The ui5-combobox
component represents a drop-down menu with a list of the available options and a text input field to narrow down the options.
It is commonly used to enable users to select an option from a predefined list.
The ui5-combobox
consists of the following elements:
Input field - displays the selected option or a custom user entry. Users can type to narrow down the list or enter their own value.
Drop-down arrow - expands\collapses the option list.
Option list - the list of available options.
Keyboard Handling​
The ui5-combobox
provides advanced keyboard handling.
[F4], [Alt]+[Up], or [Alt]+[Down] - Toggles the picker.
[Escape] - Closes the picker, if open. If closed, cancels changes and reverts the typed in value.
[Enter] or [Return] - If picker is open, takes over the currently selected item and closes it.
[Down] - Selects the next matching item in the picker.
[Up] - Selects the previous matching item in the picker.
[Page Down] - Moves selection down by page size (10 items by default).
[Page Up] - Moves selection up by page size (10 items by default).
[Home] - If focus is in the ComboBox, moves cursor at the beginning of text. If focus is in the picker, selects the first item.
[End] - If focus is in the ComboBox, moves cursor at the end of text. If focus is in the picker, selects the last item.
ES6 Module Import​
import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ComboBox.js";
Basic Sample​
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Description Defines the value of the component. Type string
Default ""
Description Determines the name by which the component will be identified upon submission in an HTML form.Note: This property is only applicable within the context of an HTML Form element. Type string | undefined
Default undefined Since 2.0.0
Description Defines whether the value will be autocompleted to match an item Type boolean
Default false Since 1.19.0
Description Defines a short hint intended to aid the user with data entry when the component has no value. Type string | undefined
Default undefined
Description Defines whether the component is in disabled state.Note: A disabled component is completely noninteractive. Type boolean
Default false
Description Defines the value state of the component. Type "None" | "Positive" | "Critical" | "Negative" | "Information"
Default "None"
Description Defines whether the component is read-only.Note: A read-only component is not editable, but still provides visual feedback upon user interaction. Type boolean
Default false
Description Defines whether the component is required. Type boolean
Default false
Description Indicates whether a loading indicator should be shown in the picker. Type boolean
Default false
Description Defines the filter type of the component. Type "StartsWithPerTerm" | "StartsWith" | "Contains" | "None"
Default "StartsWithPerTerm"
Description Defines whether the clear icon of the combobox will be shown. Type boolean
Default false Since 1.20.1
Description Defines the accessible ARIA name of the component. Type string | undefined
Default undefined Since 1.0.0-rc.15
Description Receives id(or many ids) of the elements that label the component Type string | undefined
Default undefined Since 1.0.0-rc.15
Description Defines the component items. Type Array<IComboBoxItem>
Description Defines the value state message that will be displayed as pop up under the component. The value state message slot should contain only one root element.Note: If not specified, a default text (in the respective language) will be displayed.Note: The valueStateMessage
would be displayed, when the ui5-combobox
is in Information
, Critical
or Negative
value state. Type Array<HTMLElement>
Since 1.0.0-rc.9
Description Defines the icon to be displayed in the input field. Type Array<IIcon>
Since 1.0.0-rc.9
Description Fired when the input operation has finished by pressing Enter, focusout or an item is selected. Type CustomEvent
Description Fired when typing in input or clear icon is pressed.Note: filterValue property is updated, input is changed. Type CustomEvent
Description Fired when selection is changed by user interaction Type CustomEvent<ComboBoxSelectionChangeEventDetail>
Parameters item : IComboBoxItem
item to be selected.
No methods available for this component.
CSS Parts​
No CSS parts available for this component.
More Samples​
Clear Icon​
The ComboBox can show a clear icon, visble when there is a value, typed by the user.
When pressed, the value gets cleared.
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You can choose a Filter that the items will be matched against on user input (StartsWith, Contains, etc.)
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Items with additional text​
The ComboBox items can show additional text.
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Items Grouping​
Grouping of items can be implented via the ui5-cb-group-item web component.
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Items Text Wrapping​
The sample demonstrates how the text of the items wrap when too long.
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