Definition of Done

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

The Spartacus Definition of Done describes a series of requirements that must be fulfilled to declare a feature or bug as “Done”.

General requirements

All new features for Spartacus must:

Table of Contents

Coding guidelines

The Spartacus team adopted the following set of rules to keep the Spartacus code readable and maintainable. As a contributor, we ask you to please follow these rules (even if you find them violated somewhere). When a file is consistently not following these rules, and adhering to the rules would make the code worse, follow the local style.


You can run the script located in the root of the project. It will run most of the checks or rules mentioned below, such as the linting and prettier checks, running unit tests and end-to-end tests, and so on.

Code Standards

There are several aspects to consider when writing code. Please review the Coding Guidelines.


We use TSLint to analyze and improve our typescript code.

You can run the following command to lint your code:

yarn lint

We also encourage you to use the TSLint plugin in VS Code.

Code Formatting

We use Prettier to format our code (and make it prettier).

To check that are all the files prettified, run the following:

yarn prettier

To format and prettify your codebase, run the following:

yarn prettier:fix

We also encourage to use the Prettier VS Code plugin. For more information, see Development Tools for Spartacus.

SCSS is Preprocessed (node-sass)

We use Sass for all of our CSS, which then is converted to CSS using node-sass.

Use the following command to preprocess the Sass in projects/storefrontstyles

yarn sass

Unit Tests

Spartacus code requires unit tests. Ensure that new features or bugs have unit tests, and ensure that they are passing.

Run the following commands to run the unit tests for a library:

yarn test [project]
yarn test storefrontlib

When you run the tests, Chrome opens, and you can see the progress of the tests, with detailed information, including whether the tests pass.

Unit Test Code Coverage

Please ensure that unit test coverage is >= 80% for everything, and >=60% for branches.

To get the test coverage report, run the following commands:

yarn test [project] --code-coverage
yarn test storefrontlib --code-coverage

Alternatively, you can run the following commands:

yarn test [project] --code-coverage
yarn test:core:lib

The coverage report can be found in ./coverage/index.html.

End-To-End Tests

All new features in Spartacus require end-to-end tests written with Cypress. Please ensure that new feature have end-to-end tests, and that they are passing.

When applicable, write end-to-end tests to ensure that your new or updated feature is foolproof. If it makes sense to write end-to-end tests, the minimum requirement is to write basic UI end-to-end tests. You can also consider writing UI end-to-end tests with a user-flow, but this is optional.

All newly written end-to-end tests must be reviewed, updated, or reused. They should also follow the End-to-End Test Guidelines.

Run the following commands to perform end-to-end tests:

yarn e2e:cy:run # smoke tests
yarn e2e:cy:run:mobile # mobile tests
yarn e2e:cy:run:regression # regression tests

Note: Before running the end-to-end tests, make sure to install dependencies in projects/storefrontapp-e2e-cypress, and ensure the application is running.

The objective of end-to-end tests is to make sure your feature works. For example, if you are implementing a simple login screen with two buttons (such as the Login and Cancel buttons), you could write the following tests:

  • Log in with valid credentials

  • Attempt to log in with invalid credentials

  • Fill in the input fields, then click on the Cancel button.

Note: E2E tests can currently only be run within SAP. We’re working on exposing E2E tests to contributors.


The UI of the feature complies with the Accessibility success criteria that are defined for the given released version. This includes writing accessibility end-to-end tests.

For more information, see Accessibility Best Practices.

Browser Compatibility

For a new feature to meet the definition of done, at a minimum, a manual, happy-path test of the new feature must be successful, with no significant layout issues in the most recent major version of the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge

Device Compatibility

New features must be compatible with Safari on iOS, and Chrome on Android, and must be tested on a range of devices. To meet the DoD, a new feature must successfully pass a manual, happy-path test, with no significant layout issues, on the following platforms:

  • iPhone 8, 10, X ,11 (at least one)
  • iOS tablet (any)
  • Android mobile phone (such as the Samsung Galaxy)
  • Android tablet (any)

Note: Phones and tablets should be running on the latest versions of their respective operating systems.

If devices are not available, simulations with browser tools should be used instead.

The Library Builds Without Errors

Run the following command to ensure the libraries build without errors:

yarn build:libs

The Shell Starts Without Errors

Run the following command to ensure the shell storefront app starts without errors:

yarn start

After running the command, you should see the following:

  • There are no errors in the webpack terminal output
  • There are no errors in the JS console in Chrome when displaying the home page.

No Regression Errors

Check that the areas where the change is implemented still work as before. Also verify that major features (such as the homepage, search, and checkout) are not affected.

New Feature Happy Path Works in the Shell App

Run a smoke test of the feature, deployed in a lib in the shell app.

Then determine if the new feature requires changes in the shell app or in the configuration files as well.

Some files and concepts live in the shell app itself. Ask yourself if the new code requires an update to the shell app or to the configuration files.

The following changes are likely candidates:

  • Adding or changing a route
  • Adding or changing a module (changing the path or name)
  • Adding a component
  • Adding a module
  • Changing the way the configuration mechanism works.

Verify the Production Build Works

When you think you are done :)

Run the following commands to verify that the production build works, especially the ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler:

yarn build:libs
yarn start

The following are some reasons why the production build might fail:

  • Because of the AOT, we have to explicitly specify some types, such as function return types. Even though TypeScript does not require them, it can infer them.

  • Be careful when using index.ts files (that is, barrel files). When running a production build, you might see the following error in the node/webpack console:

    ERROR in : Encountered undefined provider! Usually this means you have a circular dependencies (might be caused by using 'barrel' index.ts files.

    This is usually caused by having an import statement, such as the following:

    import * as fromServices from '../../services'.

    Instead, you should specifically import each class, as shown in the following example:

    import { OccCmsService } from "../../services/occ-cms.service";
    import { DefaultPageService } from "../../services/default-page.service";