Popover Component

Note: Spartacus 4.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 4.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2205. Spartacus 4.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Note: This feature is introduced with version 3.2 of the Spartacus libraries.

The popover component allows you to display a transient view that contains additional content, such as a note, whenever a user clicks on a control element.

Table of Contents

Adding a Popover to a UI Element

The popover component can be used by any UI element that needs to display some additional content near the element. The following steps describe how to add a popover to a UI element.

  1. Import the PopoverModule into the relevant component module, as shown in the following example:

       imports: [PopoverModule]
  2. Bind the popover to the UI element.

    In the following example, the popover is bound to a button that displays a string after it is clicked:

     <button [cxPopover]="'Welcome popover!'">
       Example Button

    It is also possible to pass an <ng-template> reference into a popover instead of a string. The following example shows how to make template content render inside the popover:

     <ng-template #myTemplate>
       <h1>Welcome {{ name }}!</h1>
     <button [cxPopover]="myTemplate">
       Example Button


You can use the cxPopoverOptions configuration object to modify the appearance and behavior of the popover component.

The following example creates a customized popover that appears at the bottom of the button it is bound to:

  [cxPopover]="'Welcome Popover!'"
    placement: 'bottom'
  Example Button

You can configure the popover component with the following options:

  • placement is of type PopoverPosition and indicates the preferred placement of the popover. You can see all of the possible placement values in popover.model.ts. The default is 'top'.
  • autoPositioning is a boolean that indicates if the popover should try to find a better placement if there is not enough space in the viewport for the preferred position. This value is ignored if placement is set to 'auto'. The default value is true.
  • disable is a boolean that prevents the popover open function from running. The default is false.
  • class is a string for a custom class name that is passed to the popover component. This is useful for custom CSS styling. The default is 'cx-popover'.
  • displayCloseButton is a boolean that indicates if a “close” button is displayed in the popover. The default is false.
  • appendToBody is a boolean that indicates if the popover component is appended to the DOM just before the closing 'body' tag. The default is false.
  • positionOnScroll is a boolean that indicates if the popover should be repositioned on a scroll event. The default is false.


The following is a description of the events the popover component can emit:

  • openPopover is emitted after the popover open method is triggered.
  • closePopover is emitted after the popover close method is triggered.

Any function can be passed with these events. The following is an example:

  [cxPopover]="'Welcome Popover!'"
  Example Button

Auto Positioning

By default, the popover component uses the PositioningService for placement adjustments.

For example, if the placement option is set to 'left', it means the preferred popover position is on the left of the UI element, and if there is not enough space in the viewport on the left side to render the popover properly, the service changes the position automatically and renders the popover in the best available position.

You can turn this behavior off by setting autoPositioning to false.


The popover component is fully keyboard accessible. A popover can be opened when the Enter key is pressed, and closed when the Escape key is pressed.

If a popover is appended to the DOM using the appendToBody configuration option, autofocus is set on the popover area when the popover is opened. The user is “trapped” inside the popover area and can navigate all of the focusable elements within the popover, until it is closed.

After the popover is closed, focus returns to the UI element that triggered the opening of the popover.

Known Limitations

Popovers cannot currently be triggered on mouse hover. Also, it is only possible to display one popover at a time. If you open a popover, any previously opened popover will close.