Global Messages (DRAFT)

Note: Spartacus 1.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.


Global messages have predefined types in model:

enum GlobalMessageType {
  MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMATION = '[GlobalMessage] Confirmation',
  MSG_TYPE_ERROR = '[GlobalMessage] Error',
  MSG_TYPE_INFO = '[GlobalMessage] Information',

Configuration Model

The model is used in the configuration for setting the time after which the message should disappear. Omitting the type in the configuration causes that such messages will not disappear.

type GlobalMessageTypeConfig = {
  timeout?: number;

abstract class GlobalMessageConfig {
  globalMessages: {
    [GlobalMessageType.MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMATION]?: GlobalMessageTypeConfig;
    [GlobalMessageType.MSG_TYPE_INFO]?: GlobalMessageTypeConfig;
    [GlobalMessageType.MSG_TYPE_ERROR]?: GlobalMessageTypeConfig;


We used the default configuration setting the timeout:

  • confirmation: 3s
  • info: 3s
  • error: 7s

To maintain consistency of the configuration keys with the enum you should provide customized config by factory:

function yourGlobalMessageConfigFactory(): GlobalMessageConfig {
  return {
    globalMessages: {
      [GlobalMessageType.MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMATION]: {
        timeout: 5000,
      [GlobalMessageType.MSG_TYPE_INFO]: {
        timeout: 7000,

Due to the underdevelopment of Angular’s mechanisms, withConfig requires keys in the form of string, enums are not accepted.