📄️ FCLLayout
Different types of FCLLayout.
📄️ IllustrationMessageDesign
Different types of IllustrationMessageDesign.
📄️ IllustrationMessageType
Different illustration types of Illustrated Message.
📄️ MediaGalleryItemLayout
Defines the layout of the content displayed in the ui5-media-gallery-item.
📄️ MediaGalleryLayout
Defines the layout type of the thumbnails list of the ui5-media-gallery component.
📄️ MediaGalleryMenuHorizontalAlign
Defines the horizontal alignment of the thumbnails menu of the ui5-media-gallery component.
📄️ MediaGalleryMenuVerticalAlign
Types for the vertical alignment of the thumbnails menu of the ui5-media-gallery component.
📄️ NavigationLayoutMode
Specifies the navigation layout mode.
📄️ NotificationListItemImportance
Different types of NotificationListItemImportance.
📄️ PageBackgroundDesign
Available Page Background Design.
📄️ SearchMode
Search mode options.
📄️ SideContentFallDown
SideContent FallDown options.
📄️ SideContentPosition
Side Content position options.
📄️ SideContentVisibility
Side Content visibility options.
📄️ SideNavigationItemDesign
SideNavigationItem designs.
📄️ TimelineGrowingMode
Timeline growing modes.
📄️ TimelineLayout
Available Timeline layout orientation
📄️ UploadCollectionSelectionMode
Different UploadCollection selection modes.
📄️ UploadState
Different types of UploadState.
📄️ ViewSettingsDialogMode
Different types of Bar.
📄️ WizardContentLayout
Enumeration for different content layouts of the ui5-wizard.