Filter Language

Project “Sailor” supports retrieval of objects such as Equipment or Notification from AssetCentral through functions like find_equipment() or find_notifications(). All of these functions support a common filter language which is described below. The filter criteria are transformed into an odata query and forwarded to the server, so only matching objects are retrieved.

All functions of this kind support two types of parameters:
  • named keyword arguments are interpreted as a simple shortcut for equality filters.

  • an argument extended_filters allows more complex filters such as inequality constraints or filters referring to another field of the object.

The names of all fields known for an object, and hence all fields which may be used for filtering can be determined by calling the get_available_properties() classmethod of the object, such as Notification.get_available_properties() etc. This method returns a set of all known and and filterable fields.

Named Keyword Arguments

Any named keyword argument is applied as an equality filter.

  • The key of the keyword argument determines the field of the object against which the filter is executed.

  • If the value of the keyword argument is a simple object (e.g. a string, int or float), the value of the field in AssetCentral must be the same as the value of the argument for the filter to match. The type of the argument is preserved in the query.

  • If the value of the keyword argument is an Iterable (e.g. a List), then all objects matching any of the values in the iterable are returned.

  • If multiple named arguments are provided, then all conditions have to match.


find_notifications(short_description='MyNotification') will return all notifications with description ‘MyNotification’.

find_notifications(short_description=['MyNotification', 'MyOtherNotification']) will return all notifications which either have the description ‘MyNotification’ or the description ‘MyOtherNotification’.

find_notifications(short_description='MyNotification', start_date='2020-07-01') will return all notifications with description ‘MyNotification’ which also have the start date ‘2020-07-01’.

The following example will return all notifications with description ‘MyNotification’ and start date ‘2020-07-01’ or with description ‘MyOtherNotification’ and start date ‘2020-07-01’.

find_notifications(short_description=['MyNotification', 'MyOtherNotification'],

Extended Filters

The extended_filters parameter can be used to specify filters that cannot be expressed as an equality or filters that should refer to another field of the same object. Extended filters need to be provided as List. Each element in the list needs to be provided as a str expression conforming to the following grammar: field operator (field|literal). Here unquoted strings are interpreted as a field reference, while quoted strings as well as unquoted numeric values are interpreted as a literal. Both single and double quotes may be used for quoting.

  • Supported operators are < > <= >= != ==.

  • As with equality filters, all conditions need to match for a result to be returned.

  • Extended filters can be freely combined with named arguments. All filter criteria need to match for a result to be returned.


find_notifications(extended_filters=['short_description != "MyNotification"']) will return all notifications with a description not matching ‘MyNotification’.

find_notifications(extended_filters=['malfunction_start_date > "2020-08-01"', 'malfunction_end_date <= "2020-09-01"]) will return all notifications in a given timeframe.

find_notifications(extended_filters=['malfunction_start_date == malfunction_end_date']) will return all notifications where the start date of the malfunction is equal to the end date of the malfunction.

The following example will return all notifications in a given timeframe for both pieces of equipment with ‘id1’ and ‘id2’.

find_notifications(extended_filters=['malfunction_start_date > "2020-08-01"', 'malfunction_end_date <= "2020-09-01"'],
                   equipment_id=['id1', 'id2'])