Configuring the Base URL

Note: Spartacus 1.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

You can configure the base URL with a special HTML meta tag, instead of hard coding it in the withConfig method of the B2cStorefrontModule. This allows you to deploy to different environments with only one compiled JavaScript application, because you only need to modify the meta tag of the index.html file for each environment.

The following example shows how the meta tag can be configured in the index.html file:

<meta name="occ-backend-base-url" content="https://my-custom-backend-url:8080" />

The corresponding app.module.ts file appears as follows:

  imports: [
    BrowserModule, B2cStorefrontModule.withConfig({
      backend: {
        occ: {
          baseUrl: 'https://electronics.local:9002', // This value is overridden by the value from the meta tag.
          prefix: '/rest/v2/'

Note: The value of the backend.occ.baseUrl from the withConfig method takes precedence over the value from the meta tag.

Note: The content attribute of the meta tag is ignored in the following cases:

  • When it’s an empty string, such as in the following example:

    <meta name="occ-backend-base-url" content="" />
  • When it contains a special placeholder, such as in the following example:

    <meta name="occ-backend-base-url" content="OCC_BACKEND_BASE_URL_VALUE" />