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Caching Capabilities

Caching may improve your application's performance and responsiveness to your consumers. The SAP Cloud SDK for Java provides abstractions for caching that make it easy to integrate caching into an application with almost no configuration overhead. Also, it integrates with other SAP Cloud SDK features and most importantly is tenant aware out of the box. The following article describes how to enable caching with the SAP Cloud SDK for Java in your application.

Using the Resilience API for Caching

Adding a JCache Provider

The SAP Cloud SDK relies on the JCache SPI to create and manage cache instances. JCache is a Service Provider Interface which requires an implementation of this interface to be present at runtime. Be sure that such an implementation is present on your classpath. We recommend Caffeine which you can use by adding the below dependency to your application pom.xml:


Caching only works when a service provider or implementation for JCache is available at runtime. Otherwise, you will face a runtime exception.

Creating a Cache Configuration

As described in our Resilience section the SAP Cloud SDK allows you to run any code in the context of one or more resilience patterns. Caching is also a resilience pattern, so you can leverage the same API to build and apply a CacheConfiguration.

CacheConfiguration cacheConfig = CacheConfiguration

This builds a simple cache that will store values for one day and does not require any additional parameters. The builder pattern requires at least a duration and if the cache requires parameters. The configuration options are explained further below.

This configuration must then be added to a ResilienceConfiguration:

ResilienceConfiguration resilienceConfig = ResilienceConfiguration

The above creates an otherwise empty ResilienceConfiguration and thus only enables caching. Of course, you may use other resilience patterns as well.

Applying a Cache Configuration

Since the cache configuration is part of a resilience configuration it is applied in the same way:

ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(() -> operation(), resilienceConfig);
ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(() -> operation(), resilienceConfig);

The above code will invoke operation() once since the result of the first invocation will be cached. Only if the first call fails the second one would still happen.

Note that a specific cache instance is not yet created when the configuration is created. Instead, it is only created when an operation is decorated or executed by the ResilienceDecorator.


The cache functionality is tenant aware by default. That means that by default cache entries created under a specific tenant will not be shared with other tenants. See the section on multi tenancy below.

Configuring the Caching Strategy

The cache configuration offers 3 options:

  1. Cache Duration (Required)
  2. Expiration Strategy (Optional)
  3. Parameters (Optional)

Each cache configuration must at least specify a duration after which a cache expires. How this timeout is applied can be configured through the Expiration Strategy. By default, a cache entry is cleared once the configured duration has passed since the entry was created.

Finally, parameters can be listed that further refine the caching functionality. Parameter values will be attached to the cache key. When the cache is accessed, only entries with matching parameter values will be returned.

// Set a parameter value
cacheConfig = CacheConfiguration

// Cache is empty, so this will be a cache miss
ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(() -> operation(), resilienceConfig);
// Cache is hit, cached value will be returned
ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(() -> operation(), resilienceConfig);

// Set a different parameter value
cacheConfig = CacheConfiguration

// Cache is not hit because the existing cache entry has a different parameter value
ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(() -> operation(), resilienceConfig);

cacheConfig = CacheConfiguration

// The cached value from the very first invocation is returned as the parameter is "value1" again
ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(() -> operation(), resilienceConfig);

You can use parameters to separate cache entries as you see fit. Please note that there is no need to do this to achieve multi-tenancy. The SAP Cloud SDK is tenant aware by default as described below.

Multi Tenancy

By default, this caching functionality is tenant aware. If a tenant is available the SAP Cloud SDK will create cache entries only for that specific tenant. Other tenants will not see the value cached for that specific tenant.

For this example assume that config is a ResilienceConfiguration that has a CacheConfiguration in place:

cachedOperation = ResilienceDecorator.decorateSupplier(() -> operation(), config)

// cachedOperation() will be evaluated
TenantAccessor.executeWithTenant(tenantA, () -> cachedOperation());
// cached value will be taken
TenantAccessor.executeWithTenant(tenantA, () -> cachedOperation());

// cachedOperation() will be evaluated because the cached value is only accessible for tenantA
TenantAccessor.executeWithTenant(tenantB, () -> cachedOperation());
// cached value for tenantB will be taken
TenantAccessor.executeWithTenant(tenantB, () -> cachedOperation());

The executeWith...() methods depicted above are currently supported only when using the default Facade (e.g. DefaultTenantFacade) implementations. This is an issue especially when using the CAP integration dependency cds-integration-cloud-sdk. To still switch the isolation context, please refer to the CAP documentation.

You can configure this isolation via the isolation mode of the resilience configuration. Set the isolation mode to NO_ISOLATION to disable tenant aware caching. See the section on isolation levels under Resilience for more details.

Removing Cache Entries Manually

The SAP Cloud SDK offers different possibilities to manually remove cached entries. First, you may remove individual cache entries by:

// respect tenant/principal and parameter isolation

This operation is implicitly tenant-aware/principal-aware and also considers parameters defined in the CacheConfiguration when choosing which entries to remove.

Furthermore, should you need to remove all entries from a cache, you may use:

// disregards tenant/principal and parameter isolation

This operation is intended to delete all cache entries associated with the given CacheConfiguration. It intentionally ignores the isolation mode and, in consequence, affects all tenants and principals.

Precise Control Over Cache Entries via CacheFilter

If you need fine-grained control over which cache entries to clear, you may create your custom CacheFilter.

// CacheFilter which matches all cache entries belonging to tenant "tenant1"
CacheFilter tenantFilter = ( configuration, cacheKey, cacheEntry ) -> cacheKey.getTenantId().isDefined() && cacheKey.getTenantId().get().equals("tenant1");

// clears all cache entries which match the provided CacheFilter, in this example all cache entries for "tenant1"
ResilienceDecorator.clearCache(resilienceConfig, tenantFilter);

You can even combine multiple CacheFilter instances for the cache clearing:

// CacheFilter which matches all cache entries belonging to tenant "tenant1"
CacheFilter tenantFilter = ( configuration, cacheKey, cacheEntry ) -> cacheKey.getTenantId().isDefined() && cacheKey.getTenantId().get().equals("tenant1");

// CacheFilter which matches all cache entries belonging to principal "principal1"
CacheFilter principalFilter = ( configuration, cacheKey, cacheEntry ) -> cacheKey.getPrincipalId().isDefined() && cacheKey.getPrincipalId().get().equals("principal1");

// Combining two filters with CacheFilter.and(...) to a conjunction
CacheFilter combinedAndFilter = CacheFilter.and(tenantFilter, principalFilter);

// Combining two filters with CacheFilter.or(...) to a disjunction
CacheFilter combinedOrFilter = CacheFilter.or(tenantFilter, principalFilter);

// clears all cache entries which match the provided CacheFilter instance
ResilienceDecorator.clearCache(resilienceConfig, combinedAndFilter);

This approach disregards the built-in tenant/principal and parameter isolation and solely considers the provided cache filters.

The SAP Cloud SDK provides prepared cache filters you can reuse for matching on tenant, principal or parameters.

CacheFilter matchesCurrentParameters = CacheFilter.keyMatchesParameters();

CacheFilter matchesCurrentTenant = CacheFilter.keyMatchesTenant();

CacheFilter matchesCurrentPrincipal = CacheFilter.keyMatchesPrincipal();

Note that these built-in cache filters determine the tenant, the principal and the parameters to match respecting the ResilienceConfiguration of the cache.

Additionally, you can create cache filters for a certain tenant, principal or certain parameters as well.

Iterable<Object> myParameters = obtainParameters();
CacheFilter matchesMyParameters = CacheFilter.keyMatchesParameters(parameters);

Tenant myTenant = obtainTenant();
CacheFilter matchesMytenant = CacheFilter.keyMatchesTenant(myTenant);

Principal myPrincipal = obtainPrincipal();
CacheFilter matchesMyPrincipal = CacheFilter.keyMatchesPrincipal(myPrincipal);

Advanced Cache Manipulation

To get hold of the created cache instance and to use it for advanced operations like for e.g. registering event listeners you can use JCache API.

final Cache<SomeCacheKey, SomeResult> cache = Caching.getCachingProvider()
.getCache(resilienceConfig.identifier()) //Returns the cache created using the resilienceId passed
.registerCacheEntryListener(SimpleCacheEntryListener); //Registers the event listener

SimpleCacheEntryListener is a class that implements the interfaces of the required events with respect to cache defined in EventType. Note that the identifier of the resilience configuration is also the identifier of the cache associated with it.