Updating Schematics

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

When upgrading Spartacus to a new major version (for example, from 3.x to 4.0), the Spartacus migration mechanism automatically implements fixes for code that is modified or removed in the new version.

When you are working on a feature or a bug, or making any other change to the Spartacus source code, you need to update the schematics as part of the Definition Of Done. By making these updates iteratively as part of the DoD for each change to the source code, it saves you from having to spend a lot of time upgrading the migration mechanism at the end of the development cycle, and as a result, it makes it easier to prepare the Spartacus libraries for a new major version.

Table of Contents

Migration Mechanism

After upgrading to a new major version, the migration mechanism should be updated at the very beginning of the new development cycle. For example, if Spartacus has been updated from version 2.x to 3.0, the updated mechanism should be merged to the develop branch as soon as possible. This allows contributors to include migrations with their features and bug fixes from the very start of the development cycle.

Structure for Updating Schematics

The projects/schematics/src/migrations/migrations.json file contains a list of all the migration scripts for every Spartacus version. The following is an example of a migration script:

"migration-v3-constructor-deprecations-03": {
      "version": "3.0.0",
      "factory": "./3_0/constructor-deprecations/constructor-deprecations#migrate",
      "description": "Add or remove constructor parameters"

Each script has a set of properties, which are described as follows:

  • name allows developers to quickly understand what the migration script is doing. The migration name has the following pattern: migration-v<version>-<migration-feature-name>-<sequence-number>. The elements of name are as follows:
    • version indicates which version of Spartacus the migration is intended for.
    • migration-feature-name is a short name that describes what the migration is doing.
    • sequence-number indicates the order of execution for the migration scripts. For example, if a script has a sequence-number of 03, it will be the third script to execute when the migration scripts are run.
  • version is very important for the Angular update mechanism. It is used to automatically run the required migration scripts for a specific version. For more information, see the Releasing Update Schematics section of the schematics README.
  • factory points to the relevant migration script.
  • description is a short, free-form description field to describe what the migration script does.


If any validations need to be run before actually upgrading Spartacus, you can use the “migration script” located in projects/schematics/src/migrations/2_0/validate.ts.

Constructor Deprecation

The projects/schematics/src/migrations/2_0/constructor-deprecations.ts performs the constructor migration tasks. Usually, a developer does not need to touch this file, and instead should describe constructor deprecations in projects/schematics/src/migrations/2_0/constructor-deprecation-data.ts. The CONSTRUCTOR_DEPRECATION_DATA constant describes the deprecated constructor, and includes the addParams and removeParams properties that allow you to specify which parameters should be added or removed, respectively.

Commenting Code

When it is not possible to automatically migrate code, we often place a comment in the customer’s code base that describes what the customer should do to upgrade their project to the new version of Spartacus. We should do this only in cases where upgrading manually is easy, and writing a migration script would be too complex.

The projects/schematics/src/shared/utils/file-utils.ts#insertCommentAboveIdentifier method adds comments above the specified identifier TypeScript node.

The following are examples of how you might add a comment:

  • If you removed an API method, you could add a comment above the removed method that suggests which method can be used instead.
  • If you changed the parameters of an NgRx action, you could add a comment above the action where the parameters were changed.

Component Deprecation

Similar to constructor deprecation, projects/schematics/src/migrations/2_0/component-deprecations.ts performs component migration tasks, for both component *.ts and HTML templates. Usually, a developer does not need to touch this file, and instead should describe component deprecations in projects/schematics/src/migrations/2_0/component-deprecations-data.ts. The COMPONENT_DEPRECATION_DATA constant describes the deprecated components.


To handle CSS changes, we print a link to the CSS migration documentation, where customers can look up which CSS selectors have changed in the new version of Spartacus. If you are making a change to a CSS selector, simply update the relevant documentation (such as, Changes to Styles in 3.0).

Adding a Migration

The following is an example flow for adding a migration:

  • Check whether any of the changed files are exported in the public API. If no, then no further action is required.
  • Check whether any of the changes you have made are breaking changes. If not, no further action is required. For more information, see Maintaining Public APIs.
  • For every breaking change, you must do the following:
    • Document the breaking change by updating the corresponding migration doc file (such as docs/migration/3_0.md), and if necessary, ensure that code comments have been added.
    • Build automation tasks, as described in the Validations, Constructor Deprecation, and Component Deprecation) sections, above.
    • Test the added migrations by running tests, trying to migrate an example app, and so on.

You can see an example of adding a migration in this pull request.