📄️ Avatar
An image-like component that has different display options for representing images and icons
📄️ AvatarGroup
Displays a group of avatars arranged horizontally. It is useful to visually
📄️ Bar
The Bar is a container which is primarily used to hold titles, buttons and input elements
🗃️ Breadcrumbs
2 items
📄️ BusyIndicator
The ui5-busy-indicator signals that some operation is going on and that the
🗃️ Button
2 items
🗃️ Calendar
4 items
🗃️ CalendarLegend
2 items
🗃️ Card
2 items
📄️ Carousel
The Carousel allows the user to browse through a set of items.
📄️ CheckBox
Allows the user to set a binary value, such as true/false or yes/no for an item.
🗃️ ColorPalette
2 items
📄️ ColorPalettePopover
Represents a predefined range of colors for easier selection.
📄️ ColorPicker
The ui5-color-picker allows users to choose any color and provides different input options for selecting colors.
🗃️ ComboBox
3 items
📄️ DatePicker
The ui5-date-picker component provides an input field with assigned calendar which opens on user action.
📄️ DateRangePicker
The DateRangePicker enables the users to enter a localized date range using touch, mouse, keyboard input, or by selecting a date range in the calendar.
📄️ DateTimePicker
The DateTimePicker component alows users to select both date (day, month and year) and time (hours, minutes and seconds)
📄️ Dialog
The ui5-dialog component is used to temporarily display some information in a
📄️ ExpandableText
The ui5-expandable-text component allows displaying a large body of text in a small space. It provides an "expand/collapse" functionality, which shows/hides potentially truncated text.
📄️ FileUploader
The ui5-file-uploader opens a file explorer dialog and enables users to upload files.
🗃️ Form
3 items
📄️ Icon
The ui5-icon component represents an SVG icon.
🗃️ Input
4 items
📄️ Label
The ui5-label is a component used to represent a label for elements like input, textarea, select.
📄️ Link
The ui5-link is a hyperlink component that is used to navigate to other
🗃️ List
4 items
🗃️ Menu
3 items
📄️ MessageStrip
The ui5-message-strip component allows for the embedding of application-related messages.
🗃️ MultiComboBox
3 items
📄️ MultiInput
A ui5-multi-input field allows the user to enter multiple values, which are displayed as ui5-token.
📄️ Panel
The ui5-panel component is a container which has a header and a
📄️ Popover
The ui5-popover component displays additional information for an object
📄️ ProgressIndicator
Shows the progress of a process in a graphical way. To indicate the progress,
📄️ RadioButton
The ui5-radio-button component enables users to select a single option from a set of options.
📄️ RangeSlider
Represents a numerical interval and two handles (grips) to select a sub-range within it.
📄️ RatingIndicator
The Rating Indicator is used to display a specific number of icons that are used to rate an item.
📄️ ResponsivePopover
The ui5-responsive-popover acts as a Popover on desktop and tablet, while on phone it acts as a Dialog.
🗃️ SegmentedButton
2 items
🗃️ Select
3 items
📄️ Slider
The Slider component represents a numerical range and a handle (grip).
📄️ SplitButton
ui5-split-button enables users to trigger actions. It is constructed of two separate actions -
📄️ StepInput
The ui5-step-input consists of an input field and buttons with icons to increase/decrease the value
📄️ Switch
The ui5-switch component is used for changing between binary states.
🗃️ TabContainer
3 items
🗃️ Table
10 items
📄️ Tag
The ui5-tag is a component which serves
📄️ Text
📄️ TextArea
The ui5-textarea component is used to enter multiple rows of text.
📄️ TimePicker
The ui5-time-picker component provides an input field with assigned clocks which are opened on user action.
📄️ Title
The ui5-title component is used to display titles inside a page.
📄️ Toast
The ui5-toast is a small, non-disruptive popup for success or information messages that
📄️ ToggleButton
The ui5-toggle-button component is an enhanced ui5-button
📄️ Token
Tokens are small items of information (similar to tags) that mainly serve to visualize previously selected items.
📄️ Tokenizer
This component is availabe since 2.0 under an experimental flag and its API and behaviour are subject to change.
🗃️ Toolbar
6 items
🗃️ Tree
3 items
🗃️ Enums
62 items
🗃️ Interfaces
15 items