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Migrate to v4

In Development

UI5 Tooling 4.0 has been released on July 24, 2024 🎉

Install the latest version in your projects via: npm i --save-dev @ui5/cli@latest
And update your global install via npm i --global @ui5/cli@latest

And find the announcement blog post here: SAP Community: UI5 Tooling 4.0

UI5 2.x Compatibility

Also see the blog post SAP Community: Introducing OpenUI5 2.x

UI5 Tooling 4.0 is required for building UI5 2.x projects. The UI5 2.x framework libraries define Specification Version 4.0 and therefore can't be built using older UI5 Tooling versions.

For applications and libraries running with UI5 2.x, the use of Specification Version 4.0 is not enforced. It is highly recommended, however, since only then UI5 Tooling will ensure UI5 2.x compatibility of the generated bundles.

Node.js and npm Version Support

This release requires Node.js versions v20.11.0, v22.0.0, or higher as well as npm v8 or higher. Support for older Node.js releases has been dropped; their use will cause an error.

Specification Versions Support

As with UI5 Tooling 3.x, all projects with Specification Versions 2.0 and higher are supported.

If a legacy specification version is detected, an automatic migration is attempted. Old projects might therefore still work, unless they have a non-standard configuration in their ui5.yaml.

Changes for Projects

No changes for Specification Versions 2.x and 3.x

Projects defining Specification Version 2.x or 3.x are expected to be fully compatible with UI5 Tooling v4

The following does not apply to them.

For projects defining the latest Specification Version 4.0 or higher, the following changes apply:

  • Breaking Change: Bundling of JavaScript modules requiring "top level scope" as a string is terminated.

    In UI5 2.x, the feature of evaluating modules from a string is expected to be removed. Therefore, when using the latest Specification Version, UI5 Tooling will omit affected module from the bundle and log an error message instead.

    For more details, see Builder: JavaScript Files Requiring Top Level Scope.

  • Breaking Change: New async option for the require sections of bundle definitions.

    This option defaults to true for Specification Version 4.0 and higher, which can influence the loading behavior of your project. Require sections are now expressed using sap.ui.require instead of sap.ui.requireSync. The latter is not available in UI5 2.x.

    Note that the same default applies for all standard bundles as well, like the component- or library preloads as well as self-contained bundles.

    See Configuration: bundleDefinition.sections for more on the new async option.

  • Breaking Change: Removal of the usePredefineCalls bundle option. UI5 Tooling v4 will always use sap.ui.predefine calls in bundles, making this option obsolete.

    We do not expect any negative impact on projects due to this change, therefore it is active independently of the Specification Version. However, when upgrading to Specification Version 4.0 you might need to remove the property if you have it in your ui5.yaml configuration.

You can find a summary of the above at Configuration: Specification Version 4.0.

Migrate Your Code

When using the Node.js API of UI5 Tooling, or when integrating it into other tools, the following changes might be relevant to you:

Changes to @ui5/cli

Occurrences of console.log in the code base are replaced with process.stderr. Аny scripts that capture the output from console.log need to be adjusted to rely on process.stderr.

Changes to @ui5/fs

Non-public DuplexCollection#byGlobSource API has been removed.

Changes to @ui5/builder

  • Bundling: The usePredefineCalls option has been removed. Bundling now enforces the use of sap.ui.predefine instead of function wrappers.

  • Task API: The namespace option has been renamed to projectNamespace. For more information, check the documentation for CustomTasks API

  • New Option: Added a new async option for builder.bundles.bundleDefinition.section.


    - bundleDefinition:
        name: "app.js"
          - mode: require
              - some/app/Component.js
            resolve: true
            sort: true
            async: true

Changes to @ui5/project

  • Default Workspace Name: The default workspaceName is now "default" for API usage.


import {graphFromPackageDependencies} from "@ui5/project/graph";

    /* workspaceName: "default" */
  • Directory Naming: The ui5HomeDir has been renamed to ui5DataDir in APIs.


import Resolver from "@ui5/project/ui5Framework/Openui5Resolver";

await Resolver.resolveVersion("1.120.15", {
    ui5DataDir: "~/.ui5",
    cwd: process.cwd()
  • Dependencies: The @ui5/builder is now an optional dependency to the @ui5/project

Consumers of the Node.js API that make use of the ProjectGraph#build method need to declare a dependency to @ui5/builder in their respective package.json. The package manager should ensure that the version fulfills the range specified in the package.json of @ui5/project.


App Stops Working With UI5 1.71

This might be caused by a mismatch of your project's manifest version and your UI5 version.

UI5 Tooling v4 enhances the manifest.json with information about the supportedLocales (also see Builder: Generation of Supported Locales). In UI5 1.71 this configuration is not supported and leads to an ambiguous error message TypeError: invalid input and a failure to process the manifest file.

UI5 Tooling uses the manifest's _version property to decide whether the supportedLocales can be generated. For UI5 1.71, only versions up to 1.17.0 are supported. See UI5 Demo Kit: Descriptor for Applications, Components, and Libraries (manifest.json) for a mapping per manifest version.

To resolve this issue, adjust the manifest version according to the UI5 version you are using.

This issue was first raised here: Ui5 Tooling #988