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Important WebdriverIO Parameters

WebdriverIO Parameters

For more information about how to setup your config please see the official documentation from WebdriverIO.


The baseUrl defines the entry point of your script. Here you can define in which system or application your script/s is/are being executed.

baseUrl: ""


Inside the specs array you specify the scripts to execute.

specs: [
  path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/specs/yourSpec1.spec.js"),
  path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/specs/yourSpec2.spec.js"),
  path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/specs/yourSpec3.spec.js")


These specs are being executed sequentially in different instances. Therefore, data (e.g. via references.json) can not be passed between the specs.

To pass data between the specs (run them in a shared instance), you have to group them as shown below:

specs: [
  // grouped
    path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/specs/yourSpec1.spec.js"),
    path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/specs/yourSpec2.spec.js")
  // ungrouped
  path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/specs/yourSpec3.spec.js")


The number of parallel instances running at the same time.

maxInstances: 0

bail & mocha bail

In qmate there are two different types of parameters to specify how your test executions should behave in case of a failure. Please make sure to set both parameters with the values according to the table below.

Possible values are: 0, 1

bail: 1

Possible values: true, false

mochaOpts: {
  bail: true

Please find the below table for a detailed overview of all possible options:

name mocha bail wdio bail result
break all true 1 break whole test execution after failure
break further false 1 continue with failed spec, break further spec execution after failure
break current true 0 break failed spec, continue further spec execution
ignore false 0 don't break test execution at all


Grouped specs or describes within the same file will behave the same as the failed spec.


The number of times to retry an entire specfile when it fails as a whole.

specFileRetries: 3


The level of logging verbosity.

Possible values are: trace | debug | info | warn | error | silent

logLevel: "warn"

Qmate Service specific parameters

The params object inside your config defines soe specific Qmate relevant parameters.

params: {
  // [..]


The following parameters are being defined inside the params object above.


Specifies the way, Qmate will login to the system. See section Authentication for possible options and more details.

params: {
  auth: {
      formType: "plain"


Defines your system url used for OData/REST API calls.

params: {
  systemUrl: ""


Specifies the log level of the UI5 version and timestamp of the system in use. Possible values are:

Logs the UI5 version after each system login.

params: {
  logUI5Version: "always"

Logs the UI5 version per execution.

params: {
  logUI5Version: true

Does not log the UI5 version at all.

params: {
  logUI5Version: false

console output
UI5 Version:  1.96.1
UI5 Timestamp:  25/11/2021


Overwrites the default timeout of 30 seconds in the functions from the Qmate Reuse API with the given value. Unit is milliseconds.

params: {
  qmateCustomTimeout: 40000


Static sleep time after each step. Unit is milliseconds. Can be used to manually slow down the test execution. Set to 0 to disable.

params: {
  stepSleepTime: 5000


Overwrites the default loadPropertyTimeout of 10 seconds in the functions from the Qmate Reuse API with the given value. Unit is milliseconds.

params: {
  qmateCustomTimeout: 20000