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Data can be imported from JSON files and used in the tests. Data obtained during the test run can also be saved or exported to JSON files.

Importing Data

Test configuration for import

Data to be imported may be in a specific JSON file, or in a directory, and sub-directories under that directory. In the config file, under params add import, and within it specify the import data.

params: {

  import: {                         
    myFolder1: "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>",
    myFolder2: "data/another/folder/data/anotherFolder",
    myFolder3: "C:/Users/C1234567/data/testFolder",
    yourPrefixSpecName: "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/data.json",
    uiUser: "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/webUser.json",



The folders or JSON files are specified as key-value pair. In this sample, yourPrefixSpecName is the key which points to a JSON file ./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/data.json. Similarly, the key myFolder2 points to a folder data/another/folder/data/anotherFolder.


File paths may be relative or absolute. If relative, they are resolved relative to the config file directory.

Data import from JSON file

Data from a JSON file will be added under the specified key. Data from ./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/data.json will be available in browser.config.params.import.yourPrefixSpecName.

Similarly data from ./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/webUser.json will be available in browser.config.params.import.uiUser.

params: {

  import: {               
    yourPrefixSpecName: "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/data.json",          
    uiUser: "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/webUser.json",


Let's assume the file ./data/my/folder/data//data.json has the following data:

  "name": "Joe Doe",
  "email": "",
  "telephone": "333-000-111-222",
  "amount": 4.79,
  "website": "http://www.userdataexport.test"
Since yourPrefixSpecName is the key, to access the email value in the test spec, we use

// load entire data from "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>/data.json"
const userData = browser.config.params.import.yourPrefixSpecName;

// make an assertion to ensure data was loaded
await common.assertion.expectDefined(userData);
await common.assertion.expectDefined(;

// enter data to input field
await ui5.userInteraction.fill(emailSelector,;

// define and enter specific data value
const email =;
await ui5.userInteraction.fill(emailSelector, email);

Data import from folders and subfolders

params: {

  import: {                         
    myFolder1: "./data/my/folder/data/<systemName>",
    myFolder2: "./data/another/folder/data/anotherFolder",

Let us assume that the folders have the following files:

  • Data in ./data/my/folder/data//data.json can be accessed using the folder key myFolder1, and the file name prefix, which is data in this case.

    const myData =;

  • Data in ./data/my/folder/data//purchaseRequisition.json can be accessed using the folder key myFolder1, and the file name prefix purchaseRequisition.

    const prData = browser.config.params.import.myFolder1.purchaseRequisition;

  • Similarly data in data/another/folder/data/anotherFolder can be accessed using the folder key myFolder2, subfolder name and file prefix as keys.

    const prDataHI = browser.config.params.import.myFolder2.purchaseRequisition_HI;
    const servicePO = browser.config.params.import.myFolder2.purchaseOrders.ServicePurchaseOrder;
    const limitPO = browser.config.params.import.myFolder2.purchaseOrders.LimitPurchaseOrder;


It is recommended that the subfolder names and JSON file names used to import data do not have special characters.

If there are special characters in the file name or subfolder name, then the dot notation can't be used. In that case, you can use the following syntax:

const limitPO = browser.config.params.import.myFolder2["my-po-set"]["Limit-Purchase-Order"];
const servicePO = browser.config.params.import.myFolder2["my-po-set"]["ServicePurchaseOrder.2Items"];


Qmate will not fail if import files and folders are missing, not readable, or have an invalid JSON. In such cases, warnings are logged on the console, and the data corresponding to those files and folders will remain undefined.

Exporting Data

Test configuration for export

Data can be exported persistently to one or more files. In the sample configuration file under params, add export with a list of file names as shown below.

params: {

  export: {          
    exportData: "./data/my/folder/path/in/exportFile.json",
    exportMoreData: "./data/my/folder/path/in/moreDataFile.json",
    exportArrayData: "./data/my/folder/path/in/arrayDataFile.json"


Exporting data to JSON file

The data in browser.config.params.export is written to output files at the end of the test run. The export file is created or overwritten if already present. Any intermediate folders are also created if necessary.

it("Step 01: export data to 'exportData' file", async function () {
  // exportData: "./data/my/folder/path/in/exportFile.json",
  browser.config.params.export.exportData = { 
    name: "joe", 
    description: "exported into exportFile.json" 

it("Step 02: export data to 'exportMoreData' file", async function () {
  // exportMoreData: "./data/my/folder/path/in/moreDataFile.json",
  browser.config.params.export.exportMoreData = { 
    name: "jack", 
    description: "exported into moreDataFile.json" 

it("Step 03: export array data to 'exportArrayData' file", async function () {
  // exportArrayData: "./data/my/folder/path/in/arrayDataFile.json",
  browser.config.params.export.exportArrayData = [
      itemNo: "1",
      description: "exported into arrayDataFile.json",
      type: "material"
      itemNo: "2",
      description: "Service item",
      type: "service"
  await common.assertion.expectEqual(Array.isArray(browser.config.params.export.exportArrayData), true);

  // file "./data/my/folder/path/in/arrayDataFile.json" will have the array data
  // check manually after test run is complete
At the end of the test run, the file ./data/my/folder/path/in/exportFile.json will look like:
  name: "joe",
  description: "exported into exportFile.json"

File ./data/my/folder/path/in/moreDataFile.json will look like:

  name: "jack", 
  description: "exported into moreDataFile.json" 

File ./data/my/folder/path/in/moreDataFile.json will look like:

    itemNo: "1",
    description: "exported into arrayDataFile.json",
    type: "material"
    itemNo: "2",
    description: "Service item",
    type: "service"


If you are adding export data to the same export key, make sure you don't overwrite previous data.

// browser.config.params.export.exportData has data assigned to it from previous steps
browser.config.params.export.exportData["name"] = "joe";

// or if browser.config.params.export.exportData is an Array
if(Array.isArray(browser.config.params.export.exportData)) {
    // add an element to an array
    browser.config.params.export.exportData.push({name: "Joe"});


If there is no data assigned to an export key, then the export file corresponding to that key will be empty. Doing any of the following things will create an empty JSON file.

// "./data/my/folder/path/in/exportFile.json" will be a blank file at end of test run
browser.config.params.export.exportData = null;
// or
browser.config.params.export.exportData = {};
// or
browser.config.params.export.exportData = [];

Parallel test runs and exporting data

If tests are running in parallel, there will be multiple browser instances and each test run will have it's own browser instance. If these parallel instances write to the same export file, then the export data from parallel test instances is merged together and written out to the file.


This module does not fail if export files are not writable or if the export folder is inaccessible. In such cases, warnings are logged on the console, and export data will not get written out.