Source code for sailor.sap_iot.wrappers

Timeseries module can be used to retrieve timeseries data from the SAP iot abstract timeseries api.

Here we define some convenience wrappers for timeseries data.

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Any, Callable
import logging

import pandas as pd
from plotnine import ggplot, geom_point, aes, facet_grid, geom_line
from plotnine.themes import theme
from plotnine.scales import scale_x_datetime
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

import sailor.assetcentral.indicators as ac_indicators
from sailor.utils.plot_helper import _default_plot_theme
from sailor.utils.timestamps import _any_to_timestamp, _calculate_nice_sub_intervals
from sailor.utils.utils import WarningAdapter

    from ..assetcentral.indicators import IndicatorSet, AggregatedIndicatorSet
    from import EquipmentSet

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOG = WarningAdapter(LOG)

[docs]class TimeseriesDataset(object): """A Wrapper class to make accessing timeseries data from SAP iot more convenient.""" def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame, indicator_set: IndicatorSet, equipment_set: EquipmentSet, nominal_data_start: pd.Timestamp, nominal_data_end: pd.Timestamp, is_normalized: bool = False): """ Create a TimeseriesDataset. indicator_set must be an IndicatorSet containing all indicators occuring in the data columns of the dataframe, and equipment_set must be an EquipmentSet containing all equipments occuring in the equipment_id column of the data. """ self._df = df.query('(timestamp >= @nominal_data_start) & (timestamp < @nominal_data_end)') self.is_normalized = is_normalized self._equipment_set = equipment_set self._indicator_set = indicator_set self.nominal_data_start = nominal_data_start self.nominal_data_end = nominal_data_end self.type = 'EQUIPMENT' # current wrapper type is always 'equipment' df_equipment_ids = set(df['equipment_id'].unique()) set_equipment_ids = set( for equipment in equipment_set) if df_equipment_ids - set_equipment_ids: raise RuntimeError('Not all equipment ids in the data are provided in the equipment set.') if set_equipment_ids - df_equipment_ids: LOG.log_with_warning( 'There is no data in the dataframe for some of the equipments in the equipment set.') self._equipment_set = self._equipment_set.filter(id=df_equipment_ids) df_indicator_ids = set(df.columns) - set(self.get_index_columns(include_model=False)) set_indicator_ids = set(indicator._unique_id for indicator in indicator_set) if df_indicator_ids - set_indicator_ids: raise RuntimeError('Not all indicator ids in the data are provided in the indicator set.') if set_indicator_ids - df_indicator_ids: LOG.log_with_warning( 'There is no data in the dataframe for some of the indicators in the indicator set.') self._indicator_set = self._indicator_set.filter(_unique_id=df_indicator_ids) @property def indicator_set(self): """Return all Indicators present in the TimeseriesDataset.""" return self._indicator_set @property def equipment_set(self): """Return all equipment present in the TimeseriesDataset.""" return self._equipment_set
[docs] def get_key_columns(self, speaking_names=False, include_model=False): """ Return those columns of the data that identify the asset. Currently we only support asset type 'Equipment' so this will always return columns based on the equipment. In the future other types (like System) will be supported here. Parameters ---------- speaking_names False, return key columns True, return corresponding names of key columns Example ------- Get key columns of the indicator data set 'my_indicator_data':: my_indicator_data.get_key_columns() """ if self.type != 'EQUIPMENT': raise NotImplementedError('Currently only Equipment is supported as base object for timeseries data.') if include_model: if speaking_names: return ['equipment_name', 'model_name'] else: return ['equipment_id', 'model_id'] else: if speaking_names: return ['equipment_name'] else: return ['equipment_id']
[docs] @staticmethod def get_time_column(): """Return the name of the column containing the time information.""" return 'timestamp'
[docs] def get_feature_columns(self, speaking_names=False): """ Get the names of all feature columns. Parameters ---------- speaking_names False, returns feature columns of a data set True, returns corresponding names of feature columns Example ------- Get Template id, Indicator group name and Indicator name of columns including indicator values in the data set 'my_indicator_data':: my_indicator_data.get_feature_columns(speaking_names=True) """ if speaking_names: return list(self._indicator_set._unique_id_to_names().values()) return list(self._indicator_set._unique_id_to_constituent_ids().keys())
[docs] def get_index_columns(self, speaking_names=False, include_model=False) -> list: """Return the names of all index columns (key columns and time column).""" return [*self.get_key_columns(speaking_names, include_model), self.get_time_column()]
[docs] def as_df(self, speaking_names=False, include_model=False): """ Return the data stored within this TimeseriesDataset object as a pandas dataframe. By default the data is returned with opaque column headers. If speaking_names is set to true, the data is converted such that equipment_id and model_id are replaced by human-readable names, and the opaque column headers are replaced by a hierarchical index of template_id, indicator_group_name, indicator_name and aggregation_function. """ if include_model: model_ids = pd.DataFrame( [(, equi.model_id) for equi in self._equipment_set], columns=['equipment_id', 'model_id'] ) df = pd.merge(self._df, model_ids, on='equipment_id') else: df = self._df if speaking_names: return self._transform(df, include_model=include_model) else: return df.set_index(self.get_index_columns(include_model=include_model))
def _transform(self, df, include_model): if include_model: static_column_mapping = {'equipment_id': 'equipment_name', 'model_id': 'model_name'} translator = {'equipment_id': {}, 'model_id': {}} for equipment in self._equipment_set: translator['equipment_id'][] = translator['model_id'][equipment.model_id] = equipment.model_name else: static_column_mapping = {'equipment_id': 'equipment_name'} translator = {'equipment_id': {}} for equipment in self._equipment_set: translator['equipment_id'][] = data = ( df.replace(translator) .rename(columns=static_column_mapping) .set_index(self.get_index_columns(speaking_names=True, include_model=include_model)) .rename(columns=self._indicator_set._unique_id_to_names()) ) if len(data.columns) > 0: data.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(data.columns) return data
[docs] def plot(self, start=None, end=None, indicator_set=None, equipment_set=None): """ Plot the timeseries data stored within this wrapper. The plot will create different panels for each indicator_group_name and template in the data, as well as each indicator. Data from different equipment_set will be represented by different colors. The plotnine object returned by this method will be rendered in jupyter notebooks, but can also be further modified by the caller. Parameters ---------- start Optional start time the timeseries data is plotted. end Optional end time the timeseries data is plotted. indicator_set Optional Indicators which are plotted. equipment_set optional equipment which indicator data is plotted. Returns ------- plot Line charts of timeseries data. Example ------- Plot all Indicators for a period from 2020-07-02 to 2020-09-01 in the data set 'my_indicator_data':: my_indicator_data.plot('2020-07-02','2020-09-01') """ key_vars = self.get_index_columns(include_model=False) time_column = self.get_time_column() if indicator_set is None: indicator_set = self._indicator_set feature_vars = [indicator._unique_id for indicator in indicator_set] name_mapping = indicator_set._unique_id_to_names() if equipment_set is None: equipment_set = self._equipment_set equipment_mapping = { for equipment in equipment_set} selected_equipment_ids = equipment_mapping.keys() start = _any_to_timestamp(start, default=self._df[time_column].min()) end = _any_to_timestamp(end, default=self._df[time_column].max()) if self._df.empty: raise RuntimeError('There is no data in this dataset.') data = self._df \ .query(f'({time_column} >= @start) & ({time_column} <= @end)') \ .query('equipment_id in @selected_equipment_ids') \ .filter(items=key_vars + feature_vars) result_equipment_ids = set(data['equipment_id']) if data.empty: raise RuntimeError('There is no data in the dataset for the selected equipments and indicators.') # find equipment_set that are dropped from the plot and log them to the user empty_equipment_ids = set(selected_equipment_ids) - result_equipment_ids if empty_equipment_ids: LOG.log_with_warning( f'Following equipment show no data and are removed from the plot: {empty_equipment_ids}') selected_equipment_ids = set(selected_equipment_ids) - empty_equipment_ids # also indicators without data need to be removed from the plot due to unknown Y axis limits empty_indicators = data.columns[data.isna().all()].tolist() if empty_indicators: # Todo: speaking names in the log below? Currently using our uuid LOG.log_with_warning( f'Following indicators show no data and are removed from the plot: {empty_indicators}') feature_vars = set(feature_vars) - set(empty_indicators) query_timedelta = end - start break_interval = _calculate_nice_sub_intervals(query_timedelta, 5) # at least 5 axis breaks first_break = start.floor(break_interval, ambiguous=False, nonexistent='shift_backward') last_break = end.ceil(break_interval, ambiguous=False, nonexistent='shift_forward') x_breaks = pd.date_range(first_break, last_break, freq=break_interval) if break_interval < pd.Timedelta('1 day'): date_labels = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' else: date_labels = '%Y-%m-%d' facet_grid_definition = 'indicator + template + indicator_group ~ .' facet_assignment = dict( template=lambda x: x.Feature.apply(lambda row: name_mapping[row][0]), indicator_group=lambda x: x.Feature.apply(lambda row: name_mapping[row][1]), indicator=lambda x: x.Feature.apply(lambda row: name_mapping[row][2]) ) if isinstance(self._indicator_set, ac_indicators.AggregatedIndicatorSet): facet_grid_definition = 'aggregation + indicator + template + indicator_group ~ .' facet_assignment['aggregation'] = lambda x: x.Feature.apply(lambda row: name_mapping[row][3]) aggregation_interval = _calculate_nice_sub_intervals(query_timedelta, 100) # at leat 100 data points groupers = [*self.get_key_columns(include_model=False), pd.Grouper(key=time_column, freq=aggregation_interval)] molten_data = ( data.groupby(groupers) .agg('mean') .reset_index() .dropna(axis=1, how='all') .melt(id_vars=key_vars, value_vars=feature_vars, var_name='Feature') .assign(**facet_assignment) .replace({'equipment_id': equipment_mapping}) .rename(columns={'equipment_id': 'equipment'}) ) facet_row_count = len(feature_vars) + len(molten_data.groupby(['template', 'indicator_group'])) plot = ( ggplot(molten_data, aes(x=self.get_time_column(), y='value', color='equipment')) + geom_point() + geom_line() + facet_grid(facet_grid_definition, scales='free') + _default_plot_theme() + theme(figure_size=(10, 3 * facet_row_count)) + scale_x_datetime(limits=(start, end), date_labels=date_labels, breaks=x_breaks) ) return plot
[docs] def normalize(self, fitted_scaler=None, scaler=StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)) \ -> tuple[TimeseriesDataset, Any]: """ Normalize a data frame using scaler in normalization_factors. Parameters ---------- fitted_scaler Optional fitted scaler, to be used to normalize self._df scaler Type of scaler to use for normalization. Default settings implies x -> (x-m)/s, m= mean and s=std. Properties are computed along the columns. Returns ------- new_wrapper TimeseriesDataset with self._df updated to be the normalized dataframe. fitted_scaler Fitted scaler to be used to normalize the data. Example ------- Get normalized values for indicators in the indicator data set 'My_indicator_data':: My_indicator_data.normalize()[0] """ features = [column for column in self._df.columns if column not in self.get_index_columns(include_model=False)] if fitted_scaler is None and self.is_normalized: raise RuntimeError("There is no fitted scaler but dataset is already normalized.") if fitted_scaler is None: # normalize the data and save normalization factors to normalization_factors fitted_scaler =[features]) LOG.debug('No scaler provided for normalization, fitting scaler to dataset: %s', fitted_scaler) normalized_df = self._df.copy() normalized_df[features] = fitted_scaler.transform(normalized_df[features]) new_wrapper = TimeseriesDataset(normalized_df, self._indicator_set, self._equipment_set, self.nominal_data_start, self.nominal_data_end, is_normalized=True) return new_wrapper, fitted_scaler
[docs] def filter(self, start: Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime] = None, end: Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime] = None, equipment_set: EquipmentSet = None, indicator_set: Union[IndicatorSet, AggregatedIndicatorSet] = None) -> TimeseriesDataset: """Return a new TimeseriesDataset extracted from an original data with filter parameters. Only indicator data specified in filters are returned. Parameters ---------- start Optional start time of timeseries data are returned. end Optional end time until timeseries data are returned. equipment_set Optional EquipmentSet to filter timeseries data. Takes precedence over equipment_ids. indicator_set: Optional IndicatorSet to filter dataset columns. Example ------- Filter out indicator data for an equipment 'MyEquipmentId' from the indicator data 'My_indicator_data':: My_indicator_data.filter(MyEquipmentId) """ start_time = _any_to_timestamp(start, default=self.nominal_data_start) end_time = _any_to_timestamp(end, default=self.nominal_data_end) if equipment_set: # we need to filter the user's choice before creating a new TSDataset # since they can specify an arbitrary equipment set which could not be in the TSDataset equipment_ids = [ for equipment in equipment_set] selected_equi_set = self._equipment_set.filter(id=equipment_ids) else: selected_equi_set = self._equipment_set equipment_ids = [ for equipment in selected_equi_set] selected_df = self._df.query('(equipment_id in @equipment_ids) &' '(timestamp >= @start_time) & (timestamp < @end_time)') if indicator_set is not None: selected_column_ids = [indicator._unique_id for indicator in indicator_set] selected_df = selected_df[self.get_index_columns(include_model=False) + selected_column_ids] selected_indicator_set = indicator_set else: selected_indicator_set = self._indicator_set if len(selected_df) == 0: LOG.log_with_warning( 'The selected filters removed all data, the resulting TimeseriesDataset is empty.') LOG.debug('Filtered Dataset contains %s rows.', len(selected_df)) return TimeseriesDataset(selected_df, selected_indicator_set, selected_equi_set, start_time, end_time, self.is_normalized)
[docs] def aggregate(self, aggregation_interval: Union[str, pd.Timedelta], aggregation_functions: Union[Iterable[Union[str, Callable]], str, Callable] = 'mean')\ -> TimeseriesDataset: """ Aggregate the TimeseriesDataset to a fixed interval, returning a new TimeseriesDataset. This operation will change the unique feature IDs, as the new IDs need to encode the additional information on the aggregation function. Accordingly there will also be an additional column index level for the aggregation function on the DataFrame returned by :meth:`sailor.timeseries.wrappers.TimeseriesDataset.as_df` when using ``speaking_names=True``. Note that the resulting timeseries is not equidistant if gaps larger than the aggregation interval are present in the original timeseries. Parameters ---------- aggregation_interval String specifying the aggregation interval, e.g. '1h' or '30min'. Follows the same rules as the ``freq`` parameter in a ``pandas.Grouper`` object. aggregation_functions Aggregation function or iterable of aggregation functions to use. Each aggregation_function can be a string (e.g. 'mean', 'min' etc) or a function (e.g. np.max etc). """ aggregation_interval = pd.Timedelta(aggregation_interval) if isinstance(aggregation_functions, str) or isinstance(aggregation_functions, Callable): aggregation_functions = (aggregation_functions, ) new_indicators = [] aggregation_definition = {} for indicator in self._indicator_set: for aggregation_function in aggregation_functions: new_indicator = ac_indicators.AggregatedIndicator(indicator.raw, str(aggregation_function)) new_indicators.append(new_indicator) aggregation_definition[new_indicator._unique_id] = (indicator._unique_id, aggregation_function) new_indicator_set = ac_indicators.AggregatedIndicatorSet(new_indicators) grouper = [*self.get_key_columns(include_model=False), pd.Grouper(key=self.get_time_column(), closed='left', freq=aggregation_interval)] df = self._df.groupby(grouper).agg(**aggregation_definition) return TimeseriesDataset(df.reset_index(), new_indicator_set, self._equipment_set, self.nominal_data_start, self.nominal_data_end, self.is_normalized)
[docs] def interpolate(self, interval: Union[str, pd.Timedelta], method='pad', **kwargs) -> TimeseriesDataset: """ Interpolate the TimeseriesDataset to a fixed interval, returning a new TimeseriesDataset. Additional arguments for the interpolation function can be passed and are forwarded to the pandas `interpolate` function. The resulting TimeseriesDataset will always be equidistant with timestamps between `self.nominal_data_start` and `self.nominal_data_end`. However, values at these timestamps may be NA depending on the interpolation parameters. By default values will be forward-filled, with no limit to the number of interpolated points between two given values, and no extrapolation before the first known point. The following keyword arguments can be used to achieve some common behaviour: - method='slinear' will use linear interpolation between any two known points - method='index' will use a pandas interpolation method instead of the scipy-based method, which automatically forward-fills the last known value to the end of the time-series - fill_value='extrapolate' will extrapolate beyond the last known value (but not backwards before the first known value, only applicable to scipy-based interpolation methods.) - limit=`N` will limit the number of interpolated points between known points to N. Further details on this behaviour can be found in """ def _fill_group(grp): target_times = pd.date_range(self.nominal_data_start, self.nominal_data_end, freq=interval, closed='left').round(interval) new_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(target_times.union(grp.timestamp)) with_all_timestamps = grp.set_index(self.get_time_column()).reindex(new_index).sort_index() if len(grp) <= kwargs.get('order', 1): group_identifier = [grp[key].iloc[0] for key in self.get_key_columns()] LOG.warning(f'Not enough datapoints for interpolation in group {group_identifier}!') return with_all_timestamps.loc[target_times] tmp = with_all_timestamps.interpolate(method=method, **kwargs).loc[target_times] tmp.index = tmp.index.set_names('timestamp') # loc loses index name... return tmp interval = pd.Timedelta(interval) if interval > (self.nominal_data_end - self.nominal_data_start): raise RuntimeError('Can not interpolate to an interval larger than the data range.') df = ( self._df .groupby(self.get_key_columns(include_model=False)) .apply(_fill_group) .drop(columns=self.get_key_columns(include_model=False)) .reset_index() ) return TimeseriesDataset(df, self._indicator_set, self._equipment_set, self.nominal_data_start, self.nominal_data_end, self.is_normalized)