The following are the events for the OpenJDK 12 (jdk-12.0.2+10, 25-September-2024). The events are collected from the event configuration and the source code. Visit jfreventcollector for more information. this is also the place you can contribute additional event descriptions, if you don't want to contribute them directly to the OpenJDK. The site generator lives on GitHub too.
This page is maintained by Johannes Bechberger of the SapMachine team at SAP and contributors.
Some events have fake end times / durations, these are hidden in the event description here.
Flight Recorder
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
Who requested the recording and why
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Reason Reason for writing recording data to disk |
recordingId | int | Recording Id Id of the recording that triggered the dump, or -1 if it was not related to a recording |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
amount | ulong: bytes | Amount Amount lost data |
total | ulong: bytes | Total Total lost amount for thread |
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
id | long | Id |
name | string | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
destination | string | Destination Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
maxAge | long: millis | Max Age |
maxSize | long: bytes | Max Size |
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | Start Time |
recordingDuration | long: millis | Recording Duration |
Examples 3
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseParallelGC.jfr
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 262144000
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702899886817
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 39217883625
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 0
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702902685041
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 669832834
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 262144000
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702899981921
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 40015959333
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
id | long | Event Id |
name | string | Setting Name |
value | string | Setting Value |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine
Description of JVM and the Java application
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
jvmName | string | JVM Name |
jvmVersion | string | JVM Version |
jvmArguments | string | JVM Command Line Arguments |
jvmFlags | string | JVM Settings File Arguments |
javaArguments | string | Java Application Arguments |
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | JVM Start Time |
pid | long | Process Identifier |
Examples 3
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseSerialGC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702899981604
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 14273
startTime | long: millis | 364229792
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseG1GC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702902684442
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 21922
startTime | long: millis | 12862175084
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseParallelGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseParallelGC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702899886436
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 13981
startTime | long: millis | 422523083
JVM: Class Loading
startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | false | true | 0 ms |
profiling | false | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
loadedClass | Class | Loaded Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Initiating Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/text
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 22
lineNumber | int | 2032
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/DecimalFormatSymbols;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | getDecimalFormatSymbols
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/Formatter
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 725916750
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 16432
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/Utils$ThrottleUnit
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jfr
name | string | jdk.jfr
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 26
lineNumber | int | 289
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)J
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | parseThrottleValue
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/Utils
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jfr
name | string | jdk.jfr
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 412508792
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 258
name | string | getDeclaredMethods0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/Class
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 390436375
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
definedClass | Class | Defined Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/text
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 22
lineNumber | int | 2032
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/DecimalFormatSymbols;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 10
name | string | getDecimalFormatSymbols
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/util/Formatter
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 726039417
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | jdk/internal/module/ModulePatcher$PatchedModuleReader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/module
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 35
lineNumber | int | 802
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader$LoadedModule;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | defineClass
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 478350125
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | sun/launcher/LauncherHelper
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | false
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/launcher
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 380335375
startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
unloadedClass | Class | Unloaded Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 4558738292
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | true
modifiers | int | 4144
name | string | org.apache.spark.internal.config.package$$$Lambda+0x0000000800374ab8/806572546
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/internal/config
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 5993906709
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | true
modifiers | int | 4144
name | string | org.apache.spark.internal.config.package$$$Lambda+0x0000000800372d48/1179689991
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/internal/config
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 3889446375
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/runtime/java8/JFunction1$mcZI$sp
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/runtime/java8
JVM: Code Cache
default profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
codeBlobType | CodeBlobType | Code Heap Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
commitedTopAddress | ulong: address | Commited Top |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
entryCount | int | Entries |
methodCount | int | Methods |
adaptorCount | int | Adaptors |
unallocatedCapacity | ulong: bytes | Unallocated |
fullCount | int | Full Count |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
codeBlobType | CodeBlobType | Code Heap Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
entryCount | int | Entries |
methodCount | int | Methods |
adaptorCount | int | Adaptors |
unallocatedCapacity | ulong: bytes | Unallocated |
fullCount | int | Full Count |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
initialSize | ulong: bytes | Initial Size |
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | Reserved Size |
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | Non-nmethod Size |
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | Profiled Size |
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | Non-profiled Size |
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | Expansion size |
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | Minimum Block Length |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
Examples 3
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 4771921920
startAddress | ulong: address | 4520263680
startTime | long: millis | 58734928042
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 5217714176
startAddress | ulong: address | 4966055936
startTime | long: millis | 60345400708
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 4733009920
startAddress | ulong: address | 4481351680
startTime | long: millis | 40031140833
JVM: Code Sweeper
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 until JDK 20
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Sweeper
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 100 ms |
profiling | true | 100 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
sweepId | int | Sweep Identifier |
sweptCount | uint | Methods Swept |
flushedCount | uint | Methods Flushed |
zombifiedCount | uint | Methods Zombified |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 until JDK 20
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Sweeper
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
sweepCount | int | Sweeps |
methodReclaimedCount | int | Methods Reclaimed |
totalSweepTime | Tickspan | Time Spent Sweeping |
peakFractionTime | Tickspan | Peak Time Fraction Sweep |
peakSweepTime | Tickspan | Peak Time Full Sweep |
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 until JDK 20
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Sweeper
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
sweeperEnabled | boolean | Code Sweeper Enabled |
flushingEnabled | boolean | Code Cache Flushing Enabled |
JVM: Compiler
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 100 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
method | Method | Java Method |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
compileLevel | ushort | Compilation Level |
succeded | boolean | Succeeded |
isOsr | boolean | On Stack Replacement |
codeSize | ulong: bytes | Compiled Code Size |
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | Inlined Code Size |
Examples 3
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 51704
compileId | uint | 30764
compileLevel | ushort | 3
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 1239
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | read
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | sun/nio/ch/SocketChannelImpl
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/nio/ch
startTime | long: millis | 78400531500
succeded | boolean | true
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 1272
compileId | uint | 14523
compileLevel | ushort | 4
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 1
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lio/netty/handler/codec/http2/DefaultHttp2Connection;ILio/netty/handler/codec/http2/Http2Stream$State;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | io/netty/handler/codec/http2/DefaultHttp2Connection$DefaultStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/netty/handler/codec/http2
startTime | long: millis | 30006388584
succeded | boolean | true
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 1152
compileId | uint | 15911
compileLevel | ushort | 4
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 765
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | $plus$colon
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | scala/collection/AbstractSeq
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection
startTime | long: millis | 45946380250
succeded | boolean | true
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 60 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
phase | CompilerPhaseType | Compile Phase |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
phaseLevel | ushort | Phase Level |
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
failureMessage | string | Failure Message |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
Examples 3
startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler / Optimization
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
caller | Method | Caller Method |
callee | CalleeMethod struct | Callee Method |
succeeded | boolean | Succeeded |
message | string | Message |
bci | int | Byte Code Index |
Examples 3
bci | int | 3
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/AbstractStringBuilder;Ljava/lang/Void;)V
name | string | <init>
type | string | java/lang/String
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | <init>
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/String
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
compileId | uint | 1421
message | string | callee is too large
startTime | long: millis | 360803125
succeeded | boolean | false
bci | int | 2
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/AbstractStringBuilder;
name | string | append
type | string | java/lang/AbstractStringBuilder
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | append
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/StringBuilder
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
compileId | uint | 1455
message | string | callee is too large
startTime | long: millis | 414664792
succeeded | boolean | false
bci | int | 94
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (B)V
name | string | putUncheckedByte
type | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event/EventWriter
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | (J)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | putUncheckedLong
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event/EventWriter
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jfr
name | string | jdk.jfr
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/event
compileId | uint | 1486
message | string | callee uses too much stack
startTime | long: millis | 670225042
succeeded | boolean | false
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
compileCount | int | Compiled Methods |
bailoutCount | int | Bailouts |
invalidatedCount | int | Invalidated Compilations |
osrCompileCount | int | OSR Compilations |
standardCompileCount | int | Standard Compilations |
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | OSR Bytes Compiled |
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | Standard Bytes Compiled |
nmetodsSize | ulong: bytes until JDK 13 | Compilation Resulting Size |
nmetodCodeSize | ulong: bytes until JDK 13 | Compilation Resulting Code Size |
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | Peak Time |
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | Total time |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
threadCount | int | Thread Count |
tieredCompilation | boolean | Tiered Compilation |
JVM: Flag
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | int | Old Value |
newValue | int | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | uint | Old Value |
newValue | uint | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | long | Old Value |
newValue | long | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | ulong | Old Value |
newValue | ulong | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | double | Old Value |
newValue | double | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | boolean | Old Value |
newValue | boolean | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | string | Old Value |
newValue | string | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | int | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | UnguardOnExecutionViolation
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 30519912292
value | int | 0
name | string | JavaPriority9_To_OSPriority
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 30586822667
value | int | -1
name | string | DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 27602499834
value | int | 1
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | uint | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | TypeProfileLevel
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 60345414125
value | uint | 111
name | string | ParallelGCThreads
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 52082156083
value | uint | 0
name | string | UseSVE
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 12863175584
value | uint | 0
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | long | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | TieredRateUpdateMaxTime
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 676089084
value | long | 25
name | string | MaxLabelRootDepth
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423471625
value | long | 1100
name | string | ValueMapInitialSize
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364804875
value | long | 11
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | ulong | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | GCTimeLimit
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423582750
value | ulong | 98
name | string | PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364820250
value | ulong | 4
name | string | ProcessDistributionStride
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 676107167
value | ulong | 4
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | double | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | ZYoungCompactionLimit
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 12863270167
value | double | 25.0
name | string | CompileThresholdScaling
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 15845388208
value | double | 1.0
name | string | CompileThresholdScaling
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423590875
value | double | 1.0
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | boolean | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | C1UpdateMethodData
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423601333
value | boolean | true
name | string | BailoutOnExceptionHandlers
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364842458
value | boolean | false
name | string | TraceRangeCheckElimination
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 676153709
value | boolean | false
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | string | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | StartFlightRecording
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Command line
startTime | long: millis | 676243792
value | string | filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc
name | string | PerfDataSaveFile
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 30519988125
value | string | null
name | string | DeoptimizeOnlyAt
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 17899930458
value | string |
JVM: GC: Collector
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Garbage collection performed by the JVM
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | GCName | Name The name of the Garbage Collector |
cause | GCCause | Cause The reason for triggering this Garbage Collection |
sumOfPauses | Tickspan | Sum of Pauses Sum of all the times in which Java execution was paused during the garbage collection |
longestPause | Tickspan | Longest Pause Longest individual pause during the garbage collection |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: ParallelGC
Missing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
densePrefix | ulong: address | Dense Prefix The address of the dense prefix, used when compacting |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
tenuringThreshold | uint | Tenuring Threshold |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
type | G1YCType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
JVM: GC: Configuration
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the garbage collector
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
youngCollector | GCName | Young Garbage Collector The garbage collector used for the young generation |
oldCollector | GCName | Old Garbage Collector The garbage collector used for the old generation |
parallelGCThreads | uint | Parallel GC Threads Number of parallel threads to use for garbage collection |
concurrentGCThreads | uint | Concurrent GC Threads Number of concurrent threads to use for garbage collection |
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | Uses Dynamic GC Threads Whether a dynamic number of GC threads are used or not |
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | Concurrent Explicit GC Whether System.gc() is concurrent or not |
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | Disabled Explicit GC Whether System.gc() will cause a garbage collection or not |
pauseTarget | long: millis | Pause Target Target for GC pauses |
gcTimeRatio | uint | GC Time Ratio Target for runtime vs garbage collection time |
Examples 3
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 2
gcTimeRatio | uint | 12
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | G1Old
parallelGCThreads | uint | 8
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 12824331625
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | G1New
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 0
gcTimeRatio | uint | 99
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | ParallelOld
parallelGCThreads | uint | 8
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 75047469167
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | ParallelScavenge
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 0
gcTimeRatio | uint | 99
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | SerialOld
parallelGCThreads | uint | 0
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 15621221667
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | DefNew
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the survivors of garbage collection
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
maxTenuringThreshold | ubyte | Maximum Tenuring Threshold Upper limit for the age of how old objects to keep in the survivor area |
initialTenuringThreshold | ubyte | Initial Tenuring Threshold Initial age limit for how old objects to keep in survivor area |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
usesTLABs | boolean | TLABs Used If Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs) are in use |
minTLABSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum TLAB Size |
tlabRefillWasteLimit | ulong: bytes | TLAB Refill Waste Limit |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the garbage collected heap
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
minSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum Heap Size |
maxSize | ulong: bytes | Maximum Heap Size |
initialSize | ulong: bytes | Initial Heap Size |
usesCompressedOops | boolean | If Compressed Oops Are Used If compressed Oops (Ordinary Object Pointers) are enabled |
compressedOopsMode | NarrowOopMode | Compressed Oops Mode The kind of compressed oops being used |
objectAlignment | ulong: bytes | Object Alignment Object alignment (in bytes) on the heap |
heapAddressBits | ubyte | Heap Address Size Heap Address Size (in bits) |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the young generation of the garbage collected heap
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
minSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum Young Generation Size |
maxSize | ulong: bytes | Maximum Young Generation Size |
newRatio | uint | New Ratio The size of the young generation relative to the tenured generation |
Examples 3
JVM: GC: Detailed
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
timeSlice | long: millis | Time Slice Time slice used to calculate MMU |
gcTime | long: millis | GC Time Time stopped because of GC during last time slice |
pauseTarget | long: millis | Pause Target Max time allowed to be spent on GC during last time slice |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
cSetRegions | uint | Collection Set Regions |
cSetUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | Collection Set Before Memory usage before GC in the collection set regions |
cSetUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | Collection Set After Memory usage after GC in the collection set regions |
allocationRegions | uint | Allocation Regions Regions chosen as allocation regions during evacuation (includes survivors and old space regions) |
allocationRegionsUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | Allocation Regions Before Memory usage before GC in allocation regions |
allocationRegionsUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | Allocation Regions After Memory usage after GC in allocation regions |
bytesCopied | ulong: bytes | Bytes Copied |
regionsFreed | uint | Regions Freed |
Examples 1
allocationRegions | uint | 23
allocationRegionsUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | 47185920
allocationRegionsUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | 0
bytesCopied | ulong: bytes | 47185920
cSetRegions | uint | 188
cSetUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | 0
cSetUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | 394264576
gcId | uint | 45
regionsFreed | uint | 188
startTime | long: millis | 13220241625
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
count | long | Count |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Size |
Examples 3
count | long | 1467
gcId | uint | 0
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal/AnnotationConstruct
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/jdk.jfr
name | string | jdk.jfr
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/jfr/internal
startTime | long: millis | 372286000
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 35208
count | long | 214383
gcId | uint | 28
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | akka/actor/ChildActorPath
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | akka/actor
startTime | long: millis | 17449627375
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 6860256
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics struct | Evacuation Statistics |
Examples 1
startTime | long: millis | 33106718959
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics | |
allocated | ulong: bytes | 457200
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | 0
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | 0
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
gcId | uint | 94
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
regionsRefilled | uint: bytes | 1
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
used | ulong: bytes | 370928
wasted | ulong: bytes | 1016
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics struct | Evacuation Statistics |
Examples 1
startTime | long: millis | 25081289000
statistics | G1EvacuationStatistics | |
allocated | ulong: bytes | 0
directAllocated | ulong: bytes | 0
failureUsed | ulong: bytes | 0
failureWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
gcId | uint | 79
regionEndWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
regionsRefilled | uint: bytes | 0
undoWaste | ulong: bytes | 0
used | ulong: bytes | 0
wasted | ulong: bytes | 0
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Basic statistics related to current IHOP calculation
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
threshold | ulong: bytes | Current IHOP Threshold Current IHOP threshold |
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | Current IHOP Threshold Current IHOP threshold in percent of old generation |
targetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | Target Occupancy Target old generation occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC |
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | Current Occupancy Current old generation occupancy |
recentMutatorAllocationSize | ulong: bytes | Recent Mutator Allocation Size Mutator allocation during mutator operation in the most recent interval |
recentMutatorDuration | long: millis | Recent Mutator Duration Time the mutator ran in the most recent interval |
recentAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | Recent Allocation Rate Allocation rate of the mutator in the most recent interval in bytes/second |
lastMarkingDuration | long: millis | Last Marking Duration Last time from the end of the last initial mark to the first mixed GC |
Examples 1
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 13159536
gcId | uint | 8
lastMarkingDuration | long: millis | 0
recentAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | 0.0
recentMutatorAllocationSize | ulong: bytes | 0
recentMutatorDuration | long: millis | 104
startTime | long: millis | 1553237875
targetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 44040192
threshold | ulong: bytes | 19818086
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | 0.45
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Statistics related to current adaptive IHOP calculation
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
threshold | ulong: bytes | Threshold Current IHOP Threshold |
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | Threshold Current IHOP threshold in percent of the internal target occupancy |
ihopTargetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | IHOP Target Occupancy Internal target old generation occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC |
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | Current Occupancy Current old generation occupancy |
additionalBufferSize | ulong: bytes | Additional Buffer Additional buffer size |
predictedAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | Predicted Allocation Rate Current predicted allocation rate for the mutator in bytes/second |
predictedMarkingDuration | long: millis | Predicted Marking Duration Current predicted time from the end of the last initial mark to the first mixed GC |
predictionActive | boolean | Prediction Active Indicates whether the adaptive IHOP prediction is active |
Examples 1
additionalBufferSize | ulong: bytes | 348127232
currentOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 100050408
gcId | uint | 25
ihopTargetOccupancy | ulong: bytes | 551865548
predictedAllocationRate | double: bytes-per-second | 1.1766365773163897E8
predictedMarkingDuration | long: millis | 314
predictionActive | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 6747742667
threshold | ulong: bytes | 261409996
thresholdPercentage | float: percentage | 0.47368422
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC
Missing in: SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier Identifier signifying GC during which the object was promoted |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of promoted object |
objectSize | ulong: bytes | Object Size Size of promoted object |
tenuringAge | uint | Object Tenuring Age Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0. |
tenured | boolean | Tenured True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space |
plabSize | ulong: bytes | PLAB Size Size of the allocated PLAB to which the object was copied |
Examples 2
gcId | uint | 3
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/jar/Attributes
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/jar
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 16
plabSize | ulong: bytes | 12032
startTime | long: millis | 940168334
tenured | boolean | true
tenuringAge | uint | 1
gcId | uint | 5
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/String
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 24
plabSize | ulong: bytes | 8176
startTime | long: millis | 1163392792
tenured | boolean | true
tenuringAge | uint | 1
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC
Missing in: SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier Identifier signifying GC during which the object was promoted |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Class of promoted object |
objectSize | ulong: bytes | Object Size Size of promoted object |
tenuringAge | uint | Object Tenuring Age Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0. |
tenured | boolean | Tenured True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space |
Examples 2
gcId | uint | 9
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$Node;
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util/concurrent
objectSize | ulong: bytes | 8208
startTime | long: millis | 1607661584
tenured | boolean | true
tenuringAge | uint | 2
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Promotion of an object failed
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
promotionFailed | CopyFailed struct | Promotion Failed Data |
thread | Thread | Running thread |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Evacuation of an object failed
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
evacuationFailed | CopyFailed struct | Evacuation Failed Data |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Concurrent Mode failed
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | Pending GC Identifier |
size | ulong: bytes | Allocation Size |
Examples 3
gcId | uint | 67
size | ulong: bytes | 16
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 20
lineNumber | int | 223
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;Lscala/collection/Seq;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | matchingConstructor
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | io/reactors/Platform$Reflect$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | io/reactors
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 49340528000
gcId | uint | 88
size | ulong: bytes | 2048
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 11
lineNumber | int | 248
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/Option;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | get
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | scala/collection/immutable/Map$Map1
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection/immutable
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 30825556542
gcId | uint | 5
size | ulong: bytes | 24
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 198
lineNumber | int | 403
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Z[Z)Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | implReadLine
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/io/BufferedReader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1168872542
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, SerialGC
Missing in: ParallelGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
age | uint | Age |
size | ulong: bytes | Size |
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Information about a G1 heap region type change
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
index | uint | Index |
from | G1HeapRegionType | From Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
to | G1HeapRegionType | To Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
start | ulong: address | Start |
used | ulong: bytes | Used |
Examples 1
from | G1HeapRegionType | Eden
index | uint | 67
start | ulong: address | 30205280256
startTime | long: millis | 1433297167
to | G1HeapRegionType | Free
used | ulong: bytes | 0
startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | false | everyChunk |
profiling | false | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
count | long | Count |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Size |
Examples 3
count | long | 532169
gcId | uint | 34
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | akka/dispatch/Envelope
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | akka/dispatch
startTime | long: millis | 8979422834
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 12772056
count | long | 1822
gcId | uint | 69
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 0
name | string | [Ljava/util/HashMap$Node;
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
startTime | long: millis | 8663866792
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 2320200
count | long | 869
gcId | uint | 3
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 48
name | string | java/lang/invoke/MemberName
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang/invoke
startTime | long: millis | 976302875
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 41712
startTime duration every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Information about a specific heap region in the G1 GC
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | false | everyChunk |
profiling | false | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
index | uint | Index |
type | G1HeapRegionType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
start | ulong: address | Start |
used | ulong: bytes | Used |
experimental default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
Allocation of a ZPage
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 10 ms |
profiling | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
pageSize | ulong: bytes 11 until JDK 15 | Page Size |
usedAfter | ulong: bytes 11 until JDK 15 | Used After |
freeAfter | ulong: bytes 11 until JDK 15 | Free After |
inCacheAfter | ulong: bytes 11 until JDK 15 | In Cache After |
nonBlocking | boolean | Non-blocking |
noReserve | boolean 11 until JDK 16 | No Reserve |
experimental default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name |
experimental default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 10 ms |
profiling | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ZStatisticsCounterType | Id Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
increment | ulong | Increment |
value | ulong | Value |
experimental default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: ZGC
Missing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 10 ms |
profiling | true | 10 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ZStatisticsSamplerType | Id Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
value | ulong | Value |
Examples 1
id | ZStatisticsSamplerType | Concurrent Roots JavaThreads
startTime | long: millis | 745216500
value | ulong | 121708
JVM: GC: Heap
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
heapSpace | VirtualSpace struct | Heap Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | Heap Used Bytes allocated by objects in the heap |
Examples 3
gcId | uint | 17
heapSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30324359168
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 259588096
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 4294967296
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | 95291016
startTime | long: millis | 1795049125
when | GCWhen | After GC
gcId | uint | 2
heapSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30322196480
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 257425408
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 4294967296
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | 32714080
startTime | long: millis | 967623375
when | GCWhen | Before GC
gcId | uint | 23
heapSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30691819520
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 627048448
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 4294967296
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
heapUsed | ulong: bytes | 392781104
startTime | long: millis | 5929721625
when | GCWhen | Before GC
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | GC Threshold |
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes struct | Total Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes struct | Data Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes struct | Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 2359296
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1073741824
used | ulong: bytes | 2291744
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 19660800
reserved | ulong: bytes | 67108864
used | ulong: bytes | 19568280
gcId | uint | 2
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | 22020096
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 22020096
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1140850688
used | ulong: bytes | 21860024
startTime | long: millis | 967624083
when | GCWhen | Before GC
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 3080192
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1073741824
used | ulong: bytes | 2830240
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 23396352
reserved | ulong: bytes | 67108864
used | ulong: bytes | 23220816
gcId | uint | 28
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | 42729472
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 26476544
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1140850688
used | ulong: bytes | 26051056
startTime | long: millis | 7657987042
when | GCWhen | After GC
classSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 2490368
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1073741824
used | ulong: bytes | 2421352
dataSpace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 20512768
reserved | ulong: bytes | 67108864
used | ulong: bytes | 20385384
gcId | uint | 7
gcThreshold | ulong: bytes | 36700160
metaspace | MetaspaceSizes | |
committed | ulong: bytes | 23003136
reserved | ulong: bytes | 1140850688
used | ulong: bytes | 22806736
startTime | long: millis | 1228280542
when | GCWhen | Before GC
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
Appearing in: ParallelGC
Missing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
oldSpace | VirtualSpace struct | Old Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
oldObjectSpace | ObjectSpace struct | Old Object Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
youngSpace | VirtualSpace struct | Young Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
edenSpace | ObjectSpace struct | Eden Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
fromSpace | ObjectSpace struct | From Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
toSpace | ObjectSpace struct | To Space Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 1
edenSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 34228142080
size | ulong: bytes | 1299709952
start | ulong: address | 32928432128
used | ulong: bytes | 1299709952
fromSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 34264842240
size | ulong: bytes | 36700160
start | ulong: address | 34228142080
used | ulong: bytes | 30365680
gcId | uint | 23
oldObjectSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 30407131136
size | ulong: bytes | 342360064
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
used | ulong: bytes | 178910352
oldSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 30407131136
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 342360064
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 32928432128
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 2863661056
start | ulong: address | 30064771072
startTime | long: millis | 10970344333
toSpace | ObjectSpace | |
end | ulong: address | 34359738368
size | ulong: bytes | 77594624
start | ulong: address | 34282143744
used | ulong: bytes | 0
when | GCWhen | Before GC
youngSpace | VirtualSpace | |
committedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
committedSize | ulong: bytes | 1431306240
reservedEnd | ulong: address | 34359738368
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 1431306240
start | ulong: address | 32928432128
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Heap
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
when | GCWhen | When Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
edenUsedSize | ulong: bytes | Eden Used Size |
edenTotalSize | ulong: bytes | Eden Total Size |
survivorUsedSize | ulong: bytes | Survivor Used Size |
numberOfRegions | uint | Number of Regions |
JVM: GC: Metaspace
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Metaspace
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
oldValue | ulong: bytes | Old Value |
newValue | ulong: bytes | New Value |
updater | GCThresholdUpdater | Updater Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Metaspace
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
classLoader | ClassLoader | Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
unsafeAnonymousClassLoader | boolean until JDK 15 | Unsafe Anonymous Class Loader |
size | ulong: bytes | Size |
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | Metaspace Object Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | ConstMethod
size | ulong: bytes | 104
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1430932917
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
metadataType | MetadataType | Metadata
metaspaceObjectType | MetaspaceObjectType | Method
size | ulong: bytes | 88
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | <