Contributor Setup

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

To contribute to Spartacus, you need to build and run Spartacus in development mode in the early phases of development, and then as your project gets closer to completion, you also need to build and run Spartacus in production mode. This guide shows how to get up and running with Spartacus, in both development mode and production mode, so that you can start contributing.

Table of Contents


Before carrying out the procedures below, please ensure the following front end and back end requirements are in place.

Front End Requirements

Your Angular development environment should include the following:

  • Angular CLI: Version 10.1 or later, < 11.
  • Yarn: Version 1.15 or later.
  • Node.js: The most recent 14.x version is recommended. Version 12.x reached end-of-life on April 30, 2022, and is no longer supported by Spartacus. It is strongly recommended that you migrate any existing Spartacus storefronts to Node.js 14 as soon as possible. If there are any issues with Spartacus and Node.js 14, please upgrade to the latest releases. If you continue to experience issues with Node.js 14, create a support ticket with SAP.

Back End Requirements

The Spartacus Storefront uses SAP Commerce Cloud for its back end, and makes use of the sample data from the B2C Accelerator electronics storefront in particular.

For more information, see Installing SAP Commerce Cloud for use with Spartacus.

Note: The latest release of SAP Commerce Cloud is recommended.

Getting the Source Code

To get started with contributing to Spartacus, clone the Spartacus GitHub repository on your local system using the following command:

git clone

Installing the Dependencies

Install the npm dependencies. We recommend using yarn but you can also use npm. The following command installs the dependencies using yarn:

yarn install

Building and Running Spartacus in Development Mode

The simplest way to start contributing is to build Spartacus and run it in development mode.

Configuring Your Back End URL and Base Site in Development Mode

Carry out the following steps before you build and launch.

  1. Configure your back end URL in the projects/storefrontapp/src/environments/environment.ts file.

    The environment.ts file contains properties that are applied when the app is run in development mode.

  2. Add your back end base URL to the occBaseUrl property, as follows:

    export const environment = {
      occBaseUrl: "https://custom-backend-url",
  3. There are separate configuration files for B2C and B2B storefronts in Spartacus. B2C storefronts use the spartacus-b2c-configuration-module.ts configuration file, while B2B storefronts use the spartacus-b2b-configuration-module.ts configuration file. Depending on whether you are working with a B2C or a B2B setup, in the relevant configuration file, update the baseSite parameter to point to the base site(s) that you have configured in your back end.

    The following is an example:

    context: {
      urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'],
      baseSite: ['electronics-spa', 'apparel-de', 'apparel-uk'],

Running the Spartacus Storefront

Run the Spartacus storefront with the following command:

yarn start

This is the most convenient way for a developer to run the storefront. It allows for hot-reloading of the library code as the code changes.

Building and Running Spartacus in Production Mode

Building in production mode has more restrictive rules about what kind of code is allowed, but it also allows you to generate a build that is optimized for production. Use this mode as your development cycle nears completion.

Building the Spartacus Libraries

In production mode, Spartacus is distributed as a set of libraries. To build the libraries, use the following command:

yarn build:libs

This will build all of the Spartacus libraries and place them under the /dist folder.

Building the Spartacus Storefront Library

Contrary to development mode, in production mode you need to package and build a standalone storefront library. This is done with the following command:

yarn build

Configuring Your Back End URL and Base Site in Production Mode

  1. Configure your back end URL in the projects/storefrontapp/environments/ file by adding your back end base URL to the occBaseUrl property. The following is an example:

    export const environment = {
      occBaseUrl: "https://custom-backend-url"
  2. There are separate configuration files for B2C and B2B storefronts in Spartacus. B2C storefronts use the spartacus-b2c-configuration-module.ts configuration file, while B2B storefronts use the spartacus-b2b-configuration-module.ts configuration file. Depending on whether you are working with a B2C or a B2B setup, in the relevant configuration file, update baseSite parameter to point to the base site(s) that you have configured in your back end.

    The following is an example:

    context: {
      urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'],
      baseSite: ['electronics-spa', 'apparel-de', 'apparel-uk'],

    Note: The base site and its context can also be detected automatically, based on URL patterns defined in the CMS. For more information, see Automatic Multi-Site Configuration.

Launching the Spartacus Storefront

Launch the Spartacus storefront with the following command:

yarn start:prod

Launching the Storefront with SSR (and PWA) Enabled

  1. Build the server-side rendering (SSR) version of the app (that is, the production build wrapped in the express.js server), as follows:

    yarn build:ssr
  2. Launch the SSR server as follows:

    yarn serve:ssr

The app will be served with the production build, without using the webpack dev server. As a result, PWA and the features related to service workers will be fully functional.

Additional Storefront Configuration

In both development mode and production mode, the Spartacus storefront has default values for all of its configurations. However, you may need to override these values.

To configure the storefront, use the provideConfig method from @spartacus/core. The following is an example:

  imports: [
  providers: [
      backend: {
        occ: {
          baseUrl: environment.occBaseUrl,
          prefix: environment.occApiPrefix,
      // custom routing configuration for e2e testing
      routing: {
        routes: {
          product: {
            paths: ['product/:productCode/:name', 'product/:productCode'],
            paramsMapping: { name: 'slug' },
      // we bring in static translations to be up and running soon right away
      i18n: {
        resources: translations,
        chunks: translationChunksConfig,
        fallbackLang: 'en',
      features: {
        level: '3.4',
  bootstrap: [StorefrontComponent]
export class AppModule {}

The OCC back end baseUrl is pulled from the environment.*.ts file, but the rest of the properties in this example use the default values for the configurations. You do not have to specify a configuration if you do not need to override the default value.

For example, if you only need to override the baseUrl and the client_secret, and you want to use the default values for other properties, you can provide the following configuration:

     backend: {
        occ: {
          baseUrl: environment.occBaseUrl,
      authentication: {
        client_secret: "secret",