The following are the events for OpenJDK 19 (jdk-19.0.2+7, permalink, 15-November-2024). The events are collected from the event configuration and the source code. Visit the jfreventcollector repository for more information. This is also the place you can contribute additional event descriptions, if you don't want to contribute them directly to the OpenJDK. The site generator lives on GitHub , too.
This page is maintained by Johannes Bechberger of the SapMachine team at SAP and contributors.
Some events have fake end times/durations; these are hidden in the event description here.
Flight Recorder
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
Who requested the recording and why
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
static void post_events(bool exception_handler, Thread* thread) {
if (exception_handler) {
EventShutdown e;
e.set_reason("VM Error");
} else {
// OOM
LeakProfiler::emit_events(max_jlong, false, false);
EventDumpReason event;
event.set_reason(exception_handler ? "Crash" : "Out of Memory");
void JfrEmergencyDump::on_vm_shutdown(bool exception_handler) {
if (!guard_reentrancy()) {
Thread* thread = Thread::current_or_null_safe();
if (thread == NULL) {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Reason Reason for writing recording data to disk |
recordingId | int | Recording Id Id of the recording that triggered the dump, or -1 if it was not related to a recording |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
assert(!buffer->transient(), "invariant");
assert(buffer->lease(), "invariant");
return buffer;
return acquire_transient(size, thread);
static void write_data_loss_event(JfrBuffer* buffer, u8 unflushed_size, Thread* thread) {
assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant");
assert(buffer->empty(), "invariant");
const u8 total_data_loss = thread->jfr_thread_local()->add_data_lost(unflushed_size);
if (EventDataLoss::is_enabled()) {
JfrNativeEventWriter writer(buffer, thread);
static void write_data_loss(BufferPtr buffer, Thread* thread) {
assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant");
const size_t unflushed_size = buffer->unflushed_size();
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
amount | ulong: bytes | Amount Amount lost data |
total | ulong: bytes | Total Total lost amount for thread |
experimental startTime duration 14 17 21 23 24
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
template <typename Functor>
static u4 invoke(Functor& f) {
return f.elements();
template <typename Functor>
static u4 invoke_with_flush_event(Functor& f) {
const u4 elements = invoke(f);
EventFlush e(UNTIMED);
return elements;
class StackTraceRepository : public StackObj {
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | false | 0 ns |
profiling | false | 0 ns |
Field | Type | Description |
flushId | ulong | Flush Identifier |
elements | ulong | Elements Written |
size | ulong: bytes | Size Written |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ActiveRecording")
@Label("Flight Recording")
@Category("Flight Recorder")
public final class ActiveRecordingEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent {
// To be accessed when holding recorder lock
public static final ActiveRecordingEvent EVENT = new ActiveRecordingEvent();
public long id;
public String name;
public String destination;
@Label("Max Age")
private RepositoryChunk currentChunk;
private boolean inShutdown;
public PlatformRecorder() throws Exception {
repository = Repository.getRepository();
Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Initialized disk repository");
Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Created native");
Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Registered JDK events");
activeRecordingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveRecordingEvent.class);
activeSettingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveSettingEvent.class);
shutdownHook = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("JFR Shutdown Hook", new ShutdownHook(this));
SecuritySupport.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(shutdownHook, new ShutdownHook.ExceptionHandler());
private static Timer createTimer() {
try {
List<Timer> result = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private void finishChunk(RepositoryChunk chunk, Instant time, PlatformRecording ignoreMe) {
for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) {
if (r != ignoreMe && r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
private void writeMetaEvents() {
if (activeRecordingEvent.isEnabled()) {
ActiveRecordingEvent event = ActiveRecordingEvent.EVENT;
for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) {
if (r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING && r.shouldWriteMetadataEvent()) { = r.getId(); = r.getName();
WriteableUserPath p = r.getDestination();
event.destination = p == null ? null : p.getRealPathText();
Duration d = r.getDuration();
event.recordingDuration = d == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : d.toMillis();
Duration age = r.getMaxAge();
event.maxAge = age == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : age.toMillis();
Long size = r.getMaxSize();
private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
id | long | Id |
name | string | Name Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
destination | string | Destination Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
maxAge | long: millis | Max Age |
flushInterval | long: millis 14+ | Flush Interval |
maxSize | long: bytes | Max Size |
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | Start Time |
recordingDuration | long: millis | Recording Duration |
Examples 3
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr
flushInterval | long: millis | 1000
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 262144000
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1727266203142
startTime | long: millis | 889507623583
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr
flushInterval | long: millis | 1000
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 262144000
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702899981921
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 30518224250
destination | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseParallelGC.jfr
flushInterval | long: millis | 1000
id | long | 1
maxAge | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
maxSize | long: bytes | 262144000
name | string | 1
recordingDuration | long: millis | 9223372036854775807
recordingStart | long: epochmillis | 1702899886817
stackTrace | StackTrace | null
startTime | long: millis | 30585354042
default profiling startTime duration stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Source src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/events/
Category: Flight Recorder
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
import jdk.jfr.Category;
import jdk.jfr.Label;
import jdk.jfr.Name;
import jdk.jfr.StackTrace;
import jdk.jfr.internal.Type;
@Name(Type.EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + "ActiveSetting")
@Label("Recording Setting")
@Category("Flight Recorder")
public final class ActiveSettingEvent extends AbstractJDKEvent {
public static final ActiveSettingEvent EVENT = new ActiveSettingEvent();
// The order of these fields must be the same as the parameters in
// commit(... , long, String, String)
@Label("Event Id")
public long id;
@Label("Setting Name")
public String name;
@Label("Setting Value")
private boolean inShutdown;
public PlatformRecorder() throws Exception {
repository = Repository.getRepository();
Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Initialized disk repository");
Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Created native");
Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Registered JDK events");
activeRecordingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveRecordingEvent.class);
activeSettingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveSettingEvent.class);
shutdownHook = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("JFR Shutdown Hook", new ShutdownHook(this));
SecuritySupport.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(shutdownHook, new ShutdownHook.ExceptionHandler());
private static Timer createTimer() {
try {
List<Timer> result = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
Thread t = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("Permissionless thread", ()-> {
private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = {
void writeActiveSettingEvent(long timestamp) {
if (!type.isRegistered()) {
for (NamedControl nc : namedControls) {
if (Utils.isSettingVisible(nc.control, type.hasEventHook()) && type.isVisible()) {
String value = nc.control.getLastValue();
if (value == null) {
value = nc.control.getDefaultValue();
if (ActiveSettingEvent.EVENT.isEnabled()) {
ActiveSettingEvent.commit(timestamp, 0L, type.getId(),, value);
public ArrayList<NamedControl> getNamedControls() {
return namedControls;
public PlatformEventType getEventType() {
return type;
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
id | long | Event Id |
name | string | Setting Name |
value | string | Setting Value |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine
Description of JVM and the Java application
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahJfrSupport.hpp"
* JfrPeriodic class
* Implementation of declarations in
* xsl generated traceRequestables.hpp
#define TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(id) void JfrPeriodicEventSet::request##id(void)
ResourceMark rm;
EventJVMInformation event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
jvmName | string | JVM Name |
jvmVersion | string | JVM Version |
jvmArguments | string | JVM Command Line Arguments |
jvmFlags | string | JVM Settings File Arguments |
javaArguments | string | Java Application Arguments |
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | JVM Start Time |
pid | long | Process Identifier |
Examples 3
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseParallelGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseParallelGC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702899886436
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 13981
startTime | long: millis | 60343469750
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseG1GC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseG1GC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1727266202802
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (22+36) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (22+36), built on 2024-03-13T13:18:01Z by "sapmachine" with clang Apple LLVM 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)
pid | long | 26284
startTime | long: millis | 798650473500
javaArguments | string | [...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/renaissance.jar -t 5 -r 1 all
jvmArguments | string | -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/jfr/sample_UseSerialGC.jfr,settings=[...]/code/experiments/jfreventcollector/.cache/jfc.jfc -XX:+UseSerialGC
jvmFlags | string | null
jvmName | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
jvmStartTime | long: epochmillis | 1702899981604
jvmVersion | string | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.1+12-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (21.0.1+12-LTS), built on 2023-10-17T00:00:00Z by "admin" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
pid | long | 14273
startTime | long: millis | 84413939583
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine
System Property at JVM start
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
jlong max_size = conf.has_max_size_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.max_size();
EventYoungGenerationConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(InitialSystemProperty) {
SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties();
JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now();
while (p != NULL) {
if (!p->internal()) {
EventInitialSystemProperty event(UNTIMED);
p = p->next();
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadAllocationStatistics) {
ResourceMark rm;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | Key |
value | string | Value |
Examples 3
JVM: Class Loading
startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
class BootstrapInfo;
class ClassFileStream;
class ClassLoadInfo;
class Dictionary;
template <MEMFLAGS F> class HashtableBucket;
class ResolutionErrorTable;
class SymbolPropertyTable;
class PackageEntry;
class ProtectionDomainCacheTable;
class ProtectionDomainCacheEntry;
class GCTimer;
class EventClassLoad;
class Symbol;
class TableStatistics;
class SystemDictionary : AllStatic {
friend class BootstrapInfo;
friend class vmClasses;
friend class VMStructs;
// Returns a class with a given class name and class loader. Loads the
Handle class_loader);
static bool check_shared_class_super_type(InstanceKlass* klass, InstanceKlass* super,
Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain,
bool is_superclass, TRAPS);
static bool check_shared_class_super_types(InstanceKlass* ik, Handle class_loader,
Handle protection_domain, TRAPS);
// Second part of load_shared_class
static void load_shared_class_misc(InstanceKlass* ik, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
// Used by SystemDictionaryShared
static bool add_loader_constraint(Symbol* name, Klass* klass_being_linked, Handle loader1,
Handle loader2);
static void post_class_load_event(EventClassLoad* event, const InstanceKlass* k, const ClassLoaderData* init_cld);
static InstanceKlass* load_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik,
Handle class_loader,
Handle protection_domain,
PackageEntry* pkg_entry,
static InstanceKlass* load_shared_class(InstanceKlass* ik,
Handle class_loader,
Handle protection_domain,
const ClassFileStream *cfs,
PackageEntry* pkg_entry,
InstanceKlass* loaded_lambda =
SystemDictionary::load_shared_lambda_proxy_class(lambda_ik, class_loader, protection_domain, pkg_entry, CHECK_NULL);
if (loaded_lambda == NULL) {
return NULL;
// Ensures the nest host is the same as the lambda proxy's
// nest host recorded at dump time.
InstanceKlass* nest_host = caller_ik->nest_host(THREAD);
assert(nest_host == shared_nest_host, "mismatched nest host");
EventClassLoad class_load_start_event;
MutexLocker mu_r(THREAD, Compile_lock);
// Add to class hierarchy, and do possible deoptimizations.
// But, do not add to dictionary.
// notify jvmti
if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) {
JvmtiExport::post_class_load(THREAD, loaded_lambda);
InstanceKlass* check = loader_data->dictionary()->find_class(name_hash, name);
if (check != NULL) {
// Klass is already loaded, so just return it
return check;
// check if other thread failed to load and cleaned up
oldprobe = placeholders()->get_entry(name_hash, name, loader_data);
return NULL;
void SystemDictionary::post_class_load_event(EventClassLoad* event, const InstanceKlass* k, const ClassLoaderData* init_cld) {
assert(event != NULL, "invariant");
assert(k != NULL, "invariant");
assert(event->should_commit(), "invariant");
// SystemDictionary::resolve_instance_class_or_null is the main function for class name resolution.
// After checking if the InstanceKlass already exists, it checks for ClassCircularityError and
// whether the thread must wait for loading in parallel. It eventually calls load_instance_class,
// which will load the class via the bootstrap loader or call ClassLoader.loadClass().
// This can return NULL, an exception or an InstanceKlass.
InstanceKlass* SystemDictionary::resolve_instance_class_or_null(Symbol* name,
Handle class_loader,
Handle protection_domain,
// name must be in the form of "java/lang/Object" -- cannot be "Ljava/lang/Object;"
assert(name != NULL && !Signature::is_array(name) &&
!Signature::has_envelope(name), "invalid class name");
EventClassLoad class_load_start_event;
HandleMark hm(THREAD);
// Fix for 4474172; see evaluation for more details
class_loader = Handle(THREAD, java_lang_ClassLoader::non_reflection_class_loader(class_loader()));
ClassLoaderData* loader_data = register_loader(class_loader);
Dictionary* dictionary = loader_data->dictionary();
unsigned int name_hash = dictionary->compute_hash(name);
// Do lookup to see if class already exists and the protection domain
// has the right access.
// Note: this method is much like resolve_class_from_stream, but
// does not publish the classes in the SystemDictionary.
// Handles Lookup.defineClass hidden.
InstanceKlass* SystemDictionary::resolve_hidden_class_from_stream(
ClassFileStream* st,
Symbol* class_name,
Handle class_loader,
const ClassLoadInfo& cl_info,
EventClassLoad class_load_start_event;
ClassLoaderData* loader_data;
// - for hidden classes that are not strong: create a new CLD that has a class holder and
// whose loader is the Lookup class's loader.
// - for hidden class: add the class to the Lookup class's loader's CLD.
assert (cl_info.is_hidden(), "only used for hidden classes");
bool create_mirror_cld = !cl_info.is_strong_hidden();
loader_data = register_loader(class_loader, create_mirror_cld);
assert(st != NULL, "invariant");
assert(st->need_verify(), "invariant");
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | false | true | 0 ms |
profiling | false | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
loadedClass | Class | Loaded Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Initiating Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | app
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/loader
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/io/OutputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/io
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 258
name | string | getDeclaredMethods0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/Class
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 390426875
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | scala/reflect/runtime/package$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/reflect/runtime
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 579
lineNumber | int | 744
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lorg/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALS;Lorg/apache/spark/sql/Dataset;Lorg/apache/spark/ml/util/Instrumentation;)Lorg/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALSModel;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 4121
name | string | $anonfun$fit$1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALS
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 843437865375
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | null
initiatingClassLoader | ClassLoader | null
loadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | null
hidden | boolean | true
modifiers | int | 48
name | string | java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH+0x00000008000c5c00/1402433372
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang/invoke
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;ZILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass0
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 443676417
startTime eventThread stackTrace 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// during compilations.
MutexLocker mu(THREAD, Compile_lock);
update_dictionary(name_hash, loaded_class, class_loader);
if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) {
JvmtiExport::post_class_load(THREAD, loaded_class);
return loaded_class;
static void post_class_define_event(InstanceKlass* k, const ClassLoaderData* def_cld) {
EventClassDefine event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
void SystemDictionary::define_instance_class(InstanceKlass* k, Handle class_loader, TRAPS) {
ClassLoaderData* loader_data = k->class_loader_data();
assert(loader_data->class_loader() == class_loader(), "they must be the same");
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | false | true |
profiling | false | true |
Field | Type | Description |
definedClass | Class | Defined Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/reflect/internal/CapturedVariables
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/reflect/internal
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 264
name | string | defineClass1
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1025
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 843484816917
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/Formatter$Flags
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 4
lineNumber | int | 2924
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;II)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | flags
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | java/util/Formatter$FormatSpecifier
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 459579542
definedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 32
name | string | sun/util/resources/LocaleData$1
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/util/resources
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | 182
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/util/ResourceBundle;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | getBundle
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | sun/util/resources/LocaleData
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | sun/util/resources
type | FrameType | Interpreted
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 405564625
default profiling startTime 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
if (log_is_enabled(Info, redefine, class, timer)) {
if (the_class->oop_map_cache() != NULL) {
// Flush references to any obsolete methods from the oop map cache
// so that obsolete methods are not pinned.
if (EventClassRedefinition::is_enabled()) {
EventClassRedefinition event;
ResourceMark rm(current);
// increment the classRedefinedCount field in the_class and in any
// direct and indirect subclasses of the_class
log_info(redefine, class, load)
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
redefinedClass | Class | Redefined Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
classModificationCount | int | Class Modification Count The number of times the class has changed |
redefinitionId | ulong | Class Redefinition Id |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
return error;
} /* end RetransformClasses */
// class_count - pre-checked to be greater than or equal to 0
// class_definitions - pre-checked for NULL
JvmtiEnv::RedefineClasses(jint class_count, const jvmtiClassDefinition* class_definitions) {
//TODO: add locking
EventRedefineClasses event;
VM_RedefineClasses op(class_count, class_definitions, jvmti_class_load_kind_redefine);
jvmtiError error = op.check_error();
if (error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
return error;
} /* end RedefineClasses */
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
classCount | int | Class Count |
redefinitionId | ulong | Class Redefinition Id |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
class_definitions[index].class_byte_count = (jint)reconstituter.class_file_size();
class_definitions[index].class_bytes = (unsigned char*)
} else {
// it is cached, get it from the cache
class_definitions[index].class_byte_count = ik->get_cached_class_file_len();
class_definitions[index].class_bytes = ik->get_cached_class_file_bytes();
class_definitions[index].klass = jcls;
EventRetransformClasses event;
VM_RedefineClasses op(class_count, class_definitions, jvmti_class_load_kind_retransform);
jvmtiError error = op.check_error();
if (error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
return error;
} /* end RetransformClasses */
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
classCount | int | Class Count |
redefinitionId | ulong | Class Redefinition Id |
startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Class Loading
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
if (log_is_enabled(Info, class, unload)) {
ResourceMark rm;
log_info(class, unload)("unloading class %s " INTPTR_FORMAT, ik->external_name(), p2i(ik));
Events::log_class_unloading(Thread::current(), ik);
assert(ik != NULL, "invariant");
EventClassUnload event;
static void method_release_C_heap_structures(Method* m) {
// Called also by InstanceKlass::deallocate_contents, with false for release_constant_pool.
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
unloadedClass | Class | Unloaded Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | Defining Class Loader Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 852482516542
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1025
name | string | scala/collection/AbstractMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 3889413292
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1537
name | string | scala/collection/immutable/SortedSet
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection/immutable
definingClassLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
startTime | long: millis | 4558724917
unloadedClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | true
modifiers | int | 4144
name | string | org.apache.spark.internal.config.ConfigBuilder$$Lambda+0x0000000800375a18/2017530134
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | org/apache/spark/internal/config
JVM: Code Cache
default profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print("%s", s.as_string());
if (full_count == 1) {
if (PrintCodeHeapAnalytics) {
CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(tty, "all", 4096); // details, may be a lot!
EventCodeCacheFull event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
codeBlobType | CodeBlobType | Code Heap Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
commitedTopAddress | ulong: address | Commited Top |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
entryCount | int | Entries |
methodCount | int | Methods |
adaptorCount | int | Adaptors |
unallocatedCapacity | ulong: bytes | Unallocated |
fullCount | int | Full Count |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerConfiguration) {
EventCompilerConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheStatistics) {
// Emit stats for all available code heaps
for (int bt = 0; bt < CodeBlobType::NumTypes; ++bt) {
if (CodeCache::heap_available(bt)) {
EventCodeCacheStatistics event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
codeBlobType | CodeBlobType | Code Heap Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
entryCount | int | Entries |
methodCount | int | Methods |
adaptorCount | int | Adaptors |
unallocatedCapacity | ulong: bytes | Unallocated |
fullCount | int | Full Count |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Cache
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheConfiguration) {
EventCodeCacheConfiguration event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
initialSize | ulong: bytes | Initial Size |
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | Reserved Size |
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | Non-nmethod Size |
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | Profiled Size |
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | Non-profiled Size |
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | Expansion size |
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | Minimum Block Length |
startAddress | ulong: address | Start Address |
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | Reserved Top |
Examples 3
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 4733009920
startAddress | ulong: address | 4481351680
startTime | long: millis | 52082148542
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 4797415424
startAddress | ulong: address | 4545757184
startTime | long: millis | 910419948708
expansionSize | ulong: bytes | 65536
initialSize | ulong: bytes | 2555904
minBlockLength | ulong: bytes | 6
nonNMethodSize | ulong: bytes | 5839564
nonProfiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
profiledSize | ulong: bytes | 122909338
reservedSize | ulong: bytes | 251658240
reservedTopAddress | ulong: address | 5217714176
startAddress | ulong: address | 4966055936
startTime | long: millis | 78960108292
JVM: Code Sweeper
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 until JDK 20
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Sweeper
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// We are done with sweeping the code cache once.
if (_force_sweep) {
// Notify requester that forced sweep finished
MutexLocker mu(CodeSweeper_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
_force_sweep = false;
static void post_sweep_event(EventSweepCodeCache* event,
const Ticks& start,
const Ticks& end,
s4 traversals,
int swept,
int flushed,
int zombified) {
assert(event != NULL, "invariant");
assert(event->should_commit(), "invariant");
const Ticks sweep_end_counter = Ticks::now();
const Tickspan sweep_time = sweep_end_counter - sweep_start_counter;
MutexLocker mu(NMethodSweeperStats_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
_total_time_sweeping += sweep_time;
_total_time_this_sweep += sweep_time;
_peak_sweep_fraction_time = MAX2(sweep_time, _peak_sweep_fraction_time);
_total_flushed_size += freed_memory;
_total_nof_methods_reclaimed += flushed_count;
_total_nof_c2_methods_reclaimed += flushed_c2_count;
_peak_sweep_time = MAX2(_peak_sweep_time, _total_time_this_sweep);
EventSweepCodeCache event(UNTIMED);
if (event.should_commit()) {
post_sweep_event(&event, sweep_start_counter, sweep_end_counter, (s4)_traversals, swept_count, flushed_count, zombified_count);
#ifdef ASSERT
if(PrintMethodFlushing) {
tty->print_cr("### sweeper: sweep time(" JLONG_FORMAT "): ", sweep_time.value());
Log(codecache, sweep) log;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 100 ms |
profiling | true | 100 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
sweepId | int | Sweep Identifier |
sweptCount | uint | Methods Swept |
flushedCount | uint | Methods Flushed |
zombifiedCount | uint | Methods Zombified |
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 until JDK 20
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Sweeper
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeSweeperStatistics) {
EventCodeSweeperStatistics event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeSweeperConfiguration) {
EventCodeSweeperConfiguration event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
sweepCount | int | Sweeps |
methodReclaimedCount | int | Methods Reclaimed |
totalSweepTime | Tickspan | Time Spent Sweeping |
peakFractionTime | Tickspan | Peak Time Fraction Sweep |
peakSweepTime | Tickspan | Peak Time Full Sweep |
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 until JDK 20
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Code Sweeper
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeSweeperStatistics) {
EventCodeSweeperStatistics event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeSweeperConfiguration) {
EventCodeSweeperConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ShenandoahHeapRegionInformation) {
if (UseShenandoahGC) {
VM_ShenandoahSendHeapRegionInfoEvents op;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
sweeperEnabled | boolean | Code Sweeper Enabled |
flushingEnabled | boolean | Code Cache Flushing Enabled |
sweepThreshold | ulong: bytes 17 until JDK 20 | Sweep Threshold |
JVM: Compiler
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
#include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp"
class ciMethod;
template <typename>
class GrowableArray;
class Method;
class EventCompilation;
class EventCompilationFailure;
class EventCompilerInlining;
class EventCompilerPhase;
struct JfrStructCalleeMethod;
class CompilerEvent : AllStatic {
static jlong ticksNow() {
// Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder.
JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L);
class CompilationEvent : AllStatic {
static void post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
class CompilationFailureEvent : AllStatic {
static void post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
class PhaseEvent : AllStatic {
friend class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant;
_compilation_log->log_nmethod(thread, code);
} else if (AbortVMOnCompilationFailure) {
if (compilable == ciEnv::MethodCompilable_not_at_tier) {
fatal("Not compilable at tier %d: %s", task->comp_level(), failure_reason);
if (compilable == ciEnv::MethodCompilable_never) {
fatal("Never compilable: %s", failure_reason);
static void post_compilation_event(EventCompilation& event, CompileTask* task) {
assert(task != NULL, "invariant");
task->osr_bci() != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci,
(task->code() == NULL) ? 0 : task->code()->total_size(),
int DirectivesStack::_depth = 0;
// Allocate a new set of JNI handles.
JNIHandleMark jhm(thread);
Method* target_handle = task->method();
int compilable = ciEnv::MethodCompilable;
const char* failure_reason = NULL;
bool failure_reason_on_C_heap = false;
const char* retry_message = NULL;
if (UseJVMCICompiler && comp != NULL && comp->is_jvmci()) {
JVMCICompiler* jvmci = (JVMCICompiler*) comp;
TraceTime t1("compilation", &time);
EventCompilation event;
JVMCICompileState compile_state(task, jvmci);
JVMCIRuntime *runtime = NULL;
if (JVMCI::in_shutdown()) {
failure_reason = "in JVMCI shutdown";
retry_message = "not retryable";
compilable = ciEnv::MethodCompilable_never;
} else if (compile_state.target_method_is_old()) {
// Skip redefined methods
failure_reason = "redefined method";
retry_message = "not retryable";
bool method_is_old = ci_env.cache_jvmti_state();
// Skip redefined methods
if (method_is_old) {
ci_env.record_method_not_compilable("redefined method", true);
// Cache DTrace flags
ciMethod* target = ci_env.get_method_from_handle(target_handle);
TraceTime t1("compilation", &time);
EventCompilation event;
if (comp == NULL) {
ci_env.record_method_not_compilable("no compiler");
} else if (!ci_env.failing()) {
if (WhiteBoxAPI && WhiteBox::compilation_locked) {
MonitorLocker locker(Compilation_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
while (WhiteBox::compilation_locked) {
comp->compile_method(&ci_env, target, osr_bci, true, directive);
// As part of event commit, a Method* is tagged as a function of an epoch.
// Epochs evolve during safepoints. To ensure the event is tagged in the correct epoch,
// that is, to avoid a race, the thread will participate in the safepoint protocol
// by transitioning from _thread_in_native to _thread_in_vm.
template <typename EventType>
static inline void commit(EventType& event) {
ThreadInVMfromNative transition(JavaThread::current());
void CompilerEvent::CompilationEvent::post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType compiler_type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) {
* Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link EventProvider}. This implementation
* can be used when no logging is requested.
static EventProvider createEmptyEventProvider() {
return new EmptyEventProvider();
* Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link CompilationEvent}.
static CompilationEvent createEmptyCompilationEvent() {
return new EmptyCompilationEvent();
* Creates and returns an empty implementation for {@link CompilationEvent}.
static CompilerFailureEvent createEmptyCompilerFailureEvent() {
return new EmptyCompilerFailureEvent();
* An instant event is an event that is not considered to have taken any time.
* Ends the timing period for this event.
void end();
* Creates a new {@link CompilationEvent}.
* @return a compilation event
CompilationEvent newCompilationEvent();
* A compilation event.
public interface CompilationEvent extends TimedEvent {
void setMethod(String method);
void setCompileId(int compileId);
void setCompileLevel(int compileLevel);
void setSucceeded(boolean succeeded);
* An empty implementation for {@link EventProvider}. This implementation is used when no logging is
* requested.
final class EmptyEventProvider implements EventProvider {
static InternalError shouldNotReachHere() {
throw new InternalError("should not reach here");
public CompilationEvent newCompilationEvent() {
return new EmptyCompilationEvent();
static class EmptyCompilationEvent implements CompilationEvent {
public void commit() {
throw shouldNotReachHere();
public boolean shouldWrite() {
// Events of this class should never been written.
return false;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 100 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
compiler | CompilerType 14+ | Compiler Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
method | Method | Method Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
compileLevel | ushort | Compilation Level |
succeded | boolean | Succeeded |
isOsr | boolean | On Stack Replacement |
codeSize | ulong: bytes | Compiled Code Size |
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | Inlined Code Size |
Examples 3
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 38392
compileId | uint | 108556
compileLevel | ushort | 4
compiler | CompilerType | c2
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 5051
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/Types$Type;Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeOps$SimplifyMap;Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/Contexts$Context;)Ldotty/tools/dotc/core/Types$Type;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | simplify
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeOps$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | dotty/tools/dotc/core
startTime | long: millis | 909165596458
succeded | boolean | true
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 71376
compileId | uint | 8839
compileLevel | ushort | 4
compiler | CompilerType | c2
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 9359
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | loadClass
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1057
name | string | java/lang/ClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
startTime | long: millis | 25487033583
succeded | boolean | true
codeSize | ulong: bytes | 10048
compileId | uint | 6551
compileLevel | ushort | 4
compiler | CompilerType | c2
inlinedBytes | ulong: bytes | 3683
isOsr | boolean | false
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lakka/actor/ActorSystem;Lakka/actor/ActorRef;Lakka/actor/ActorRef;IIIZ)Lakka/actor/ActorRef;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | createNodeActor
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/benchmarks/uct/UctAkkaActorBenchmark$NodeActor$
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | edu/rice/habanero/benchmarks/uct
startTime | long: millis | 11620629708
succeded | boolean | true
default profiling startTime duration eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
Node* n = macro_node(i);
if (n->is_Allocate()) {
if (i != allocates) {
Node* tmp = macro_node(allocates);
_macro_nodes.at_put(allocates, n);
_macro_nodes.at_put(i, tmp);
void Compile::print_method(CompilerPhaseType cpt, int level, Node* n) {
EventCompilerPhase event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, C->_latest_stage_start_counter, cpt, C->_compile_id, level);
#ifndef PRODUCT
ResourceMark rm;
stringStream ss;
if (n != nullptr) {
ss.print(": %d %s ", n->_idx, NodeClassNames[n->Opcode()]);
// Only used from CompileWrapper
void Compile::begin_method() {
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (_method != NULL && should_print_igv(1)) {
// Only used from CompileWrapper
void Compile::end_method() {
EventCompilerPhase event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, C->_latest_stage_start_counter, PHASE_END, C->_compile_id, 1);
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (_method != NULL && should_print_igv(1)) {
#include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp"
class ciMethod;
template <typename>
class GrowableArray;
class Method;
class EventCompilation;
class EventCompilationFailure;
class EventCompilerInlining;
class EventCompilerPhase;
struct JfrStructCalleeMethod;
class CompilerEvent : AllStatic {
static jlong ticksNow() {
// Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder.
JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L);
class CompilationEvent : AllStatic {
class PhaseEvent : AllStatic {
friend class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant;
// Gets a unique identifier for `phase_name`, computing and registering it first if necessary.
// If `may_exist` is true, then current registrations are searched first. If false, then
// there must not be an existing registration for `phase_name`.
// If `use_strdup` is true, then `phase_name` is strdup'ed before registration.
// If `sync` is true, then access to the registration table is synchronized.
static int get_phase_id(const char* phase_name, bool may_exist, bool use_strdup, bool sync) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(-1);
static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, jlong start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) {
JFR_ONLY(post(event, Ticks(start_time), phase, compile_id, level);)
class InlineEvent : AllStatic {
static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, Method* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
void CompilerEvent::CompilationFailureEvent::post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) {
void CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) {
event.set_phase((u1) phase);
void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) {
C2V_VMENTRY_0(jint, registerCompilerPhase, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jphase_name))
JVMCIObject phase_name = JVMCIENV->wrap(jphase_name);
const char *name = JVMCIENV->as_utf8_string(phase_name);
return CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::get_phase_id(name, true, true, true);
return -1;
#endif // !INCLUDE_JFR
C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerPhaseEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong startTime, jint phase, jint compileId, jint level))
EventCompilerPhase event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, startTime, phase, compileId, level);
C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerInliningEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint compileId, jobject caller, jobject callee, jboolean succeeded, jstring jmessage, jint bci))
EventCompilerInlining event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
Method* caller_method = JVMCIENV->asMethod(caller);
Method* callee_method = JVMCIENV->asMethod(callee);
JVMCIObject message = JVMCIENV->wrap(jmessage);
* @return current JFR time stamp
public static long now() {
return compilerToVM().ticksNow();
* Helper methods for managing JFR CompilerPhase events.
* The events are defined in {see @code src/share/jfr/metadata/metadata.xml}.
public static final class CompilerPhaseEvent {
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> phaseToId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static int getPhaseToId(String phaseName) {
return phaseToId.computeIfAbsent(phaseName, k -> compilerToVM().registerCompilerPhase(phaseName));
* Commits a CompilerPhase event.
* @param startTime time captured at the start of compiler phase
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 60 s |
profiling | true | 10 s |
Field | Type | Description |
phase | CompilerPhaseType | Compile Phase |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
phaseLevel | ushort | Phase Level |
profiling startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciEnv::record_failure()
void ciEnv::record_failure(const char* reason) {
if (_failure_reason == NULL) {
// Record the first failure reason.
_failure_reason = reason;
void ciEnv::report_failure(const char* reason) {
EventCompilationFailure event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::CompilationFailureEvent::post(event, compile_id(), reason);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciEnv::record_method_not_compilable()
void ciEnv::record_method_not_compilable(const char* reason, bool all_tiers) {
int new_compilable =
all_tiers ? MethodCompilable_never : MethodCompilable_not_at_tier ;
// Only note transitions to a worse state
if (new_compilable > _compilable) {
#include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp"
class ciMethod;
template <typename>
class GrowableArray;
class Method;
class EventCompilation;
class EventCompilationFailure;
class EventCompilerInlining;
class EventCompilerPhase;
struct JfrStructCalleeMethod;
class CompilerEvent : AllStatic {
static jlong ticksNow() {
// Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder.
JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L);
class CompilationEvent : AllStatic {
static void post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
class CompilationFailureEvent : AllStatic {
static void post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
class PhaseEvent : AllStatic {
friend class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant;
// Gets a unique identifier for `phase_name`, computing and registering it first if necessary.
// If `may_exist` is true, then current registrations are searched first. If false, then
// there must not be an existing registration for `phase_name`.
// If `use_strdup` is true, then `phase_name` is strdup'ed before registration.
// If `sync` is true, then access to the registration table is synchronized.
void CompilerEvent::CompilationEvent::post(EventCompilation& event, int compile_id, CompilerType compiler_type, Method* method, int compile_level, bool success, bool is_osr, int code_size, int inlined_bytecodes) {
void CompilerEvent::CompilationFailureEvent::post(EventCompilationFailure& event, int compile_id, const char* reason) {
void CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) {
event.set_phase((u1) phase);
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
failureMessage | string | Failure Message |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
Examples 3
startTime eventThread 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler / Optimization
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void GraphBuilder::print_inlining(ciMethod* callee, const char* msg, bool success) {
CompileLog* log = compilation()->log();
if (log != NULL) {
assert(msg != NULL, "inlining msg should not be null!");
if (success) {
} else {
EventCompilerInlining event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(event, compilation()->env()->task()->compile_id(), method()->get_Method(), callee, success, msg, bci());
CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), msg);
if (!compilation()->directive()->PrintInliningOption) {
CompileTask::print_inlining_tty(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), msg);
if (success && CIPrintMethodCodes) {
CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(callee_method, inline_level(),
caller_bci, inline_msg);
if (C->print_inlining()) {
C->print_inlining(callee_method, inline_level(), caller_bci, inline_msg);
guarantee(callee_method != NULL, "would crash in CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post");
if (Verbose) {
const InlineTree *top = this;
while (top->caller_tree() != NULL) { top = top->caller_tree(); }
//tty->print(" bcs: %d+%d invoked: %d", top->count_inline_bcs(), callee_method->code_size(), callee_method->interpreter_invocation_count());
EventCompilerInlining event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(event, C->compile_id(), caller_method->get_Method(), callee_method, success, inline_msg, caller_bci);
bool InlineTree::ok_to_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, JVMState* jvms, ciCallProfile& profile,
bool& should_delay) {
#ifdef ASSERT
assert(callee_method != NULL, "caller checks for optimized virtual!");
// Make sure the incoming jvms has the same information content as me.
#include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp"
class ciMethod;
template <typename>
class GrowableArray;
class Method;
class EventCompilation;
class EventCompilationFailure;
class EventCompilerInlining;
class EventCompilerPhase;
struct JfrStructCalleeMethod;
class CompilerEvent : AllStatic {
static jlong ticksNow() {
// Using Ticks for consistent usage outside JFR folder.
JFR_ONLY(return JfrTime::is_ft_enabled() ? Ticks::now().ft_value() : Ticks::now().value();) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(0L);
// there must not be an existing registration for `phase_name`.
// If `use_strdup` is true, then `phase_name` is strdup'ed before registration.
// If `sync` is true, then access to the registration table is synchronized.
static int get_phase_id(const char* phase_name, bool may_exist, bool use_strdup, bool sync) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(-1);
static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
static void post(EventCompilerPhase& event, jlong start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) {
JFR_ONLY(post(event, Ticks(start_time), phase, compile_id, level);)
class InlineEvent : AllStatic {
static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, Method* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
static void post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) NOT_JFR_RETURN();
void CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(EventCompilerPhase& event, const Ticks& start_time, int phase, int compile_id, int level) {
event.set_phase((u1) phase);
void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, const JfrStructCalleeMethod& callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) {
void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, Method* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) {
JfrStructCalleeMethod callee_struct;
post(event, compile_id, caller, callee_struct, success, msg, bci);
void CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(EventCompilerInlining& event, int compile_id, Method* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool success, const char* msg, int bci) {
JfrStructCalleeMethod callee_struct;
post(event, compile_id, caller, callee_struct, success, msg, bci);
return -1;
#endif // !INCLUDE_JFR
C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerPhaseEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong startTime, jint phase, jint compileId, jint level))
EventCompilerPhase event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post(event, startTime, phase, compileId, level);
C2V_VMENTRY(void, notifyCompilerInliningEvent, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint compileId, jobject caller, jobject callee, jboolean succeeded, jstring jmessage, jint bci))
EventCompilerInlining event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
Method* caller_method = JVMCIENV->asMethod(caller);
Method* callee_method = JVMCIENV->asMethod(callee);
JVMCIObject message = JVMCIENV->wrap(jmessage);
CompilerEvent::InlineEvent::post(event, compileId, caller_method, callee_method, succeeded, JVMCIENV->as_utf8_string(message), bci);
C2V_VMENTRY(void, setThreadLocalObject, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint id, jobject value))
requireInHotSpot("setThreadLocalObject", JVMCI_CHECK);
if (id == 0) {
* @param phaseName compiler phase name
* @param compileId current compilation unit id
* @param phaseLevel compiler phase nesting level
public static void write(long startTime, String phaseName, int compileId, int phaseLevel) {
compilerToVM().notifyCompilerPhaseEvent(startTime, getPhaseToId(phaseName), compileId, phaseLevel);
* Helper methods for managing JFR CompilerInlining events. The events are defined in {see @code
* src/share/jfr/metadata/metadata.xml}.
public static final class CompilerInliningEvent {
* Commits a CompilerInlining event.
* @param compileId current compilation unit id
* @param caller caller method
* @param callee callee method
* @param succeeded inlining succeeded or not
* @param message extra information on inlining
* @param bci invocation byte code index
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
caller | Method | Caller Method |
callee | CalleeMethod struct | Callee Method |
succeeded | boolean | Succeeded |
message | string | Message |
bci | int | Bytecode Index |
Examples 3
bci | int | 1
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (D)J
name | string | doubleToRawLongBits
type | string | java/lang/Double
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | (D)I
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 9
name | string | getExponent
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/Math
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
compileId | uint | 1458
message | string | intrinsic
startTime | long: millis | 421397917
succeeded | boolean | true
bci | int | 5
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)V
name | string | <init>
type | string | java/lang/String
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()Ljava/lang/String;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | toString
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | java/lang/StringBuilder
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
compileId | uint | 1413
message | string | inline
startTime | long: millis | 359624042
succeeded | boolean | true
bci | int | 1
callee | CalleeMethod | |
descriptor | string | ()V
name | string | flushBuffer
type | string | java/io/BufferedOutputStream
caller | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 2
name | string | implFlush
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/io/BufferedOutputStream
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/io
compileId | uint | 85788
message | string | inline (hot)
startTime | long: millis | 792085371333
succeeded | boolean | true
default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 14 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_DEOPTIMIZATIONREASON, true, new DeoptReasonSerializer());
JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_DEOPTIMIZATIONACTION, true, new DeoptActionSerializer());
static void post_deoptimization_event(CompiledMethod* nm,
const Method* method,
int trap_bci,
int instruction,
Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
Deoptimization::DeoptAction action) {
assert(nm != NULL, "invariant");
assert(method != NULL, "invariant");
if (EventDeoptimization::is_enabled()) {
static bool serializers_registered = false;
if (!serializers_registered) {
serializers_registered = true;
EventDeoptimization event;
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | false |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
compileId | uint | Compilation Identifier |
compiler | CompilerType | Compiler Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
method | Method | Method Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
lineNumber | int | Line Number |
bci | int | Bytecode Index |
instruction | Bytecode | Instruction Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
reason | DeoptimizationReason | Reason Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
action | DeoptimizationAction | Action Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
action | DeoptimizationAction | reinterpret
bci | int | 13
compileId | uint | 2922
compiler | CompilerType | c2
instruction | Bytecode | ifnonnull
lineNumber | int | 592
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | computeIfAbsent
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/TreeMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
reason | DeoptimizationReason | unstable_if
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 13
lineNumber | int | 592
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | computeIfAbsent
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/TreeMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
type | FrameType | Inlined
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 1705377958
action | DeoptimizationAction | maybe_recompile
bci | int | 51
compileId | uint | 2216
compiler | CompilerType | c2
instruction | Bytecode | invokevirtual
lineNumber | int | 1380
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | allocateUninitializedArray
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/misc
reason | DeoptimizationReason | class_check
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 51
lineNumber | int | 1380
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | allocateUninitializedArray
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 49
name | string | jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | jdk/internal/misc
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 770250667
action | DeoptimizationAction | maybe_recompile
bci | int | 1
compileId | uint | 88208
compiler | CompilerType | c2
instruction | Bytecode | invokevirtual
lineNumber | int | 300
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lscala/Function1;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | foreach
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1025
name | string | scala/collection/immutable/Vector
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection/immutable
reason | DeoptimizationReason | class_check
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 1
lineNumber | int | 300
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | (Lscala/Function1;)V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | foreach
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1025
name | string | scala/collection/immutable/Vector
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | null
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/net/URLClassLoader
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/net
location | string | null
name | string | null
version | string | null
name | string | scala/collection/immutable
type | FrameType | JIT compiled
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 852219303667
default profiling startTime every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(LoaderConstraintsTableStatistics) {
TableStatistics statistics = SystemDictionary::loader_constraints_statistics();
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ProtectionDomainCacheTableStatistics) {
TableStatistics statistics = SystemDictionary::protection_domain_cache_statistics();
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerStatistics) {
EventCompilerStatistics event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | 1000 ms |
profiling | true | 1000 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
compileCount | int | Compiled Methods |
bailoutCount | int | Bailouts |
invalidatedCount | int | Invalidated Compilations |
osrCompileCount | int | OSR Compilations |
standardCompileCount | int | Standard Compilations |
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | OSR Bytes Compiled |
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | Standard Bytes Compiled |
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | Compilation Resulting Size |
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | Compilation Resulting Code Size |
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | Peak Time |
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | Total time |
Examples 3
bailoutCount | int | 3
compileCount | int | 7852
invalidatedCount | int | 0
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | 9203696
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | 14626848
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
osrCompileCount | int | 87
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | 953
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
standardCompileCount | int | 7765
startTime | long: millis | 24296439042
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | 17710
bailoutCount | int | 10
compileCount | int | 86907
invalidatedCount | int | 0
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | 114019392
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | 172137240
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
osrCompileCount | int | 1019
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | 10885
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
standardCompileCount | int | 85888
startTime | long: millis | 870919058583
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | 393006
bailoutCount | int | 2
compileCount | int | 14321
invalidatedCount | int | 0
nmethodCodeSize | ulong: bytes | 17029632
nmethodsSize | ulong: bytes | 26163704
osrBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
osrCompileCount | int | 99
peakTimeSpent | long: millis | 1099
standardBytesCompiled | ulong: bytes | 0
standardCompileCount | int | 14222
startTime | long: millis | 45296949500
totalTimeSpent | long: millis | 38808
default profiling startTime end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Compiler
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerConfiguration) {
EventCompilerConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheStatistics) {
// Emit stats for all available code heaps
for (int bt = 0; bt < CodeBlobType::NumTypes; ++bt) {
if (CodeCache::heap_available(bt)) {
EventCodeCacheStatistics event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
threadCount | int | Thread Count |
tieredCompilation | boolean | Tiered Compilation |
JVM: Diagnostics
experimental default profiling startTime eventThread stackTrace 16 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Diagnostics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
} else {
assert(DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses == LOG_WARNING, "invalid value for DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses");
ResourceMark rm(current);
Log(valuebasedclasses) vblog;"Synchronizing on object " INTPTR_FORMAT " of klass %s", p2i(obj()), obj->klass()->external_name());
if (current->has_last_Java_frame()) {
LogStream info_stream(;
} else {"Cannot find the last Java frame");
EventSyncOnValueBasedClass event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
if (bcp_was_adjusted) {
last_frame.interpreter_frame_set_bcp(last_frame.interpreter_frame_bcp() + 1);
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace |
default | true | true |
profiling | true | true |
Field | Type | Description |
valueBasedClass | Class | Value Based Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 15 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Diagnostics
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// dump the heap to given path.
int HeapDumper::dump(const char* path, outputStream* out, int compression, bool overwrite, uint num_dump_threads) {
assert(path != NULL && strlen(path) > 0, "path missing");
// print message in interactive case
if (out != NULL) {
out->print_cr("Dumping heap to %s ...", path);
// create JFR event
EventHeapDump event;
AbstractCompressor* compressor = NULL;
if (compression > 0) {
compressor = new (std::nothrow) GZipCompressor(compression);
if (compressor == NULL) {
set_error("Could not allocate gzip compressor");
return -1;
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ns |
profiling | true | true | 0 ns |
Field | Type | Description |
destination | string | Destination |
size | long | Size |
gcBeforeDump | boolean | GC Before Dump |
onOutOfMemoryError | boolean | On Out of Memory Error |
JVM: Flag
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
virtual void print_range(outputStream* st, const JVMFlagLimit* range) const {
const JVMTypedFlagLimit<T>* r = (const JVMTypedFlagLimit<T>*)range;
print_range_impl(st, r->min(), r->max());
virtual void range_error(const char* name, T value, T min, T max, bool verbose) const = 0;
virtual void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, T min, T max) const = 0;
class FlagAccessImpl_int : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<int, EventIntFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, int value, int min, int max, bool verbose) const {
"int %s=%d is outside the allowed range "
"[ %d ... %d ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, int value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_int)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, int min, int max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | int | Old Value |
newValue | int | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, int value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_int)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, int min, int max) const {
st->print("[ %-25d ... %25d ]", min, max);
void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("[ " INT32_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " INT32_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
class FlagAccessImpl_uint : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<uint, EventUnsignedIntFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, uint value, uint min, uint max, bool verbose) const {
"uint %s=%u is outside the allowed range "
"[ %u ... %u ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uint value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uint)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uint min, uint max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | uint | Old Value |
newValue | uint | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uint value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uint)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uint min, uint max) const {
st->print("[ %-25u ... %25u ]", min, max);
void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("[ " UINT32_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINT32_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", 0, UINT_MAX);
class FlagAccessImpl_intx : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<intx, EventLongFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, intx value, intx min, intx max, bool verbose) const {
"intx %s=" INTX_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range "
"[ " INTX_FORMAT " ... " INTX_FORMAT " ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, intx value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_intx)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, intx min, intx max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | long | Old Value |
newValue | long | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, intx value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_intx)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, intx min, intx max) const {
st->print("[ " INTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " INTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max);
void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("[ " INTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " INTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min_intx, max_intx);
class FlagAccessImpl_uintx : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<uintx, EventUnsignedLongFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, uintx value, uintx min, uintx max, bool verbose) const {
"uintx %s=" UINTX_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range "
"[ " UINTX_FORMAT " ... " UINTX_FORMAT " ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uintx value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uintx)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uintx min, uintx max) const {
st->print("[ " UINTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max);
void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("[ " UINTX_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINTX_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", uintx(0), max_uintx);
class FlagAccessImpl_uint64_t : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<uint64_t, EventUnsignedLongFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, uint64_t value, uint64_t min, uint64_t max, bool verbose) const {
"uint64_t %s=" UINT64_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range "
"[ " UINT64_FORMAT " ... " UINT64_FORMAT " ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, uint64_t value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_uint64_t)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, uint64_t min, uint64_t max) const {
st->print("[ " UINT64_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINT64_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max);
void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("[ " UINT64_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " UINT64_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", uint64_t(0), uint64_t(max_juint));
class FlagAccessImpl_size_t : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<size_t, EventUnsignedLongFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, size_t value, size_t min, size_t max, bool verbose) const {
"size_t %s=" SIZE_FORMAT " is outside the allowed range "
"[ " SIZE_FORMAT " ... " SIZE_FORMAT " ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, size_t value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_size_t)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, size_t min, size_t max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | ulong | Old Value |
newValue | ulong | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, size_t value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_size_t)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, size_t min, size_t max) const {
st->print("[ " SIZE_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " SIZE_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", min, max);
void print_default_range(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("[ " SIZE_FORMAT_W(-25) " ... " SIZE_FORMAT_W(25) " ]", size_t(0), size_t(SIZE_MAX));
class FlagAccessImpl_double : public RangedFlagAccessImpl<double, EventDoubleFlagChanged> {
void range_error(const char* name, double value, double min, double max, bool verbose) const {
"double %s=%f is outside the allowed range "
"[ %f ... %f ]\n",
name, value, min, max);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, double value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_double)func)(value, verbose);
void print_range_impl(outputStream* st, double min, double max) const {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | double | Old Value |
newValue | double | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
*((T*)value_addr) = old_value;
return JVMFlag::SUCCESS;
JVMFlag::Error check_constraint(const JVMFlag* flag, void * func, bool verbose) const {
return typed_check_constraint(func, flag->read<T>(), verbose);
virtual JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void * func, T value, bool verbose) const = 0;
class FlagAccessImpl_bool : public TypedFlagAccessImpl<bool, EventBooleanFlagChanged> {
JVMFlag::Error set_impl(JVMFlag* flag, void* value_addr, JVMFlagOrigin origin) const {
bool verbose = JVMFlagLimit::verbose_checks_needed();
return TypedFlagAccessImpl<bool, EventBooleanFlagChanged>
::check_constraint_and_set(flag, value_addr, origin, verbose);
JVMFlag::Error typed_check_constraint(void* func, bool value, bool verbose) const {
return ((JVMFlagConstraintFunc_bool)func)(value, verbose);
template <typename T, typename EVENT>
class RangedFlagAccessImpl : public TypedFlagAccessImpl<T, EVENT> {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | boolean | Old Value |
newValue | boolean | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVMFlag::Error JVMFlagAccess::set_impl(JVMFlag* flag, void* value, JVMFlagOrigin origin) {
if (flag->is_ccstr()) {
return set_ccstr(flag, (ccstr*)value, origin);
} else {
return access_impl(flag)->set(flag, value, origin);
JVMFlag::Error JVMFlagAccess::set_ccstr(JVMFlag* flag, ccstr* value, JVMFlagOrigin origin) {
if (flag == NULL) return JVMFlag::INVALID_FLAG;
if (!flag->is_ccstr()) return JVMFlag::WRONG_FORMAT;
ccstr old_value = flag->get_ccstr();
trace_flag_changed<ccstr, EventStringFlagChanged>(flag, old_value, *value, origin);
char* new_value = NULL;
if (*value != NULL) {
new_value = os::strdup_check_oom(*value);
if (!flag->is_default() && old_value != NULL) {
// Old value is heap allocated so free it.
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, old_value);
// Unlike the other APIs, the old vale is NOT returned, so the caller won't need to free it.
// The callers typically don't care what the old value is.
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
oldValue | string | Old Value |
newValue | string | New Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | int | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountSingle
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 15845305792
value | int | 1
name | string | VMThreadPriority
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 60345409958
value | int | -1
name | string | DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 805718648583
value | int | 1
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | uint | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntriesBase
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364799833
value | uint | 8
name | string | G1ReservePercent
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 798681839500
value | uint | 10
name | string | MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423307458
value | uint | 4
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | long | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | MaxLoopPad
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773040292
value | long | 15
name | string | OptoPrologueNops
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423468625
value | long | 0
name | string | Tier23InlineeNotifyFreqLog
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364810583
value | long | 20
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | ulong | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | CodeCacheExpansionSize
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364821500
value | ulong | 65536
name | string | MinHeapFreeRatio
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423577083
value | ulong | 0
name | string | LargePageHeapSizeThreshold
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773064458
value | ulong | 134217728
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | double | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 84416262542
value | double | 10.0
name | string | ZCollectionIntervalMinor
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 817390519792
value | double | -1.0
name | string | ZCollectionInterval
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 30586858000
value | double | 0.0
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | boolean | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | TraceTraps
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423595000
value | boolean | false
name | string | UseC1Optimizations
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 791773073750
value | boolean | true
name | string | C1ProfileCheckcasts
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 364843083
value | boolean | true
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / Flag
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name |
value | string | Value |
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Origin Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
Examples 3
name | string | DumpLoadedClassList
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 30519985250
value | string | null
name | string | InlineDataFile
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 423641292
value | string | null
name | string | SharedArchiveConfigFile
origin | FlagValueOrigin | Default
startTime | long: millis | 805718884833
value | string | null
JVM: GC: Collector
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Garbage collection performed by the JVM
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
// All GC dependencies against the trace framework is contained within this file.
typedef uintptr_t TraceAddress;
void GCTracer::send_garbage_collection_event() const {
EventGarbageCollection event(UNTIMED);
if (event.should_commit()) {
event.set_cause((u2) _shared_gc_info.cause());
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | GCName | Name The name of the Garbage Collector |
cause | GCCause | Cause The reason for triggering this Garbage Collection |
sumOfPauses | Tickspan | Sum of Pauses Sum of all the times in which Java execution was paused during the garbage collection |
longestPause | Tickspan | Longest Pause Longest individual pause during the garbage collection |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration eventThread stackTrace 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_Halt(jint code))
JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_GC(void))
if (!DisableExplicitGC) {
EventSystemGC event;
JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_MaxObjectInspectionAge(void))
return Universe::heap()->millis_since_last_whole_heap_examined();
Configuration | enabled | stackTrace | threshold |
default | true | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
invokedConcurrent | boolean | Invoked Concurrent |
Examples 3
invokedConcurrent | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | gc
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 1
name | string | java/lang/Runtime
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 890268499208
invokedConcurrent | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | gc
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Runtime
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 74131859458
invokedConcurrent | boolean | false
stackTrace | StackTrace | |
frames | StackFrame | |
bytecodeIndex | int | 0
lineNumber | int | -1
method | Method | |
descriptor | string | ()V
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 257
name | string | gc
type | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/lang/Runtime
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/lang
type | FrameType | Native
… | ||
truncated | boolean | false
startTime | long: millis | 78028108125
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: ParallelGC
Missing in: G1GC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void ParallelOldTracer::send_parallel_old_event() const {
EventParallelOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
void YoungGCTracer::send_young_gc_event() const {
EventYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
densePrefix | ulong: address | Dense Prefix The address of the dense prefix, used when compacting |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void ParallelOldTracer::send_parallel_old_event() const {
EventParallelOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
void YoungGCTracer::send_young_gc_event() const {
EventYoungGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
bool YoungGCTracer::should_send_promotion_in_new_plab_event() const {
return EventPromoteObjectInNewPLAB::is_enabled();
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
tenuringThreshold | uint | Tenuring Threshold |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
EventPromoteObjectOutsidePLAB event;
if (event.should_commit()) {
void OldGCTracer::send_old_gc_event() const {
EventOldGarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
static JfrStructCopyFailed to_struct(const CopyFailedInfo& cf_info) {
JfrStructCopyFailed failed_info;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
default profiling startTime duration 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Collector
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
Extra information specific to G1 Young Garbage Collections
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void G1NewTracer::send_g1_young_gc_event() {
// Check that the pause type has been updated to something valid for this event.
EventG1GarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_info_event(G1EvacInfo* info) {
EventEvacuationInformation e;
Configuration | enabled | threshold |
default | true | 0 ms |
profiling | true | 0 ms |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
type | G1YCType | Type Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
JVM: GC: Configuration
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the garbage collector
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(G1HeapRegionInformation) {
// Java Mission Control (JMC) uses (Java) Long.MIN_VALUE to describe that a
// long value is undefined.
static jlong jmc_undefined_long = min_jlong;
GCConfiguration conf;
jlong pause_target = conf.has_pause_target_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.pause_target();
EventGCConfiguration event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | everyChunk |
profiling | true | everyChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
youngCollector | GCName | Young Garbage Collector The garbage collector used for the young generation |
oldCollector | GCName | Old Garbage Collector The garbage collector used for the old generation |
parallelGCThreads | uint | Parallel GC Threads Number of parallel threads to use for garbage collection |
concurrentGCThreads | uint | Concurrent GC Threads Number of concurrent threads to use for garbage collection |
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | Uses Dynamic GC Threads Whether a dynamic number of GC threads are used or not |
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | Concurrent Explicit GC Whether System.gc() is concurrent or not |
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | Disabled Explicit GC Whether System.gc() will cause a garbage collection or not |
pauseTarget | long: millis | Pause Target Target for GC pauses |
gcTimeRatio | uint | GC Time Ratio Target for runtime vs garbage collection time |
Examples 3
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 0
gcTimeRatio | uint | 99
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | SerialOld
parallelGCThreads | uint | 0
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 15621221667
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | DefNew
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 0
gcTimeRatio | uint | 99
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | ParallelOld
parallelGCThreads | uint | 8
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 18250631375
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | ParallelScavenge
concurrentGCThreads | uint | 2
gcTimeRatio | uint | 12
isExplicitGCConcurrent | boolean | false
isExplicitGCDisabled | boolean | false
oldCollector | GCName | G1Old
parallelGCThreads | uint | 8
pauseTarget | long: millis | -9223372036854775808
startTime | long: millis | 910331828792
usesDynamicGCThreads | boolean | true
youngCollector | GCName | G1New
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the survivors of garbage collection
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
GCTLABConfiguration conf;
EventGCTLABConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) {
GCSurvivorConfiguration conf;
EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapConfiguration) {
GCHeapConfiguration conf;
EventGCHeapConfiguration event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
maxTenuringThreshold | ubyte | Maximum Tenuring Threshold Upper limit for the age of how old objects to keep in the survivor area |
initialTenuringThreshold | ubyte | Initial Tenuring Threshold Initial age limit for how old objects to keep in survivor area |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
GCTLABConfiguration conf;
EventGCTLABConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) {
GCSurvivorConfiguration conf;
EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event;
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
usesTLABs | boolean | TLABs Used If Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs) are in use |
minTLABSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum TLAB Size |
tlabRefillWasteLimit | ulong: bytes | TLAB Refill Waste Limit |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the garbage collected heap
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) {
GCSurvivorConfiguration conf;
EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapConfiguration) {
GCHeapConfiguration conf;
EventGCHeapConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(YoungGenerationConfiguration) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
minSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum Heap Size |
maxSize | ulong: bytes | Maximum Heap Size |
initialSize | ulong: bytes | Initial Heap Size |
usesCompressedOops | boolean | If Compressed Oops Are Used If compressed Oops (Ordinary Object Pointers) are enabled |
compressedOopsMode | NarrowOopMode | Compressed Oops Mode The kind of compressed oops being used |
objectAlignment | ulong: bytes | Object Alignment Object alignment (in bytes) on the heap |
heapAddressBits | ubyte | Heap Address Size Heap Address Size (in bits) |
Examples 3
default profiling startTime duration end of every chunk 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Configuration
The configuration of the young generation of the garbage collected heap
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(YoungGenerationConfiguration) {
GCYoungGenerationConfiguration conf;
jlong max_size = conf.has_max_size_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.max_size();
EventYoungGenerationConfiguration event;
TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(InitialSystemProperty) {
SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties();
JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now();
while (p != NULL) {
if (!p->internal()) {
Configuration | enabled | period |
default | true | beginChunk |
profiling | true | beginChunk |
Field | Type | Description |
minSize | ulong: bytes | Minimum Young Generation Size |
maxSize | ulong: bytes | Maximum Young Generation Size |
newRatio | uint | New Ratio The size of the young generation relative to the tenured generation |
Examples 3
JVM: GC: Detailed
internal startTime duration eventThread 18 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Temporary latency measurements used during development and debugging of ZGC
Only valid for the ZGC.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
inline void ZTracer::report_stat_sampler(const ZStatSampler& sampler, uint64_t value) {
if (EventZStatisticsSampler::is_enabled()) {
send_stat_sampler(sampler, value);
inline void ZTracer::report_thread_phase(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
if (EventZThreadPhase::is_enabled()) {
send_thread_phase(name, start, end);
inline void ZTracer::report_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
if (EventZThreadDebug::is_enabled()) {
send_thread_debug(name, start, end);
inline ZTraceThreadDebug::ZTraceThreadDebug(const char* name) :
_name(name) {}
inline ZTraceThreadDebug::~ZTraceThreadDebug() {
ZTracer::tracer()->report_thread_debug(_name, _start, Ticks::now());
NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
EventZThreadPhase e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
void ZTracer::send_thread_debug(const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
EventZThreadDebug e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
name | string | Name The name of the GC runner |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
void G1OldTracer::report_gc_start_impl(GCCause::Cause cause, const Ticks& timestamp) {
void G1OldTracer::set_gc_cause(GCCause::Cause cause) {
void G1MMUTracer::report_mmu(double time_slice_sec, double gc_time_sec, double max_time_sec) {
send_g1_mmu_event(time_slice_sec * MILLIUNITS,
gc_time_sec * MILLIUNITS,
max_time_sec * MILLIUNITS);
void G1MMUTracer::send_g1_mmu_event(double time_slice_ms, double gc_time_ms, double max_time_ms) {
EventG1MMU e;
if (e.should_commit()) {
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
timeSlice | long: millis | Time Slice Time slice used to calculate MMU |
gcTime | long: millis | GC Time Time stopped because of GC during last time slice |
pauseTarget | long: millis | Pause Target Max time allowed to be spent on GC during last time slice |
default profiling startTime 11 17 21 23 24
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC
Missing in: ParallelGC, SerialGC, ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
EventG1GarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
if (e.should_commit()) {
void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_info_event(G1EvacInfo* info) {
EventEvacuationInformation e;
if (e.should_commit()) {
e.set_allocationRegionsUsedAfter(info->alloc_regions_used_before() + info->bytes_used());
Configuration | enabled |
default | true |
profiling | true |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
cSetRegions | uint | Collection Set Regions |
cSetUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | Collection Set Before Memory usage before GC in the collection set regions |
cSetUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | Collection Set After Memory usage after GC in the collection set regions |
allocationRegions | uint | Allocation Regions Regions chosen as allocation regions during evacuation (includes survivors and old space regions) |
allocationRegionsUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | Allocation Regions Before Memory usage before GC in allocation regions |
allocationRegionsUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | Allocation Regions After Memory usage after GC in allocation regions |
bytesCopied | ulong: bytes | Bytes Copied |
regionsFreed | uint | Regions Freed |
Examples 1
allocationRegions | uint | 2
allocationRegionsUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | 2107744
allocationRegionsUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | 0
bytesCopied | ulong: bytes | 2107744
cSetRegions | uint | 16
cSetUsedAfter | ulong: bytes | 0
cSetUsedBefore | ulong: bytes | 33554432
gcId | uint | 881
regionsFreed | uint | 16
startTime | long: millis | 820988971083
Category: Java Virtual Machine / GC / Detailed
Appearing in: G1GC, ParallelGC, SerialGC
Missing in: ShenandoahGC, ZGC
No additional description available. Write your own and contribute it to jfreventcollector or directly to the OpenJDK.
Code Context
The event is likely defined and utilized in the following locations within the OpenJDK source code, which is licensed under the GPLv2, excluding any XML or configuration files:
bool ObjectCountEventSender::should_send_event() {
return _should_send_requestable_event || EventObjectCountAfterGC::is_enabled();
return false;
#endif // INCLUDE_JFR
bool ObjectCountEventSender::_should_send_requestable_event = false;
void ObjectCountEventSender::enable_requestable_event() {
_should_send_requestable_event = true;
template <typename T>
void ObjectCountEventSender::send_event_if_enabled(Klass* klass, jlong count, julong size, const Ticks& timestamp) {
T event(UNTIMED);
if (event.should_commit()) {
void ObjectCountEventSender::send(const KlassInfoEntry* entry, const Ticks& timestamp) {
Klass* klass = entry->klass();
jlong count = entry->count();
julong total_size = entry->words() * BytesPerWord;
send_event_if_enabled<EventObjectCount>(klass, count, total_size, timestamp);
send_event_if_enabled<EventObjectCountAfterGC>(klass, count, total_size, timestamp);
Configuration | enabled |
default | false |
profiling | false |
Field | Type | Description |
gcId | uint | GC Identifier |
objectClass | Class | Object Class Consider contributing a description to jfreventcollector. |
count | long | Count |
totalSize | ulong: bytes | Total Size |
Examples 3
count | long | 97058
gcId | uint | 866
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 17
name | string | java/lang/Class
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 22
name | string | java/lang
startTime | long: millis | 792378118375
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 11317680
count | long | 900
gcId | uint | 0
objectClass | Class | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
hidden | boolean | false
modifiers | int | 33
name | string | java/util/LinkedHashMap
package | Package | |
exported | boolean | true
module | Module | |
classLoader | ClassLoader | |
name | string | bootstrap
type | Class | null
location | string | jrt:/java.base
name | string | java.base
version | string | 21.0.1
name | string | java/util
startTime | long: millis | 372286000
totalSize | ulong: bytes | 57600