| Since 2.0.0This component is availabe since 2.0 under an experimental flag and its API and behaviour are subject to change.
The Form is a layout component that arranges labels and form fields (like input fields) pairs into a specific number of columns.
- Form (
) is the top-level container component, responsible for the content layout and responsiveness. - FormGroup (
) enables the grouping of the Form content. - FormItem (
) is a pair of label and form fields and can be used directly in a Form, or as part of a FormGroup.
The simplest Form (ui5-form
) consists of a header area on top,
displaying a header text (see the headingText
property) and content below - an arbitrary number of FormItems (ui5-form-item),
representing the pairs of label and form fields.
And, there is also "grouping" available to assist the implementation of richer UIs.
This is enabled by the FormGroup (ui5-form-group
) component.
In this case, the Form is structured into FormGroups and each FormGroup consists of FormItems.
The Form component reacts and changes its layout on predefined breakpoints. Depending on its size, the Form content (FormGroups and FormItems) gets divided into one or more columns as follows:
- S (< 600px) – 1 column is recommended (default: 1)
- M (600px - 1022px) – up to 2 columns are recommended (default: 1)
- L (1023px - 1439px) - up to 3 columns are recommended (default: 2)
- XL (> 1439px) – up to 6 columns are recommended (default: 2)
To change the layout, use the layout
property - f.e. layout="S1 M2 L3 XL6".
To make better use of screen space, there is built-in logic to determine how many columns should a FormGroup occupy.
Example #1 (perfect match): 4 columns and 4 groups: each group will use 1 column.
Example #2 (balanced distribution): 4 columns and 2 groups: each group will use 2 columns. 6 columns and 2 groups: each group will use 3 columns.
Example #3 (unbalanced distribution): 3 columns and 2 groups: the larger one will use 2 columns, the smaller 1 column. 5 columns and 3 groups: two of the groups will use 2 columns each, the smallest 1 column.
Note: The size of a group element is determined by the number of FormItems assigned to it. In the case of equality, the first in the DOM will use more columns, and the last - fewer columns.
- Example #4 (more groups than columns): 3 columns and 4 groups: each FormGroup uses only 1 column, the last FormGroup will wrap on the second row.
Groups Column Span​
To influence the built-in group distribution, described in the previous section,
you can use the FormGroup's columnSpan
property, that defines how many columns the group should expand to.
Items Column Span​
FormItem's columnSpan property defines how many columns the form item should expand to inside a form group or the form.
Items Label Span​
The placement of the labels depends on the size of the used column.
If there is enough space, the labels are next to their associated fields, otherwise - above the fields.
By default, the labels take 4/12 of the FormItem, leaving 8/12 parts to associated fields.
You can control what space the labels should take via the labelSpan
For example: To always place the labels on top set: labelSpan="S12 M12 L12 XL12"
ES6 Module Import​
- import @ui5/webcomponents/dist/Form.js";
- import @ui5/webcomponents/dist/FormGroup.js";
- import @ui5/webcomponents/dist/FormItem.js";
Basic Sample​
No events available for this component.
No methods available for this component.
CSS Parts​
More Samples​
Use the Form#layout property to define the number of columns to distribute the form content by breakpoint.
- S1 M2 L3 XL5 - 1 cols in S, 2 cols in M, 3 cols in L and 5 cols in XL
- S1 M2 L4 XL6 - 1 cols in S, 2 cols in M, 4 cols in L and 6 cols in XL
- S2 M3 L5 XL7 - 2 cols in S, 3 cols in M, 5 cols in L and 7 cols in XL
You can define groups via the ui5-form-group web component.
Label Span​
Use the Form#labelSpan property to define the width proportion of the labels and fields of a FormItem by breakpoint.
- S12 M4 L4 XL4 - the label takes 1/3 in M, L, XL
- S12 M6 L6 XL6 - the label takes 1/2 in M, L, XL
- S12 M12 L12 XL12 - the label takes the whole line and the texts gows on the next line (in all sizes)
Labels On Top​
Force labels always on top Form#labelSpan=S12 M12 L12 XL12.
The Form has no built-in functionality to transform texts into inputs to implement editable forms. This is delegated to the consumers as shown in the sample. Note: We recommend using "Large" item spacing in "display" mode, and "Normal" for "edit" mode, to avoid "jumping" effect of switching between texts and inputs.
Column Span​
The FormGroup#columnSpan property defines how many columns the form group should expand to.
The FormItem#columnSpan defines to how many columns the form item should expand to.
Custom Header​
The Form provides a header slot that allows the usage of custom form header.