
Timeseries module can be used to retrieve timeseries data from the SAP iot abstract timeseries api.

Interfaces for retrieval are aligned with AssetCentral objects such as equipment_set and indicator_set. Timeseries data is generally stored in a pandas dataframe, wrapped in a convenience class to make it easier to interact with the data in AssetCentral terms (see for the convenience class).

sailor.sap_iot.fetch.get_indicator_data(start_date, end_date, indicator_set, equipment_set, *, timeout=None)[source]

Read indicator data for a certain time period, a set of equipments and a set of indicators.

  • start_date (Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.timestamp,]) – Date of beginning of requested timeseries data. Time components of the date will be ignored.

  • end_date (Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.timestamp,]) – Date of end of requested timeseries data. Time components of the date will be ignored.

  • indicator_set (IndicatorSet) – IndicatorSet for which timeseries data is returned.

  • equipment_set (EquipmentSet) – Equipment set for which the timeseries data is read.

  • timeout (Union[str, pd.Timedelta, datetime.timedelta]) – Maximum amount of time the request may take. If None there is no time limit.

Return type



Get the indicator set ‘my_indicator_set’ timeseries data for equipments in the equipment set ‘my_equipment_set’ for a period from ‘2020-07-02’ to ‘2021-01-10’:

get_indicator_data('2020-07-02','2021-01-10', my_indicator_set, my_equipment_set)