Technical Changes in TUA Spartacus 3.0

Note: Spartacus 4.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 4.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2205. Spartacus 4.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.


Remove Method

Method Name Description
getRawEndpoint Returns the endpoint starting from the TMF baseUrl (no base site )


New Methods

Method Name Description
getEligibleSubscriptionTerms Returns the eligible subscription terms
getHighestPriorityPriceContext Returns the highest priority price context for the selected term
getEachRespectiveTierUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only the respective tier usage charge
getHighestApplicableTierUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only highest applicable tier usage charges
getVolumeUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only the usage charges without usage type
getAverageCostPerMonth Returns the average cost per month based on the consumption and term provided
getAverageCostPerYear Returns the average cost per year based on the consumption and term
getFormattedContractTerm Returns the formatted form of the contract term
getUsageUnits Returns the usage units of the product
getStandalonePrices Returns the standalone prices of the product


Removed Method

Method Name Description
getTmfProductMap Returns tmfProductMap of the given product Id

New Method

Method Name Description
getbaseEndpointWithDefaultVersion Returns base URL of the provided endpoint


New Methods

Method Name Description
getAverageCostPerYear Returns checklist actions for multiple product offerings based on process type


New Method

Method Name Description
cancelAppointment Returns cancelled appointment


New Method

Method Name Description
getMaximumtierEnd Returns the maximum tier ending for the provided prices

Updated Components


This component is responsible to add an SPO to the cart. If the product offering requires the checklist actions to be performed then:

  • The Add to Cart button is disabled and unless all the configured checklists are fulfilled, the button remains disabled.
  • A customer is promoted to login to add a product to the cart.

Added a spinner in the Add to Cart button, so that the user can click only once and background process is completed.


The JourneyChecklistStepComponent is removed from this component. Now the user is not prompted to fulfil the checklist actions upon adding a BPO to the cart from the configurable guided selling journey.


An input hasError is added. This Boolean field controls the visibility of the address form. If any server error or serviceability error occurs, the error is shown instead of the form.


A public methods entryHaveInstallationDetails and AppointmentDetailsComponent are removed.


The attribute cartPage is renamed to showEdit.

Note: The Boolean attributes decide if an edit icon should be displayed or not. For example, the installation address is editable on the cart page, but not on the review order page.


When the Cart page is loaded, every cart entry is evaluated to check if it has a checklist actions or not. If an entry requires checklist actions; for example, MSISDN to be fulfilled, then suitable links Add desired Phone Number is shown. Similarly, suitable links for other checklist actions are also shown. Checklist actions that are fulfilled are displayed. The user can also update the checklist actions.


The AppointmentDetailsComponent is deleted. Now, when the BPO is added to the cart from the CGS journey, a user is not prompted to fulfill the checklist actions.


In the Product Listing Page (list view), if the product offering requires a checklist to be fulfilled, then instead of the current Add to Cart button, a user sees See Details button. The See Details button redirects a user to the Product Details Page in which, a user can configure the required checklist actions.


In the Product Listing Page (grid view), if the product offering requires a checklist to be fulfilled, then instead of the current Add to Cart button, a user sees See Details button. This See Details button redirects a user to the Product Details Page in which a user can configure the required checklist actions.


The Checkout button is disabled if the checklist actions are not fulfilled. Note: The Checkout button is disabled only for the checklist actions that are configured in the checklistActionTypes array that is defined in the config file. A customer can checkout the product offering if other checklist actions, which are not implemented and are not defined in the checklistActionTypes array.


A TmaProductListComponentService is created by extending the ProductListComponentService. The public optional constructor TmaProductSearchService is added, so that if the product is serviceable, it shows the Add to Cart button instead of See Details button.


The Region field, Country field, and Address field information is now stored in the session storage instead of local storage.


The Region field, Country field, and Address field information is now stored in the session storage instead of local storage.


A TmaProductListComponentService is created by extending the ProductListComponentService.


This component is updated to include the termination button component (See TerminationButtonComponent) in case of subscribed product being eligible for termination.


This component is updated to show the details of the shipping status if the order has product entries.


This component displays the subscribed product detail as play card on the frontend.

New Components


This component wraps the TmaAddressFormComponent. The Check Availability button performs serviceability check for the product offerings. If a product offering is serviceable at the provided installation address then the product details dialog component is rendered. If a product offering is not serviceable at the provided installation address then an error message will be displayed.


The Banner of the TUA Spartacus is configured with this component. It renders the banner image, product (SPO and BPO), and the button label information, which is configured in at the backend.


When Serviceability check is successful then the ProductDetailsDialogComponent shows the product details along with the Add to Cart button. When the product offering is successfully added, the cart page is displayed.


This component is handled from the backend by the CMSFlexComponent and ServiceabilityButtonComponent. It is placed on the header slot of the BroadBandCategoryPage.

  • If the installation address is not specified then the user can click the Check offerings available in your area button and specify the installation address. This action opens the ServiceabilityCategoryFormComponent component.

  • If the installation address is specified, the user can click the Change Address button that opens the ServiceabilityCategoryFormComponent with prepopulated existing address. The use can update a new address to check the serviceability of the selected product offering at the new installation address.


This component shows the add address form. It obtains the address from the address that is specified by the user and stores in the session storage.

The service qualification calls the address that is specified by the user. Check if the service qualification system is available and performs effective product search.


The Terminate button component enables the user to terminate the subscribed product if the selected product is eligible for termination. When the customer clicks the Terminate button, subscribed Id added to cart with the terminate process, default delivery address, and default delivery mode.


This component displays shipping details in the order details page.


This component displays payment and shipping data if the order has entries of the product.


This component enables a customer to confirm termination of a subscription. Upon confirmation, the purchase journey is redirected to the order details page.


This component displays the renewal button with the renewal banner component. It adds the subscribed product to the cart entries with Retention process type. The label of the button is controlled by the hybris component TmaRenewSubscriptionBannerComponent.


This component displays the renewal banner, eligible subscription terms and relevant applicable prices for retention if the customer is eligible for retention. The Angular web component is mapped with TmaRenewSubscriptionBannerComponent of Hybris.


This component displays the renewal banner, eligible subscription terms and relevant applicable prices for retention if the customer is eligible for retention. The Angular web component is mapped with TmaRenewSubscriptionBannerComponent of Hybris.

The banner is displayed when the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • Subscription base that is eligible for Retention
  • Standalone price for retention
  • Subscribed product is not part of any bundle

The banner displays the following:

  • The media attached with the web component
  • All eligible terms for retention process type in a drop-down.
  • The highest priority price is displayed on the banner after selecting a particular subscription term.
  • The Renewal button to renew the subscription is displayed (see RenewSubscriptionComponent for more information)


This component displays all subscribed products and there details. The Angular web component is mapped with the AccountSubscriptionDetailsComponent of Hybris.

The component displays:

The Renew banner (See RenewSubscriptionBannerComponent for more information) All subscribed products information will be displayed as play cards (See TmfProductComponent for more details)

Renamed Components


The JourneyChecklistLogicalResourceComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistLogicalResourceFormComponent. It allows to add or update an entry in an MSISDN:

  • If an entry does not have an MSISDN then the component creates a reservation
  • If an entry has MSISDN then the component allows to update reservation


The LogicalResourceComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistLogicalResourceDisplayComponent. It prompts the customer to select the desired phone number, and opens the JourneyChecklistLogicalResourceFormComponent

If an MSISDN is already associated then it displays the selected MSISDN (Phone Number) with an edit icon.


The LogicalResourceComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistLogicalResourceDisplayComponent. It prompts the customer to select the desired phone number, and opens the JourneyChecklistLogicalResourceFormComponent

If an MSISDN is already associated then it displays the selected MSISDN (Phone Number) with an edit icon.


The JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressFormComponent. This component performs the serviceability check for the product offering:

  • If the product offering is serviceable from the product detail page then the address is saved.
  • If the product offering is serviceable at the provided installation address on the cart page then the product offering can be added or updated to the cart; else, an error message is displayed.


The InstallationAddressComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressDisplayComponent. This component prompts the customer to add the installation address and open JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressFormComponent. If the installation address is already specified, then it displays the installation address with an edit icon to edit or update the address.


The InstallationAddressComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressDisplayComponent. This component prompts the customer to add the installation address and open JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressFormComponent. If the installation address is already specified, then it displays the installation address with an edit icon to edit or update the address.


The JourneyChecklistAppointmentComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistAppointmentFormComponent. This component allows to add or update an entry with an appointment reference:

  • If the entry has no appointment then the component creates an appointment
  • If the entry has appointment then the component allows to update an appointment


The AppointmentComponent is renamed to JourneyChecklistAppointmentDisplayComponent. This component prompts a customer to select an appointment and open the JourneyChecklistAppointmentFormComponent. If an appointment is already created then the component displays the appointment and the appointment address with an edit icon to edit or update the appointment.

Removed Components

  1. AppointmentDetailsComponent
  2. JourneyChecklistStepComponent

For more information, see Updating to Version 2.0.