Interface DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT, DateT, DateTimeOffsetT, DurationT, TimeOfDayT, EnumT>

Represents a set of functions that determine (de-)serialization per EDM type.

Type Parameters

  • BinaryT = any

  • BooleanT = any

  • ByteT = any

  • DecimalT = any

  • DoubleT = any

  • FloatT = any

  • Int16T = any

  • Int32T = any

  • Int64T = any

  • GuidT = any

  • SByteT = any

  • SingleT = any

  • StringT = any

  • AnyT = any

  • DateT = any

  • DateTimeOffsetT = any

  • DurationT = any

  • TimeOfDayT = any

  • EnumT = any


  • DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT>
    • DeSerializers


Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

Edm.Date: DeSerializer<DateT>

DeSerializer for Edm.DateTime to the generic type DateTimeT.

Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>

DeSerializer for Edm.DateTimeOffset to the generic type DateTimeOffsetT.

Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

Edm.Duration: DeSerializer<DurationT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Duration to the generic type DurationT.

Edm.Enum: DeSerializer<EnumT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Enum to the generic type EnumT.

Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.

Edm.TimeOfDay: DeSerializer<TimeOfDayT>

DeSerializer for Edm.TimeOfDay to the generic type TimeOfDayT.

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