime(end); e.commit(); } } void ZTracer::send_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadDebug e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current_or_undefined()); e.set_name(name); e.set_starttime(start); e.set_endtime(end); e.commit(); } }
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name The name of the GC runner |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void G1OldTracer::report_gc_start_impl(GCCause::Cause cause, const Ticks& timestamp) { _shared_gc_info.set_start_timestamp(timestamp); } void G1OldTracer::set_gc_cause(GCCause::Cause cause) { _shared_gc_info.set_cause(cause); } void G1MMUTracer::report_mmu(double time_slice_sec, double gc_time_sec, double max_time_sec) { send_g1_mmu_event(time_slice_sec * MILLIUNITS, gc_time_sec * MILLIUNITS, max_time_sec * MILLIUNITS); } void G1MMUTracer::send_g1_mmu_event(double time_slice_ms, double gc_time_ms, double max_time_ms) { EventG1MMU e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_timeSlice(time_slice_ms); e.set_gcTime(gc_time_ms); e.set_pauseTarget(max_time_ms); e.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
timeSlice | long: millis | Time Slice Time slice used to calculate MMU |
gcTime | long: millis | GC Time Time stopped because of GC during last time slice |
pauseTarget | long: millis | Pause Target Max time allowed to be spent on GC during last time slice |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
G1GCPauseTypeHelper::assert_is_young_pause(_pause); EventG1GarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_type(static_cast<uint>(_pause)); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_info_event(G1EvacInfo* info) { EventEvacuationInformation e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_cSetRegions(info->collection_set_regions()); e.set_cSetUsedBefore(info->collection_set_used_before()); e.set_cSetUsedAfter(info->collection_set_used_after()); e.set_allocationRegions(info->allocation_regions()); e.set_allocationRegionsUsedBefore(info->alloc_regions_used_before()); e.set_allocationRegionsUsedAfter(info->alloc_regions_used_before() + info->bytes_used()); e.set_bytesCopied(info->bytes_used()); e.set_regionsFreed(info->regions_freed()); e.commit();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
cSetRegions | uint | Collection Set Regions |
cSetUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | Collection Set Before Memory usage before GC in the collection set regions |
cSetUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | Collection Set After Memory usage after GC in the collection set regions |
allocationRegions | uint | Allocation Regions Regions chosen as allocation regions during evacuation (includes survivors and old space regions) |
allocationRegionsUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | Allocation Regions Before Memory usage before GC in allocation regions |
allocationRegionsUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | Allocation Regions After Memory usage after GC in allocation regions |
bytesCopied | ulong: bytes | Bytes Copied |
regionsFreed | uint | Regions Freed |
Examples 1
allocationRegions | uint | 1
allocationRegionsUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | 597368
allocationRegionsUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | 0
bytesCopied | ulong: bytes | 597368
cSetRegions | uint | 4
cSetUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | 0
cSetUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | 7262144
gcId | uint | 884
regionsFreed | uint | 4
startTime | long: millis | 833199783417
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#if INCLUDE_SERVICES bool ObjectCountEventSender::should_send_event() { #if INCLUDE_JFR return _should_send_requestable_event || EventObjectCountAfterGC::is_enabled(); #else return false; #endif // INCLUDE_JFR } bool ObjectCountEventSender::_should_send_requestable_event = false; void ObjectCountEventSender::enable_requestable_event() { _should_send_requestable_event = true; }
template <typename T> void ObjectCountEventSender::send_event_if_enabled(Klass* klass, jlong count, julong size, const Ticks& timestamp) { T event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_starttime(timestamp); event.set_endtime(timestamp); event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_count(count); event.set_totalSize(size); event.commit(); } } void ObjectCountEventSender::send(const KlassInfoEntry* entry, const Ticks& timestamp) { Klass* klass = entry->klass(); jlong count = entry->count(); julong total_size = entry->words() * BytesPerWord; send_event_if_enabled<EventObjectCount>(klass, count, total_size, timestamp); send_event_if_enabled<EventObjectCountAfterGC>(klass, count, total_size, timestamp); } #endif // INCLUDE_SERVICES
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
count | long | Count |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Size |
Examples 3
count | long | 82683
gcId | uint | 872
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 8
name | string | java/util/HashMap$Node
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util
startTime | long: millis | 800281069667
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 2645856
count | long | 248005
gcId | uint | 22
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | akka/actor/Props
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | akka/actor
startTime | long: millis | 9266401125
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 7936160
count | long | 79942
gcId | uint | 69
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | scala/concurrent/impl/Promise$DefaultPromise
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/concurrent/impl
startTime | long: millis | 8663866792
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 1279072
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
s.set_allocated(summary.allocated() * HeapWordSize); s.set_wasted(summary.wasted() * HeapWordSize); s.set_used(summary.used() * HeapWordSize); s.set_undoWaste(summary.undo_wasted() * HeapWordSize); s.set_regionEndWaste(summary.region_end_waste() * HeapWordSize); s.set_regionsRefilled(summary.regions_filled()); s.set_directAllocated(summary.direct_allocated() * HeapWordSize); s.set_failureUsed(summary.failure_used() * HeapWordSize); s.set_failureWaste(summary.failure_waste() * HeapWordSize); return s; } void G1NewTracer::send_young_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& summary) const { EventG1EvacuationYoungStatistics surv_evt; if (surv_evt.should_commit()) { surv_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary)); surv_evt.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_old_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& summary) const { EventG1EvacuationOldStatistics old_evt; if (old_evt.should_commit()) { old_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary)); old_evt.commit();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics struct | Evacuation Statistics |
Examples 1
startTime | long: millis | 879104352833
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics | |
allocated | ulong: bytes | 14112600
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | 30371344
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | 0
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
gcId | uint | 939
numDirectAllocated | ulong | 5
numPlabsFilled | ulong | 6652858312
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | 2866312
regionsRefilled | uint | 23
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
used | ulong: bytes | 13045688
wasted | ulong: bytes | 60608
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
s.set_failureWaste(summary.failure_waste() * HeapWordSize); return s; } void G1NewTracer::send_young_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& summary) const { EventG1EvacuationYoungStatistics surv_evt; if (surv_evt.should_commit()) { surv_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary)); surv_evt.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_old_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& summary) const { EventG1EvacuationOldStatistics old_evt; if (old_evt.should_commit()) { old_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary)); old_evt.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_basic_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold, size_t target_occupancy, size_t current_occupancy, size_t last_allocation_size, double last_allocation_duration,
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics struct | Evacuation Statistics |
Examples 1
startTime | long: millis | 820988845958
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics | |
allocated | ulong: bytes | 0
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | 0
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | 0
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
gcId | uint | 881
numDirectAllocated | ulong | 6115354792
numPlabsFilled | ulong | 0
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
regionsRefilled | uint | 0
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
used | ulong: bytes | 0
wasted | ulong: bytes | 0
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Basic statistics related to current IHOP calculation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
EventG1EvacuationOldStatistics old_evt; if (old_evt.should_commit()) { old_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary)); old_evt.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_basic_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold, size_t target_occupancy, size_t current_occupancy, size_t last_allocation_size, double last_allocation_duration, double last_marking_length) { EventG1BasicIHOP evt; if (evt.should_commit()) { evt.set_gcId(GCId::current()); evt.set_threshold(threshold); evt.set_targetOccupancy(target_occupancy); evt.set_thresholdPercentage(target_occupancy > 0 ? ((double)threshold / target_occupancy) : 0.0); evt.set_currentOccupancy(current_occupancy); evt.set_recentMutatorAllocationSize(last_allocation_size); evt.set_recentMutatorDuration(last_allocation_duration * MILLIUNITS); evt.set_recentAllocationRate(last_allocation_duration != 0.0 ? last_allocation_size / last_allocation_duration : 0.0); evt.set_lastMarkingDuration(last_marking_length * MILLIUNITS); evt.commit();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
threshold | ulong: bytes | Current IHOP Threshold Current IHOP threshold |
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | Current IHOP Threshold Current IHOP threshold in percent of old generation |
targetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | Target Occupancy Target old generation occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC |
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | Current Occupancy Current old generation occupancy |
recentMutatorAllocationSize | ulong: bytes | Recent Mutator Allocation Size Mutator allocation during mutator operation in the most recent interval |
recentMutatorDuration | long: millis | Recent Mutator Duration Time the mutator ran in the most recent interval |
recentAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | Recent Allocation Rate Allocation rate of the mutator in the most recent interval in bytes/second |
lastMarkingDuration | long: millis | Last Marking Duration Last time from the end of the last concurrent start to the first mixed GC |
Examples 1
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 286399664
gcId | uint | 871
lastMarkingDuration | long: millis | 3252
recentAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | 0.0
recentMutatorAllocationSize | ulong: bytes | 0
recentMutatorDuration | long: millis | 145
startTime | long: millis | 798967433417
targetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 973078528
threshold | ulong: bytes | 0
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | 0.0
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Statistics related to current adaptive IHOP calculation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
evt.set_recentAllocationRate(last_allocation_duration != 0.0 ? last_allocation_size / last_allocation_duration : 0.0); evt.set_lastMarkingDuration(last_marking_length * MILLIUNITS); evt.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_adaptive_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold, size_t internal_target_occupancy, size_t current_occupancy, size_t additional_buffer_size, double predicted_allocation_rate, double predicted_marking_length, bool prediction_active) { EventG1AdaptiveIHOP evt; if (evt.should_commit()) { evt.set_gcId(GCId::current()); evt.set_threshold(threshold); evt.set_thresholdPercentage(internal_target_occupancy > 0 ? ((double)threshold / internal_target_occupancy) : 0.0); evt.set_ihopTargetOccupancy(internal_target_occupancy); evt.set_currentOccupancy(current_occupancy); evt.set_additionalBufferSize(additional_buffer_size); evt.set_predictedAllocationRate(predicted_allocation_rate); evt.set_predictedMarkingDuration(predicted_marking_length * MILLIUNITS); evt.set_predictionActive(prediction_active); evt.commit();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
threshold | ulong: bytes | Threshold Current IHOP Threshold |
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | Threshold Current IHOP threshold in percent of the internal target occupancy |
ihopTargetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | IHOP Target Occupancy Internal target old generation occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC |
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | Current Occupancy Current old generation occupancy |
additionalBufferSize | ulong: bytes | Additional Buffer Additional buffer size |
predictedAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | Predicted Allocation Rate Current predicted allocation rate for the mutator in bytes/second |
predictedMarkingDuration | long: millis | Predicted Marking Duration Current predicted time from the end of the last concurrent start to the first mixed GC |
predictionActive | boolean | Prediction Active Indicates whether the adaptive IHOP prediction is active |
Examples 1
additionalBufferSize | ulong: bytes | 1277165568
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 387015672
gcId | uint | 930
ihopTargetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 2024171110
predictedAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | 1.527662649079556E8
predictedMarkingDuration | long: millis | 3699
predictionActive | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 872911134208
threshold | ulong: bytes | 181845134
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | 0.089836836
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC
Missing in: SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavenge, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void YoungGCTracer::send_young_gc_event() const { EventYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_tenuringThreshold(_tenuring_threshold); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } bool YoungGCTracer::should_send_promotion_in_new_plab_event() const { return EventPromoteObjectInNewPLAB::is_enabled(); } bool YoungGCTracer::should_send_promotion_outside_plab_event() const { return EventPromoteObjectOutsidePLAB::is_enabled(); } void YoungGCTracer::send_promotion_in_new_plab_event(Klass* klass, size_t obj_size, uint age, bool tenured, size_t plab_size) const { EventPromoteObjectInNewPLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_objectSize(obj_size); event.set_tenured(tenured); event.set_tenuringAge(age); event.set_plabSize(plab_size); event.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier Identifier signifying GC during which the object was promoted |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of promoted object |
objectSize | ulong: bytes | Object Size Size of promoted object |
tenuringAge | uint | Object Tenuring Age Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavenge the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0. |
tenured | boolean | Tenured True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space |
plabSize | ulong: bytes | PLAB Size Size of the allocated PLAB to which the object was copied |
Examples 2
gcId | uint | 868
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1041
name | string | [F
package | Package | null
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 56
plabSize | ulong: bytes | 17872
startTime | long: millis | 798564697167
tenured | boolean | false
tenuringAge | uint | 0
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC
Missing in: SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavenge, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_tenuringThreshold(_tenuring_threshold); e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); e.commit(); } } bool YoungGCTracer::should_send_promotion_in_new_plab_event() const { return EventPromoteObjectInNewPLAB::is_enabled(); } bool YoungGCTracer::should_send_promotion_outside_plab_event() const { return EventPromoteObjectOutsidePLAB::is_enabled(); } void YoungGCTracer::send_promotion_in_new_plab_event(Klass* klass, size_t obj_size, uint age, bool tenured, size_t plab_size) const { EventPromoteObjectInNewPLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_objectSize(obj_size); event.set_tenured(tenured); event.set_tenuringAge(age); event.set_plabSize(plab_size); event.commit(); } } void YoungGCTracer::send_promotion_outside_plab_event(Klass* klass, size_t obj_size, uint age, bool tenured) const { EventPromoteObjectOutsidePLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_objectSize(obj_size); event.set_tenured(tenured); event.set_tenuringAge(age); event.commit(); } } void OldGCTracer::send_old_gc_event() const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier Identifier signifying GC during which the object was promoted |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of promoted object |
objectSize | ulong: bytes | Object Size Size of promoted object |
tenuringAge | uint | Object Tenuring Age Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavenge the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0. |
tenured | boolean | Tenured True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space |
Examples 2
gcId | uint | 13
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [Ljava/lang/Object;
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 4952
startTime | long: millis | 2086226375
tenured | boolean | true
tenuringAge | uint | 2
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Promotion of an object failed
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static JfrStructCopyFailed to_struct(const CopyFailedInfo& cf_info) { JfrStructCopyFailed failed_info; failed_info.set_objectCount(cf_info.failed_count()); failed_info.set_firstSize(cf_info.first_size() * HeapWordSize); failed_info.set_smallestSize(cf_info.smallest_size() * HeapWordSize); failed_info.set_totalSize(cf_info.total_size() * HeapWordSize); return failed_info; } void YoungGCTracer::send_promotion_failed_event(const PromotionFailedInfo& pf_info) const { EventPromotionFailed e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_promotionFailed(to_struct(pf_info)); e.set_thread(pf_info.thread_trace_id()); e.commit(); } } // G1 void OldGCTracer::send_concurrent_mode_failure_event() { EventConcurrentModeFailure e;
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
promotionFailed | CopyFailed struct | Promotion Failed Data |
thread | Thread | Running thread |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Evacuation of an object failed
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_cSetRegions(info->collection_set_regions()); e.set_cSetUsedBefore(info->collection_set_used_before()); e.set_cSetUsedAfter(info->collection_set_used_after()); e.set_allocationRegions(info->allocation_regions()); e.set_allocationRegionsUsedBefore(info->alloc_regions_used_before()); e.set_allocationRegionsUsedAfter(info->alloc_regions_used_before() + info->bytes_used()); e.set_bytesCopied(info->bytes_used()); e.set_regionsFreed(info->regions_freed()); e.commit(); } } void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_failed_event(const EvacuationFailedInfo& ef_info) const { EventEvacuationFailed e; if (e.should_commit()) { // Create JFR structured failure data JfrStructCopyFailed evac_failed; evac_failed.set_objectCount(ef_info.failed_count()); evac_failed.set_firstSize(ef_info.first_size() * HeapWordSize); evac_failed.set_smallestSize(ef_info.smallest_size() * HeapWordSize); evac_failed.set_totalSize(ef_info.total_size() * HeapWordSize); // Add to the event e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_evacuationFailed(evac_failed); e.commit();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
evacuationFailed | CopyFailed struct | Evacuation Failed Data |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Concurrent Mode failed
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void YoungGCTracer::send_promotion_failed_event(const PromotionFailedInfo& pf_info) const { EventPromotionFailed e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_promotionFailed(to_struct(pf_info)); e.set_thread(pf_info.thread_trace_id()); e.commit(); } } // G1 void OldGCTracer::send_concurrent_mode_failure_event() { EventConcurrentModeFailure e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.commit(); } } static JfrStructVirtualSpace to_struct(const VirtualSpaceSummary& summary) { JfrStructVirtualSpace space; space.set_start((TraceAddress)summary.start()); space.set_committedEnd((TraceAddress)summary.committed_end()); space.set_committedSize(summary.committed_size());
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
default profiling startTime 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
GC CPU Time information. Supported: G1GC, ParallelGC and SerialGC
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// All GC dependencies against the trace framework is contained within this file. typedef uintptr_t TraceAddress; bool GCTracer::should_send_cpu_time_event() const { return EventGCCPUTime::is_enabled(); } void GCTracer::send_garbage_collection_event() const { EventGarbageCollection event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_name(; event.set_cause((u2) _shared_gc_info.cause()); event.set_sumOfPauses(_shared_gc_info.sum_of_pauses()); event.set_longestPause(_shared_gc_info.longest_pause()); event.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp()); event.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp()); event.commit(); } } void GCTracer::send_cpu_time_event(double user_time, double system_time, double real_time) const { EventGCCPUTime e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_userTime((size_t)(user_time * NANOUNITS)); e.set_systemTime((size_t)(system_time * NANOUNITS)); e.set_realTime((size_t)(real_time * NANOUNITS)); e.commit(); } } void GCTracer::send_reference_stats_event(ReferenceType type, size_t count) const { EventGCReferenceStatistics e;
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
userTime | ulong: nanos | User Time |
systemTime | ulong: nanos | System Time |
realTime | ulong: nanos | Real Time |
Examples 3
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_allocationSize(alloc_size); event.commit(); } } void AllocTracer::send_allocation_in_new_tlab(Klass* klass, HeapWord* obj, size_t tlab_size, size_t alloc_size, JavaThread* thread) { JFR_ONLY(JfrAllocationTracer tracer(klass, obj, alloc_size, false, thread);) EventObjectAllocationInNewTLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_allocationSize(alloc_size); event.set_tlabSize(tlab_size); event.commit(); } } void AllocTracer::send_allocation_requiring_gc_event(size_t size, uint gcId) { EventAllocationRequiringGC event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(gcId); event.set_size(size); event.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | Pending GC Identifier |
size | ulong: bytes | Allocation Size |
Examples 3
gcId | uint | 991
size | ulong: bytes | 1048576
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 14
lineNumber | int | 1393
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Lio/netty/util/AsciiString;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | of
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | io/netty/util/AsciiString
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/util
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 929199470208
gcId | uint | 41
size | ulong: bytes | 40
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 230
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (DDD)Lio/jenetics/DoubleGene;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | of
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | io/jenetics/DoubleGene
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/jenetics
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 4551543750
gcId | uint | 31
size | ulong: bytes | 64
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 217
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lakka/actor/ActorRef;Lakka/actor/ActorRef;IIIZ)Ledu/rice/habanero/benchmarks/uct/UctAkkaActorBenchmark$NodeActor;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 4121
name | string | $anonfun$createNodeActor$1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/benchmarks/uct/UctAkkaActorBenchmark$NodeActor$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/benchmarks/uct
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 18794748875
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, SerialGC
Missing in: ParallelGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void AgeTableTracer::send_tenuring_distribution_event(uint age, size_t size) { EventTenuringDistribution e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_age(age); e.set_size(size); e.commit(); } } bool AgeTableTracer::is_tenuring_distribution_event_enabled() { return EventTenuringDistribution::is_enabled(); }
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
age | uint | Age |
size | ulong: bytes | Size |
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Information about a G1 heap region type change
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void HeapRegionTracer::send_region_type_change(uint index, G1HeapRegionTraceType::Type from, G1HeapRegionTraceType::Type to, uintptr_t start, size_t used) { EventG1HeapRegionTypeChange e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_index(index); e.set_from(from); e.set_to(to); e.set_start(start); e.set_used(used); e.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
index | uint | Index |
from | G1HeapRegionType | From Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
to | G1HeapRegionType | To Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
start | ulong: address | Start |
used | ulong: bytes | Used |
Examples 1
from | G1HeapRegionType | Free
index | uint | 164
start | ulong: address | 30408704000
startTime | long: millis | 791919066458
to | G1HeapRegionType | Free
used | ulong: bytes | 0
startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
template <typename T> void ObjectCountEventSender::send_event_if_enabled(Klass* klass, jlong count, julong size, const Ticks& timestamp) { T event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_starttime(timestamp); event.set_endtime(timestamp); event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_count(count); event.set_totalSize(size); event.commit(); } } void ObjectCountEventSender::send(const KlassInfoEntry* entry, const Ticks& timestamp) { Klass* klass = entry->klass(); jlong count = entry->count(); julong total_size = entry->words() * BytesPerWord; send_event_if_enabled<EventObjectCount>(klass, count, total_size, timestamp); send_event_if_enabled<EventObjectCountAfterGC>(klass, count, total_size, timestamp); } #endif // INCLUDE_SERVICES
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | false | everyChunk |
profiling | false | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
count | long | Count |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Size |
Examples 3
count | long | 6731
gcId | uint | 8
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/LinkedHashMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
startTime | long: millis | 1360118500
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 430784
count | long | 263109
gcId | uint | 867
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 8
name | string | java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$Node
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util/concurrent
startTime | long: millis | 795853724792
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 8419488
count | long | 6337
gcId | uint | 3
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$Node
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/concurrent
startTime | long: millis | 976302875
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 202784
startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Information about a specific heap region in the G1 GC
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
class DumpEventInfoClosure : public HeapRegionClosure { public: bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r) { EventG1HeapRegionInformation evt; evt.set_index(r->hrm_index()); evt.set_type(r->get_trace_type()); evt.set_start((uintptr_t)r->bottom()); evt.set_used(r->used()); evt.commit(); return false; } }; class VM_G1SendHeapRegionInfoEvents : public VM_Operation { virtual void doit() { DumpEventInfoClosure c;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | false | everyChunk |
profiling | false | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
index | uint | Index |
type | G1HeapRegionType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
start | ulong: address | Start |
used | ulong: bytes | Used |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Time spent waiting for memory to become available
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// Success return true; } static void check_out_of_memory_during_initialization() { if (!is_init_completed()) { vm_exit_during_initialization("java.lang.OutOfMemoryError", "Java heap too small"); } } bool ZPageAllocator::alloc_page_stall(ZPageAllocation* allocation) { ZStatTimer timer(ZCriticalPhaseAllocationStall); EventZAllocationStall event; // We can only block if the VM is fully initialized check_out_of_memory_during_initialization(); // Start asynchronous minor GC const ZDriverRequest request(GCCause::_z_allocation_stall, ZYoungGCThreads, 0); ZDriver::minor()->collect(request); // Wait for allocation to complete or fail const bool result = allocation->wait();
// Success return true; } static void check_out_of_memory_during_initialization() { if (!is_init_completed()) { vm_exit_during_initialization("java.lang.OutOfMemoryError", "Java heap too small"); } } bool XPageAllocator::alloc_page_stall(XPageAllocation* allocation) { XStatTimer timer(XCriticalPhaseAllocationStall); EventZAllocationStall event; XPageAllocationStall result; // We can only block if the VM is fully initialized check_out_of_memory_during_initialization(); // Increment stalled counter Atomic::inc(&_nstalled); do { // Start asynchronous GC XCollectedHeap::heap()->collect(GCCause::_z_allocation_stall);
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
type | ZPageTypeType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
size | ulong: bytes | Size |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Allocation of a ZPage
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// so that it will be re-inserted into the page cache. ZPage* const committed_page = page->split_committed(); destroy_page(page); if (committed_page != nullptr) { map_page(committed_page); allocation->pages()->insert_last(committed_page); } return nullptr; } ZPage* ZPageAllocator::alloc_page(ZPageType type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags, ZPageAge age) { EventZPageAllocation event; retry: ZPageAllocation allocation(type, size, flags); // Allocate one or more pages from the page cache. If the allocation // succeeds but the returned pages don't cover the complete allocation, // then finalize phase is allowed to allocate the remaining memory // directly from the physical memory manager. Note that this call might // block in a safepoint if the non-blocking flag is not set. if (!alloc_page_or_stall(&allocation)) { // Out of memory
free_page_inner(page, false /* reclaimed */); } // Adjust capacity and used to reflect the failed capacity increase const size_t remaining = allocation->size() - freed; decrease_used(remaining, false /* reclaimed */); decrease_capacity(remaining, true /* set_max_capacity */); // Try satisfy stalled allocations satisfy_stalled(); } XPage* XPageAllocator::alloc_page(uint8_t type, size_t size, XAllocationFlags flags) { EventZPageAllocation event; retry: XPageAllocation allocation(type, size, flags); // Allocate one or more pages from the page cache. If the allocation // succeeds but the returned pages don't cover the complete allocation, // then finalize phase is allowed to allocate the remaining memory // directly from the physical memory manager. Note that this call might // block in a safepoint if the non-blocking flag is not set. if (!alloc_page_or_stall(&allocation)) { // Out of memory
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true 15+ | 1 ms |
profiling | true | true 15+ | 1 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
type | ZPageTypeType 15+ | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
size | ulong: bytes 15+ | Size |
flushed | ulong: bytes 15+ | Flushed |
committed | ulong: bytes 15+ | Committed |
segments | uint 15+ | Segments |
nonBlocking | boolean | Non-blocking |
Examples 1
committed | ulong: bytes | 2097152
flushed | ulong: bytes | 0
nonBlocking | boolean | false
segments | uint | 1
size | ulong: bytes | 2097152
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 5
lineNumber | int | 362
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/function/IntBinaryOperator;)Ljava/util/stream/TerminalOp;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | makeInt
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 48
name | string | java/util/stream/ReduceOps
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 2035300875
type | ZPageTypeType | Small
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
XRelocationSetSelector::XRelocationSetSelector() : _small("Small", XPageTypeSmall, XPageSizeSmall, XObjectSizeLimitSmall), _medium("Medium", XPageTypeMedium, XPageSizeMedium, XObjectSizeLimitMedium), _large("Large", XPageTypeLarge, 0 /* page_size */, 0 /* object_size_limit */), _empty_pages() {} void XRelocationSetSelector::select() { // Select pages to relocate. The resulting relocation set will be // sorted such that medium pages comes first, followed by small // pages. Pages within each page group will be semi-sorted by live // bytes in ascending order. Relocating pages in this order allows // us to start reclaiming memory more quickly. EventZRelocationSet event; // Select pages from each group;;; // Send event event.commit(total(), empty(), relocate()); } XRelocationSetSelectorStats XRelocationSetSelector::stats() const {
ZRelocationSetSelector::ZRelocationSetSelector(double fragmentation_limit) : _small("Small", ZPageType::small, ZPageSizeSmall, ZObjectSizeLimitSmall, fragmentation_limit), _medium("Medium", ZPageType::medium, ZPageSizeMedium, ZObjectSizeLimitMedium, fragmentation_limit), _large("Large", ZPageType::large, 0 /* page_size */, 0 /* object_size_limit */, fragmentation_limit), _empty_pages() {} void ZRelocationSetSelector::select() { // Select pages to relocate. The resulting relocation set will be // sorted such that medium pages comes first, followed by small // pages. Pages within each page group will be semi-sorted by live // bytes in ascending order. Relocating pages in this order allows // us to start reclaiming memory more quickly. EventZRelocationSet event; // Select pages from each group;;; // Send event event.commit(total(), empty(), relocate()); } ZRelocationSetSelectorStats ZRelocationSetSelector::stats() const {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
total | ulong: bytes | Total |
empty | ulong: bytes | Empty |
relocate | ulong: bytes 16+ | Relocate |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// Update statistics _stats._relocate = selected_live_bytes; _stats._npages_selected = npages_selected; log_trace(gc, reloc)("Relocation Set (%s Pages): %d->%d, %d skipped, " SIZE_FORMAT " forwarding entries", _name, selected_from, selected_to, npages - selected_from, selected_forwarding_entries); } void XRelocationSetSelectorGroup::select() { if (is_disabled()) { return; } EventZRelocationSetGroup event; if (is_selectable()) { select_inner(); } // Send event event.commit(_page_type, _stats.npages_candidates(),, _stats.empty(), _stats.npages_selected(), _stats.relocate()); } XRelocationSetSelector::XRelocationSetSelector() : _small("Small", XPageTypeSmall, XPageSizeSmall, XObjectSizeLimitSmall),
_stats[i]._relocate = selected_live_bytes[i]; _stats[i]._npages_selected = npages_selected[i]; } log_debug(gc, reloc)("Relocation Set (%s Pages): %d->%d, %d skipped, " SIZE_FORMAT " forwarding entries", _name, selected_from, selected_to, npages - selected_from, selected_forwarding_entries); } void ZRelocationSetSelectorGroup::select() { if (is_disabled()) { return; } EventZRelocationSetGroup event; if (is_selectable()) { select_inner(); } else { // Mark pages as not selected const int npages = _live_pages.length(); for (int from = 1; from <= npages; from++) { ZPage* const page = - 1); _not_selected_pages.append(page); } }
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
type | ZPageTypeType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
candidatePages | ulong 21+ | Candidate Pages |
total | ulong: bytes | Total |
empty | ulong: bytes | Empty |
selectedPages | ulong 21+ | Selected Pages |
relocate | ulong: bytes 16+ | Relocate |
experimental startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#ifndef SHARE_GC_X_XTRACER_INLINE_HPP #define SHARE_GC_X_XTRACER_INLINE_HPP #include "gc/x/xTracer.hpp" #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp" inline XTracer* XTracer::tracer() { return _tracer; } inline void XTracer::report_stat_counter(const XStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsCounter::is_enabled()) { send_stat_counter(counter, increment, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_stat_sampler(const XStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
XTracer::XTracer() : GCTracer(Z) {} void XTracer::initialize() { assert(_tracer == nullptr, "Already initialized"); _tracer = new XTracer(); JFR_ONLY(register_jfr_type_serializers()); } void XTracer::send_stat_counter(const XStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZStatisticsCounter e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_increment(increment); e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void XTracer::send_stat_sampler(const XStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
#ifndef SHARE_GC_Z_ZTRACER_INLINE_HPP #define SHARE_GC_Z_ZTRACER_INLINE_HPP #include "gc/z/zTracer.hpp" #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp" inline void ZTracer::report_stat_counter(const ZStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsCounter::is_enabled()) { send_stat_counter(counter, increment, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } }
e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_starttime(_start); e.set_endtime(timestamp); e.commit(); } void ZTracer::initialize() { JFR_ONLY(register_jfr_type_serializers()); } void ZTracer::send_stat_counter(const ZStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZStatisticsCounter e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_increment(increment); e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void ZTracer::send_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ZStatisticsCounterType | Id Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
increment | ulong | Increment |
value | ulong | Value |
experimental startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
inline XTracer* XTracer::tracer() { return _tracer; } inline void XTracer::report_stat_counter(const XStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsCounter::is_enabled()) { send_stat_counter(counter, increment, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_stat_sampler(const XStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
EventZStatisticsCounter e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_increment(increment); e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void XTracer::send_stat_sampler(const XStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZStatisticsSampler e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void XTracer::send_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED);
#define SHARE_GC_Z_ZTRACER_INLINE_HPP #include "gc/z/zTracer.hpp" #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp" inline void ZTracer::report_stat_counter(const ZStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsCounter::is_enabled()) { send_stat_counter(counter, increment, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
EventZStatisticsCounter e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_increment(increment); e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void ZTracer::send_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZStatisticsSampler e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void ZTracer::send_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED);
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ZStatisticsSamplerType | Id Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
value | ulong | Value |
Examples 1
id | ZStatisticsSamplerType | Concurrent Mark
startTime | long: millis | 333588291
value | ulong | 1925250
experimental startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
inline void XTracer::report_stat_counter(const XStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsCounter::is_enabled()) { send_stat_counter(counter, increment, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_stat_sampler(const XStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } } inline void XTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadDebug::is_enabled()) { send_thread_debug(name, start, end); } } inline XTraceThreadDebug::XTraceThreadDebug(const char* name) :
NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZStatisticsSampler e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void XTracer::send_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current_or_undefined()); e.set_name(name); e.set_starttime(start); e.set_endtime(end); e.commit(); } } void XTracer::send_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
inline void ZTracer::report_stat_counter(const ZStatCounter& counter, uint64_t increment, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsCounter::is_enabled()) { send_stat_counter(counter, increment, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) { if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) { send_stat_sampler(sampler, value); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) { send_thread_phase(name, start, end); } } inline void ZTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { if (EventZThreadDebug::is_enabled()) { send_thread_debug(name, start, end); } } inline ZTraceThreadDebug::ZTraceThreadDebug(const char* name)
NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZStatisticsSampler e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(; e.set_value(value); e.commit(); } } void ZTracer::send_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv; EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED); if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current_or_undefined()); e.set_name(name); e.set_starttime(start); e.set_endtime(end); e.commit(); } } void ZTracer::send_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) { NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Uncommitting of memory
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
bool ZUncommitter::should_continue() const { ZLocker<ZConditionLock> locker(&_lock); return !_stop; } void ZUncommitter::run_thread() { uint64_t timeout = 0; while (wait(timeout)) { EventZUncommit event; size_t uncommitted = 0; while (should_continue()) { // Uncommit chunk const size_t flushed = _page_allocator->uncommit(&timeout); if (flushed == 0) { // Done break; } uncommitted += flushed;
bool XUncommitter::should_continue() const { XLocker<XConditionLock> locker(&_lock); return !_stop; } void XUncommitter::run_service() { uint64_t timeout = 0; while (wait(timeout)) { EventZUncommit event; size_t uncommitted = 0; while (should_continue()) { // Uncommit chunk const size_t flushed = _page_allocator->uncommit(&timeout); if (flushed == 0) { // Done break; } uncommitted += flushed;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
uncommitted | ulong: bytes | Uncommitted |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Unmapping of memory
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
size_t XUnmapper::queue_capacity() const { return align_up<size_t>(_page_allocator->max_capacity() * ZAsyncUnmappingLimit / 100.0, XGranuleSize); } bool XUnmapper::is_saturated() const { return _enqueued_bytes >= queue_capacity(); } void XUnmapper::do_unmap_and_destroy_page(XPage* page) const { EventZUnmap event; const size_t unmapped = page->size(); // Unmap and destroy _page_allocator->unmap_page(page); _page_allocator->destroy_page(page); // Send event event.commit(unmapped); } void XUnmapper::unmap_and_destroy_page(XPage* page) {
size_t ZUnmapper::queue_capacity() const { return align_up<size_t>(_page_allocator->max_capacity() * ZAsyncUnmappingLimit / 100.0, ZGranuleSize); } bool ZUnmapper::is_saturated() const { return _enqueued_bytes >= queue_capacity(); } void ZUnmapper::do_unmap_and_destroy_page(ZPage* page) const { EventZUnmap event; const size_t unmapped = page->size(); // Unmap and destroy _page_allocator->unmap_page(page); _page_allocator->destroy_page(page); // Send event event.commit(unmapped); } void ZUnmapper::unmap_and_destroy_page(ZPage* page) {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
unmapped | ulong: bytes | Unmapped |
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ShenandoahGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ZGC
Information about a Shenandoah heap region state change
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void ShenandoahHeapRegion::do_uncommit() { ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap(); if (!heap->is_heap_region_special() && !os::uncommit_memory((char *) bottom(), RegionSizeBytes)) { report_java_out_of_memory("Unable to uncommit region"); } if (!heap->uncommit_bitmap_slice(this)) { report_java_out_of_memory("Unable to uncommit bitmaps for region"); } heap->decrease_committed(ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes()); } void ShenandoahHeapRegion::set_state(RegionState to) { EventShenandoahHeapRegionStateChange evt; if (evt.should_commit()){ evt.set_index((unsigned) index()); evt.set_start((uintptr_t)bottom()); evt.set_used(used()); evt.set_from(_state); evt.set_to(to); evt.commit(); } _state = to; }
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
index | uint | Index |
from | ShenandoahHeapRegionState | From Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
to | ShenandoahHeapRegionState | To Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
start | ulong: address | Start |
used | ulong: bytes | Used |
Examples 1
from | ShenandoahHeapRegionState | Regular
index | uint | 0
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
startTime | long: millis | 805901875
to | ShenandoahHeapRegionState | Collection Set
used | ulong: bytes | 2097152
startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ShenandoahGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ZGC
Information about a specific heap region in the Shenandoah GC
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void ShenandoahJFRSupport::register_jfr_type_serializers() { JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_SHENANDOAHHEAPREGIONSTATE, true, new ShenandoahHeapRegionStateConstant()); } #endif class ShenandoahDumpHeapRegionInfoClosure : public ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure { public: virtual void heap_region_do(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) { EventShenandoahHeapRegionInformation evt; evt.set_index((unsigned) r->index()); evt.set_state((u8)r->state()); evt.set_start((uintptr_t)r->bottom()); evt.set_used(r->used()); evt.commit(); } }; void VM_ShenandoahSendHeapRegionInfoEvents::doit() { ShenandoahDumpHeapRegionInfoClosure c; ShenandoahHeap::heap()->heap_region_iterate(&c);
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | false | everyChunk |
profiling | false | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
index | uint | Index |
state | ShenandoahHeapRegionState | State Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
start | ulong: address | Start |
used | ulong: bytes | Used |
Examples 1
default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
Ticks GCLockerTracer::_needs_gc_start_timestamp; volatile jint GCLockerTracer::_jni_lock_count = 0; volatile jint GCLockerTracer::_stall_count = 0; bool GCLockerTracer::is_started() { return _needs_gc_start_timestamp != Ticks(); } void GCLockerTracer::start_gc_locker(const jint jni_lock_count) { assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "sanity"); assert(!is_started(), "sanity"); assert(_jni_lock_count == 0, "sanity"); assert(_stall_count == 0, "sanity"); if (EventGCLocker::is_enabled()) { _needs_gc_start_timestamp.stamp(); _jni_lock_count = jni_lock_count; } } void GCLockerTracer::inc_stall_count() { if (is_started()) { _stall_count++; } } void GCLockerTracer::report_gc_locker() { if (is_started()) { EventGCLocker event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_starttime(_needs_gc_start_timestamp); event.set_endtime(_needs_gc_start_timestamp); event.set_lockCount(_jni_lock_count); event.set_stallCount(_stall_count); event.commit(); } // reset _needs_gc_start_timestamp = Ticks(); _jni_lock_count = 0; _stall_count = 0;
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 1 s |
profiling | true | true | 100 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
lockCount | uint | Lock Count The number of Java threads in a critical section when the GC locker is started |
stallCount | uint | Stall Count The number of Java threads stalled by the GC locker |
JVM: GC: Heap
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
space.set_used(summary.used()); space.set_size(summary.size()); return space; } class GCHeapSummaryEventSender : public GCHeapSummaryVisitor { GCWhen::Type _when; public: GCHeapSummaryEventSender(GCWhen::Type when) : _when(when) {} void visit(const GCHeapSummary* heap_summary) const { const VirtualSpaceSummary& heap_space = heap_summary->heap(); EventGCHeapSummary e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_when((u1)_when); e.set_heapSpace(to_struct(heap_space)); e.set_heapUsed(heap_summary->used()); e.commit(); } } void visit(const G1HeapSummary* g1_heap_summary) const { visit((GCHeapSummary*)g1_heap_summary);
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
heapSpace | VirtualSpace struct | Heap Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | Heap Used Bytes allocated by objects in the heap |
Examples 3
gcId | uint | 882
heapSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 31071404032
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 1006632960
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 4294967296
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | 297332576
startTime | long: millis | 820989014792
when | GCWhen | Before GC
gcId | uint | 9
heapSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30549737472
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 484966400
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 4294967296
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | 79145128
startTime | long: millis | 1497605500
when | GCWhen | After GC
gcId | uint | 7
heapSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30324359168
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 259588096
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 4294967296
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | 74554248
startTime | long: millis | 1241147875
when | GCWhen | After GC
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
GCHeapSummaryEventSender visitor(when); heap_summary.accept(&visitor); } static JfrStructMetaspaceSizes to_struct(const MetaspaceStats& sizes) { JfrStructMetaspaceSizes meta_sizes; meta_sizes.set_committed(sizes.committed()); meta_sizes.set_used(sizes.used()); meta_sizes.set_reserved(sizes.reserved()); return meta_sizes; } void GCTracer::send_meta_space_summary_event(GCWhen::Type when, const MetaspaceSummary& meta_space_summary) const { EventMetaspaceSummary e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_when((u1) when); e.set_gcThreshold(meta_space_summary.capacity_until_GC()); e.set_metaspace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats())); // total stats (class + nonclass) e.set_dataSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().non_class_space_stats())); // "dataspace" aka non-class space e.set_classSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().class_space_stats())); e.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | GC Threshold |
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes struct | Total Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes struct | Data Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes struct | Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 87556096
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1073741824
used | ulong: bytes | 86041024
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 553254912
reserved | ulong: bytes | 603979776
used | ulong: bytes | 551552568
gcId | uint | 901
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | 1068040192
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 640811008
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1677721600
used | ulong: bytes | 637593592
startTime | long: millis | 843406121417
when | GCWhen | After GC
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 4456448
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1073741824
used | ulong: bytes | 4312144
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 33292288
reserved | ulong: bytes | 67108864
used | ulong: bytes | 33101968
gcId | uint | 24
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | 62586880
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 37748736
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1140850688
used | ulong: bytes | 37414112
startTime | long: millis | 12670355458
when | GCWhen | Before GC
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 2621440
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1073741824
used | ulong: bytes | 2506856
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 21102592
reserved | ulong: bytes | 67108864
used | ulong: bytes | 20962408
gcId | uint | 10
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | 38338560
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 23724032
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1140850688
used | ulong: bytes | 23469264
startTime | long: millis | 1607429542
when | GCWhen | After GC
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
Appearing in: ParallelGC
Missing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void visit(const PSHeapSummary* ps_heap_summary) const { visit((GCHeapSummary*)ps_heap_summary); const VirtualSpaceSummary& old_summary = ps_heap_summary->old(); const SpaceSummary& old_space = ps_heap_summary->old_space(); const VirtualSpaceSummary& young_summary = ps_heap_summary->young(); const SpaceSummary& eden_space = ps_heap_summary->eden(); const SpaceSummary& from_space = ps_heap_summary->from(); const SpaceSummary& to_space = ps_heap_summary->to(); EventPSHeapSummary e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_when((u1)_when); e.set_oldSpace(to_struct(ps_heap_summary->old())); e.set_oldObjectSpace(to_struct(ps_heap_summary->old_space())); e.set_youngSpace(to_struct(ps_heap_summary->young())); e.set_edenSpace(to_struct(ps_heap_summary->eden())); e.set_fromSpace(to_struct(ps_heap_summary->from())); e.set_toSpace(to_struct(ps_heap_summary->to())); e.commit();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
oldSpace | VirtualSpace struct | Old Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
oldObjectSpace | ObjectSpace struct | Old Object Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
youngSpace | VirtualSpace struct | Young Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
edenSpace | ObjectSpace struct | Eden Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
fromSpace | ObjectSpace struct | From Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
toSpace | ObjectSpace struct | To Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 1
edenSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 33910423552
size | ulong: bytes | 981991424
start | ulong: address | 32928432128
used | ulong: bytes | 981991424
fromSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 34130624512
size | ulong: bytes | 220200960
start | ulong: address | 33910423552
used | ulong: bytes | 3342408
gcId | uint | 43
oldObjectSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 30407131136
size | ulong: bytes | 342360064
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
used | ulong: bytes | 176948856
oldSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30407131136
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 342360064
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 32928432128
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 2863661056
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
startTime | long: millis | 26879044458
toSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 34359738368
size | ulong: bytes | 219676672
start | ulong: address | 34140061696
used | ulong: bytes | 0
when | GCWhen | Before GC
youngSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 1431306240
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 1431306240
start | ulong: address | 32928432128
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
EventGCHeapSummary e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_when((u1)_when); e.set_heapSpace(to_struct(heap_space)); e.set_heapUsed(heap_summary->used()); e.commit(); } } void visit(const G1HeapSummary* g1_heap_summary) const { visit((GCHeapSummary*)g1_heap_summary); EventG1HeapSummary e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_when((u1)_when); e.set_edenUsedSize(g1_heap_summary->edenUsed()); e.set_edenTotalSize(g1_heap_summary->edenCapacity()); e.set_survivorUsedSize(g1_heap_summary->survivorUsed()); e.set_oldGenUsedSize(g1_heap_summary->oldGenUsed()); e.set_numberOfRegions(g1_heap_summary->numberOfRegions()); e.commit(); } }
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
edenUsedSize | ulong: bytes | Eden Used Size |
edenTotalSize | ulong: bytes | Eden Total Size |
survivorUsedSize | ulong: bytes | Survivor Used Size |
oldGenUsedSize | ulong: bytes 21+ | Old Generation Used Size |
numberOfRegions | uint | Number of Regions |
JVM: GC: Metaspace
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Metaspace
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void MetaspaceTracer::report_gc_threshold(size_t old_val, size_t new_val, MetaspaceGCThresholdUpdater::Type updater) const { EventMetaspaceGCThreshold event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_oldValue(old_val); event.set_newValue(new_val); event.set_updater((u1)updater); event.commit(); } } void MetaspaceTracer::report_metaspace_allocation_failure(ClassLoaderData *cld, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type objtype, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) const { send_allocation_failure_event<EventMetaspaceAllocationFailure>(cld, word_size, objtype, mdtype); }
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
oldValue | ulong: bytes | Old Value |
newValue | ulong: bytes | New Value |
updater | GCThresholdUpdater | Updater Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Metaspace
Appearing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Missing in: G1GC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
EventMetaspaceGCThreshold event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_oldValue(old_val); event.set_newValue(new_val); event.set_updater((u1)updater); event.commit(); } } void MetaspaceTracer::report_metaspace_allocation_failure(ClassLoaderData *cld, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type objtype, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) const { send_allocation_failure_event<EventMetaspaceAllocationFailure>(cld, word_size, objtype, mdtype); } void MetaspaceTracer::report_metadata_oom(ClassLoaderData *cld, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type objtype, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) const { send_allocation_failure_event<EventMetaspaceOOM>(cld, word_size, objtype, mdtype); } template <typename E> void MetaspaceTracer::send_allocation_failure_event(ClassLoaderData *cld,
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
classLoader | ClassLoader | Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
hiddenClassLoader | boolean 15+ | Hidden Class Loader |
size | ulong: bytes | Size |
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | Metaspace Object Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hiddenClassLoader | boolean | false
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | Method
size | ulong: bytes | 88
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 858453667
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hiddenClassLoader | boolean | false
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | ConstMethod
size | ulong: bytes | 104
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 817189417
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hiddenClassLoader | boolean | false
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | ConstantPool
size | ulong: bytes | 2440
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 967526042
default profiling startTime stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Metaspace
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void MetaspaceTracer::report_metaspace_allocation_failure(ClassLoaderData *cld, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type objtype, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) const { send_allocation_failure_event<EventMetaspaceAllocationFailure>(cld, word_size, objtype, mdtype); } void MetaspaceTracer::report_metadata_oom(ClassLoaderData *cld, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type objtype, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) const { send_allocation_failure_event<EventMetaspaceOOM>(cld, word_size, objtype, mdtype); } template <typename E> void MetaspaceTracer::send_allocation_failure_event(ClassLoaderData *cld, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type objtype, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) const { E event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_classLoader(cld); event.set_hiddenClassLoader(cld->has_class_mirror_holder());
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
classLoader | ClassLoader | Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
hiddenClassLoader | boolean 15+ | Hidden Class Loader |
size | ulong: bytes | Size |
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | Metaspace Object Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Metaspace
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void GCTracer::send_reference_stats_event(ReferenceType type, size_t count) const { EventGCReferenceStatistics e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_type((u1)type); e.set_count(count); e.commit(); } } void GCTracer::send_metaspace_chunk_free_list_summary(GCWhen::Type when, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, const MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary& summary) const { EventMetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_when(when); e.set_metadataType(mdtype); e.set_specializedChunks(summary.num_specialized_chunks()); e.set_specializedChunksTotalSize(summary.specialized_chunks_size_in_bytes()); e.set_smallChunks(summary.num_small_chunks()); e.set_smallChunksTotalSize(summary.small_chunks_size_in_bytes());
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
specializedChunks | ulong | Specialized Chunks |
specializedChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | Specialized Chunks Total Size |
smallChunks | ulong | Small Chunks |
smallChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | Small Chunks Total Size |
mediumChunks | ulong | Medium Chunks |
mediumChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | Medium Chunks Total Size |
humongousChunks | ulong | Humongous Chunks |
humongousChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | Humongous Chunks Total Size |
Examples 3
gcId | uint | 868
humongousChunks | ulong | 0
humongousChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
mediumChunks | ulong | 0
mediumChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
smallChunks | ulong | 0
smallChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
specializedChunks | ulong | 0
specializedChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
startTime | long: millis | 798605062833
when | GCWhen | After GC
gcId | uint | 17
humongousChunks | ulong | 0
humongousChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
mediumChunks | ulong | 0
mediumChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
smallChunks | ulong | 0
smallChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
specializedChunks | ulong | 0
specializedChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
startTime | long: millis | 5544754167
when | GCWhen | After GC
gcId | uint | 3
humongousChunks | ulong | 0
humongousChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
mediumChunks | ulong | 0
mediumChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
metadataType | MetadataType | Class
smallChunks | ulong | 0
smallChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
specializedChunks | ulong | 0
specializedChunksTotalSize | ulong: bytes | 0
startTime | long: millis | 1087489708
when | GCWhen | After GC
JVM: GC: Phases
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_gcThreshold(meta_space_summary.capacity_until_GC()); e.set_metaspace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats())); // total stats (class + nonclass) e.set_dataSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().non_class_space_stats())); // "dataspace" aka non-class space e.set_classSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().class_space_stats())); e.commit(); } } class PhaseSender : public PhaseVisitor { void visit_pause(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < PhasesStack::PHASE_LEVELS, "Need more event types for PausePhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhasePause>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase");
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Missing in: ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_metaspace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats())); // total stats (class + nonclass) e.set_dataSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().non_class_space_stats())); // "dataspace" aka non-class space e.set_classSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().class_space_stats())); e.commit(); } } class PhaseSender : public PhaseVisitor { void visit_pause(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < PhasesStack::PHASE_LEVELS, "Need more event types for PausePhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhasePause>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_dataSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().non_class_space_stats())); // "dataspace" aka non-class space e.set_classSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().class_space_stats())); e.commit(); } } class PhaseSender : public PhaseVisitor { void visit_pause(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < PhasesStack::PHASE_LEVELS, "Need more event types for PausePhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhasePause>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrent>(phase); break;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.set_classSpace(to_struct(meta_space_summary.stats().class_space_stats())); e.commit(); } } class PhaseSender : public PhaseVisitor { void visit_pause(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < PhasesStack::PHASE_LEVELS, "Need more event types for PausePhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhasePause>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrent>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel1>(phase); break;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC
Missing in: SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
e.commit(); } } class PhaseSender : public PhaseVisitor { void visit_pause(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < PhasesStack::PHASE_LEVELS, "Need more event types for PausePhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhasePause>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrent>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel2>(phase); break;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhasePause>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrent>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel2>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } public: template<typename T> void send_phase(GCPhase* phase) { T event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) {
class ShenandoahWorkerSession : public StackObj { protected: ShenandoahWorkerSession(uint worker_id); public: static inline uint worker_id() { return WorkerThread::worker_id(); } }; class ShenandoahConcurrentWorkerSession : public ShenandoahWorkerSession { private: EventGCPhaseConcurrent _event; public: ShenandoahConcurrentWorkerSession(uint worker_id) : ShenandoahWorkerSession(worker_id) { } ~ShenandoahConcurrentWorkerSession(); }; class ShenandoahParallelWorkerSession : public ShenandoahWorkerSession { private: EventGCPhaseParallel _event; public:
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrent>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel2>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } public: template<typename T> void send_phase(GCPhase* phase) { T event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current());
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel2>(phase); break; case 3: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel3>(phase); break; case 4: send_phase<EventGCPhasePauseLevel4>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } void visit_concurrent(GCPhase* phase) { assert(phase->level() < 3, "There are only three levels for ConcurrentPhase"); switch (phase->level()) { case 0: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrent>(phase); break; case 1: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel1>(phase); break; case 2: send_phase<EventGCPhaseConcurrentLevel2>(phase); break; default: /* Ignore sending this phase */ break; } } public: template<typename T> void send_phase(GCPhase* phase) { T event(UNTIMED); if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); event.set_name(phase->name());
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 12 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Phases
Appearing in: G1GC, ShenandoahGC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ZGC
GC phases for parallel workers
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
_worker_freelists[worker].~FreeRegionList(); } FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(FreeRegionList, _worker_freelists); } FreeRegionList* worker_freelist(uint worker) { return &_worker_freelists[worker]; } // Each worker creates a free list for a chunk of the heap. The chunks won't // be overlapping so we don't need to do any claiming. void work(uint worker_id) { Ticks start_time = Ticks::now(); EventGCPhaseParallel event; uint start = worker_id * _worker_chunk_size; uint end = MIN2(start + _worker_chunk_size, _hrm->reserved_length()); // If start is outside the heap, this worker has nothing to do. if (start > end) { return; } FreeRegionList *free_list = worker_freelist(worker_id); for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
_before_used_bytes += used; _regions_freed += 1; } void account_card_rs_length(HeapRegion* r) { _card_rs_length += r->rem_set()->occupied(); } }; // Closure applied to all regions in the collection set. class FreeCSetClosure : public HeapRegionClosure { // Helper to send JFR events for regions. class JFREventForRegion { EventGCPhaseParallel _event; public: JFREventForRegion(HeapRegion* region, uint worker_id) : _event() { _event.set_gcId(GCId::current()); _event.set_gcWorkerId(worker_id); if (region->is_young()) { _event.set_name(G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(G1GCPhaseTimes::YoungFreeCSet)); } else { _event.set_name(G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(G1GCPhaseTimes::NonYoungFreeCSet)); } }
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h; G1ParScanThreadState* _par_scan_state; G1ScannerTasksQueueSet* _queues; TaskTerminator* _terminator; G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases _phase; G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state() { return _par_scan_state; } G1ScannerTasksQueueSet* queues() { return _queues; } TaskTerminator* terminator() { return _terminator; } inline bool offer_termination() { EventGCPhaseParallel event; G1ParScanThreadState* const pss = par_scan_state(); start_term_time(); const bool res = (terminator() == nullptr) ? true : terminator()->offer_termination(); end_term_time(); event.commit(GCId::current(), pss->worker_id(), G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(G1GCPhaseTimes::Termination)); return res; } public: G1ParEvacuateFollowersClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state, G1ScannerTasksQueueSet* queues, TaskTerminator* terminator, G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases phase) : _start_term(0.0), _term_time(0.0), _term_attempts(0), _g1h(g1h), _par_scan_state(par_scan_state), _queues(queues), _terminator(terminator), _phase(phase) {} void do_void() { EventGCPhaseParallel event; G1ParScanThreadState* const pss = par_scan_state(); pss->trim_queue(); event.commit(GCId::current(), pss->worker_id(), G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(_phase)); do { EventGCPhaseParallel event; pss->steal_and_trim_queue(queues()); event.commit(GCId::current(), pss->worker_id(), G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(_phase)); } while (!offer_termination()); } double term_time() const { return _term_time; } size_t term_attempts() const { return _term_attempts; } }; class G1EvacuateRegionsBaseTask : public WorkerTask {
size_t cards_scanned() const { return _cards_scanned; } size_t blocks_scanned() const { return _blocks_scanned; } size_t chunks_claimed() const { return _chunks_claimed; } size_t heap_roots_found() const { return _heap_roots_found; } }; void G1RemSet::scan_heap_roots(G1ParScanThreadState* pss, uint worker_id, G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases scan_phase, G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases objcopy_phase, bool remember_already_scanned_cards) { EventGCPhaseParallel event; G1ScanHRForRegionClosure cl(_scan_state, pss, worker_id, scan_phase, remember_already_scanned_cards); _scan_state->iterate_dirty_regions_from(&cl, worker_id); event.commit(GCId::current(), worker_id, G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(scan_phase)); G1GCPhaseTimes* p = _g1p->phase_times(); p->record_or_add_time_secs(objcopy_phase, worker_id, cl.rem_set_trim_partially_time().seconds()); p->record_or_add_time_secs(scan_phase, worker_id, cl.rem_set_root_scan_time().seconds());
_opt_roots_scanned(0), _opt_refs_scanned(0), _opt_refs_memory_used(0), _code_root_scan_time(), _code_trim_partially_time(), _rem_set_opt_root_scan_time(), _rem_set_opt_trim_partially_time() { } bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r) { // The individual references for the optional remembered set are per-worker, so we // always need to scan them. if (r->has_index_in_opt_cset()) { EventGCPhaseParallel event; G1EvacPhaseWithTrimTimeTracker timer(_pss, _rem_set_opt_root_scan_time, _rem_set_opt_trim_partially_time); scan_opt_rem_set_roots(r); event.commit(GCId::current(), _worker_id, G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(_scan_phase)); } // Scan code root remembered sets. { EventGCPhaseParallel event; G1EvacPhaseWithTrimTimeTracker timer(_pss, _code_root_scan_time, _code_trim_partially_time); G1ScanAndCountCodeBlobClosure cl(_pss->closures()->weak_codeblobs()); // Scan the code root list attached to the current region r->code_roots_do(&cl); _code_roots_scanned += cl.count(); event.commit(GCId::current(), _worker_id, G1GCPhaseTimes::phase_name(_code_roots_phase)); }
#ifndef SHARE_GC_G1_G1GCPARPHASETIMESTRACKER_HPP #define SHARE_GC_G1_G1GCPARPHASETIMESTRACKER_HPP #include "gc/g1/g1GCPhaseTimes.hpp" #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp" #include "utilities/ticks.hpp" class G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker : public CHeapObj<mtGC> { protected: Ticks _start_time; G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases _phase; G1GCPhaseTimes* _phase_times; uint _worker_id; EventGCPhaseParallel _event; bool _allow_multiple_record; public: G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker(G1GCPhaseTimes* phase_times, G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases phase, uint worker_id, bool allow_multiple_record = false); virtual ~G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker(); }; class G1EvacPhaseTimesTracker : public G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker { Tickspan _total_time; Tickspan _trim_time;
static const char* phase_name(Phase phase) { assert(phase >= 0 && phase < _num_phases, "Out of bound"); return _phase_names[phase]; } void print_cycle_on(outputStream* out) const; void print_global_on(outputStream* out) const; }; class ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker : public StackObj { private: ShenandoahPhaseTimings* const _timings; ShenandoahPhaseTimings::Phase const _phase; ShenandoahPhaseTimings::ParPhase const _par_phase; uint const _worker_id; double _start_time; EventGCPhaseParallel _event; public: ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker(ShenandoahPhaseTimings::Phase phase, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::ParPhase par_phase, uint worker_id); ~ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker(); }; #endif // SHARE_GC_SHENANDOAH_SHENANDOAHPHASETIMINGS_HPP
class ShenandoahConcurrentWorkerSession : public ShenandoahWorkerSession { private: EventGCPhaseConcurrent _event; public: ShenandoahConcurrentWorkerSession(uint worker_id) : ShenandoahWorkerSession(worker_id) { } ~ShenandoahConcurrentWorkerSession(); }; class ShenandoahParallelWorkerSession : public ShenandoahWorkerSession { private: EventGCPhaseParallel _event; public: ShenandoahParallelWorkerSession(uint worker_id) : ShenandoahWorkerSession(worker_id) { } ~ShenandoahParallelWorkerSession(); }; class ShenandoahSuspendibleThreadSetJoiner { private: SuspendibleThreadSetJoiner _joiner; public: ShenandoahSuspendibleThreadSetJoiner(bool active = true) : _joiner(active) {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
gcWorkerId | uint | GC Worker Identifier |
name | string | Name |
JVM: GC: Reference
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Reference
Total count of processed references during GC
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void GCTracer::send_cpu_time_event(double user_time, double system_time, double real_time) const { EventGCCPUTime e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_userTime((size_t)(user_time * NANOUNITS)); e.set_systemTime((size_t)(system_time * NANOUNITS)); e.set_realTime((size_t)(real_time * NANOUNITS)); e.commit(); } } void GCTracer::send_reference_stats_event(ReferenceType type, size_t count) const { EventGCReferenceStatistics e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_gcId(GCId::current()); e.set_type((u1)type); e.set_count(count); e.commit(); } } void GCTracer::send_metaspace_chunk_free_list_summary(GCWhen::Type when, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, const MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary& summary) const { EventMetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary e;
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
type | ReferenceType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
count | ulong | Total Count |
Examples 3
count | ulong | 2
gcId | uint | 887
startTime | long: millis | 833418220833
type | ReferenceType | Phantom reference
count | ulong | 0
gcId | uint | 12
startTime | long: millis | 2010761417
type | ReferenceType | Soft reference
count | ulong | 0
gcId | uint | 24
startTime | long: millis | 1888601917
type | ReferenceType | Phantom reference
JVM: Heap
default profiling startTime every chunk 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Heap
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JavaThreadStatistics) { EventJavaThreadStatistics event; event.set_activeCount(ThreadService::get_live_thread_count()); event.set_daemonCount(ThreadService::get_daemon_thread_count()); event.set_accumulatedCount(ThreadService::get_total_thread_count()); event.set_peakCount(ThreadService::get_peak_thread_count()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapMemoryUsage) { MemoryUsage usage = Universe::heap()->memory_usage(); EventGCHeapMemoryUsage event(UNTIMED); event.set_used(usage.used()); event.set_committed(usage.committed()); event.set_max(usage.max_size()); event.set_starttime(timestamp()); event.set_endtime(timestamp()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapMemoryPoolUsage) { ResourceMark mark; GrowableArray<MemoryPool*> pools = Universe::heap()->memory_pools();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
used | ulong: bytes | Heap Used Bytes allocated for storing objects on the heap |
committed | ulong: bytes | Heap Committed Bytes committed for storing objects on the heap |
max | ulong: bytes | Heap Max Max size for the heap |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime every chunk 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Heap
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_max(usage.max_size()); event.set_starttime(timestamp()); event.set_endtime(timestamp()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapMemoryPoolUsage) { ResourceMark mark; GrowableArray<MemoryPool*> pools = Universe::heap()->memory_pools(); for (int i = 0; i < pools.length(); i++) { MemoryPool* pool =; if (pool->is_heap()) { MemoryUsage usage = pool->get_memory_usage(); EventGCHeapMemoryPoolUsage event(UNTIMED); event.set_name(pool->name()); event.set_used(usage.used()); event.set_committed(usage.committed()); event.set_max(usage.max_size()); event.set_starttime(timestamp()); event.set_endtime(timestamp()); event.commit(); } } }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name GC Heap Memory Pool Name |
used | ulong: bytes | GC Heap Memory Pool Used Bytes used for storing objects in this memory pool |
committed | ulong: bytes | GC Heap Memory Pool Committed Bytes committed for storing objects in this memory pool |
max | ulong: bytes | GC Heap Memory Pool Max Max size for storing objects in this memory pool |
Examples 3
JVM: Internal
internal startTime duration eventThread 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Internal
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
internal startTime eventThread 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Internal
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
/** * Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link CompilationEvent}. */ static CompilerFailureEvent createEmptyCompilerFailureEvent() { return new EmptyCompilerFailureEvent(); } /** * An instant event is an event that is not considered to have taken any time. */ public interface InstantEvent { /** * Commits the event. */ void commit(); /** * Determines if this particular event instance would be committed to the data stream right * now if application called {@link #commit()}. This in turn depends on whether the event is * enabled and possible other factors. * * @return if this event would be committed on a call to {@link #commit()}. */ boolean shouldWrite(); } /** * Timed events describe an operation that somehow consumes time. */ public interface TimedEvent extends InstantEvent { /** * Starts the timing for this event. */ void begin(); /** * Ends the timing period for this event. */ void end(); }
void setIsOsr(boolean isOsr); void setCodeSize(int codeSize); void setInlinedBytes(int inlinedBytes); } /** * Creates a new {@link CompilerFailureEvent}. * * @return a compiler failure event */ CompilerFailureEvent newCompilerFailureEvent(); /** * A compiler failure event. */ public interface CompilerFailureEvent extends InstantEvent { void setCompileId(int compileId); void setMessage(String message); } }
internal startTime eventThread 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Internal
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
value | ulong | Value |
internal startTime eventThread 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Internal
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
text | string | Text |
JVM: Memory
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Memory
Resident set size of the process
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
if (!print_model_name_and_flags(st, buf, buflen)) { _print_ascii_file_h("/proc/cpuinfo", "/proc/cpuinfo", st, false); } st->cr(); print_sys_devices_cpu_info(st); } #if INCLUDE_JFR void os::jfr_report_memory_info() { os::Linux::meminfo_t info; if (os::Linux::query_process_memory_info(&info)) { // Send the RSS JFR event EventResidentSetSize event; event.set_size(info.vmrss * K); event.set_peak(info.vmhwm * K); event.commit(); } else { // Log a warning static bool first_warning = true; if (first_warning) { log_warning(jfr)("Error fetching RSS values: query_process_memory_info failed"); first_warning = false; } }
#if INCLUDE_JFR void os::jfr_report_memory_info() { PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX pmex; ZeroMemory(&pmex, sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX)); pmex.cb = sizeof(pmex); BOOL ret = GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), (PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*) &pmex, sizeof(pmex)); if (ret != 0) { // Send the RSS JFR event EventResidentSetSize event; event.set_size(pmex.WorkingSetSize); event.set_peak(pmex.PeakWorkingSetSize); event.commit(); } else { // Log a warning static bool first_warning = true; if (first_warning) { log_warning(jfr)("Error fetching RSS values: GetProcessMemoryInfo failed"); first_warning = false; } }
void os::print_memory_mappings(char* addr, size_t bytes, outputStream* st) {} #if INCLUDE_JFR void os::jfr_report_memory_info() { #ifdef __APPLE__ mach_task_basic_info info; mach_msg_type_number_t count = MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; kern_return_t ret = task_info(mach_task_self(), MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&info, &count); if (ret == KERN_SUCCESS) { // Send the RSS JFR event EventResidentSetSize event; event.set_size(info.resident_size); // We've seen that resident_size_max sometimes trails resident_size with one page. // Make sure we always report size <= peak event.set_peak(MAX2(info.resident_size_max, info.resident_size)); event.commit(); } else { // Log a warning static bool first_warning = true; if (first_warning) { log_warning(jfr)("Error fetching RSS values: task_info failed"); first_warning = false;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
size | ulong: bytes | Resident Set Size Resident set size of the process |
peak | ulong: bytes | Resident Set Size Peak Value Resident set size peak value of the process |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 20 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Memory
Native memory usage for a given memory type in the JVM
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
return; } NMTUsage* usage = get_usage(timestamp); EventNativeMemoryUsageTotal event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(timestamp); event.set_reserved(usage->total_reserved()); event.set_committed(usage->total_committed()); event.commit(); } void JfrNativeMemoryEvent::send_type_event(const Ticks& starttime, MEMFLAGS flag, size_t reserved, size_t committed) { EventNativeMemoryUsage event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(starttime); event.set_type(NMTUtil::flag_to_index(flag)); event.set_reserved(reserved); event.set_committed(committed); event.commit(); } void JfrNativeMemoryEvent::send_type_events(const Ticks& timestamp) { if (!MemTracker::enabled()) { return; }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
type | NMTType | Memory Type Type used for the native memory allocation |
reserved | ulong: bytes | Reserved Memory Reserved bytes for this type |
committed | ulong: bytes | Committed Memory Committed bytes for this type |
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 20 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Memory
Total native memory usage for the JVM. Might not be the exact sum of the NativeMemoryUsage events due to timeing.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
usage->refresh(); last_timestamp = timestamp; } return usage; } void JfrNativeMemoryEvent::send_total_event(const Ticks& timestamp) { if (!MemTracker::enabled()) { return; } NMTUsage* usage = get_usage(timestamp); EventNativeMemoryUsageTotal event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(timestamp); event.set_reserved(usage->total_reserved()); event.set_committed(usage->total_committed()); event.commit(); } void JfrNativeMemoryEvent::send_type_event(const Ticks& starttime, MEMFLAGS flag, size_t reserved, size_t committed) { EventNativeMemoryUsage event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(starttime); event.set_type(NMTUtil::flag_to_index(flag)); event.set_reserved(reserved);
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
reserved | ulong: bytes | Reserved Memory Total amount of reserved bytes for the JVM |
committed | ulong: bytes | Committed Memory Total amount of committed bytes for the JVM |
JVM: Profiling
cutoff default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Profiling
A potential memory leak
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
assert(!sample->is_dead(), "invariant"); assert(edge_store != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(_jfr_thread_local != nullptr, "invariant"); const StoredEdge* const edge = edge_store->get(sample); assert(edge != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(edge->pointee() == sample->object(), "invariant"); const traceid object_id = edge_store->get_id(edge); assert(object_id != 0, "invariant"); const traceid gc_root_id = edge->gc_root_id(); Tickspan object_age = Ticks(_start_time.value()) - sample->allocation_time(); EventOldObjectSample e(UNTIMED); e.set_starttime(_start_time); e.set_endtime(_end_time); e.set_allocationTime(sample->allocation_time()); e.set_objectSize(sample->allocated()); e.set_objectAge(object_age); e.set_lastKnownHeapUsage(sample->heap_used_at_last_gc()); e.set_object(object_id); e.set_arrayElements(array_size(edge->pointee())); e.set_root(gc_root_id); // Temporarily assigning both the stack trace id and thread id
// for regular threads, the blob is cached in the thread local data structure tl->set_thread_blob(JfrCheckpointManager::create_thread_blob(thread, tid)); assert(tl->has_thread_blob(), "invariant"); } return tl->thread_blob(); } class RecordStackTrace { private: JavaThread* _jt; bool _enabled; public: RecordStackTrace(JavaThread* jt) : _jt(jt), _enabled(JfrEventSetting::has_stacktrace(EventOldObjectSample::eventId)) { if (_enabled) { JfrStackTraceRepository::record_for_leak_profiler(jt); } } ~RecordStackTrace() { if (_enabled) { _jt->jfr_thread_local()->clear_cached_stack_trace(); } } };
NO_TRANSITION(jlong, jfr_elapsed_counter(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm)) return JfrTicks::now(); NO_TRANSITION_END NO_TRANSITION(void, jfr_retransform_classes(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jobjectArray classes)) JfrJvmtiAgent::retransform_classes(env, classes, JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment(env)); NO_TRANSITION_END NO_TRANSITION(void, jfr_set_enabled(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jlong event_type_id, jboolean enabled)) JfrEventSetting::set_enabled(event_type_id, JNI_TRUE == enabled); if (EventOldObjectSample::eventId == event_type_id) { JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment(env); MACOS_AARCH64_ONLY(ThreadWXEnable __wx(WXWrite, thread)); ThreadInVMfromNative transition(thread); if (JNI_TRUE == enabled) { LeakProfiler::start(JfrOptionSet::old_object_queue_size()); } else { LeakProfiler::stop(); } } NO_TRANSITION_END
Configuration | cutoff | enabled | stackTrace |
default | 0 ns | true | false |
profiling | 0 ns | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
allocationTime | Ticks | Allocation Time Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
objectSize | ulong: bytes 18+ | Object Size |
objectAge | Tickspan 14+ | Object Age Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
lastKnownHeapUsage | ulong: bytes | Last Known Heap Usage |
object | OldObject | Object Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
arrayElements | int | Array Elements If the object is an array, the number of elements, or minimum value for the type int if it is not an array |
root | OldObjectGcRoot | GC Root Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
allocationTime | Ticks | 98554303000
arrayElements | int | 32
lastKnownHeapUsage | ulong: bytes | 123463016
object | OldObject | |
address | ulong: address | 30196937768
description | string | null
referrer | Reference | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [J
package | Package | null
objectAge | Tickspan | 413694708
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 272
root | OldObjectGcRoot | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 98967997708
allocationTime | Ticks | 78192029458
arrayElements | int | -2147483648
lastKnownHeapUsage | ulong: bytes | 121406312
object | OldObject | |
address | ulong: address | 30177933496
description | string | null
referrer | Reference | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 48
name | string | java/util/TreeMap$Entry
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
objectAge | Tickspan | 15874880792
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 40
root | OldObjectGcRoot | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 800
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/TreeMap$Entry;Z)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | addEntry
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/TreeMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 94066910250
allocationTime | Ticks | 924056838375
arrayElements | int | 64
lastKnownHeapUsage | ulong: bytes | 270591224
object | OldObject | |
address | ulong: address | 30294725552
description | string | null
referrer | Reference | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1041
name | string | [Ljava/util/concurrent/ForkJoinTask;
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util/concurrent
objectAge | Tickspan | 16808844042
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 272
root | OldObjectGcRoot | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 7
lineNumber | int | 1815
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 16
name | string | registerWorker
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util/concurrent
type | FrameType | Interpreted
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 940865682417
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Profiling
Snapshot of a threads state
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_subscribe_log_level(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jobject log_tag, jint id)) JfrJavaLog::subscribe_log_level(log_tag, id, thread); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_set_output(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jstring path)) JfrRepository::set_chunk_path(path, thread); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_set_method_sampling_period(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jlong type, jlong periodMillis)) if (periodMillis < 0) { periodMillis = 0; } JfrEventId typed_event_id = (JfrEventId)type; assert(EventExecutionSample::eventId == typed_event_id || EventNativeMethodSample::eventId == typed_event_id, "invariant"); JfrEventSetting::set_enabled(typed_event_id, periodMillis > 0); if (EventExecutionSample::eventId == type) { JfrThreadSampling::set_java_sample_period(periodMillis); } else { JfrThreadSampling::set_native_sample_period(periodMillis); } JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_store_metadata_descriptor(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jbyteArray descriptor)) JfrMetadataEvent::update(descriptor); JVM_END // trace thread id for a thread object
case _thread_in_native_trans: break; case _thread_in_native: return true; default: ShouldNotReachHere(); break; } return false; } class JfrThreadSampleClosure { public: JfrThreadSampleClosure(EventExecutionSample* events, EventNativeMethodSample* events_native); ~JfrThreadSampleClosure() {} EventExecutionSample* next_event() { return &_events[_added_java++]; } EventNativeMethodSample* next_event_native() { return &_events_native[_added_native++]; } void commit_events(JfrSampleType type); bool do_sample_thread(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames, JfrSampleType type); uint java_entries() { return _added_java; } uint native_entries() { return _added_native; } private: bool sample_thread_in_java(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames); bool sample_thread_in_native(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames); EventExecutionSample* _events; EventNativeMethodSample* _events_native; Thread* _self; uint _added_java; uint _added_native; }; class OSThreadSampler : public SuspendedThreadTask { public: OSThreadSampler(JavaThread* thread, JfrThreadSampleClosure& closure, JfrStackFrame *frames,
// Skip sample if we signaled a thread that moved to other state if (!thread_state_in_java(jt)) { return; } JfrGetCallTrace trace(true, jt); frame topframe; if (trace.get_topframe(context.ucontext(), topframe)) { if (_stacktrace.record_async(jt, topframe)) { /* If we managed to get a topframe and a stacktrace, create an event * and put it into our array. We can't call Jfr::_stacktraces.add() * here since it would allocate memory using malloc. Doing so while * the stopped thread is inside malloc would deadlock. */ _success = true; EventExecutionSample *ev = _closure.next_event(); ev->set_starttime(_suspend_time); ev->set_endtime(_suspend_time); // fake to not take an end time ev->set_sampledThread(JfrThreadLocal::thread_id(jt)); ev->set_state(static_cast<u8>(JavaThreadStatus::RUNNABLE)); } } } void OSThreadSampler::take_sample() { run(); }
// skip frames in stack chunks on the Java heap. StackWatermarkSet::start_processing(thread, StackWatermarkKind::gc); OSThreadSampler sampler(thread, *this, frames, max_frames); sampler.take_sample(); /* We don't want to allocate any memory using malloc/etc while the thread * is stopped, so everything is stored in stack allocated memory until this * point where the thread has been resumed again, if the sampling was a success * we need to store the stacktrace in the stacktrace repository and update * the event with the id that was returned. */ if (!sampler.success()) { return false; } EventExecutionSample *event = &_events[_added_java - 1]; traceid id = JfrStackTraceRepository::add(sampler.stacktrace()); assert(id != 0, "Stacktrace id should not be 0"); event->set_stackTrace(id); return true; } bool JfrThreadSampleClosure::sample_thread_in_native(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames) { // Process the oops in the thread head before calling into code that wants to // stack walk over Loom continuations. The stack walking code will otherwise // skip frames in stack chunks on the Java heap. StackWatermarkSet::start_processing(thread, StackWatermarkKind::gc);
EventNativeMethodSample *event = &_events_native[_added_native - 1]; traceid id = JfrStackTraceRepository::add(cb.stacktrace()); assert(id != 0, "Stacktrace id should not be 0"); event->set_stackTrace(id); return true; } static const uint MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES = 5; static const uint MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES = 1; void JfrThreadSampleClosure::commit_events(JfrSampleType type) { if (JAVA_SAMPLE == type) { assert(_added_java > 0 && _added_java <= MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES, "invariant"); if (EventExecutionSample::is_enabled()) { for (uint i = 0; i < _added_java; ++i) { _events[i].commit(); } } } else { assert(NATIVE_SAMPLE == type, "invariant"); assert(_added_native > 0 && _added_native <= MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES, "invariant"); if (EventNativeMethodSample::is_enabled()) { for (uint i = 0; i < _added_native; ++i) { _events_native[i].commit(); } } } } JfrThreadSampleClosure::JfrThreadSampleClosure(EventExecutionSample* events, EventNativeMethodSample* events_native) : _events(events), _events_native(events_native), _self(Thread::current()), _added_java(0), _added_native(0) { } class JfrThreadSampler : public NonJavaThread { friend class JfrThreadSampling; private: Semaphore _sample;
const JfrBuffer* JfrThreadSampler::get_enqueue_buffer() { const JfrBuffer* buffer = JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::get_sampler_enqueue_buffer(this); return buffer != nullptr ? renew_if_full(buffer) : JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::renew_sampler_enqueue_buffer(this); } const JfrBuffer* JfrThreadSampler::renew_if_full(const JfrBuffer* enqueue_buffer) { assert(enqueue_buffer != nullptr, "invariant"); return enqueue_buffer->free_size() < _min_size ? JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::renew_sampler_enqueue_buffer(this) : enqueue_buffer; } void JfrThreadSampler::task_stacktrace(JfrSampleType type, JavaThread** last_thread) { ResourceMark rm; EventExecutionSample samples[MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES]; EventNativeMethodSample samples_native[MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES]; JfrThreadSampleClosure sample_task(samples, samples_native); const uint sample_limit = JAVA_SAMPLE == type ? MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES : MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES; uint num_samples = 0; JavaThread* start = nullptr; { elapsedTimer sample_time; sample_time.start(); { MutexLocker tlock(Threads_lock);
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
sampledThread | Thread | Thread Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
stackTrace | StackTrace | Stack Trace Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
state | ThreadState | Thread State |
Examples 3
sampledThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | Executor task launch worker for task 1.0 in stage 22.0 (TID 156)
javaThreadId | long | 1646
osName | string | Executor task launch worker for task 1.0 in stage 22.0 (TID 156)
osThreadId | long | 138519
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 258
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;ID[DII[DI)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | dspr
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | org/netlib/blas/Dspr
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/netlib/blas
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 794837541875
state | ThreadState | STATE_RUNNABLE
sampledThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | main
javaThreadId | long | 1
osName | string | main
osThreadId | long | 10499
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 312
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()Ljava/util/stream/ReduceOps$AccumulatingSink;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 4161
name | string | makeSink
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/stream/ReduceOps$6
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1527601375
state | ThreadState | STATE_RUNNABLE
sampledThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1
javaThreadId | long | 23
osName | string | ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1
osThreadId | long | 31751
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 12
lineNumber | int | 214
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | accept
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/stream/ReferencePipeline$4$1
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/stream
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 4891807708
state | ThreadState | STATE_RUNNABLE
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Profiling
Snapshot of a threads state when in native
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_subscribe_log_level(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jobject log_tag, jint id)) JfrJavaLog::subscribe_log_level(log_tag, id, thread); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_set_output(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jstring path)) JfrRepository::set_chunk_path(path, thread); JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_set_method_sampling_period(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jlong type, jlong periodMillis)) if (periodMillis < 0) { periodMillis = 0; } JfrEventId typed_event_id = (JfrEventId)type; assert(EventExecutionSample::eventId == typed_event_id || EventNativeMethodSample::eventId == typed_event_id, "invariant"); JfrEventSetting::set_enabled(typed_event_id, periodMillis > 0); if (EventExecutionSample::eventId == type) { JfrThreadSampling::set_java_sample_period(periodMillis); } else { JfrThreadSampling::set_native_sample_period(periodMillis); } JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, jfr_store_metadata_descriptor(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jbyteArray descriptor)) JfrMetadataEvent::update(descriptor); JVM_END
case _thread_in_native_trans: break; case _thread_in_native: return true; default: ShouldNotReachHere(); break; } return false; } class JfrThreadSampleClosure { public: JfrThreadSampleClosure(EventExecutionSample* events, EventNativeMethodSample* events_native); ~JfrThreadSampleClosure() {} EventExecutionSample* next_event() { return &_events[_added_java++]; } EventNativeMethodSample* next_event_native() { return &_events_native[_added_native++]; } void commit_events(JfrSampleType type); bool do_sample_thread(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames, JfrSampleType type); uint java_entries() { return _added_java; } uint native_entries() { return _added_native; } private: bool sample_thread_in_java(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames); bool sample_thread_in_native(JavaThread* thread, JfrStackFrame* frames, u4 max_frames); EventExecutionSample* _events; EventNativeMethodSample* _events_native; Thread* _self; uint _added_java; uint _added_native; }; class OSThreadSampler : public SuspendedThreadTask { public: OSThreadSampler(JavaThread* thread, JfrThreadSampleClosure& closure, JfrStackFrame *frames, u4 max_frames) : SuspendedThreadTask((Thread*)thread),
virtual void call(); bool success() { return _success; } JfrStackTrace& stacktrace() { return _stacktrace; } private: JfrThreadSampleClosure& _closure; JavaThread* _jt; oop _thread_oop; JfrStackTrace _stacktrace; bool _success; }; static void write_native_event(JfrThreadSampleClosure& closure, JavaThread* jt, oop thread_oop) { EventNativeMethodSample *ev = closure.next_event_native(); ev->set_starttime(JfrTicks::now()); ev->set_sampledThread(JfrThreadLocal::thread_id(jt)); ev->set_state(static_cast<u8>(JavaThreadStatus::RUNNABLE)); } void JfrNativeSamplerCallback::call() { // When a thread is only attach it will be native without a last java frame if (!_jt->has_last_Java_frame()) { return; }
JfrNativeSamplerCallback cb(*this, thread, frames, max_frames); if (JfrOptionSet::sample_protection()) { ThreadCrashProtection crash_protection; if (! { log_error(jfr)("Thread method sampler crashed for native"); } } else {; } if (!cb.success()) { return false; } EventNativeMethodSample *event = &_events_native[_added_native - 1]; traceid id = JfrStackTraceRepository::add(cb.stacktrace()); assert(id != 0, "Stacktrace id should not be 0"); event->set_stackTrace(id); return true; } static const uint MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES = 5; static const uint MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES = 1; void JfrThreadSampleClosure::commit_events(JfrSampleType type) { if (JAVA_SAMPLE == type) { assert(_added_java > 0 && _added_java <= MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES, "invariant"); if (EventExecutionSample::is_enabled()) { for (uint i = 0; i < _added_java; ++i) { _events[i].commit(); } } } else { assert(NATIVE_SAMPLE == type, "invariant"); assert(_added_native > 0 && _added_native <= MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES, "invariant"); if (EventNativeMethodSample::is_enabled()) { for (uint i = 0; i < _added_native; ++i) { _events_native[i].commit(); } } } } JfrThreadSampleClosure::JfrThreadSampleClosure(EventExecutionSample* events, EventNativeMethodSample* events_native) : _events(events), _events_native(events_native), _self(Thread::current()), _added_java(0), _added_native(0) { } class JfrThreadSampler : public NonJavaThread { friend class JfrThreadSampling; private: Semaphore _sample;
const JfrBuffer* JfrThreadSampler::get_enqueue_buffer() { const JfrBuffer* buffer = JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::get_sampler_enqueue_buffer(this); return buffer != nullptr ? renew_if_full(buffer) : JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::renew_sampler_enqueue_buffer(this); } const JfrBuffer* JfrThreadSampler::renew_if_full(const JfrBuffer* enqueue_buffer) { assert(enqueue_buffer != nullptr, "invariant"); return enqueue_buffer->free_size() < _min_size ? JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::renew_sampler_enqueue_buffer(this) : enqueue_buffer; } void JfrThreadSampler::task_stacktrace(JfrSampleType type, JavaThread** last_thread) { ResourceMark rm; EventExecutionSample samples[MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES]; EventNativeMethodSample samples_native[MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES]; JfrThreadSampleClosure sample_task(samples, samples_native); const uint sample_limit = JAVA_SAMPLE == type ? MAX_NR_OF_JAVA_SAMPLES : MAX_NR_OF_NATIVE_SAMPLES; uint num_samples = 0; JavaThread* start = nullptr; { elapsedTimer sample_time; sample_time.start(); { MutexLocker tlock(Threads_lock); ThreadsListHandle tlh;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | 20 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
sampledThread | Thread | Thread Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
stackTrace | StackTrace | Stack Trace Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
state | ThreadState | Thread State |
Examples 3
sampledThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | finagle/netty4/boss
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | finagle/netty4/boss-1
javaThreadId | long | 1264
osName | string | finagle/netty4/boss-1
osThreadId | long | 98847
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (IJIJ)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | poll
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | sun/nio/ch/KQueue
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | sun/nio/ch
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 794585768500
state | ThreadState | STATE_RUNNABLE
sampledThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6
javaThreadId | long | 36
osName | string | ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6
osThreadId | long | 43267
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | allocateInstance
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/misc
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1869875250
state | ThreadState | STATE_RUNNABLE
sampledThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | main
javaThreadId | long | 1
osName | string | main
osThreadId | long | 8707
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BII)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 258
name | string | readBytes0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/io/RandomAccessFile
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 3810096625
state | ThreadState | STATE_RUNNABLE
JVM: Runtime
experimental startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 19 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Invocation of Continuation.yield()
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVMTI_ONLY(jvmti_yield_cleanup(thread, cont)); // can safepoint return freeze_epilog(thread, cont); } template<typename ConfigT> static inline int freeze_internal(JavaThread* current, intptr_t* const sp) { assert(!current->has_pending_exception(), ""); #ifdef ASSERT log_trace(continuations)("~~~~ freeze sp: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(current->last_continuation()->entry_sp())); log_frames(current); #endif CONT_JFR_ONLY(EventContinuationFreeze event;) ContinuationEntry* entry = current->last_continuation(); oop oopCont = entry->cont_oop(current); assert(oopCont == current->last_continuation()->cont_oop(current), ""); assert(ContinuationEntry::assert_entry_frame_laid_out(current), ""); verify_continuation(oopCont); ContinuationWrapper cont(current, oopCont); log_develop_debug(continuations)("FREEZE #" INTPTR_FORMAT " " INTPTR_FORMAT, cont.hash(), p2i((oopDesc*)oopCont));
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | false | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
carrierThread | Thread | Carrier Thread Thread enlisted as a carrier |
continuationClass | Class | Continuation Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
interpretedFrames | ushort | Interpreted Frames |
size | ushort: bytes | Stack Size |
experimental startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 19 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Invocation of on a started continuation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
" to: " INTPTR_FORMAT " top_address: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(f.sp() - frame::metadata_words), p2i(_top_stack_address)); ContinuationHelper::Frame::patch_pc(f, f.raw_pc()); // in case we want to deopt the frame in a full transition, this is checked. ContinuationHelper::push_pd(f); assert(ContinuationHelper::Frame::assert_frame_laid_out(f), ""); } // returns new top sp // called after preparations (stack overflow check and making room) template<typename ConfigT> static inline intptr_t* thaw_internal(JavaThread* thread, const Continuation::thaw_kind kind) { assert(thread == JavaThread::current(), "Must be current thread"); CONT_JFR_ONLY(EventContinuationThaw event;) log_develop_trace(continuations)("~~~~ thaw kind: %d sp: " INTPTR_FORMAT, kind, p2i(thread->last_continuation()->entry_sp())); ContinuationEntry* entry = thread->last_continuation(); assert(entry != nullptr, ""); oop oopCont = entry->cont_oop(thread); assert(!jdk_internal_vm_Continuation::done(oopCont), ""); assert(oopCont == get_continuation(thread), ""); verify_continuation(oopCont);
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | false | false | 0 ms |
profiling | false | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
carrierThread | Thread | Carrier Thread Thread enlisted as a carrier |
continuationClass | Class | Continuation Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
interpretedFrames | ushort | Interpreted Frames |
size | ushort: bytes | Stack Size |
experimental startTime eventThread 20 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
log_develop_trace(continuations)("FREEZE CHUNK #" INTPTR_FORMAT " (young)", _cont.hash()); LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt; if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) { LogStream ls(lt); chunk->print_on(true, &ls); } // Verification assert(_cont.chunk_invariant(), ""); chunk->verify(); #if CONT_JFR EventContinuationFreezeFast e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(cast_from_oop<u8>(chunk)); DEBUG_ONLY(e.set_allocate(chunk_is_allocated);) e.set_size(cont_size() << LogBytesPerWord); e.commit(); } #endif } NOINLINE freeze_result FreezeBase::freeze_slow() { #ifdef ASSERT
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ulong | Continuation ID |
size | uint | Size |
allocate | boolean | Allocated New |
experimental startTime eventThread 20 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
NOINLINE freeze_result FreezeBase::freeze_slow() { #ifdef ASSERT ResourceMark rm; #endif log_develop_trace(continuations)("freeze_slow #" INTPTR_FORMAT, _cont.hash()); assert(_thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_vm || _thread->thread_state() == _thread_blocked, ""); #if CONT_JFR EventContinuationFreezeSlow e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(cast_from_oop<u8>(_cont.continuation())); e.commit(); } #endif init_rest(); HandleMark hm(Thread::current()); frame f = freeze_start_frame();
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ulong | Continuation ID |
experimental startTime eventThread 20 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
log_develop_trace(continuations)("setting entry argsize: %d", _cont.argsize()); assert(rs.bottom_sp() == _cont.entry()->bottom_sender_sp(), ""); // install the return barrier if not last frame, or the entry's pc if last patch_return(rs.bottom_sp(), is_last); // insert the back links from callee to caller frames patch_caller_links(, + rs.total_size()); assert(is_last == _cont.is_empty(), ""); assert(_cont.chunk_invariant(), ""); #if CONT_JFR EventContinuationThawFast e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(cast_from_oop<u8>(chunk)); e.set_size(thaw_size << LogBytesPerWord); e.set_full(!partial); e.commit(); } #endif #ifdef ASSERT set_anchor(_thread, rs.sp()); log_frames(_thread);
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ulong | Continuation ID |
full | boolean | Full |
size | uint | Size |
experimental startTime eventThread 20 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
inline bool ThawBase::seen_by_gc() { return _barriers || _cont.tail()->is_gc_mode(); } NOINLINE intptr_t* ThawBase::thaw_slow(stackChunkOop chunk, bool return_barrier) { LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt; if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) { LogStream ls(lt); ls.print_cr("thaw slow return_barrier: %d " INTPTR_FORMAT, return_barrier, p2i(chunk)); chunk->print_on(true, &ls); } #if CONT_JFR EventContinuationThawSlow e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_id(cast_from_oop<u8>(_cont.continuation())); e.commit(); } #endif DEBUG_ONLY(_frames = 0;) _align_size = 0; int num_frames = (return_barrier ? 1 : 2); _stream = StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(chunk);
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ulong | Continuation ID |
default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Activation of Reserved Stack Area caused by stack overflow with ReservedStackAccess annotated method in call stack
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
for (ScopeDesc *sd = nm->scope_desc_near(fr.pc()); sd != nullptr; sd = sd->sender()) { method = sd->method(); if (method != nullptr && method->has_reserved_stack_access()) { found = true; } } } } if (found) { activation = fr; warning("Potentially dangerous stack overflow in " "ReservedStackAccess annotated method %s [%d]", method->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), count++); EventReservedStackActivation event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_method(method); event.commit(); } } } return activation; } void SharedRuntime::on_slowpath_allocation_exit(JavaThread* current) { // After any safepoint, just before going back to compiled code,
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
method | Method | Java Method |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Safepoint
Safepointing begin
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static void post_safepoint_begin_event(EventSafepointBegin& event, uint64_t safepoint_id, int thread_count, int critical_thread_count) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.set_totalThreadCount(thread_count); event.set_jniCriticalThreadCount(critical_thread_count); event.commit(); } }
SafepointMechanism::arm_local_poll(cur); } if (UseSystemMemoryBarrier) { SystemMemoryBarrier::emit(); // storestore|storeload, global state -> local state } else { OrderAccess::fence(); // storestore|storeload, global state -> local state } } // Roll all threads forward to a safepoint and suspend them all void SafepointSynchronize::begin() { assert(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread(), "Only VM thread may execute a safepoint"); EventSafepointBegin begin_event; SafepointTracing::begin(VMThread::vm_op_type()); Universe::heap()->safepoint_synchronize_begin(); // By getting the Threads_lock, we assure that no threads are about to start or // exit. It is released again in SafepointSynchronize::end(). Threads_lock->lock(); assert( _state == _not_synchronized, "trying to safepoint synchronize with wrong state"); int nof_threads = Threads::number_of_threads();
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 10 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
safepointId | ulong | Safepoint Identifier |
totalThreadCount | int | Total Threads The total number of threads at the start of safe point |
jniCriticalThreadCount | int | JNI Critical Threads The number of threads in JNI critical sections |
Examples 3
startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Safepoint
Synchronize run state of threads
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_totalThreadCount(thread_count); event.set_jniCriticalThreadCount(critical_thread_count); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_cleanup_event(EventSafepointCleanup& event, uint64_t safepoint_id) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_synchronize_event(EventSafepointStateSynchronization& event, uint64_t safepoint_id, int initial_number_of_threads, int threads_waiting_to_block, int iterations) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.set_initialThreadCount(initial_number_of_threads); event.set_runningThreadCount(threads_waiting_to_block); event.set_iterations(checked_cast<u4>(iterations)); event.commit(); }
_current_jni_active_count = 0; // Set number of threads to wait for _waiting_to_block = nof_threads; jlong safepoint_limit_time = 0; if (SafepointTimeout) { // Set the limit time, so that it can be compared to see if this has taken // too long to complete. safepoint_limit_time = SafepointTracing::start_of_safepoint() + (jlong)(SafepointTimeoutDelay * NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC); timeout_error_printed = false; } EventSafepointStateSynchronization sync_event; int initial_running = 0; // Arms the safepoint, _current_jni_active_count and _waiting_to_block must be set before. arm_safepoint(); // Will spin until all threads are safe. int iterations = synchronize_threads(safepoint_limit_time, nof_threads, &initial_running); assert(_waiting_to_block == 0, "No thread should be running"); #ifndef PRODUCT // Mark all threads
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 10 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
safepointId | ulong | Safepoint Identifier |
initialThreadCount | int | Initial Threads The number of threads running at the beginning of state check |
runningThreadCount | int | Running Threads The number of threads still running |
iterations | int | Iterations Number of state check iterations |
Examples 3
startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 until JDK 23
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Safepoint
Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static void post_safepoint_begin_event(EventSafepointBegin& event, uint64_t safepoint_id, int thread_count, int critical_thread_count) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.set_totalThreadCount(thread_count); event.set_jniCriticalThreadCount(critical_thread_count); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_cleanup_event(EventSafepointCleanup& event, uint64_t safepoint_id) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_synchronize_event(EventSafepointStateSynchronization& event, uint64_t safepoint_id, int initial_number_of_threads, int threads_waiting_to_block, int iterations) {
// Update the count of active JNI critical regions GCLocker::set_jni_lock_count(_current_jni_active_count); post_safepoint_synchronize_event(sync_event, _safepoint_id, initial_running, _waiting_to_block, iterations); SafepointTracing::synchronized(nof_threads, initial_running, _nof_threads_hit_polling_page); // We do the safepoint cleanup first since a GC related safepoint // needs cleanup to be completed before running the GC op. EventSafepointCleanup cleanup_event; do_cleanup_tasks(); post_safepoint_cleanup_event(cleanup_event, _safepoint_id); post_safepoint_begin_event(begin_event, _safepoint_id, nof_threads, _current_jni_active_count); SafepointTracing::cleanup(); } void SafepointSynchronize::disarm_safepoint() { uint64_t active_safepoint_counter = _safepoint_counter; { JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 10 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
safepointId | ulong | Safepoint Identifier |
startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 until JDK 23
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Safepoint
Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
uint64_t safepoint_id, int initial_number_of_threads, int threads_waiting_to_block, int iterations) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.set_initialThreadCount(initial_number_of_threads); event.set_runningThreadCount(threads_waiting_to_block); event.set_iterations(checked_cast<u4>(iterations)); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_cleanup_task_event(EventSafepointCleanupTask& event, uint64_t safepoint_id, const char* name) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.set_name(name); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_end_event(EventSafepointEnd& event, uint64_t safepoint_id) { if (event.should_commit()) {
if (StringTable::needs_rehashing()) return true; if (SymbolTable::needs_rehashing()) return true; return false; } class ParallelCleanupTask : public WorkerTask { private: SubTasksDone _subtasks; bool _do_lazy_roots; class Tracer { private: const char* _name; EventSafepointCleanupTask _event; TraceTime _timer; public: Tracer(const char* name) : _name(name), _event(), _timer(name, TRACETIME_LOG(Info, safepoint, cleanup)) {} ~Tracer() { post_safepoint_cleanup_task_event(_event, SafepointSynchronize::safepoint_id(), _name); } };
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 10 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
safepointId | ulong | Safepoint Identifier |
name | string | Task Name The task name |
Examples 3
startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Safepoint
Safepointing end
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static void post_safepoint_cleanup_task_event(EventSafepointCleanupTask& event, uint64_t safepoint_id, const char* name) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.set_name(name); event.commit(); } } static void post_safepoint_end_event(EventSafepointEnd& event, uint64_t safepoint_id) { if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_safepointId(safepoint_id); event.commit(); } } // SafepointCheck SafepointStateTracker::SafepointStateTracker(uint64_t safepoint_id, bool at_safepoint) : _safepoint_id(safepoint_id), _at_safepoint(at_safepoint) {} bool SafepointStateTracker::safepoint_state_changed() {
} // ~JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle // Release threads lock, so threads can be created/destroyed again. Threads_lock->unlock(); // Wake threads after local state is correctly set. _wait_barrier->disarm(); } // Wake up all threads, so they are ready to resume execution after the safepoint // operation has been carried out void SafepointSynchronize::end() { assert(Threads_lock->owned_by_self(), "must hold Threads_lock"); EventSafepointEnd event; assert(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread(), "Only VM thread can execute a safepoint"); disarm_safepoint(); Universe::heap()->safepoint_synchronize_end(); SafepointTracing::end(); post_safepoint_end_event(event, safepoint_id()); }
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 10 ms |
profiling | false | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
safepointId | ulong | Safepoint Identifier |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Execution of a VM Operation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// Wait until VM thread is terminated // Note: it should be OK to use Terminator_lock here. But this is called // at a very delicate time (VM shutdown) and we are operating in non- VM // thread at Safepoint. It's safer to not share lock with other threads. { MonitorLocker ml(_terminate_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); while (!VMThread::is_terminated()) { ml.wait(); } } } static void post_vm_operation_event(EventExecuteVMOperation* event, VM_Operation* op) { assert(event != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(op != nullptr, "invariant"); const bool evaluate_at_safepoint = op->evaluate_at_safepoint(); event->set_operation(op->type()); event->set_safepoint(evaluate_at_safepoint); event->set_blocking(true); event->set_caller(JFR_THREAD_ID(op->calling_thread())); event->set_safepointId(evaluate_at_safepoint ? SafepointSynchronize::safepoint_id() : 0); event->commit(); } void VMThread::evaluate_operation(VM_Operation* op) { ResourceMark rm; { PerfTraceTime vm_op_timer(perf_accumulated_vm_operation_time()); HOTSPOT_VMOPS_BEGIN( (char *) op->name(), strlen(op->name()), op->evaluate_at_safepoint() ? 0 : 1); EventExecuteVMOperation event; op->evaluate(); if (event.should_commit()) { post_vm_operation_event(&event, op); } HOTSPOT_VMOPS_END( (char *) op->name(), strlen(op->name()), op->evaluate_at_safepoint() ? 0 : 1); } if (UsePerfData && os::is_thread_cpu_time_supported()) {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 10 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
operation | VMOperationType | Operation Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
safepoint | boolean | At Safepoint If the operation occurred at a safepoint |
blocking | boolean | Caller Blocked If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete |
caller | Thread | Caller Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown |
safepointId | ulong | Safepoint Identifier The safepoint (if any) under which this operation was completed |
Examples 3
blocking | boolean | true
caller | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | main
javaThreadId | long | 1
osName | string | main
osThreadId | long | 8707
virtual | boolean | false
operation | VMOperationType | GenCollectForAllocation
safepoint | boolean | true
safepointId | ulong | 31
startTime | long: millis | 1754940667
blocking | boolean | true
caller | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | JFR Periodic Tasks
javaThreadId | long | 20
osName | string | JFR Periodic Tasks
osThreadId | long | 33027
virtual | boolean | false
operation | VMOperationType | ClassLoaderStatsOperation
safepoint | boolean | true
safepointId | ulong | 1908
startTime | long: millis | 798650623083
blocking | boolean | true
caller | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5
javaThreadId | long | 35
osName | string | ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5
osThreadId | long | 32771
virtual | boolean | false
operation | VMOperationType | ICBufferFull
safepoint | boolean | true
safepointId | ulong | 20
startTime | long: millis | 1602207375
default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
JVM shutting down
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_GetTemporaryDirectory(JNIEnv *env)) HandleMark hm(THREAD); const char* temp_dir = os::get_temp_directory(); Handle h = java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str(temp_dir, CHECK_NULL); return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(THREAD, h()); JVM_END // java.lang.Runtime ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern volatile jint vm_created; JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_BeforeHalt()) EventShutdown event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_reason("Shutdown requested from Java"); event.commit(); } JVM_END JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_Halt(jint code)) before_exit(thread, true); vm_exit(code); JVM_END
// Wait until we are the last non-daemon thread to execute, or // if we are a daemon then wait until the last non-daemon thread has // executed. bool daemon = java_lang_Thread::is_daemon(thread->threadObj()); int expected = daemon ? 0 : 1; { MonitorLocker nu(Threads_lock); while (Threads::number_of_non_daemon_threads() > expected) // This wait should make safepoint checks, wait without a timeout. nu.wait(0); } EventShutdown e; if (e.should_commit()) { e.set_reason("No remaining non-daemon Java threads"); e.commit(); } // Hang forever on exit if we are reporting an error. if (ShowMessageBoxOnError && VMError::is_error_reported()) { os::infinite_sleep(); } os::wait_for_keypress_at_exit();
void transition_to_native() { if (_jt != nullptr) { assert(_jt->thread_state() == _thread_in_vm, "invariant"); _jt->set_thread_state(_thread_in_native); } } }; static void post_events(bool exception_handler, Thread* thread) { if (exception_handler) { EventShutdown e; e.set_reason("VM Error"); e.commit(); } else { // OOM LeakProfiler::emit_events(max_jlong, false, false); } EventDumpReason event; event.set_reason(exception_handler ? "Crash" : "Out of Memory"); event.set_recordingId(-1); event.commit(); }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Reason Reason for JVM shutdown |
Examples 3
reason | string | Shutdown requested from Java
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | beforeHalt
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/lang/Shutdown
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 94066455250
reason | string | Shutdown requested from Java
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | beforeHalt
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/lang/Shutdown
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 98967385458
reason | string | No remaining non-daemon Java threads
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 940851933500
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 13 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Tables
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_entryCount(statistics._number_of_entries); event.set_totalFootprint(statistics._total_footprint); event.set_bucketCountMaximum(statistics._maximum_bucket_size); event.set_bucketCountAverage(statistics._average_bucket_size); event.set_bucketCountVariance(statistics._variance_of_bucket_size); event.set_bucketCountStandardDeviation(statistics._stddev_of_bucket_size); event.set_insertionRate(statistics._add_rate); event.set_removalRate(statistics._remove_rate); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(SymbolTableStatistics) { TableStatistics statistics = SymbolTable::get_table_statistics(); emit_table_statistics<EventSymbolTableStatistics>(statistics); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(StringTableStatistics) { TableStatistics statistics = StringTable::get_table_statistics(); emit_table_statistics<EventStringTableStatistics>(statistics); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerStatistics) { EventCompilerStatistics event; event.set_compileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_compile_count()); event.set_bailoutCount(CompileBroker::get_total_bailout_count());
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 10 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
bucketCount | ulong | Bucket Count Number of buckets |
entryCount | ulong | Entry Count Number of all entries |
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | Total Footprint Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries) |
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | Maximum Bucket Count The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket) |
bucketCountAverage | float | Average Bucket Count The average bucket length |
bucketCountVariance | float | Bucket Count Variance How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value |
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | Bucket Count Standard Deviation How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value |
insertionRate | float | Insertion Rate How many items were added since last event (per second) |
removalRate | float | Removal Rate How many items were removed since last event (per second) |
Examples 3
bucketCount | ulong | 65536
bucketCountAverage | float | 7.7829437
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | 21
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | 2.7954655
bucketCountVariance | float | 7.8146267
entryCount | ulong | 510063
insertionRate | float | 81.76728
removalRate | float | 0.565584
startTime | long: millis | 852218563667
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | 54848904
bucketCount | ulong | 32768
bucketCountAverage | float | 4.629425
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | 17
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | 2.1673536
bucketCountVariance | float | 4.6974216
entryCount | ulong | 151697
insertionRate | float | 920.78723
removalRate | float | 17.978693
startTime | long: millis | 55376094542
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | 13056616
bucketCount | ulong | 32768
bucketCountAverage | float | 4.675476
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | 18
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | 2.1836393
bucketCountVariance | float | 4.7682805
entryCount | ulong | 153206
insertionRate | float | 1625.4371
removalRate | float | 1540.209
startTime | long: millis | 63498592000
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | 13193320
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 13 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Tables
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_bucketCountStandardDeviation(statistics._stddev_of_bucket_size); event.set_insertionRate(statistics._add_rate); event.set_removalRate(statistics._remove_rate); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(SymbolTableStatistics) { TableStatistics statistics = SymbolTable::get_table_statistics(); emit_table_statistics<EventSymbolTableStatistics>(statistics); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(StringTableStatistics) { TableStatistics statistics = StringTable::get_table_statistics(); emit_table_statistics<EventStringTableStatistics>(statistics); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerStatistics) { EventCompilerStatistics event; event.set_compileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_compile_count()); event.set_bailoutCount(CompileBroker::get_total_bailout_count()); event.set_invalidatedCount(CompileBroker::get_total_invalidated_count()); event.set_osrCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_osr_compile_count()); event.set_standardCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_standard_compile_count()); event.set_osrBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_osr_bytes_compiled()); event.set_standardBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_standard_bytes_compiled());
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 10 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
bucketCount | ulong | Bucket Count Number of buckets |
entryCount | ulong | Entry Count Number of all entries |
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | Total Footprint Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries) |
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | Maximum Bucket Count The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket) |
bucketCountAverage | float | Average Bucket Count The average bucket length |
bucketCountVariance | float | Bucket Count Variance How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value |
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | Bucket Count Standard Deviation How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value |
insertionRate | float | Insertion Rate How many items were added since last event (per second) |
removalRate | float | Removal Rate How many items were removed since last event (per second) |
Examples 3
bucketCount | ulong | 65536
bucketCountAverage | float | 0.18397522
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | 4
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | 0.42945325
bucketCountVariance | float | 0.1844301
entryCount | ulong | 12057
insertionRate | float | 8829.0
removalRate | float | 137.0
startTime | long: millis | 10651935583
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | 1478424
bucketCount | ulong | 65536
bucketCountAverage | float | 0.54522705
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | 7
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | 0.7271707
bucketCountVariance | float | 0.52877724
entryCount | ulong | 35732
insertionRate | float | 21.326637
removalRate | float | 6.5245876
startTime | long: millis | 98638319375
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | 3020168
bucketCount | ulong | 65536
bucketCountAverage | float | 1.5499725
bucketCountMaximum | ulong | 9
bucketCountStandardDeviation | float | 1.2452691
bucketCountVariance | float | 1.550695
entryCount | ulong | 101579
insertionRate | float | 218.76295
removalRate | float | 9.049044
startTime | long: millis | 884760241125
totalFootprint | ulong: bytes | 11415464
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
/* * This is left empty on purpose, having ExecutionSample as a requestable * is a way of getting the period. The period is passed to ThreadSampling::update_period. * Implementation in periodic/sampling/jfrThreadSampler.cpp. */ TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ExecutionSample) { } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NativeMethodSample) { } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadDump) { ResourceMark rm; EventThreadDump event; event.set_result(JfrDcmdEvent::thread_dump()); event.commit(); } static int _native_library_callback(const char* name, address base, address top, void *param) { EventNativeLibrary event(UNTIMED); event.set_name(name); event.set_baseAddress((u8)base); event.set_topAddress((u8)top); event.set_starttime(*(JfrTicks*)param); event.set_endtime(*(JfrTicks*) param);
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | 60 s |
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | Thread Dump |
Examples 3
result | string | 2024-09-25 14:24:36
Full thread dump OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (22+36 mixed mode, sharing):
Threads class SMR info:
_java_thread_list=0x0000600006146140, length=116, elements={
0x000000014c808c00, 0x000000013d835200, 0x000000014c863a00, 0x000000013c81ac00,
0x000000013d835a00, 0x000000013c812a00, 0x0…
startTime | long: millis | 874049188417
result | string | 2023-12-18 12:45:49
Full thread dump OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS mixed mode):
Threads class SMR info:
_java_thread_list=0x00006000003cd500, length=77, elements={
0x000000011f00f200, 0x000000010e038800, 0x000000010e03b200, 0x000000011f80ec00,
0x000000011f80c800, 0x000000011f811600, 0x000…
startTime | long: millis | 63501309417
result | string | 2023-12-18 12:47:28
Full thread dump OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS mixed mode):
Threads class SMR info:
_java_thread_list=0x000060000092cca0, length=77, elements={
0x0000000132812000, 0x0000000131017000, 0x0000000131014c00, 0x000000013203b200,
0x0000000132008200, 0x0000000132009600, 0x000…
startTime | long: millis | 67214999000
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Information about a dynamic library or other native image loaded by the JVM process
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ExecutionSample) { } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NativeMethodSample) { } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadDump) { ResourceMark rm; EventThreadDump event; event.set_result(JfrDcmdEvent::thread_dump()); event.commit(); } static int _native_library_callback(const char* name, address base, address top, void *param) { EventNativeLibrary event(UNTIMED); event.set_name(name); event.set_baseAddress((u8)base); event.set_topAddress((u8)top); event.set_starttime(*(JfrTicks*)param); event.set_endtime(*(JfrTicks*) param); event.commit(); return 0; } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NativeLibrary) { JfrTicks ts= JfrTicks::now();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
baseAddress | ulong: address | Base Address Starting address of the module |
topAddress | ulong: address | Top Address Ending address of the module, if available |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 22 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Information about a dynamic library or other native image load operation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
/* * The JfrTicks value is heap allocated inside an object of type JfrTicksWrapper. * The reason is that a raw value object of type Ticks is not possible at this * location because this code runs as part of early VM bootstrap, at a moment * where Ticks support is not yet initialized. */ template <typename EventType> static inline JfrTicksWrapper* allocate_start_time() { return EventType::is_enabled() ? new JfrTicksWrapper() : nullptr; } NativeLibraryLoadEvent::NativeLibraryLoadEvent(const char* name, void** result) : JfrNativeLibraryEventBase(name), _result(result) { assert(_result != nullptr, "invariant"); _start_time = allocate_start_time<EventNativeLibraryLoad>(); } bool NativeLibraryLoadEvent::success() const { return *_result != nullptr; } NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::NativeLibraryUnloadEvent(const char* name) : JfrNativeLibraryEventBase(name), _result(false) { _start_time = allocate_start_time<EventNativeLibraryUnload>(); } bool NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::success() const { return _result; }
event.set_errorMessage(helper.error_msg()); event.set_success(helper.success()); Thread* thread = Thread::current(); assert(thread != nullptr, "invariant"); if (thread->is_Java_thread()) { JavaThread* jt = JavaThread::cast(thread); if (jt->thread_state() != _thread_in_vm) { assert(jt->thread_state() == _thread_in_native, "invariant"); // For a JavaThread to take a JFR stacktrace, it must be in _thread_in_vm. Can safepoint here. ThreadInVMfromNative transition(jt); event.commit(); return; } } event.commit(); } NativeLibraryLoadEvent::~NativeLibraryLoadEvent() { commit<EventNativeLibraryLoad>(*this); } NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::~NativeLibraryUnloadEvent() { commit<EventNativeLibraryUnload>(*this); }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
success | boolean | Success Success or failure of the load operation |
errorMessage | string | Error Message In case of a load error, error description |
Examples 1
errorMessage | string | dlopen(/usr/lib/java/libhadoop.jnilib, 0x0001): tried: '/usr/lib/java/libhadoop.jnilib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/java/libhadoop.jnilib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/java/libhadoop.jnilib' (no such file, not in dyld cache)
name | string | /usr/lib/java/libhadoop.jnilib
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljdk/internal/loader/NativeLibraries$NativeLibraryImpl;Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)Z
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 266
name | string | load
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/NativeLibraries
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 888020154125
success | boolean | false
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 22 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime
Information about a dynamic library or other native image unload operation
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static inline JfrTicksWrapper* allocate_start_time() { return EventType::is_enabled() ? new JfrTicksWrapper() : nullptr; } NativeLibraryLoadEvent::NativeLibraryLoadEvent(const char* name, void** result) : JfrNativeLibraryEventBase(name), _result(result) { assert(_result != nullptr, "invariant"); _start_time = allocate_start_time<EventNativeLibraryLoad>(); } bool NativeLibraryLoadEvent::success() const { return *_result != nullptr; } NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::NativeLibraryUnloadEvent(const char* name) : JfrNativeLibraryEventBase(name), _result(false) { _start_time = allocate_start_time<EventNativeLibraryUnload>(); } bool NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::success() const { return _result; } void NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::set_result(bool result) { _result = result; } template <typename EventType, typename HelperType> static void commit(HelperType& helper) { if (!helper.has_start_time()) { return; } EventType event(UNTIMED); event.set_endtime(JfrTicks::now()); event.set_starttime(*helper.start_time());
event.set_errorMessage(helper.error_msg()); event.set_success(helper.success()); Thread* thread = Thread::current(); assert(thread != nullptr, "invariant"); if (thread->is_Java_thread()) { JavaThread* jt = JavaThread::cast(thread); if (jt->thread_state() != _thread_in_vm) { assert(jt->thread_state() == _thread_in_native, "invariant"); // For a JavaThread to take a JFR stacktrace, it must be in _thread_in_vm. Can safepoint here. ThreadInVMfromNative transition(jt); event.commit(); return; } } event.commit(); } NativeLibraryLoadEvent::~NativeLibraryLoadEvent() { commit<EventNativeLibraryLoad>(*this); } NativeLibraryUnloadEvent::~NativeLibraryUnloadEvent() { commit<EventNativeLibraryUnload>(*this); }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
success | boolean | Success Success or failure of the unload operation |
errorMessage | string | Error Message In case of an unload error, error description |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Modules
A directed edge representing a dependency
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
ModuleDependencyClosure(const ModuleEntry* module, EventFunc ef) : ModuleEventCallbackClosure(ef), _module(module) {} void do_module(ModuleEntry* entry); }; class ModuleExportClosure : public ModuleEventCallbackClosure { private: const PackageEntry* const _package; public: ModuleExportClosure(const PackageEntry* pkg, EventFunc ef) : ModuleEventCallbackClosure(ef), _package(pkg) {} void do_module(ModuleEntry* entry); }; static void write_module_dependency_event(const void* from_module, const ModuleEntry* to_module) { EventModuleRequire event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(invocation_time); event.set_endtime(invocation_time); event.set_source((const ModuleEntry*)from_module); event.set_requiredModule(to_module); event.commit(); } static void write_module_export_event(const void* package, const ModuleEntry* qualified_export) { EventModuleExport event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(invocation_time); event.set_endtime(invocation_time);
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | endChunk |
profiling | true | endChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
source | Module | Source Module |
requiredModule | Module | Required Module Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
requiredModule | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
location | string | jrt:/jdk.internal.ed
name | string | jdk.internal.ed
version | string | 22
source | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
location | string | jrt:/jdk.editpad
name | string | jdk.editpad
version | string | 22
startTime | long: millis | 795760285625
requiredModule | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
source | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.rmi
name | string | java.rmi
version | string | 21.0.1
startTime | long: millis | 14998474333
requiredModule | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.xml
name | string | java.xml
version | string | 21.0.1
source | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | platform
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$PlatformClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
location | string | jrt:/java.sql.rowset
name | string | java.sql.rowset
version | string | 21.0.1
startTime | long: millis | 16763952708
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Runtime / Modules
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void do_module(ModuleEntry* entry); }; static void write_module_dependency_event(const void* from_module, const ModuleEntry* to_module) { EventModuleRequire event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(invocation_time); event.set_endtime(invocation_time); event.set_source((const ModuleEntry*)from_module); event.set_requiredModule(to_module); event.commit(); } static void write_module_export_event(const void* package, const ModuleEntry* qualified_export) { EventModuleExport event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(invocation_time); event.set_endtime(invocation_time); event.set_exportedPackage((const PackageEntry*)package); event.set_targetModule(qualified_export); event.commit(); } void ModuleDependencyClosure::do_module(ModuleEntry* to_module) { assert_locked_or_safepoint(Module_lock); assert(to_module != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(_module != nullptr, "invariant");
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | endChunk |
profiling | true | endChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
exportedPackage | Package | Exported Package Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
targetModule | Module | Target Module Module to which the package is qualifiedly exported. If null or N/A, the package is unqualifiedly exported |
Examples 3
exportedPackage | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
location | string | jrt:/jdk.compiler
name | string | jdk.compiler
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | com/sun/tools/javac/parser
startTime | long: millis | 14998523917
targetModule | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jshell
name | string | jdk.jshell
version | string | 21.0.1
exportedPackage | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/storage/memory
startTime | long: millis | 795760593292
targetModule | Module | null
exportedPackage | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | akka/dispatch/sysmsg
startTime | long: millis | 16764024625
targetModule | Module | null
Java Application
default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
const JfrBlobHandle& JfrThreadLocal::thread_blob() const { return _thread; } static void send_java_thread_start_event(JavaThread* jt) { assert(jt != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(Thread::current() == jt, "invariant"); if (!JfrJavaSupport::on_thread_start(jt)) { // thread is excluded return; } EventThreadStart event; traceid thread_id = JfrThreadLocal::jvm_thread_id(jt); assert(thread_id != 0, "invariant"); event.set_thread(thread_id); event.set_parentThread(jt->jfr_thread_local()->parent_thread_id()); event.commit(); } void JfrThreadLocal::on_start(Thread* t) { assign_thread_id(t, t->jfr_thread_local()); if (JfrRecorder::is_recording()) { JfrCheckpointManager::write_checkpoint(t);
// The starter thread ensures that the startee has a valid _vm_thread_id and _contextual_id. // This is to avoid recursion in thread assignment since accessing the java threadObj can lead // to events being fired, a situation the starter thread can handle but not the startee. void JfrThreadLocal::on_java_thread_start(JavaThread* starter, JavaThread* startee) { assert(starter != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(startee != nullptr, "invariant"); JfrThreadLocal* const tl = startee->jfr_thread_local(); assign_thread_id(startee, tl); assert(vthread_id(startee) != 0, "invariant"); assert(jvm_thread_id(startee) == vthread_id(startee), "invariant"); if (JfrRecorder::is_recording() && EventThreadStart::is_enabled() && EventThreadStart::is_stacktrace_enabled()) { // skip level 2 to skip frames Thread.start() and Thread.start0() startee->jfr_thread_local()->set_cached_stack_trace_id(JfrStackTraceRepository::record(starter, 2)); } } void JfrThreadLocal::release(Thread* t) { if (has_java_event_writer()) { assert(t->is_Java_thread(), "invariant"); JfrJavaSupport::destroy_global_jni_handle(java_event_writer()); _java_event_writer = nullptr; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
thread | Thread | New Java Thread |
parentThread | Thread | Parent Java Thread |
Examples 3
parentThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | block-manager-storage-async-thread-pool-75
javaThreadId | long | 1789
osName | string | block-manager-storage-async-thread-pool-75
osThreadId | long | 139547
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 2
lineNumber | int | 2582
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljdk/internal/vm/ThreadContainer;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | start
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | java/lang/System$2
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 837128891000
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | block-manager-storage-async-thread-pool-76
javaThreadId | long | 1790
osName | string | block-manager-storage-async-thread-pool-76
osThreadId | long | 144663
virtual | boolean | false
parentThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 48
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 19719
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 2
lineNumber | int | 2573
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljdk/internal/vm/ThreadContainer;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | start
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/lang/System$2
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 6778327417
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 51
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 42499
virtual | boolean | false
parentThread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 93
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 59907
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 2
lineNumber | int | 2573
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljdk/internal/vm/ThreadContainer;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | start
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/lang/System$2
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 11837549292
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 118
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 47367
virtual | boolean | false
default profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// Actual shutdown logic begins here. #if INCLUDE_JVMCI if (EnableJVMCI) { JVMCI::shutdown(thread); } #endif // Hang forever on exit if we're reporting an error. if (ShowMessageBoxOnError && VMError::is_error_reported()) { os::infinite_sleep(); } EventThreadEnd event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_thread(JFR_JVM_THREAD_ID(thread)); event.commit(); } JFR_ONLY(Jfr::on_vm_shutdown(false, halt);) // Stop the WatcherThread. We do this before disenrolling various // PeriodicTasks to reduce the likelihood of races. WatcherThread::stop();
assert(t != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(Thread::current() == t, "invariant"); assert(!tl->is_dead(), "invariant"); assert(tl->shelved_buffer() == nullptr, "invariant"); tl->_dead = true; tl->release(t); } static void send_java_thread_end_event(JavaThread* jt, traceid tid) { assert(jt != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(Thread::current() == jt, "invariant"); assert(tid != 0, "invariant"); if (JfrRecorder::is_recording()) { EventThreadEnd event; event.set_thread(tid); event.commit(); ObjectSampleCheckpoint::on_thread_exit(tid); } } void JfrThreadLocal::on_exit(Thread* t) { assert(t != nullptr, "invariant"); JfrThreadLocal * const tl = t->jfr_thread_local(); assert(!tl->is_dead(), "invariant"); if (JfrRecorder::is_recording()) {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
thread | Thread | Java Thread |
Examples 3
startTime | long: millis | 15748611000
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 122
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 62215
virtual | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 839560748500
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | block-manager-ask-thread-pool-33
javaThreadId | long | 1748
osName | string | block-manager-ask-thread-pool-33
osThreadId | long | 47895
virtual | boolean | false
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
UNSAFE_ENTRY_SCOPED(jboolean, Unsafe_CompareAndSetInt(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jint e, jint x)) { oop p = JNIHandles::resolve(obj); volatile jint* addr = (volatile jint*)index_oop_from_field_offset_long(p, offset); return Atomic::cmpxchg(addr, e, x) == e; } UNSAFE_END UNSAFE_ENTRY_SCOPED(jboolean, Unsafe_CompareAndSetLong(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jlong e, jlong x)) { oop p = JNIHandles::resolve(obj); volatile jlong* addr = (volatile jlong*)index_oop_from_field_offset_long(p, offset); return Atomic::cmpxchg(addr, e, x) == e; } UNSAFE_END static void post_thread_park_event(EventThreadPark* event, const oop obj, jlong timeout_nanos, jlong until_epoch_millis) { assert(event != nullptr, "invariant"); event->set_parkedClass((obj != nullptr) ? obj->klass() : nullptr); event->set_timeout(timeout_nanos); event->set_until(until_epoch_millis); event->set_address((obj != nullptr) ? (u8)cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(obj) : 0); event->commit(); } UNSAFE_ENTRY(void, Unsafe_Park(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jboolean isAbsolute, jlong time)) { HOTSPOT_THREAD_PARK_BEGIN((uintptr_t) thread->parker(), (int) isAbsolute, time); EventThreadPark event; JavaThreadParkedState jtps(thread, time != 0); thread->parker()->park(isAbsolute != 0, time); if (event.should_commit()) { const oop obj = thread->current_park_blocker(); if (time == 0) { post_thread_park_event(&event, obj, min_jlong, min_jlong); } else { if (isAbsolute != 0) { post_thread_park_event(&event, obj, min_jlong, time); } else {
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
parkedClass | Class | Class Parked On |
timeout | long: nanos | Park Timeout |
until | long: epochmillis | Park Until |
address | ulong: address | Address of Object Parked |
Examples 3
address | ulong: address | 31586136128
parkedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/concurrent
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (ZJ)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | park
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/misc
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 5567932292
timeout | long: nanos | -9223372036854775808
until | long: epochmillis | -9223372036854775808
address | ulong: address | 30121843696
parkedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util/concurrent/locks
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (ZJ)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | park
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | jdk/internal/misc
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 792231467333
timeout | long: nanos | -9223372036854775808
until | long: epochmillis | -9223372036854775808
address | ulong: address | 30156597904
parkedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/concurrent
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (ZJ)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | park
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/misc
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 5915715542
timeout | long: nanos | -9223372036854775808
until | long: epochmillis | -9223372036854775808
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// above lost the race to async deflation. Undo the work and // force the caller to retry. const oop l_object = object(); if (l_object != nullptr) { // Attempt to restore the header/dmw to the object's header so that // we only retry once if the deflater thread happens to be slow. install_displaced_markword_in_object(l_object); } current->_Stalled = 0; add_to_contentions(-1); return false; } JFR_ONLY(JfrConditionalFlush<EventJavaMonitorEnter> flush(current);) EventJavaMonitorEnter event; if (event.is_started()) { event.set_monitorClass(object()->klass()); // Set an address that is 'unique enough', such that events close in // time and with the same address are likely (but not guaranteed) to // belong to the same object. event.set_address((uintptr_t)this); } { // Change java thread status to indicate blocked on monitor enter. JavaThreadBlockedOnMonitorEnterState jtbmes(current, this);
if (_recursions != 0) { _recursions--; // this is simple recursive enter return; } // Invariant: after setting Responsible=null an thread must execute // a MEMBAR or other serializing instruction before fetching EntryList|cxq. _Responsible = nullptr; #if INCLUDE_JFR // get the owner's thread id for the MonitorEnter event // if it is enabled and the thread isn't suspended if (not_suspended && EventJavaMonitorEnter::is_enabled()) { _previous_owner_tid = JFR_THREAD_ID(current); } #endif for (;;) { assert(current == owner_raw(), "invariant"); // Drop the lock. // release semantics: prior loads and stores from within the critical section // must not float (reorder) past the following store that drops the lock. // Uses a storeload to separate release_store(owner) from the
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
monitorClass | Class | Monitor Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
previousOwner | Thread | Previous Monitor Owner |
address | ulong: address | Monitor Address |
Examples 3
address | ulong: address | 105553209950208
monitorClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/shuffle/IndexShuffleBlockResolver
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/shuffle
previousOwner | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | Executor task launch worker for task 8.0 in stage 22.0 (TID 163)
javaThreadId | long | 1678
osName | string | Executor task launch worker for task 8.0 in stage 22.0 (TID 163)
osThreadId | long | 162063
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 232
lineNumber | int | 365
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (IJ[J[JLjava/io/File;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | writeMetadataFileAndCommit
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/shuffle/IndexShuffleBlockResolver
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/shuffle
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 836807966417
address | ulong: address | 105553176308912
monitorClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors/AkkaActorState$actorLatch$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors
previousOwner | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 53
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 42247
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | -1
lineNumber | int | 115
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | countUp
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors/AkkaActorState$actorLatch$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 7907419208
address | ulong: address | 105553170730032
monitorClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors/AkkaActorState$actorLatch$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors
previousOwner | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 45
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 28167
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | -1
lineNumber | int | 115
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | countUp
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors/AkkaActorState$actorLatch$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 8338160042
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
Waiting on a Java monitor
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
_recursions = 0; return true; } THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException(), "current thread is not owner", false); } static inline bool is_excluded(const Klass* monitor_klass) { assert(monitor_klass != nullptr, "invariant"); NOT_JFR_RETURN_(false); JFR_ONLY(return vmSymbols::jfr_chunk_rotation_monitor() == monitor_klass->name()); } static void post_monitor_wait_event(EventJavaMonitorWait* event, ObjectMonitor* monitor, uint64_t notifier_tid, jlong timeout, bool timedout) { assert(event != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(monitor != nullptr, "invariant"); const Klass* monitor_klass = monitor->object()->klass(); if (is_excluded(monitor_klass)) { return; } event->set_monitorClass(monitor_klass);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wait/Notify/NotifyAll // // Note: a subset of changes to ObjectMonitor::wait() // will need to be replicated in complete_exit void ObjectMonitor::wait(jlong millis, bool interruptible, TRAPS) { JavaThread* current = THREAD; assert(InitDone, "Unexpectedly not initialized"); CHECK_OWNER(); // Throws IMSE if not owner. EventJavaMonitorWait event; // check for a pending interrupt if (interruptible && current->is_interrupted(true) && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { // post monitor waited event. Note that this is past-tense, we are done waiting. if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_waited()) { // Note: 'false' parameter is passed here because the // wait was not timed out due to thread interrupt. JvmtiExport::post_monitor_waited(current, this, false); // In this short circuit of the monitor wait protocol, the // current thread never drops ownership of the monitor and
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
monitorClass | Class | Monitor Class Class of object waited on |
notifier | Thread | Notifier Thread Notifying Thread |
timeout | long: millis | Timeout Maximum wait time |
timedOut | boolean | Timed Out Wait has been timed out |
address | ulong: address | Monitor Address Address of object waited on |
Examples 3
address | ulong: address | 105553345617632
monitorClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Object
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
notifier | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | Executor task launch worker-3
javaThreadId | long | 1940
osName | string | Executor task launch worker-3
osThreadId | long | 148503
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 274
name | string | wait0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Object
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 874115727542
timedOut | boolean | false
timeout | long: millis | 0
address | ulong: address | 105553176308912
monitorClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors/AkkaActorState$actorLatch$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors
notifier | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 155
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 64523
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 274
name | string | wait0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Object
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 14495549250
timedOut | boolean | false
timeout | long: millis | 0
address | ulong: address | 105553170730032
monitorClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors/AkkaActorState$actorLatch$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/actors
notifier | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 151
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 41995
virtual | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 274
name | string | wait0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Object
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 17522712250
timedOut | boolean | false
timeout | long: millis | 0
profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
if (!ret_code) { log_info(monitorinflation)("Async Deflation DID NOT happen after %d checks.", N_CHECKS); } return ret_code; } jlong ObjectSynchronizer::time_since_last_async_deflation_ms() { return (os::javaTimeNanos() - last_async_deflation_time_ns()) / (NANOUNITS / MILLIUNITS); } static void post_monitor_inflate_event(EventJavaMonitorInflate* event, const oop obj, ObjectSynchronizer::InflateCause cause) { assert(event != nullptr, "invariant"); event->set_monitorClass(obj->klass()); event->set_address((uintptr_t)(void*)obj); event->set_cause((u1)cause); event->commit(); } // Fast path code shared by multiple functions void ObjectSynchronizer::inflate_helper(oop obj) { markWord mark = obj->mark_acquire(); if (mark.has_monitor()) { ObjectMonitor* monitor = mark.monitor(); markWord dmw = monitor->header(); assert(dmw.is_neutral(), "sanity check: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT, dmw.value()); return; } (void)inflate(Thread::current(), obj, inflate_cause_vm_internal); } ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(Thread* current, oop object, const InflateCause cause) { EventJavaMonitorInflate event; for (;;) { const markWord mark = object->mark_acquire(); // The mark can be in one of the following states: // * inflated - Just return if using stack-locking. // If using fast-locking and the ObjectMonitor owner // is anonymous and the current thread owns the // object lock, then we make the current thread the // ObjectMonitor owner and remove the lock from the // current thread's lock stack.
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | false | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
monitorClass | Class | Monitor Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
address | ulong: address | Monitor Address |
cause | InflateCause | Monitor Inflation Cause Cause of inflation |
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application
Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void AllocTracer::send_allocation_outside_tlab(Klass* klass, HeapWord* obj, size_t alloc_size, JavaThread* thread) { JFR_ONLY(JfrAllocationTracer tracer(klass, obj, alloc_size, true, thread);) EventObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_allocationSize(alloc_size); event.commit(); } } void AllocTracer::send_allocation_in_new_tlab(Klass* klass, HeapWord* obj, size_t tlab_size, size_t alloc_size, JavaThread* thread) { JFR_ONLY(JfrAllocationTracer tracer(klass, obj, alloc_size, false, thread);) EventObjectAllocationInNewTLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_allocationSize(alloc_size); event.set_tlabSize(tlab_size); event.commit(); } } void AllocTracer::send_allocation_requiring_gc_event(size_t size, uint gcId) { EventAllocationRequiringGC event; if (event.should_commit()) {
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of allocated object |
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | Allocation Size |
tlabSize | ulong: bytes | TLAB Size |
Examples 3
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | 88
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/regex/Pattern
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/regex
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 1101
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | compile
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/regex/Pattern
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/regex
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 941451542
tlabSize | ulong: bytes | 1434008
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | 56
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1041
name | string | [F
package | Package | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 2
lineNumber | int | 76
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | newInstance
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | java/lang/reflect/Array
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang/reflect
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 791974422458
tlabSize | ulong: bytes | 1048576
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | 80
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/regex/Matcher
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/regex
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 32
lineNumber | int | 1180
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/util/regex/Matcher;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | matcher
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/regex/Pattern
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/regex
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1032061375
tlabSize | ulong: bytes | 1342256
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Application
Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#if INCLUDE_JFR #include "jfr/support/jfrAllocationTracer.hpp" #endif void AllocTracer::send_allocation_outside_tlab(Klass* klass, HeapWord* obj, size_t alloc_size, JavaThread* thread) { JFR_ONLY(JfrAllocationTracer tracer(klass, obj, alloc_size, true, thread);) EventObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_allocationSize(alloc_size); event.commit(); } } void AllocTracer::send_allocation_in_new_tlab(Klass* klass, HeapWord* obj, size_t tlab_size, size_t alloc_size, JavaThread* thread) { JFR_ONLY(JfrAllocationTracer tracer(klass, obj, alloc_size, false, thread);) EventObjectAllocationInNewTLAB event; if (event.should_commit()) { event.set_objectClass(klass);
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of allocated object |
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | Allocation Size |
Examples 3
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | 9240
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [Ljava/lang/Object;
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 6
lineNumber | int | 3482
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([Ljava/lang/Object;I)[Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | copyOf
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/Arrays
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 2020308625
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | 32
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/lang/StringLatin1$CharsSpliterator
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 7
lineNumber | int | 4311
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()Ljava/util/stream/IntStream;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | chars
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/String
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1764155542
allocationSize | ulong: bytes | 8656
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1041
name | string | [B
package | Package | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 15
lineNumber | int | 3540
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BI)[B
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | copyOf
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | java/util/Arrays
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 795119471542
throttle default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 16 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
inline bool send_allocation_sample(const Klass* klass, int64_t allocated_bytes, JfrThreadLocal* tl) { EventObjectAllocationSample event; if (event.should_commit()) { const int64_t weight = allocated_bytes - tl->last_allocated_bytes(); assert(weight > 0, "invariant"); event.set_objectClass(klass); event.set_weight(weight); event.commit(); tl->set_last_allocated_bytes(allocated_bytes); return true; } return false; } inline int64_t estimate_tlab_size_bytes(Thread* thread) { const size_t desired_tlab_size_bytes = thread->tlab().desired_size() * HeapWordSize;
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | throttle |
default | true | true | 150/s |
profiling | true | true | 300/s |
Field | Type | Description |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of allocated object |
weight | long: bytes | Sample Weight The relative weight of the sample. Aggregating the weights for a large number of samples, for a particular class, thread or stack trace, gives a statistically accurate representation of the allocation pressure |
Examples 3
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | java/lang/StringBuilder
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 28
lineNumber | int | 576
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | taskName
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetManager
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 792254187250
weight | long: bytes | 25768
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [I
package | Package | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 143
lineNumber | int | 1934
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | compile
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/regex/Pattern
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/regex
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1046250875
weight | long: bytes | 1341040
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [I
package | Package | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 63
lineNumber | int | 251
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/regex/Pattern;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/regex/Matcher
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/regex
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1033013458
weight | long: bytes | 1393560
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
An object derived from java.lang.Error has been created. OutOfMemoryErrors are ignored
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
message | string | Message Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
thrownClass | Class | Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
message | string | static Ljava/lang/Object;.<clinit>()V
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 16
lineNumber | int | 74
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Error
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 873871036292
thrownClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/NoSuchMethodError
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
message | string | 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.newInvokeSpecial(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object)'
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 7
lineNumber | int | 68
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Error
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 6992831792
thrownClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/NoSuchMethodError
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
message | string | 'java.lang.Object java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder.newInvokeSpecial(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int, int, int, int)'
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 7
lineNumber | int | 68
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Error
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 28886951250
thrownClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/NoSuchMethodError
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
Force updates to be written to file
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "FileForce") @Label("File Force") @Category("Java Application") @Description("Force updates to be written to file") public final class FileForceEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { // The order of these fields must be the same as the parameters in // commit(..., String, boolean) @Label("Path") @Description("Full path of the file") public String path; @Label("Update Metadata") @Description("Whether the file metadata is updated") public boolean metaData;
package; import jdk.jfr.internal.JVMSupport; import jdk.jfr.internal.event.EventConfiguration; public final class EventConfigurations { public static final EventConfiguration FILE_READ = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileReadEvent.class); public static final EventConfiguration FILE_WRITE = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileWriteEvent.class); public static final EventConfiguration FILE_FORCE = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileForceEvent.class); }
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class,
public void force(boolean metaData) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_FORCE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { force(metaData); return; } long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); force(metaData); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileForceEvent.commit(start, duration, path, metaData); } } } @JIInstrumentationMethod public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_READ; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { return read(dst); } int bytesRead = 0;
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
path | string | Path Full path of the file |
metaData | boolean | Update Metadata Whether the file metadata is updated |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
Writing data to a socket
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "SocketWrite") @Label("Socket Write") @Category("Java Application") @Description("Writing data to a socket") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.SocketWriteEvent") public final class SocketWriteEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Remote Host") public String host; @Label("Remote Address") public String address; @Label("Remote Port") public int port; @Label("Bytes Written")
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class,
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class,
@Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { byte[] a = new byte[] { (byte) b }; write(a, 0, 1); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (!SocketWriteEvent.enabled()) { implWrite(b, off, len); return; } long start = SocketWriteEvent.timestamp(); implWrite(b, off, len); long duration = SocketWriteEvent.timestamp() - start; if (SocketWriteEvent.shouldCommit(duration)) { SocketWriteEvent.emit(start, duration, len, parent.getRemoteSocketAddress()); } } private void implWrite(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { try { out.write(b, off, len);
SocketChannelImpl channel() { return sc; } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { byte[] a = new byte[]{(byte) b}; write(a, 0, 1); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (!SocketWriteEvent.enabled()) { sc.blockingWriteFully(b, off, len); return; } long start = SocketWriteEvent.timestamp(); sc.blockingWriteFully(b, off, len); SocketWriteEvent.offer(start, len, sc.remoteAddress()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { sc.close(); } }
writeLock.unlock(); } } @Override public int write(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { if (!SocketWriteEvent.enabled()) { return implWrite(buf); } long start = SocketWriteEvent.timestamp(); int nbytes = implWrite(buf); SocketWriteEvent.offer(start, nbytes, remoteAddress()); return nbytes; } @Override public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (!SocketWriteEvent.enabled()) { return implWrite(srcs, offset, length); } long start = SocketWriteEvent.timestamp(); long nbytes = implWrite(srcs, offset, length); SocketWriteEvent.offer(start, nbytes, remoteAddress()); return nbytes; } /**
/** * A JFR event for socket write operations. This event is mirrored in * {@code } where the metadata for the event is * provided with annotations. Some of the methods are replaced by generated * methods when jfr is enabled. Note that the order of the arguments of the * {@link #commit(long, long, String, String, int, long)} method * must be the same as the order of the fields. */ public class SocketWriteEvent extends Event { // THE ORDER OF THE FOLLOWING FIELDS IS IMPORTANT! // The order must match the argument order of the generated commit method. public String host; public String address; public int port; public long bytesWritten; /** * Actually commit a socket write event. This is generated automatically. * The order of the fields must be the same as the parameters in this method.
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
host | string | Remote Host |
address | string | Remote Address |
port | int | Remote Port |
bytesWritten | long: bytes | Bytes Written Number of bytes written to the socket |
Examples 3
address | string |
bytesWritten | long: bytes | 18
host | string |
port | int | 56512
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 52
lineNumber | int | 134
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (JJJLjava/net/SocketAddress;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | emit
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | jdk/internal/event/SocketWriteEvent
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | jdk/internal/event
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 928017657958
address | string |
bytesWritten | long: bytes | 39
host | string | localhost
port | int | 52325
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 584
lineNumber | int | 191
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;II)J
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | write
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | sun/nio/ch/SocketChannelImpl
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/nio/ch
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 83236163458
address | string |
bytesWritten | long: bytes | 50
host | string | |
port | int | 52657
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 584
lineNumber | int | 191
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;II)J
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | write
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | sun/nio/ch/SocketChannelImpl
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/nio/ch
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 46806426792
startTime duration stackTrace 19 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.RemoveFields; @Category("Java Application") @Label("Virtual Thread Start") @Name("jdk.VirtualThreadStart") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadStartEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") public final class VirtualThreadStartEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Thread Id") public long javaThreadId; }
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup();
/** * Runs a task in the context of this virtual thread. */ private void run(Runnable task) { assert Thread.currentThread() == this && state == RUNNING; // notify JVMTI, may post VirtualThreadStart event notifyJvmtiStart(); // emit JFR event if enabled if (VirtualThreadStartEvent.isTurnedOn()) { var event = new VirtualThreadStartEvent(); event.javaThreadId = threadId(); event.commit(); } Object bindings = Thread.scopedValueBindings(); try { runWith(bindings, task); } catch (Throwable exc) { dispatchUncaughtException(exc); } finally { try {
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording that a virtual thread has been started. */ public class VirtualThreadStartEvent extends Event { private final static VirtualThreadStartEvent EVENT = new VirtualThreadStartEvent(); /** * Returns {@code true} if event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isTurnedOn() { return EVENT.isEnabled(); } public long javaThreadId; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
javaThreadId | long | Thread Id |
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
An object derived from java.lang.Exception has been created
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
message | string | Message Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
thrownClass | Class | Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
message | string | scala.collection.MapFactory
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 40
lineNumber | int | 298
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Throwable
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 581277458
thrownClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
message | string | scala.collection.immutable.Iterable
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 40
lineNumber | int | 298
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Throwable
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 658716583
thrownClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
message | string | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 39
lineNumber | int | 266
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Throwable
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 794286100667
thrownClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/EOFException
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Missing in: SerialGC
Writing data to a file
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.DataAmount; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "FileWrite") @Label("File Write") @Category("Java Application") @Description("Writing data to a file") public final class FileWriteEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { // The order of these fields must be the same as the parameters in // commit(..., String, long) @Label("Path") @Description("Full path of the file, or N/A if a file descriptor was used to create the stream, for example System.out and System.err") public String path; @Label("Bytes Written") @Description("Number of bytes written to the file") @DataAmount
package; import jdk.jfr.internal.JVMSupport; import jdk.jfr.internal.event.EventConfiguration; public final class EventConfigurations { public static final EventConfiguration FILE_READ = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileReadEvent.class); public static final EventConfiguration FILE_WRITE = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileWriteEvent.class); public static final EventConfiguration FILE_FORCE = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileForceEvent.class); }
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent.class,
if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { write(b); return; } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); write(b); bytesWritten = 1; } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesWritten); } } } @JIInstrumentationMethod public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { write(b); return; } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); write(b); bytesWritten = b.length; } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesWritten); } } } @JIInstrumentationMethod public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { write(b, off, len); return; } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); write(b, off, len); bytesWritten = len; } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesWritten); } } } }
EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { return write(src); } int bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesWritten = write(src); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { long bytes = bytesWritten > 0 ? bytesWritten : 0; FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytes); } } return bytesWritten; } @JIInstrumentationMethod public int write(ByteBuffer src, long position) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { return write(src, position); } int bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesWritten = write(src, position); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { long bytes = bytesWritten > 0 ? bytesWritten : 0; FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytes); } } return bytesWritten; } @JIInstrumentationMethod public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { return write(srcs, offset, length); } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesWritten = write(srcs, offset, length); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { long bytes = bytesWritten > 0 ? bytesWritten : 0; FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytes); } } return bytesWritten; } }
if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { write(b); return; } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); write(b); bytesWritten = 1; } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesWritten); } } } @JIInstrumentationMethod public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { write(b); return; } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); write(b); bytesWritten = b.length; } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesWritten); } } } @JIInstrumentationMethod public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { EventConfiguration eventConfiguration = EventConfigurations.FILE_WRITE; if (!eventConfiguration.isEnabled()) { write(b, off, len); return; } long bytesWritten = 0; long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); write(b, off, len); bytesWritten = len; } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileWriteEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesWritten); } } } }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
path | string | Path Full path of the file, or N/A if a file descriptor was used to create the stream, for example System.out and System.err |
bytesWritten | long: bytes | Bytes Written Number of bytes written to the file |
Examples 3
bytesWritten | long: bytes | 28115
path | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-141003-16632656921422798882/apache-spark/als/blockmgr-3624345d-f4f5-494f-a482-f63f3a3023ec/19/temp_shuffle_9c2425e9-05ef-4344-af2c-d97f1573e32b
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 171
lineNumber | int | 103
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BII)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | write
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/FileOutputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 833252197958
bytesWritten | long: bytes | 120
path | string | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 171
lineNumber | int | 103
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BII)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | write
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/io/FileOutputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 56404662458
bytesWritten | long: bytes | 16384
path | string | harness-124802-11372319207631724376/apache-spark/lib/spark-sql_2.13-3.2.0.jar
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 678
lineNumber | int | 154
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | write
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/nio/ch
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 2721627083
startTime duration stackTrace 19 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.RemoveFields; @Category("Java Application") @Label("Virtual Thread End") @Name("jdk.VirtualThreadEnd") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadEndEvent") @RemoveFields({"duration", "stackTrace"}) public final class VirtualThreadEndEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Thread Id") public long javaThreadId; }
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup();
Object bindings = Thread.scopedValueBindings(); try { runWith(bindings, task); } catch (Throwable exc) { dispatchUncaughtException(exc); } finally { try { // pop any remaining scopes from the stack, this may block StackableScope.popAll(); // emit JFR event if enabled if (VirtualThreadEndEvent.isTurnedOn()) { var event = new VirtualThreadEndEvent(); event.javaThreadId = threadId(); event.commit(); } } finally { // notify JVMTI, may post VirtualThreadEnd event notifyJvmtiEnd(); } } }
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording that a virtual thread has terminated. */ public class VirtualThreadEndEvent extends Event { private final static VirtualThreadEndEvent EVENT = new VirtualThreadEndEvent(); /** * Returns {@code true} if event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isTurnedOn() { return EVENT.isEnabled(); } public long javaThreadId; }
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
javaThreadId | long | Thread Id |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
Reading data from a socket
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "SocketRead") @Label("Socket Read") @Category("Java Application") @Description("Reading data from a socket") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.SocketReadEvent") public final class SocketReadEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Remote Host") public String host; @Label("Remote Address") public String address; @Label("Remote Port") public int port; @Label("Timeout Value")
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class,
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class,
public int read() throws IOException { byte[] a = new byte[1]; int n = read(a, 0, 1); return (n > 0) ? (a[0] & 0xff) : -1; } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (!SocketReadEvent.enabled()) { return implRead(b, off, len); } long start = SocketReadEvent.timestamp(); int nbytes = implRead(b, off, len); long duration = SocketReadEvent.timestamp() - start; if (SocketReadEvent.shouldCommit(duration)) { SocketReadEvent.emit(start, duration, nbytes, parent.getRemoteSocketAddress(), getSoTimeout()); } return nbytes; } private int implRead(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { try {
private int implRead(byte[] b, int off, int len, int timeout) throws IOException { if (timeout > 0) { long nanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeout); return sc.blockingRead(b, off, len, nanos); } else { return sc.blockingRead(b, off, len, 0); } } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int timeout = timeoutSupplier.getAsInt(); if (!SocketReadEvent.enabled()) { return implRead(b, off, len, timeout); } long start = SocketReadEvent.timestamp(); int n = implRead(b, off, len, timeout); SocketReadEvent.offer(start, n, sc.remoteAddress(), timeout); return n; } @Override public int available() throws IOException { return sc.available(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException {
readLock.unlock(); } } @Override public int read(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { if (!SocketReadEvent.enabled()) { return implRead(buf); } long start = SocketReadEvent.timestamp(); int nbytes = implRead(buf); SocketReadEvent.offer(start, nbytes, remoteAddress(), 0); return nbytes; } @Override public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (!SocketReadEvent.enabled()) { return implRead(dsts, offset, length); } long start = SocketReadEvent.timestamp(); long nbytes = implRead(dsts, offset, length); SocketReadEvent.offer(start, nbytes, remoteAddress(), 0); return nbytes; } /**
/** * A JFR event for socket read operations. This event is mirrored in * {@code } where the metadata for the event is * provided with annotations. Some of the methods are replaced by generated * methods when jfr is enabled. Note that the order of the arguments of the * {@link #commit(long, long, String, String, int, long, long, boolean)} method * must be the same as the order of the fields. */ public class SocketReadEvent extends Event { // THE ORDER OF THE FOLLOWING FIELDS IS IMPORTANT! // The order must match the argument order of the generated commit method. public String host; public String address; public int port; public long timeout; public long bytesRead; public boolean endOfStream; /**
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
host | string | Remote Host |
address | string | Remote Address |
port | int | Remote Port |
timeout | long: millis | Timeout Value |
bytesRead | long: bytes | Bytes Read Number of bytes read from the socket |
endOfStream | boolean | End of Stream If end of stream was reached |
Examples 3
address | string |
bytesRead | long: bytes | 65
endOfStream | boolean | false
host | string | |
port | int | 52655
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 846
lineNumber | int | 72
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | sun/nio/ch/SocketChannelImpl
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/nio/ch
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 40501067417
timeout | long: millis | 0
address | string |
bytesRead | long: bytes | 26
endOfStream | boolean | false
host | string |
port | int | 56489
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 70
lineNumber | int | 142
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (JJJLjava/net/SocketAddress;J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | emit
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | jdk/internal/event/SocketReadEvent
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | jdk/internal/event
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 933488506792
timeout | long: millis | 0
address | string |
bytesRead | long: bytes | 52
endOfStream | boolean | false
host | string | |
port | int | 52291
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 846
lineNumber | int | 72
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | sun/nio/ch/SocketChannelImpl
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/nio/ch
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 35993676292
timeout | long: millis | 0
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
Appearing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ZGC
Missing in: ParallelGC, ShenandoahGC
Reading data from a file
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.DataAmount; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "FileRead") @Label("File Read") @Category("Java Application") @Description("Reading data from a file") public final class FileReadEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { // The order of these fields must be the same as the parameters in // commit(..., String, long, boolean) @Label("Path") @Description("Full path of the file, or N/A if a file descriptor was used to create the stream, for example") public String path; @Label("Bytes Read") @Description("Number of bytes read from the file (possibly 0)") @DataAmount
package; import jdk.jfr.internal.JVMSupport; import jdk.jfr.internal.event.EventConfiguration; public final class EventConfigurations { public static final EventConfiguration FILE_READ = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileReadEvent.class); public static final EventConfiguration FILE_WRITE = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileWriteEvent.class); public static final EventConfiguration FILE_FORCE = JVMSupport.getConfiguration(FileForceEvent.class); }
public final class JDKEvents { private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = { FileForceEvent.class, FileReadEvent.class, FileWriteEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ActiveSettingEvent.class, ActiveRecordingEvent.class, // jdk.internal.event.* classes need their mirror // event class to be listed in the MirrorEvents class. jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ErrorThrownEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ExceptionThrownEvent.class,
if (result < 0) { endOfFile = true; } else { bytesRead = 1; } } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, endOfFile); } } return result; } @JIInstrumentationMethod public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(b); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; } @JIInstrumentationMethod
long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(b, off, len); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; } }
if (result < 0) { endOfFile = true; } else { bytesRead = 1; } } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, endOfFile); } } return result; } @JIInstrumentationMethod public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(b); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; } @JIInstrumentationMethod
long start = 0; try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(b, off, len); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; } @JIInstrumentationMethod
try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(dst); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; }
try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(dst, position); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; }
try { start = EventConfiguration.timestamp(); bytesRead = read(dsts, offset, length); } finally { long duration = EventConfiguration.timestamp() - start; if (eventConfiguration.shouldCommit(duration)) { if (bytesRead < 0) { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, 0L, true); } else { FileReadEvent.commit(start, duration, path, bytesRead, false); } } } return bytesRead; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
path | string | Path Full path of the file, or N/A if a file descriptor was used to create the stream, for example |
bytesRead | long: bytes | Bytes Read Number of bytes read from the file (possibly 0) |
endOfFile | boolean | End of File If end of file was reached |
Examples 3
bytesRead | long: bytes | 4
endOfFile | boolean | false
path | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-124931-6974251686310067154/apache-spark/lib/curator-recipes-2.13.0.jar
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 114
lineNumber | int | 114
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BII)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/io/RandomAccessFile
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 30635721500
bytesRead | long: bytes | 28072
endOfFile | boolean | false
path | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-141003-16632656921422798882/apache-spark/als/blockmgr-3624345d-f4f5-494f-a482-f63f3a3023ec/09/
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 162
lineNumber | int | 113
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BII)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/FileInputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 839849996667
bytesRead | long: bytes | 4
endOfFile | boolean | false
path | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-124622-12434569844652140370/apache-spark/lib/avro-ipc-1.10.2.jar
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 114
lineNumber | int | 114
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ([BII)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/io/RandomAccessFile
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 28227785042
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 19 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; @Category("Java Application") @Label("Virtual Thread Pinned") @Name("jdk.VirtualThreadPinned") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadPinnedEvent") public final class VirtualThreadPinnedEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { }
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup(); public static Class<? extends Event> find(String name) {
/** * Parks the current carrier thread up to the given waiting time or until * unparked or interrupted. If the virtual thread is interrupted then the * interrupt status will be propagated to the carrier thread. * @param timed true for a timed park, false for untimed * @param nanos the waiting time in nanoseconds */ private void parkOnCarrierThread(boolean timed, long nanos) { assert state() == RUNNING; VirtualThreadPinnedEvent event; try { event = new VirtualThreadPinnedEvent(); event.begin(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { event = null; } setState(timed ? TIMED_PINNED : PINNED); try { if (!parkPermit) { if (!timed) { U.park(false, 0); } else if (nanos > 0) {
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording that a virtual thread has parked on its carrier thread. */ public class VirtualThreadPinnedEvent extends Event { }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 20 ms |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application
Excludes in stack trace: java.lang.Thread::afterSleep, java.lang.Thread::sleepNanos, java.lang.Thread::sleep
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.Timespan; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; @Category("Java Application") @Label("Java Thread Sleep") @Name("jdk.ThreadSleep") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent") @StackFilter({"java.lang.Thread::afterSleep", "java.lang.Thread::sleepNanos", "java.lang.Thread::sleep"}) public final class ThreadSleepEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Sleep Time") @Timespan(Timespan.NANOSECONDS) public long time; }
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, };
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording thread sleeping. */ public final class ThreadSleepEvent extends Event { private static final ThreadSleepEvent EVENT = new ThreadSleepEvent(); /** * Returns {@code true} if event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isTurnedOn() { return EVENT.isEnabled(); } public long time; }
} else { yield0(); } } private static native void yield0(); /** * Called before sleeping to create a jdk.ThreadSleep event. */ private static ThreadSleepEvent beforeSleep(long nanos) { ThreadSleepEvent event = null; if (ThreadSleepEvent.isTurnedOn()) { try { event = new ThreadSleepEvent(); event.time = nanos; event.begin(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { event = null; } } return event; } /** * Called after sleeping to commit the jdk.ThreadSleep event. */ private static void afterSleep(ThreadSleepEvent event) { if (event != null) { try { event.commit(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // ignore } } } /** * Sleep for the specified number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision * and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. */ private static void sleepNanos(long nanos) throws InterruptedException { ThreadSleepEvent event = beforeSleep(nanos); try { if (currentThread() instanceof VirtualThread vthread) { vthread.sleepNanos(nanos); } else { sleepNanos0(nanos); } } finally { afterSleep(event); }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 20 ms |
profiling | true | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
time | long: nanos | Sleep Time |
Examples 3
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 91
lineNumber | int | 600
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()J
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | waitForNextTick
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 18
name | string | io/netty/util/HashedWheelTimer$Worker
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/util
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 794794648333
time | long: nanos | 8000000
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 5
lineNumber | int | 474
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljdk/internal/event/ThreadSleepEvent;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | afterSleep
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Thread
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 8094380625
time | long: nanos | 8000000
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 5
lineNumber | int | 474
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljdk/internal/event/ThreadSleepEvent;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | afterSleep
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Thread
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 7024710292
time | long: nanos | 7000000
Java Application Statistics
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application / Statistics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
* * If running inside a guest OS on top of a hypervisor in a virtualized environment, * the total memory reported is the amount of memory configured for the guest OS by the hypervisor. */ TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(PhysicalMemory) { u8 totalPhysicalMemory = os::physical_memory(); EventPhysicalMemory event; event.set_totalSize(totalPhysicalMemory); event.set_usedSize(totalPhysicalMemory - os::available_memory()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JavaThreadStatistics) { EventJavaThreadStatistics event; event.set_activeCount(ThreadService::get_live_thread_count()); event.set_daemonCount(ThreadService::get_daemon_thread_count()); event.set_accumulatedCount(ThreadService::get_total_thread_count()); event.set_peakCount(ThreadService::get_peak_thread_count()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapMemoryUsage) { MemoryUsage usage = Universe::heap()->memory_usage(); EventGCHeapMemoryUsage event(UNTIMED); event.set_used(usage.used());
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
activeCount | long | Active Threads Number of live active threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads |
daemonCount | long | Daemon Threads Number of live daemon threads |
accumulatedCount | long | Accumulated Threads Number of threads created and also started since JVM start |
peakCount | long | Peak Threads Peak live thread count since JVM start or when peak count was reset |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application / Statistics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_used(usage.used()); event.set_committed(usage.committed()); event.set_max(usage.max_size()); event.set_starttime(timestamp()); event.set_endtime(timestamp()); event.commit(); } } } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ClassLoadingStatistics) { #if INCLUDE_MANAGEMENT EventClassLoadingStatistics event; event.set_loadedClassCount(ClassLoadingService::loaded_class_count()); event.set_unloadedClassCount(ClassLoadingService::unloaded_class_count()); event.commit(); #else log_debug(jfr, system)("Unable to generate requestable event ClassLoadingStatistics. The required jvm feature 'management' is missing."); #endif } class JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure : public ClassLoaderStatsClosure { public: JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure() : ClassLoaderStatsClosure(nullptr) {}
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
loadedClassCount | long | Loaded Class Count Number of classes loaded since JVM start |
unloadedClassCount | long | Unloaded Class Count Number of classes unloaded since JVM start |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Application / Statistics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
log_debug(jfr, system)("Unable to generate requestable event ClassLoadingStatistics. The required jvm feature 'management' is missing."); #endif } class JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure : public ClassLoaderStatsClosure { public: JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure() : ClassLoaderStatsClosure(nullptr) {} bool do_entry(oop const& key, ClassLoaderStats const& cls) { const ClassLoaderData* this_cld = cls._class_loader != nullptr ? java_lang_ClassLoader::loader_data_acquire(cls._class_loader) : nullptr; const ClassLoaderData* parent_cld = cls._parent != nullptr ? java_lang_ClassLoader::loader_data_acquire(cls._parent) : nullptr; EventClassLoaderStatistics event; event.set_classLoader(this_cld); event.set_parentClassLoader(parent_cld); event.set_classLoaderData((intptr_t)cls._cld); event.set_classCount(cls._classes_count); event.set_chunkSize(cls._chunk_sz); event.set_blockSize(cls._block_sz); event.set_hiddenClassCount(cls._hidden_classes_count); event.set_hiddenChunkSize(cls._hidden_chunk_sz); event.set_hiddenBlockSize(cls._hidden_block_sz); event.commit(); return true;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
classLoader | ClassLoader | Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
parentClassLoader | ClassLoader | Parent Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
classLoaderData | ulong: address | ClassLoaderData Pointer Pointer to the ClassLoaderData structure in the JVM |
classCount | long | Classes Number of loaded classes |
chunkSize | ulong: bytes | Total Chunk Size Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks (each chunk has several blocks) |
blockSize | ulong: bytes | Total Block Size Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks (each chunk has several blocks) |
hiddenClassCount | long 15+ | Hidden Classes Number of hidden classes |
hiddenChunkSize | ulong: bytes 15+ | Total Hidden Classes Chunk Size Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks for hidden classes (each chunk has several blocks) |
hiddenBlockSize | ulong: bytes 15+ | Total Hidden Classes Block Size Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks for hidden classes (each chunk has several blocks) |
Examples 3
blockSize | ulong: bytes | 313728
chunkSize | ulong: bytes | 331776
classCount | long | 124
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
classLoaderData | ulong: address | 105553170253216
hiddenBlockSize | ulong: bytes | 0
hiddenChunkSize | ulong: bytes | 0
hiddenClassCount | long | 0
parentClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | platform
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$PlatformClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
startTime | long: millis | 74881025208
blockSize | ulong: bytes | 5510392
chunkSize | ulong: bytes | 5526528
classCount | long | 579
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
classLoaderData | ulong: address | 105553177014144
hiddenBlockSize | ulong: bytes | 0
hiddenChunkSize | ulong: bytes | 0
hiddenClassCount | long | 0
parentClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
startTime | long: millis | 84159189125
blockSize | ulong: bytes | 5080
chunkSize | ulong: bytes | 6144
classCount | long | 2
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/codehaus/commons/compiler/util/reflect/ByteArrayClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/codehaus/commons/compiler/util/reflect
classLoaderData | ulong: address | 105553268101824
hiddenBlockSize | ulong: bytes | 0
hiddenChunkSize | ulong: bytes | 0
hiddenClassCount | long | 0
parentClassLoader | ClassLoader | null
startTime | long: millis | 791772667000
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Java Application / Statistics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
GrowableArray<jlong> allocated(initial_size); GrowableArray<traceid> thread_ids(initial_size); JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now(); JfrJavaThreadIterator iter; while (iter.has_next()) { JavaThread* const jt =; assert(jt != nullptr, "invariant"); allocated.append(jt->cooked_allocated_bytes()); thread_ids.append(JFR_JVM_THREAD_ID(jt)); } // Write allocation statistics to buffer. for(int i = 0; i < thread_ids.length(); i++) { EventThreadAllocationStatistics event(UNTIMED); event.set_allocated(; event.set_thread(; event.set_starttime(time_stamp); event.set_endtime(time_stamp); event.commit(); } } /** * PhysicalMemory event represents: *
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
allocated | ulong: bytes | Allocated Approximate number of bytes allocated since thread start |
thread | Thread | Thread Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
allocated | ulong: bytes | 64
startTime | long: millis | 791772808042
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | context-cleaner-periodic-gc
javaThreadId | long | 1637
osName | string | context-cleaner-periodic-gc
osThreadId | long | 68907
virtual | boolean | false
allocated | ulong: bytes | 40995968
startTime | long: millis | 16763680292
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 151
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 40203
virtual | boolean | false
allocated | ulong: bytes | 105279504
startTime | long: millis | 14906032000
thread | Thread | |
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string |
javaThreadId | long | 91
osName | string |
osThreadId | long | 40455
virtual | boolean | false
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Application / Statistics
Per class statistics about finalizers
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static void send_event(const FinalizerEntry* fe, const InstanceKlass* ik, const JfrTicks& timestamp, Thread* thread) { assert(ik != nullptr, "invariant"); assert(ik->has_finalizer(), "invariant"); assert(thread != nullptr, "invariant"); const char* const url = fe != nullptr ? fe->codesource() : nullptr; const traceid url_symbol_id = url != nullptr ? JfrSymbolTable::add(url) : 0; EventFinalizerStatistics event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(timestamp); event.set_endtime(timestamp); event.set_finalizableClass(ik); event.set_codeSource(url_symbol_id); if (fe == nullptr) { event.set_objects(0); event.set_totalFinalizersRun(0); } else { assert(fe->klass() == ik, "invariant"); event.set_objects(fe->objects_on_heap()); event.set_totalFinalizersRun(fe->total_finalizers_run()); } event.commit(); } void JfrFinalizerStatisticsEvent::send_unload_event(const InstanceKlass* ik) { if (!EventFinalizerStatistics::is_enabled()) { return; } Thread* const thread = Thread::current(); ResourceMark rm(thread); send_event(FinalizerService::lookup(ik, thread), ik, JfrTicks::now(), thread); } // Finalizer events generated by the periodic task will all have the same timestamp. class FinalizerStatisticsEventClosure : public FinalizerEntryClosure { private:
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | endChunk |
profiling | true | endChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
finalizableClass | Class | Class Overriding Finalize |
codeSource | Symbol | Code Source URL from where the class was loaded |
objects | ulong | Finalizable Objects on Heap Number of objects on heap that can be finalized |
totalFinalizersRun | ulong | Finalizers Run Total number of finalizers run since JVM start |
Examples 3
codeSource | Symbol | file://[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-124622-12434569844652140370/twitter-finagle/lib/netty-buffer-4.1.72.Final.jar
finalizableClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 48
name | string | io/netty/buffer/PoolArena$HeapArena
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/buffer
objects | ulong | 16
startTime | long: millis | 96681279583
totalFinalizersRun | ulong | 0
codeSource | Symbol | file://[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-141003-16632656921422798882/apache-spark/lib/netty-buffer-4.1.99.Final.jar
finalizableClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 24
name | string | io/netty/buffer/PoolArena$HeapArena
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/buffer
objects | ulong | 32
startTime | long: millis | 824402883208
totalFinalizersRun | ulong | 0
codeSource | Symbol | file://[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-124447-3147988932466435938/twitter-finagle/lib/finagle-netty4_2.13-21.12.0.jar
finalizableClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | com/twitter/finagle/netty4/HashedWheelTimer
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | com/twitter/finagle/netty4
objects | ulong | 1
startTime | long: millis | 60302801042
totalFinalizersRun | ulong | 0
default profiling startTime stackTrace 22 23 24
Category: Java Application / Statistics
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
A unique invocation of a method that is annotated with @Deprecated. Packages and modules that are deprecated are ignored. At most 10 000 invocation sites and only the first invocation from a class is guaranteed to be included.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
NO_TRANSITION(jdouble, jfr_time_conv_factor(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm)) return (jdouble)JfrTimeConverter::nano_to_counter_multiplier(); NO_TRANSITION_END NO_TRANSITION(jboolean, jfr_set_throttle(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm, jlong event_type_id, jlong event_sample_size, jlong period_ms)) JfrEventThrottler::configure(static_cast<JfrEventId>(event_type_id), event_sample_size, period_ms); return JNI_TRUE; NO_TRANSITION_END NO_TRANSITION(void, jfr_set_miscellaneous(JNIEnv* env, jobject jvm, jlong event_type_id, jlong value)) JfrEventSetting::set_miscellaneous(event_type_id, value); const JfrEventId typed_event_id = (JfrEventId)event_type_id; if (EventDeprecatedInvocation::eventId == typed_event_id) { JfrDeprecationManager::on_level_setting_update(value); } NO_TRANSITION_END NO_TRANSITION(jboolean, jfr_should_rotate_disk(JNIEnv* env, jclass jvm)) return JfrChunkRotation::should_rotate() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; NO_TRANSITION_END NO_TRANSITION(jlong, jfr_get_type_id_from_string(JNIEnv * env, jclass jvm, jstring type)) const char* type_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(type, nullptr); jlong id = JfrType::name_to_id(type_name);
Configuration | enabled | level | stackTrace |
default | true | forRemoval | true |
profiling | true | forRemoval | true |
Field | Type | Description |
method | Method | Deprecated Method |
invocationTime | Ticks | Invocation Time The time the deprecated method was invoked for the first time |
forRemoval | boolean | For Removal |
Examples 1
forRemoval | boolean | true
invocationTime | Ticks | 387502796917
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()Ljava/lang/SecurityManager;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | getSecurityManager
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | java/lang/System
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 9
lineNumber | int | 65
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | get
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | io/netty/util/internal/SystemPropertyUtil
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/util/internal
type | FrameType | Interpreted
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 798537852583
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application / Statistics
Number of objects derived from java.lang.Throwable that have been created
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.StackTrace; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ExceptionStatistics") @Label("Exception Statistics") @Category({ "Java Application", "Statistics" }) @Description("Number of objects derived from java.lang.Throwable that have been created") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent") @StackTrace(false) public final class ExceptionStatisticsEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("Exceptions Created") public long throwables; }
SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup(); public static Class<? extends Event> find(String name) { // When <clinit> of this class is executed it may lead // to a JVM up call and invocation of this method before // the mirrorLookup field has been set. This is fine, // mirrors should not be instrumented. if (mirrorLookup != null) {
if (ErrorThrownEvent.enabled()) { long timestamp = ErrorThrownEvent.timestamp(); ErrorThrownEvent.commit(timestamp, message, clazz); } if (ExceptionThrownEvent.enabled()) { long timestamp = ExceptionThrownEvent.timestamp(); ExceptionThrownEvent.commit(timestamp, message, clazz); } numThrowables.incrementAndGet(); } public static void traceThrowable(Class<?> clazz, String message) { if (ExceptionThrownEvent.enabled()) { long timestamp = ExceptionThrownEvent.timestamp(); ExceptionThrownEvent.commit(timestamp, message, clazz); } numThrowables.incrementAndGet(); } public static void emitStatistics() { long timestamp = ExceptionStatisticsEvent.timestamp(); ExceptionStatisticsEvent.commit(timestamp, numThrowables.get()); } }
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording number of exceptions that has been created. */ public class ExceptionStatisticsEvent extends Event { public long throwables; public static void commit(long timestamp, long throwables) { // Generated by JFR } public static boolean enabled() { // Generated by JFR return false; } public static long timestamp() { // Generated by JFR return 0; } }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
throwables | long | Exceptions Created |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Application / Statistics
Statistics of direct buffer
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.internal.misc.VM; import jdk.internal.misc.VM.BufferPool; import jdk.jfr.*; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "DirectBufferStatistics") @Label("Direct Buffer Statistics") @Description("Statistics of direct buffer") public final class DirectBufferStatisticsEvent extends AbstractBufferStatisticsEvent { private static final BufferPool DIRECT_BUFFER_POOL = findPoolByName("direct"); public DirectBufferStatisticsEvent() { super(DIRECT_BUFFER_POOL); this.maxCapacity = VM.maxDirectMemory(); } @Label("Maximum Capacity") @Description("Maximum direct buffer capacity the process can use") @DataAmount final long maxCapacity; }
jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketReadEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketWriteEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.TLSHandshakeEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.X509CertificateEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.X509ValidationEvent.class, DirectBufferStatisticsEvent.class, InitialSecurityPropertyEvent.class, }; // This is a list of the classes with instrumentation code that should be applied. private static final Class<?>[] instrumentationClasses = new Class<?>[] { FileInputStreamInstrumentor.class, FileOutputStreamInstrumentor.class, RandomAccessFileInstrumentor.class, FileChannelImplInstrumentor.class };
private static final Runnable emitContainerIOUsage = JDKEvents::emitContainerIOUsage; private static final Runnable emitInitialSecurityProperties = JDKEvents::emitInitialSecurityProperties; private static Metrics containerMetrics = null; private static boolean initializationTriggered; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static synchronized void initialize() { try { if (initializationTriggered == false) { for (Class<?> eventClass : eventClasses) { SecuritySupport.registerEvent((Class<? extends Event>) eventClass); } PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, emitExceptionStatistics); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(DirectBufferStatisticsEvent.class, emitDirectBufferStatistics); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(InitialSecurityPropertyEvent.class, emitInitialSecurityProperties); initializeContainerEvents(); ThrowableTracer.enable(); initializationTriggered = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.WARN, "Could not initialize JDK events. " + e.getMessage()); } }
public static void remove() { PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitExceptionStatistics); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitDirectBufferStatistics); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitInitialSecurityProperties); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitDirectBufferStatistics() { DirectBufferStatisticsEvent e = new DirectBufferStatisticsEvent(); e.commit(); } private static void emitInitialSecurityProperties() { Properties p = SharedSecrets.getJavaSecurityPropertiesAccess().getInitialProperties(); if (p != null) { for (String key : p.stringPropertyNames()) { InitialSecurityPropertyEvent e = new InitialSecurityPropertyEvent(); e.key = key; e.value = p.getProperty(key); e.commit();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 5 s |
profiling | true | 5 s |
Examples 3
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 89173598375
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 5429529417
Java Development Kit
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Security
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Details of X.509 Certificate parsed by JDK
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.*; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.RemoveFields; @Category({"Java Development Kit", "Security"}) @Label("X509 Certificate") @Name("jdk.X509Certificate") @Description("Details of X.509 Certificate parsed by JDK") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.X509CertificateEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") public final class X509CertificateEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Signature Algorithm") public String algorithm; @Label("Serial Number") public String serialNumber; @Label("Subject") public String subject; @Label("Issuer") public String issuer;
private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup(); public static Class<? extends Event> find(String name) { // When <clinit> of this class is executed it may lead // to a JVM up call and invocation of this method before
SecureRandom result = def; if (result == null) { synchronized (JCAUtil.class) { result = def; if (result == null) { def = result = new SecureRandom(); } } } return result; } public static void tryCommitCertEvent(Certificate cert) { if ((X509CertificateEvent.isTurnedOn() || EventHelper.isLoggingSecurity()) && (cert instanceof X509Certificate x509)) { PublicKey pKey = x509.getPublicKey(); String algId = x509.getSigAlgName(); String serNum = x509.getSerialNumber().toString(16); String subject = x509.getSubjectX500Principal().toString(); String issuer = x509.getIssuerX500Principal().toString(); String keyType = pKey.getAlgorithm(); int length = KeyUtil.getKeySize(pKey); int hashCode = x509.hashCode(); long certifcateId = Integer.toUnsignedLong(hashCode); long beginDate = x509.getNotBefore().getTime(); long endDate = x509.getNotAfter().getTime(); if (X509CertificateEvent.isTurnedOn()) { X509CertificateEvent xce = new X509CertificateEvent(); xce.algorithm = algId; xce.serialNumber = serNum; xce.subject = subject; xce.issuer = issuer; xce.keyType = keyType; xce.keyLength = length; xce.certificateId = certifcateId; xce.validFrom = beginDate; xce.validUntil = endDate; xce.commit(); }
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording details of X.509 Certificate. */ public final class X509CertificateEvent extends Event { private static final X509CertificateEvent EVENT = new X509CertificateEvent(); /** * Returns {@code true} if event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isTurnedOn() { return EVENT.isEnabled(); } public String algorithm; public String serialNumber; public String subject; public String issuer; public String keyType; public int keyLength; public long certificateId;
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
algorithm | string | Signature Algorithm |
serialNumber | string | Serial Number Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
subject | string | Subject Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
issuer | string | Issuer Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
keyType | string | Key Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
keyLength | int | Key Length |
certificateId | ulong: certificateId | Certificate Id |
validFrom | long: epochmillis | Valid From |
validUntil | long: epochmillis | Valid Until |
Examples 1
algorithm | string | SHA1withDSA
certificateId | ulong: certificateId | 3045411335
issuer | string | CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown
keyLength | int | 1024
keyType | string | DSA
serialNumber | string | 46101f71
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 187
lineNumber | int | 127
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/security/cert/Certificate;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | tryCommitCertEvent
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | sun/security/jca/JCAUtil
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | sun/security/jca
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 868429966042
subject | string | CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown
validFrom | long: epochmillis | 1175461745000
validUntil | long: epochmillis | 4329061745000
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Serialization
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Results of deserialization and ObjectInputFilter checks
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Category({"Java Development Kit", "Serialization"}) @Label("Deserialization") @Name("jdk.Deserialization") @Description("Results of deserialization and ObjectInputFilter checks") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.DeserializationEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") public final class DeserializationEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Filter Configured") public boolean filterConfigured; @Label("Filter Status") public String filterStatus; @Label ("Type") public Class<?> type; @Label ("Array Length")
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class,
ObjectInputFilter next = Config.getSerialFilterFactory() .apply(serialFilter, filter); if (serialFilter != null && next == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("filter can not be replaced with null filter"); } serialFilter = next; } /** * Invokes the deserialization filter if non-null. * * If the filter rejects or an exception is thrown, throws InvalidClassException. * * Logs and/or commits a {@code DeserializationEvent}, if configured. * * @param clazz the class; may be null * @param arrayLength the array length requested; use {@code -1} if not creating an array * @throws InvalidClassException if it rejected by the filter or * a {@link RuntimeException} is thrown */ private void filterCheck(Class<?> clazz, int arrayLength) throws InvalidClassException { // Info about the stream is not available if overridden by subclass, return 0 long bytesRead = (bin == null) ? 0 : bin.getBytesRead(); RuntimeException ex = null;
status = ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED; ex = e; } if (Logging.filterLogger != null) { // Debug logging of filter checks that fail; Tracing for those that succeed Logging.filterLogger.log(status == null || status == ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED ? Logger.Level.DEBUG : Logger.Level.TRACE, "ObjectInputFilter {0}: {1}, array length: {2}, nRefs: {3}, depth: {4}, bytes: {5}, ex: {6}", status, clazz, arrayLength, totalObjectRefs, depth, bytesRead, Objects.toString(ex, "n/a")); } } DeserializationEvent event = new DeserializationEvent(); if (event.shouldCommit()) { event.filterConfigured = serialFilter != null; event.filterStatus = status != null ? : null; event.type = clazz; event.arrayLength = arrayLength; event.objectReferences = totalObjectRefs; event.depth = depth; event.bytesRead = bytesRead; event.exceptionType = ex != null ? ex.getClass() : null; event.exceptionMessage = ex != null ? ex.getMessage() : null; event.commit();
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event details relating to deserialization. */ public final class DeserializationEvent extends Event { public boolean filterConfigured; public String filterStatus; public Class<?> type; public int arrayLength; public long objectReferences; public long depth; public long bytesRead; public Class<?> exceptionType; public String exceptionMessage; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
filterConfigured | boolean | Filter Configured |
filterStatus | string | Filter Status Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
type | Class | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
arrayLength | int | Array Length |
objectReferences | long | Object References |
depth | long | Depth |
bytesRead | long | Bytes Read |
exceptionType | Class | Exception Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
exceptionMessage | string | Exception Message Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 1
arrayLength | int | 10
bytesRead | long | 97753
depth | long | 3
exceptionMessage | string | null
exceptionType | Class | null
filterConfigured | boolean | false
filterStatus | string | null
objectReferences | long | 1961
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 304
lineNumber | int | 1421
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | filterCheck
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/ObjectInputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
startTime | long: millis | 791550269083
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1041
name | string | [F
package | Package | null
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Security
Excludes in stack trace:
Parameters used in TLS Handshake
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Category({"Java Development Kit", "Security"}) @Label("TLS Handshake") @Name("jdk.TLSHandshake") @Description("Parameters used in TLS Handshake") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.TLSHandshakeEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") @StackFilter("") public final class TLSHandshakeEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Peer Host") public String peerHost; @Label("Peer Port") public int peerPort; @Label("Protocol Version") public String protocolVersion; @Label("Cipher Suite") public String cipherSuite;
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, };
// May need to retransmit the last flight for DTLS. if (!shc.sslContext.isDTLS()) { shc.conContext.finishHandshake(); } recordEvent(shc.conContext.conSession); // // produce NewSessionTicket.t13PosthandshakeProducer.produce(shc); } } private static void recordEvent(SSLSessionImpl session) { TLSHandshakeEvent event = new TLSHandshakeEvent(); if (event.shouldCommit() || EventHelper.isLoggingSecurity()) { int hash = 0; try { // use hash code for Id hash = session .getCertificateChain()[0] .hashCode(); } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) { // not verified msg } long peerCertificateId = Integer.toUnsignedLong(hash);
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording details of successful TLS handshakes. */ public final class TLSHandshakeEvent extends Event { public String peerHost; public int peerPort; public String protocolVersion; public String cipherSuite; public long certificateId; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
peerHost | string | Peer Host Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
peerPort | int | Peer Port |
protocolVersion | string | Protocol Version Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
cipherSuite | string | Cipher Suite Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
certificateId | ulong: certificateId | Certificate Id Peer Certificate Id |
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Security
Serial numbers from X.509 Certificates forming chain of trust
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.*; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.RemoveFields; @Category({"Java Development Kit", "Security"}) @Label("X509 Validation") @Name("jdk.X509Validation") @Description("Serial numbers from X.509 Certificates forming chain of trust") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.X509ValidationEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") public final class X509ValidationEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @CertificateId @Label("Certificate Id") @Unsigned public long certificateId; @Label("Certificate Position") @Description("Certificate position in chain of trust, 1 = trust anchor") public int certificatePosition; @Label("Validation Counter") public long validationCounter;
DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup(); public static Class<? extends Event> find(String name) { // When <clinit> of this class is executed it may lead // to a JVM up call and invocation of this method before // the mirrorLookup field has been set. This is fine,
// only add a RevocationChecker if revocation is enabled and // a PKIXRevocationChecker has not already been added if (params.revocationEnabled() && !revCheckerAdded) { certPathCheckers.add(new RevocationChecker(anchor, params)); } // add user-specified checkers certPathCheckers.addAll(checkers); PKIXMasterCertPathValidator.validate(params.certPath(), params.certificates(), certPathCheckers); X509ValidationEvent xve = new X509ValidationEvent(); if (xve.shouldCommit() || EventHelper.isLoggingSecurity()) { long[] certIds = params.certificates().stream() .mapToInt(Certificate::hashCode) .mapToLong(Integer::toUnsignedLong) .toArray(); int hash = (anchorCert != null) ? anchorCert.hashCode() : anchor.getCAPublicKey().hashCode(); long anchorCertId = Integer.toUnsignedLong(hash); if (xve.shouldCommit()) { xve.certificateId = anchorCertId; int certificatePos = 1; // most trusted CA
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording details of X.509 Certificate serial numbers * used in X509 cert path validation. */ public final class X509ValidationEvent extends Event { public long certificateId; public int certificatePosition; public long validationCounter; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
certificateId | ulong: certificateId | Certificate Id |
certificatePosition | int | Certificate Position Certificate position in chain of trust, 1 = trust anchor |
validationCounter | long | Validation Counter |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 19 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Threading
Submit of task for virtual thread failed
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class, ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, ExceptionThrownEvent.class, }; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrorLookup = createLookup(); public static Class<? extends Event> find(String name) { // When <clinit> of this class is executed it may lead
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.RemoveFields; @Category({"Java Development Kit", "Threading"}) @Label("Virtual Thread Submit Failed") @Name("jdk.VirtualThreadSubmitFailed") @Description("Submit of task for virtual thread failed") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") public final class VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Thread Id") public long javaThreadId; @Label("Exception Message") public String exceptionMessage; }
* @throws RejectedExecutionException * @see ForkJoinPool#externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask) */ private void externalSubmitRunContinuation(ForkJoinPool pool) { try { pool.externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask.adapt(runContinuation)); } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) { submitFailed(ree); throw ree; } } /** * If enabled, emits a JFR VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent. */ private void submitFailed(RejectedExecutionException ree) { var event = new VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent(); if (event.isEnabled()) { event.javaThreadId = threadId(); event.exceptionMessage = ree.getMessage(); event.commit(); } } /** * Runs a task in the context of this virtual thread. */ private void run(Runnable task) {
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording when an attempt to submit the task for a virtual thread failed. */ public class VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent extends Event { public long javaThreadId; public String exceptionMessage; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
javaThreadId | long | Thread Id |
exceptionMessage | string | Exception Message Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Security
Excludes in stack trace:
Details of Provider.getInstance(String type, String algorithm) calls
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class, ErrorThrownEvent.class,
@Category({"Java Development Kit", "Security"}) @Label("Security Provider Instance Request") @Name("jdk.SecurityProviderService") @Description("Details of Provider.getInstance(String type, String algorithm) calls") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.SecurityProviderServiceEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") @StackFilter({""}) public final class SecurityProviderServiceEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Type of Service") public String type; @Label("Algorithm Name") public String algorithm; @Label("Security Provider") public String provider; }
if (!key.matches(type, algorithm)) { key = new ServiceKey(type, algorithm, false); previousKey = key; } Service s = serviceMap.get(key); if (s == null) { s = legacyMap.get(key); if (s != null && !s.isValid()) { legacyMap.remove(key, s); } } if (s != null && SecurityProviderServiceEvent.isTurnedOn()) { var e = new SecurityProviderServiceEvent(); e.provider = getName(); e.type = type; e.algorithm = algorithm; e.commit(); } return s; } // ServiceKey from previous getService() call // by re-using it if possible we avoid allocating a new object
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event recording details of Provider.getService(String type, String algorithm) calls */ public final class SecurityProviderServiceEvent extends Event { private final static SecurityProviderServiceEvent EVENT = new SecurityProviderServiceEvent(); /** * Returns {@code true} if event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isTurnedOn() { return EVENT.isEnabled(); } public String type; public String algorithm; public String provider; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of Service |
algorithm | string | Algorithm Name |
provider | string | Security Provider |
Examples 3
algorithm | string | SHA
provider | string | SUN
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 97
lineNumber | int | 385
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/Provider$Service;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | getService
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | sun/security/jca/ProviderList
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | sun/security/jca
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 869617664958
type | string | MessageDigest
algorithm | string | SHA-1
provider | string | SUN
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 136
lineNumber | int | 1298
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/Provider$Service;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | getService
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/security/Provider
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/security
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 539435958
type | string | MessageDigest
algorithm | string | SHA-1
provider | string | SUN
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 136
lineNumber | int | 1298
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/Provider$Service;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | getService
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/security/Provider
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/security
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 465302458
type | string | MessageDigest
startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Security
Excludes in stack trace:
Modification of Security property
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class, X509ValidationEvent.class,
package; import jdk.jfr.*; import jdk.jfr.internal.MirrorEvent; import jdk.jfr.internal.RemoveFields; @Category({"Java Development Kit", "Security"}) @Label("Security Property Modification") @Name("jdk.SecurityPropertyModification") @Description("Modification of Security property") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") @StackFilter({""}) public final class SecurityPropertyModificationEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Key") public String key; @Label("Value") public String value; }
* if a security manager exists and its {@link * java.lang.SecurityManager#checkPermission} method * denies access to set the specified security property value * @throws NullPointerException if key or datum is {@code null} * * @see #getProperty * @see */ public static void setProperty(String key, String datum) { check("setProperty." + key); props.put(key, datum); invalidateSMCache(key); /* See below. */ SecurityPropertyModificationEvent spe = new SecurityPropertyModificationEvent(); // following is a no-op if event is disabled spe.key = key; spe.value = datum; spe.commit(); if (EventHelper.isLoggingSecurity()) { EventHelper.logSecurityPropertyEvent(key, datum); } } /*
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event details relating to the modification of a Security property. */ public final class SecurityPropertyModificationEvent extends Event { public String key; public String value; }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | Key Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
value | string | Value Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Java Development Kit / Security
Initial Security Properties
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; @Category({"Java Development Kit", "Security"}) @Label("Initial Security Property") @Name("jdk.InitialSecurityProperty") @Description("Initial Security Properties") public final class InitialSecurityPropertyEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("Key") public String key; @Label("Value") public String value; }
jdk.internal.event.SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketReadEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.SocketWriteEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.TLSHandshakeEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.X509CertificateEvent.class, jdk.internal.event.X509ValidationEvent.class, DirectBufferStatisticsEvent.class, InitialSecurityPropertyEvent.class, }; // This is a list of the classes with instrumentation code that should be applied. private static final Class<?>[] instrumentationClasses = new Class<?>[] { FileInputStreamInstrumentor.class, FileOutputStreamInstrumentor.class, RandomAccessFileInstrumentor.class, FileChannelImplInstrumentor.class }; private static final Class<?>[] targetClasses = new Class<?>[instrumentationClasses.length];
private static final Runnable emitInitialSecurityProperties = JDKEvents::emitInitialSecurityProperties; private static Metrics containerMetrics = null; private static boolean initializationTriggered; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static synchronized void initialize() { try { if (initializationTriggered == false) { for (Class<?> eventClass : eventClasses) { SecuritySupport.registerEvent((Class<? extends Event>) eventClass); } PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(jdk.internal.event.ExceptionStatisticsEvent.class, emitExceptionStatistics); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(DirectBufferStatisticsEvent.class, emitDirectBufferStatistics); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(InitialSecurityPropertyEvent.class, emitInitialSecurityProperties); initializeContainerEvents(); ThrowableTracer.enable(); initializationTriggered = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.WARN, "Could not initialize JDK events. " + e.getMessage()); } } public static void addInstrumentation() {
PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.removeEvent(emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitDirectBufferStatistics() { DirectBufferStatisticsEvent e = new DirectBufferStatisticsEvent(); e.commit(); } private static void emitInitialSecurityProperties() { Properties p = SharedSecrets.getJavaSecurityPropertiesAccess().getInitialProperties(); if (p != null) { for (String key : p.stringPropertyNames()) { InitialSecurityPropertyEvent e = new InitialSecurityPropertyEvent(); e.key = key; e.value = p.getProperty(key); e.commit(); } } } }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | Key Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
value | string | Value Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
key | string | package.definition
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 379281292
value | string | sun.misc.,sun.reflect.
key | string | ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 437641500
value | string | PKIX
Operating System
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Operating System
Description of the OS the JVM runs on, for example, a uname-like output
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.set_jvmVersion(VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string()); event.set_javaArguments(Arguments::java_command()); event.set_jvmArguments(Arguments::jvm_args()); event.set_jvmFlags(Arguments::jvm_flags()); event.set_jvmStartTime(Management::vm_init_done_time()); event.set_pid(os::current_process_id()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(OSInformation) { ResourceMark rm; char* os_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, 2048); JfrOSInterface::os_version(&os_name); EventOSInformation event; event.set_osVersion(os_name); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(VirtualizationInformation) { EventVirtualizationInformation event; event.set_name(JfrOSInterface::virtualization_name()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ModuleRequire) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
osVersion | string | OS Version |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System
Description of the virtualization technology the JVM runs on
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(OSInformation) { ResourceMark rm; char* os_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, 2048); JfrOSInterface::os_version(&os_name); EventOSInformation event; event.set_osVersion(os_name); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(VirtualizationInformation) { EventVirtualizationInformation event; event.set_name(JfrOSInterface::virtualization_name()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ModuleRequire) { JfrModuleEvent::generate_module_dependency_events(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ModuleExport) { JfrModuleEvent::generate_module_export_events(); }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Operating System
Key-value pairs for environment variables at JVM startup
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
} else if (vrt == PowerFullPartitionMode) { return "Power full partition"; } return "No virtualization detected"; } int JfrOSInterface::generate_initial_environment_variable_events() { if (os::get_environ() == nullptr) { return OS_ERR; } if (EventInitialEnvironmentVariable::is_enabled()) { // One time stamp for all events, so they can be grouped together JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now(); for (char** p = os::get_environ(); *p != nullptr; p++) { char* variable = *p; char* equal_sign = strchr(variable, '='); if (equal_sign != nullptr) { // Extract key/value ResourceMark rm; ptrdiff_t key_length = equal_sign - variable; char* key = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, key_length + 1); char* value = equal_sign + 1; strncpy(key, variable, key_length); key[key_length] = '\0'; EventInitialEnvironmentVariable event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(time_stamp); event.set_endtime(time_stamp); event.set_key(key); event.set_value(value); event.commit(); } } } return OS_OK; }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | Key |
value | string | Value |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
while (processes != nullptr) { SystemProcess* tmp = processes; const char* info = processes->command_line(); if (info == nullptr) { info = processes->path(); } if (info == nullptr) { info = processes->name(); } if (info == nullptr) { info = "?"; } jio_snprintf(pid_buf, sizeof(pid_buf), "%d", processes->pid()); EventSystemProcess event(UNTIMED); event.set_pid(pid_buf); event.set_commandLine(info); event.set_starttime(start_time); event.set_endtime(end_time); event.commit(); processes = processes->next(); delete tmp; } } }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | endChunk |
profiling | true | endChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
pid | string | Process Identifier |
commandLine | string | Command Line |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System / Processor
Characteristics and descriptions of the processor(s) the JVM is running on
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CPUInformation) { CPUInformation cpu_info; int ret_val = JfrOSInterface::cpu_information(cpu_info); if (ret_val == OS_ERR) { log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event CPUInformation"); return; } if (ret_val == FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { return; } if (ret_val == OS_OK) { EventCPUInformation event; event.set_cpu(cpu_info.cpu_name()); event.set_description(cpu_info.cpu_description()); event.set_sockets(cpu_info.number_of_sockets()); event.set_cores(cpu_info.number_of_cores()); event.set_hwThreads(cpu_info.number_of_hardware_threads()); event.commit(); } } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CPULoad) { double u = 0; // user time
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
cpu | string | Type |
description | string | Description |
sockets | uint | Sockets |
cores | uint | Cores |
hwThreads | uint | Hardware Threads |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System / Processor
Information about the CPU time stamp mechanism / (RD)TSC
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadCPULoad) { JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::send_events(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerQueueUtilization) { JfrCompilerQueueUtilization::send_events(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NetworkUtilization) { JfrNetworkUtilization::send_events(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CPUTimeStampCounter) { EventCPUTimeStampCounter event; event.set_fastTimeEnabled(JfrTime::is_ft_enabled()); event.set_fastTimeAutoEnabled(JfrTime::is_ft_supported()); event.set_osFrequency(os::elapsed_frequency()); event.set_fastTimeFrequency(JfrTime::frequency()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(SystemProcess) { char pid_buf[16]; SystemProcess* processes = nullptr; int num_of_processes = 0;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
fastTimeEnabled | boolean | Fast Time |
fastTimeAutoEnabled | boolean | Trusted Platform |
osFrequency | long: hertz | OS Frequency |
fastTimeFrequency | long: hertz | Fast Time Frequency |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System / Processor
Information about the recent CPU usage of the JVM process
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
double t = 0; // total time int ret_val = OS_ERR; { // Can take some time on certain platforms, especially under heavy load. // Transition to native to avoid unnecessary stalls for pending safepoint synchronizations. ThreadToNativeFromVM transition(JavaThread::current()); ret_val = JfrOSInterface::cpu_loads_process(&u, &s, &t); } if (ret_val == OS_ERR) { log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event CPULoad"); return; } if (ret_val == OS_OK) { EventCPULoad event; event.set_jvmUser((float)u); event.set_jvmSystem((float)s); event.set_machineTotal((float)t); event.commit(); } } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadCPULoad) { JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::send_events(); }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
jvmUser | float: percentage | JVM User |
jvmSystem | float: percentage | JVM System |
machineTotal | float: percentage | Machine Total |
Examples 3
jvmSystem | float: percentage | 1.5503928E-4
jvmUser | float: percentage | 0.0051637716
machineTotal | float: percentage | 0.8399015
startTime | long: millis | 37238835917
jvmSystem | float: percentage | 0.0016977303
jvmUser | float: percentage | 0.011041899
machineTotal | float: percentage | 1.0
startTime | long: millis | 36411407958
jvmSystem | float: percentage | 0.0015139058
jvmUser | float: percentage | 0.01084711
machineTotal | float: percentage | 0.99878496
startTime | long: millis | 929418461417
default profiling startTime duration eventThread every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Operating System / Processor
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
int JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::get_processor_count() { int cur_processor_count = os::active_processor_count(); int last_processor_count = _last_active_processor_count; _last_active_processor_count = cur_processor_count; // If the number of processors decreases, we don't know at what point during // the sample interval this happened, so use the largest number to try // to avoid percentages above 100% return MAX2(cur_processor_count, last_processor_count); } // Returns false if the thread has not been scheduled since the last call to updateEvent // (i.e. the delta for both system and user time is 0 milliseconds) bool JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::update_event(EventThreadCPULoad& event, JavaThread* thread, jlong cur_wallclock_time, int processor_count) { JfrThreadLocal* const tl = thread->jfr_thread_local(); jlong cur_cpu_time = os::thread_cpu_time(thread, true); jlong prev_cpu_time = tl->get_cpu_time(); jlong prev_wallclock_time = tl->get_wallclock_time(); tl->set_wallclock_time(cur_wallclock_time); // Threshold of 1 ms if (cur_cpu_time - prev_cpu_time < 1 * NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC) { return false;
void JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::send_events() { Thread* periodic_thread = Thread::current(); traceid periodic_thread_id = JfrThreadLocal::thread_id(periodic_thread); const int processor_count = JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::get_processor_count(); JfrTicks event_time = JfrTicks::now(); jlong cur_wallclock_time = JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::get_wallclock_time(); JfrJavaThreadIterator iter; int number_of_threads = 0; while (iter.has_next()) { JavaThread* const jt =; assert(jt != nullptr, "invariant"); ++number_of_threads; EventThreadCPULoad event(UNTIMED); if (JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::update_event(event, jt, cur_wallclock_time, processor_count)) { event.set_starttime(event_time); event.set_endtime(event_time); if (jt != periodic_thread) { // Commit reads the thread id from this thread's trace data, so put it there temporarily JfrThreadLocal::impersonate(periodic_thread, JFR_JVM_THREAD_ID(jt)); } else { JfrThreadLocal::impersonate(periodic_thread, periodic_thread_id); } event.commit(); } } log_trace(jfr)("Measured CPU usage for %d threads in %.3f milliseconds", number_of_threads, (double)(JfrTicks::now() - event_time).milliseconds()); JfrThreadLocal::stop_impersonating(periodic_thread); } void JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::send_event_for_thread(JavaThread* jt) { EventThreadCPULoad event; if (event.should_commit()) { if (update_event(event, jt, get_wallclock_time(), get_processor_count())) { event.commit(); } } }
#ifndef SHARE_JFR_PERIODIC_JFRTHREADCPULOADEVENT_HPP #define SHARE_JFR_PERIODIC_JFRTHREADCPULOADEVENT_HPP #include "jni.h" #include "memory/allStatic.hpp" class JavaThread; class EventThreadCPULoad; class JfrThreadCPULoadEvent : public AllStatic { static int _last_active_processor_count; public: static jlong get_wallclock_time(); static int get_processor_count(); static bool update_event(EventThreadCPULoad& event, JavaThread* thread, jlong cur_wallclock_time, int processor_count); static void send_events(); static void send_event_for_thread(JavaThread* jt); }; #endif // SHARE_JFR_PERIODIC_JFRTHREADCPULOADEVENT_HPP
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 10 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
user | float: percentage | User Mode CPU Load User mode thread CPU load |
system | float: percentage | System Mode CPU Load System mode thread CPU load |
Examples 3
startTime | long: millis | 2044658208
system | float: percentage | 7.6303637E-4
user | float: percentage | 0.024879292
startTime | long: millis | 10643453375
system | float: percentage | 0.0017827646
user | float: percentage | 0.011489484
startTime | long: millis | 839748957792
system | float: percentage | 1.3886045E-6
user | float: percentage | 2.3494238E-6
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System / Processor
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// Can take some time on certain platforms, especially under heavy load. // Transition to native to avoid unnecessary stalls for pending safepoint synchronizations. ThreadToNativeFromVM transition(JavaThread::current()); ret_val = JfrOSInterface::context_switch_rate(&rate); } if (ret_val == OS_ERR) { log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event ThreadContextSwitchRate"); return; } if (ret_val == FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { return; } if (ret_val == OS_OK) { EventThreadContextSwitchRate event; event.set_switchRate((float)rate + 0.0f); event.commit(); } } #define SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(eventType, flagType) \ do { \ JVMFlag *flag = JVMFlag::flags; \ while (flag->name() != nullptr) { \ if (flag->is_ ## flagType()) { \ if (flag->is_unlocked()) { \
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 10 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
switchRate | float: hertz | Switch Rate Number of context switches per second |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Operating System / Network
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static JfrTicks last_sample_instant; const JfrTicks cur_time = JfrTicks::now(); if (cur_time > last_sample_instant) { const JfrTickspan interval = cur_time - last_sample_instant; for (NetworkInterface *cur = network_interfaces; cur != nullptr; cur = cur->next()) { InterfaceEntry& entry = get_entry(cur); const uint64_t current_bytes_in = cur->get_bytes_in(); const uint64_t current_bytes_out = cur->get_bytes_out(); const uint64_t read_rate = rate_per_second(current_bytes_in, entry.bytes_in, interval); const uint64_t write_rate = rate_per_second(current_bytes_out, entry.bytes_out, interval); if (read_rate > 0 || write_rate > 0) { write_interface_constant(entry); EventNetworkUtilization event(UNTIMED); event.set_starttime(cur_time); event.set_endtime(cur_time); event.set_networkInterface(; event.set_readRate(8 * read_rate); event.set_writeRate(8 * write_rate); event.commit(); } // update existing entry with new values entry.bytes_in = current_bytes_in; entry.bytes_out = current_bytes_out; }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 5 s |
profiling | true | 5 s |
Field | Type | Description |
networkInterface | NetworkInterfaceName | Network Interface Network Interface Name |
readRate | long: bits-per-second | Read Rate Number of incoming bits per second |
writeRate | long: bits-per-second | Write Rate Number of outgoing bits per second |
Examples 3
networkInterface | NetworkInterfaceName | lo0
readRate | long: bits-per-second | 11352
startTime | long: millis | 863648451792
writeRate | long: bits-per-second | 11352
networkInterface | NetworkInterfaceName | lo0
readRate | long: bits-per-second | 116304
startTime | long: millis | 15714751750
writeRate | long: bits-per-second | 116304
networkInterface | NetworkInterfaceName | lo0
readRate | long: bits-per-second | 118088
startTime | long: millis | 19434224167
writeRate | long: bits-per-second | 118088
default profiling startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24 graal vm
Category: Operating System / Memory
OS Physical Memory
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
* PhysicalMemory event represents: * * @totalSize == The amount of physical memory (hw) installed and reported by the OS, in bytes. * @usedSize == The amount of physical memory currently in use in the system (reserved/committed), in bytes. * * Both fields are systemwide, i.e. represents the entire OS/HW environment. * These fields do not include virtual memory. * * If running inside a guest OS on top of a hypervisor in a virtualized environment, * the total memory reported is the amount of memory configured for the guest OS by the hypervisor. */ TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(PhysicalMemory) { u8 totalPhysicalMemory = os::physical_memory(); EventPhysicalMemory event; event.set_totalSize(totalPhysicalMemory); event.set_usedSize(totalPhysicalMemory - os::available_memory()); event.commit(); } TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JavaThreadStatistics) { EventJavaThreadStatistics event; event.set_activeCount(ThreadService::get_live_thread_count()); event.set_daemonCount(ThreadService::get_daemon_thread_count()); event.set_accumulatedCount(ThreadService::get_total_thread_count()); event.set_peakCount(ThreadService::get_peak_thread_count());
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Size Total amount of physical memory available to OS |
usedSize | ulong: bytes | Used Size Total amount of physical memory in use |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Operating System / Processor
Container CPU usage related information
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.Timespan; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ContainerCPUUsage") @Label("CPU Usage") @Category({"Operating System", "Processor"}) @Description("Container CPU usage related information") public class ContainerCPUUsageEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("CPU Time") @Description("Aggregate time consumed by all tasks in the container") @Timespan public long cpuTime; @Label("CPU User Time") @Description("Aggregate user time consumed by all tasks in the container") @Timespan public long cpuUserTime; @Label("CPU System Time")
private static void initializeContainerEvents() { if (JVM.isContainerized() ) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "JVM is containerized"); containerMetrics = Container.metrics(); if (containerMetrics != null) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Container metrics are available"); } } // The registration of events and hooks are needed to provide metadata, // even when not running in a container SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class, emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class, emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class, emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class, emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class, emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitExceptionStatistics() { ThrowableTracer.emitStatistics(); } private static void emitContainerConfiguration() { if (containerMetrics != null) {
t.cpuQuota = containerMetrics.getCpuQuota(); t.cpuShares = containerMetrics.getCpuShares(); t.effectiveCpuCount = containerMetrics.getEffectiveCpuCount(); t.memorySoftLimit = containerMetrics.getMemorySoftLimit(); t.memoryLimit = containerMetrics.getMemoryLimit(); t.swapMemoryLimit = containerMetrics.getMemoryAndSwapLimit(); t.hostTotalMemory = JVM.hostTotalMemory(); t.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerCPUUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerCPUUsageEvent event = new ContainerCPUUsageEvent(); event.cpuTime = containerMetrics.getCpuUsage(); event.cpuSystemTime = containerMetrics.getCpuSystemUsage(); event.cpuUserTime = containerMetrics.getCpuUserUsage(); event.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerMemoryUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerMemoryUsageEvent event = new ContainerMemoryUsageEvent();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 30 s |
profiling | true | 30 s |
Field | Type | Description |
cpuTime | long: nanos | CPU Time Aggregate time consumed by all tasks in the container |
cpuUserTime | long: nanos | CPU User Time Aggregate user time consumed by all tasks in the container |
cpuSystemTime | long: nanos | CPU System Time Aggregate system time consumed by all tasks in the container |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Operating System / File System
Container IO usage related information
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ContainerIOUsage") @Label("Container IO Usage") @Category({"Operating System", "File System"}) @Description("Container IO usage related information") public class ContainerIOUsageEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("Block IO Request Count") @Description("Number of block IO requests to the disk that have been issued by the container") public long serviceRequests; @Label("Block IO Transfer") @Description("Number of block IO bytes that have been transferred to/from the disk by the container") @DataAmount public long dataTransferred; }
if (JVM.isContainerized() ) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "JVM is containerized"); containerMetrics = Container.metrics(); if (containerMetrics != null) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Container metrics are available"); } } // The registration of events and hooks are needed to provide metadata, // even when not running in a container SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class, emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class, emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class, emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class, emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class, emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitExceptionStatistics() { ThrowableTracer.emitStatistics(); } private static void emitContainerConfiguration() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerConfigurationEvent t = new ContainerConfigurationEvent(); t.containerType = containerMetrics.getProvider(); t.cpuSlicePeriod = containerMetrics.getCpuPeriod();
private static void emitContainerMemoryUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerMemoryUsageEvent event = new ContainerMemoryUsageEvent(); event.memoryFailCount = containerMetrics.getMemoryFailCount(); event.memoryUsage = containerMetrics.getMemoryUsage(); event.swapMemoryUsage = containerMetrics.getMemoryAndSwapUsage(); event.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerIOUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerIOUsageEvent event = new ContainerIOUsageEvent(); event.serviceRequests = containerMetrics.getBlkIOServiceCount(); event.dataTransferred = containerMetrics.getBlkIOServiced(); event.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerCPUThrottling() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent event = new ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 30 s |
profiling | true | 30 s |
Field | Type | Description |
serviceRequests | long | Block IO Request Count Number of block IO requests to the disk that have been issued by the container |
dataTransferred | long: bytes | Block IO Transfer Number of block IO bytes that have been transferred to/from the disk by the container |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Operating System
Excludes in stack trace: java.lang.ProcessBuilder, java.lang.Runtime::exec
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Operating system process started
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Category({"Operating System"}) @Label("Process Start") @Name("jdk.ProcessStart") @Description("Operating system process started") @MirrorEvent(className = "jdk.internal.event.ProcessStartEvent") @RemoveFields("duration") @StackFilter({"java.lang.ProcessBuilder", "java.lang.Runtime::exec"}) public final class ProcessStartEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent { @Label("Process Id") public long pid; @Label("Directory") public String directory; @Label("Command") public String command; }
public final class MirrorEvents { private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = { DeserializationEvent.class, ProcessStartEvent.class, SecurityPropertyModificationEvent.class, SecurityProviderServiceEvent.class, SocketReadEvent.class, SocketWriteEvent.class, ThreadSleepEvent.class, TLSHandshakeEvent.class, VirtualThreadStartEvent.class, VirtualThreadEndEvent.class, VirtualThreadPinnedEvent.class, VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.class, X509CertificateEvent.class,
package jdk.internal.event; /** * Event for the start of an OS procsss */ public final class ProcessStartEvent extends Event { public long pid; public String directory; public String command; }
for (String s : cmdarray) { if (s.indexOf('\u0000') >= 0) { throw new IOException("invalid null character in command"); } } try { Process process = ProcessImpl.start(cmdarray, environment, dir, redirects, redirectErrorStream); ProcessStartEvent event = new ProcessStartEvent(); if (event.isEnabled()) { = dir; event.command = String.join(" ", cmdarray); =; event.commit(); } // Racy initialization for logging; errors in configuration may throw exceptions System.Logger logger = LOGGER; if (logger == null) { LOGGER = logger = System.getLogger("java.lang.ProcessBuilder"); }
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
pid | long | Process Id |
directory | string | Directory Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
command | string | Command Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 1
command | string | rm -rf [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/harness-141003-16632656921422798882/apache-spark/als/blockmgr-3624345d-f4f5-494f-a482-f63f3a3023ec
directory | string | null
pid | long | 47123
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 54
lineNumber | int | 161
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/io/File;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | deleteRecursivelyUsingUnixNative
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/network/util/JavaUtils
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/network/util
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 845427879667
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Operating System
A set of container specific attributes
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ContainerConfiguration") @Label("Container Configuration") @Category({"Operating System"}) @Description("A set of container specific attributes") public final class ContainerConfigurationEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("Container Type") @Description("Container type information") public String containerType; @Label("CPU Slice Period") @Description("Length of the scheduling period for processes within the container") @Timespan(Timespan.MICROSECONDS) public long cpuSlicePeriod; @Label("CPU Quota") @Description("Total available run-time allowed during each scheduling period for all tasks in the container")
private static void initializeContainerEvents() { if (JVM.isContainerized() ) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "JVM is containerized"); containerMetrics = Container.metrics(); if (containerMetrics != null) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Container metrics are available"); } } // The registration of events and hooks are needed to provide metadata, // even when not running in a container SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class, emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class, emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class, emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class, emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class, emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitExceptionStatistics() { ThrowableTracer.emitStatistics(); } private static void emitContainerConfiguration() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerConfigurationEvent t = new ContainerConfigurationEvent(); t.containerType = containerMetrics.getProvider(); t.cpuSlicePeriod = containerMetrics.getCpuPeriod(); t.cpuQuota = containerMetrics.getCpuQuota(); t.cpuShares = containerMetrics.getCpuShares(); t.effectiveCpuCount = containerMetrics.getEffectiveCpuCount(); t.memorySoftLimit = containerMetrics.getMemorySoftLimit(); t.memoryLimit = containerMetrics.getMemoryLimit(); t.swapMemoryLimit = containerMetrics.getMemoryAndSwapLimit(); t.hostTotalMemory = JVM.hostTotalMemory(); t.commit(); }
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
containerType | string | Container Type Container type information |
cpuSlicePeriod | long: microseconds | CPU Slice Period Length of the scheduling period for processes within the container |
cpuQuota | long: microseconds | CPU Quota Total available run-time allowed during each scheduling period for all tasks in the container |
cpuShares | long | CPU Shares Relative weighting of processes with the container used for prioritizing the scheduling of processes across all containers running on a host |
effectiveCpuCount | long | Effective CPU Count Number of effective processors that this container has available to it |
memorySoftLimit | long: bytes | Memory Soft Limit Hint to the operating system that allows groups to specify the minimum required amount of physical memory |
memoryLimit | long: bytes | Memory Limit Maximum amount of physical memory that can be allocated in the container |
swapMemoryLimit | long: bytes | Memory and Swap Limit Maximum amount of physical memory and swap space, in bytes, that can be allocated in the container |
hostTotalMemory | long: bytes 20+ | Container Host Total Memory Total memory of the host running the container |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Operating System / Processor
Container CPU throttling related information
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.Timespan; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ContainerCPUThrottling") @Label("CPU Throttling") @Category({"Operating System", "Processor"}) @Description("Container CPU throttling related information") public class ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("CPU Elapsed Slices") @Description("Number of time-slice periods that have elapsed if a CPU quota has been setup for the container") public long cpuElapsedSlices; @Label("CPU Throttled Slices") @Description("Number of time-slice periods that the CPU has been throttled or limited due to exceeding CPU quota") public long cpuThrottledSlices; @Label("CPU Throttled Time") @Description("Total time duration, in nanoseconds, that the CPU has been throttled or limited due to exceeding CPU quota") @Timespan
private static void initializeContainerEvents() { if (JVM.isContainerized() ) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "JVM is containerized"); containerMetrics = Container.metrics(); if (containerMetrics != null) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Container metrics are available"); } } // The registration of events and hooks are needed to provide metadata, // even when not running in a container SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class, emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class, emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class, emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class, emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class, emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitExceptionStatistics() { ThrowableTracer.emitStatistics(); } private static void emitContainerConfiguration() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerConfigurationEvent t = new ContainerConfigurationEvent();
private static void emitContainerIOUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerIOUsageEvent event = new ContainerIOUsageEvent(); event.serviceRequests = containerMetrics.getBlkIOServiceCount(); event.dataTransferred = containerMetrics.getBlkIOServiced(); event.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerCPUThrottling() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent event = new ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent(); event.cpuElapsedSlices = containerMetrics.getCpuNumPeriods(); event.cpuThrottledSlices = containerMetrics.getCpuNumThrottled(); event.cpuThrottledTime = containerMetrics.getCpuThrottledTime(); event.commit(); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static byte[] retransformCallback(Class<?> klass, byte[] oldBytes) throws Throwable { for (int i = 0; i < targetClasses.length; i++) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 30 s |
profiling | true | 30 s |
Field | Type | Description |
cpuElapsedSlices | long | CPU Elapsed Slices Number of time-slice periods that have elapsed if a CPU quota has been setup for the container |
cpuThrottledSlices | long | CPU Throttled Slices Number of time-slice periods that the CPU has been throttled or limited due to exceeding CPU quota |
cpuThrottledTime | long: nanos | CPU Throttled Time Total time duration, in nanoseconds, that the CPU has been throttled or limited due to exceeding CPU quota |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Operating System / Memory
Container memory usage related information
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
package; import jdk.jfr.Category; import jdk.jfr.DataAmount; import jdk.jfr.Description; import jdk.jfr.Label; import jdk.jfr.Name; import jdk.jfr.internal.Type; @Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ContainerMemoryUsage") @Label("Container Memory Usage") @Category({"Operating System", "Memory"}) @Description("Container memory usage related information") public final class ContainerMemoryUsageEvent extends AbstractPeriodicEvent { @Label("Memory Fail Count") @Description("Number of times that user memory requests in the container have exceeded the memory limit") public long memoryFailCount; @Label("Memory Usage") @Description("Amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is currently allocated in the current container") @DataAmount public long memoryUsage; @Label("Memory and Swap Usage") @Description("Amount of physical memory and swap space, in bytes, that is currently allocated in the current container")
private static void initializeContainerEvents() { if (JVM.isContainerized() ) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "JVM is containerized"); containerMetrics = Container.metrics(); if (containerMetrics != null) { Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Container metrics are available"); } } // The registration of events and hooks are needed to provide metadata, // even when not running in a container SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class); SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerConfigurationEvent.class, emitContainerConfiguration); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUUsageEvent.class, emitContainerCPUUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerCPUThrottlingEvent.class, emitContainerCPUThrottling); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerMemoryUsageEvent.class, emitContainerMemoryUsage); PeriodicEvents.addJDKEvent(ContainerIOUsageEvent.class, emitContainerIOUsage); } private static void emitExceptionStatistics() { ThrowableTracer.emitStatistics(); } private static void emitContainerConfiguration() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerConfigurationEvent t = new ContainerConfigurationEvent(); t.containerType = containerMetrics.getProvider();
private static void emitContainerCPUUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerCPUUsageEvent event = new ContainerCPUUsageEvent(); event.cpuTime = containerMetrics.getCpuUsage(); event.cpuSystemTime = containerMetrics.getCpuSystemUsage(); event.cpuUserTime = containerMetrics.getCpuUserUsage(); event.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerMemoryUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerMemoryUsageEvent event = new ContainerMemoryUsageEvent(); event.memoryFailCount = containerMetrics.getMemoryFailCount(); event.memoryUsage = containerMetrics.getMemoryUsage(); event.swapMemoryUsage = containerMetrics.getMemoryAndSwapUsage(); event.commit(); } } private static void emitContainerIOUsage() { if (containerMetrics != null) { ContainerIOUsageEvent event = new ContainerIOUsageEvent();
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 30 s |
profiling | true | 30 s |
Field | Type | Description |
memoryFailCount | long | Memory Fail Count Number of times that user memory requests in the container have exceeded the memory limit |
memoryUsage | long: bytes | Memory Usage Amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is currently allocated in the current container |
swapMemoryUsage | long: bytes | Memory and Swap Usage Amount of physical memory and swap space, in bytes, that is currently allocated in the current container |
Truffle Compiler
startTime duration every 1s graal vm only
Category: Truffle Compiler
Truffe Compiler Statistics
Field | Type | Description |
compiledMethods | ulong | Compiled Methods Compiled Methods |
bailouts | ulong | Bailouts Bailouts |
invalidations | ulong | Invalidated Compilations Invalidated Compilations |
compiledCodeSize | ulong: bytes | Compilation Resulting Size Compilation Resulting Size |
totalTime | long: millis | Total Time Total Time |
peakTime | long: millis | Peak Time Peak Time |
startTime duration graal vm only
Category: Truffle Compiler
Truffle Call Target Deoptimization
Field | Type | Description |
source | string | Source Compiled Source |
language | string | Language Guest Language |
rootFunction | string | Root Function Root Function |
startTime duration stackTrace graal vm only
Category: Truffle Compiler
Truffle Assumption Invalidation
Field | Type | Description |
source | string | Source Compiled Source |
language | string | Language Guest Language |
rootFunction | string | Root Function Root Function |
reason | string | Reason Invalidation Reason |
startTime duration graal vm only
Category: Truffle Compiler
Truffe Compilation Failures
Field | Type | Description |
source | string | Source Compiled Source |
language | string | Language Guest Language |
rootFunction | string | Root Function Root Function |
permanentFailure | boolean | Permanent Failure Permanent Failure |
failureReason | string | Failure Reason Failure Reason |
startTime duration graal vm only
Category: Truffle Compiler
Truffe Compilation
Field | Type | Description |
source | string | Source Compiled Source |
language | string | Language Guest Language |
rootFunction | string | Root Function Root Function |
success | boolean | Succeeded Compilation Status |
compiledCodeSize | uint: bytes | Compiled Code Size Compiled Code Size |
compiledCodeAddress | long | Compiled Code Address Compiled Code Address |
inlinedCalls | uint | Inlined Calls Inlined Calls |
dispatchedCalls | uint | Dispatched Calls Dispatched Calls |
graalNodeCount | uint | Graal Nodes Graal Node Count |
peNodeCount | uint | Truffle Nodes Truffle Node Count |
peTime | ulong | Partial Evaluation Time Partial Evaluation Time in Milliseconds |
Bytecode Instruction
Field | Type | Description |
bytecode | string | Instruction |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Class |
name | string | Method Name |
descriptor | string | Method Descriptor |
Examples 3
Chunk Header No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
payload array | byte | Payload |
Java Class
Field | Type | Description |
classLoader | ClassLoader | Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
name | Symbol | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
package | Package | Package Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
modifiers | int | Access Modifiers |
hidden | boolean 15+ | Hidden |
Java Class Loader
Field | Type | Description |
type | Class | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
name | Symbol | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Code Blob Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
Examples 3
Compiler Phase Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
phase | string | Phase |
Compiler Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
compiler | string | Compiler |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
objectCount | ulong | Object Count |
firstSize | ulong: bytes | First Failed Object Size |
smallestSize | ulong: bytes | Smallest Failed Object Size |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Object Size |
Deoptimization Action No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
action | string | Action |
Deoptimization Reason No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Reason |
Flag Value Origin No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
origin | string | Origin |
Frame type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
description | string | Description |
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
allocated | ulong: bytes | Allocated Total memory allocated by PLABs |
wasted | ulong: bytes | Wasted Total memory wasted within PLABs due to alignment or refill |
used | ulong: bytes | Used Total memory occupied by objects within PLABs |
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | Undo Wasted Total memory wasted due to allocation undo within PLABs |
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | Region End Wasted Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill |
regionsRefilled | uint | Region Refills Number of regions refilled |
numPlabsFilled | ulong 17+ | PLAB Fills Number of PLABs filled |
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | Allocated (direct) Total memory allocated using direct allocation outside of PLABs |
numDirectAllocated | ulong 17+ | Direct allocations Number of direct allocations |
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | Used (failure) Total memory occupied by objects in regions where evacuation failed |
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | Wasted (failure) Total memory left unused in regions where evacuation failed |
Examples 2
allocated | ulong: bytes | 14112600
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | 30371344
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | 0
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
gcId | uint | 939
numDirectAllocated | ulong | 5
numPlabsFilled | ulong | 6652858312
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | 2866312
regionsRefilled | uint | 23
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
used | ulong: bytes | 13045688
wasted | ulong: bytes | 60608
allocated | ulong: bytes | 0
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | 0
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | 0
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
gcId | uint | 881
numDirectAllocated | ulong | 6115354792
numPlabsFilled | ulong | 0
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
regionsRefilled | uint | 0
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
used | ulong: bytes | 0
wasted | ulong: bytes | 0
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
G1 Heap Region Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
G1 YC Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
GC Cause No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
cause | string | Cause |
GC Name No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
GC Threshold Updater No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
updater | string | Updater |
GC When No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
when | string | When |
Inflation Cause No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
cause | string | Cause |
Metadata Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
Appearing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Missing in: G1GC
Metaspace Object Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
committed | ulong: bytes | Committed Committed memory for this space |
used | ulong: bytes | Used Bytes allocated by objects in the space |
reserved | ulong: bytes | Reserved Reserved memory for this space |
Examples 3
Java Method
Field | Type | Description |
type | Class | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
name | Symbol | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
descriptor | Symbol | Descriptor Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
modifiers | int | Access Modifiers |
hidden | boolean | Hidden |
Module No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
name | Symbol | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
version | Symbol | Version Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
location | Symbol | Location Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
classLoader | ClassLoader | Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Narrow Oop Mode No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
mode | string | Mode |
Network Interface No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
networkInterface | string | Network Interface Network Interface Name |
Appearing in: ParallelGC
Missing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
start | ulong: address | Start Address Start address of the space |
end | ulong: address | End Address End address of the space |
used | ulong: bytes | Used Bytes allocated by objects in the space |
size | ulong: bytes | Size Size of the space |
Examples 3
Old Object No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
address | ulong: address | Memory Address |
type | Class | Java Class |
description | string | Object Description Object description |
referrer | Reference | Referrer Object Object referencing this object |
Examples 3
address | ulong: address | 30177933496
description | string | null
referrer | Reference | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 48
name | string | java/util/TreeMap$Entry
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
address | ulong: address | 30294725552
description | string | null
referrer | Reference | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1041
name | string | [Ljava/util/concurrent/ForkJoinTask;
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/util/concurrent
Old Object Array No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
size | int | Array Size Size of array |
index | int | Index Index in the array |
Old Object Field No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Field Name of field |
modifiers | short | Field Modifiers Field modifiers |
GC Root No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
description | string | Root Description Root information |
system | OldObjectRootSystem | System The subsystem of origin for the root |
type | OldObjectRootType | Type The root type |
GC Root System No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
system | string | System |
GC Root Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
Package No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
name | Symbol | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
module | Module | Module Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
exported | boolean | Exported |
Reference No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
array | OldObjectArray | Array Information Array or null if it is not an array |
field | OldObjectField | Field Information Field or null if it is an array |
object | OldObject | Object Object holder for this reference |
skip | int | Skip Value The object is this many hops away |
Reference Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
Appearing in: ShenandoahGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ZGC
Shenandoah Heap Region State No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
state | string | State |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
method | Method | Java Method |
lineNumber | int | Line Number |
bytecodeIndex | int | Bytecode Index |
type | FrameType | Frame Type |
Examples 3
bytecodeIndex | int | 28
lineNumber | int | 576
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | taskName
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetManager
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler
type | FrameType | Interpreted
bytecodeIndex | int | 39
lineNumber | int | 266
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Throwable
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
bytecodeIndex | int | 304
lineNumber | int | 1421
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | filterCheck
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/ObjectInputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
Stacktrace No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
truncated | boolean | Truncated |
frames array | StackFrame struct | Stack Frames |
Symbol No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
string | string | String |
Examples 3
Thread No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
osName | string | OS Thread Name |
osThreadId | long | OS Thread Id |
javaName | string | Java Thread Name |
javaThreadId | long | Java Thread Id |
group | ThreadGroup | Java Thread Group |
virtual | boolean 19+ | Virtual Thread |
Thread Group No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
parent | ThreadGroup | Parent Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
name | string | Name |
Examples 3
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
VM Operation Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
start | ulong: address | Start Address Start address of the virtual space |
committedEnd | ulong: address | Committed End Address End address of the committed memory for the virtual space |
committedSize | ulong: bytes | Committed Size Size of the committed memory for the virtual space |
reservedEnd | ulong: address | Reserved End Address End address of the reserved memory for the virtual space |
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | Reserved Size Size of the reserved memory for the virtual space |
Examples 3
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Z Page Type No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type |
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Z Statistics Counter No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
counter | string | Counter |
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Z Statistics Sampler No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Field | Type | Description |
sampler | string | Sampler |
XML Content Types
Annotation: jdk.jfr.DataAmount(BITS), jdk.jfr.Frequency
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Annotation: jdk.jfr.DataAmount(BYTES), jdk.jfr.Frequency
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Annotation: jdk.jfr.Timestamp(MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH)
Annotation: jdk.jfr.Timespan(MILLISECONDS)
Annotation: jdk.jfr.Timespan(NANOSECONDS)
Annotation: jdk.jfr.Timestamp(TICKS)
XML Types
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const Klass* |
Field Type | const Klass* |
Java Type | java.lang.Class |
Examples 3
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const ClassLoaderData* |
Field Type | const ClassLoaderData* |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const Method* |
Field Type | const Method* |
Examples 3
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | filterCheck
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/ObjectInputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
descriptor | string | (J)Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | taskName
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetManager
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Throwable
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const ModuleEntry* |
Field Type | const ModuleEntry* |
Examples 3
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const PackageEntry* |
Field Type | const PackageEntry* |
Examples 3
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | u8 |
Field Type | u8 |
Java Type | jdk.types.StackTrace |
Examples 3
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 304
lineNumber | int | 1421
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | filterCheck
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/ObjectInputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 39
lineNumber | int | 266
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Throwable
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | true
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 28
lineNumber | int | 576
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | taskName
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetManager
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/scheduler
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | u8 |
Field Type | u8 |
Java Type | java.lang.Thread |
Examples 3
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | JFR Periodic Tasks
javaThreadId | long | 20
osName | string | JFR Periodic Tasks
osThreadId | long | 33027
virtual | boolean | false
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | block-manager-storage-async-thread-pool-76
javaThreadId | long | 1790
osName | string | block-manager-storage-async-thread-pool-76
osThreadId | long | 144663
virtual | boolean | false
group | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | main
parent | ThreadGroup | |
name | string | system
parent | ThreadGroup | null
javaName | string | context-cleaner-periodic-gc
javaThreadId | long | 1637
osName | string | context-cleaner-periodic-gc
osThreadId | long | 68907
virtual | boolean | false
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const Ticks& |
Field Type | Ticks |
Java Type | long |
Content Type | tickstamp |
No description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector. or directly to the OpenJDK.
Parameter Type | const Tickspan& |
Field Type | Tickspan |
Java Type | long |
Content Type | tickspan |
Parameter Type | bool |
Field Type | bool |
Java Type | boolean |
Parameter Type | s1 |
Field Type | s1 |
Java Type | byte |
Parameter Type | char |
Field Type | char |
Java Type | char |
Parameter Type | double |
Field Type | double |
Java Type | double |
Parameter Type | float |
Field Type | float |
Java Type | float |
Parameter Type | s2 |
Field Type | s2 |
Java Type | short |
Parameter Type | const char* |
Field Type | const char* |
Java Type | java.lang.String |
Parameter Type | unsigned |
Field Type | unsigned |
Java Type | int |
Parameter Type | u8 |
Field Type | u8 |
Java Type | long |