Create a batch request to invoke multiple requests as a batch. The batch request builder accepts retrieve requests, i.e. getAll and getByKey requests and change sets, which in turn can contain create, update or delete requests. The retrieve and change sets will be executed in order, while the order within a change set can vary.

Type Parameters


  • BatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>
    • ODataBatchRequestBuilder



deSerializers: undefined | DeSerializersT
defaultServicePath: string
requests: (Omit<ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase<unknown, ODataRequestConfig>, "execute"> | BatchChangeSet<DeSerializersT> | GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>)[]


  • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.


    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    • headers: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.

    Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

  • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.


    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.

    Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

  • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.


    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.

    Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

  • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.


    • Rest ...path: string[]

      Path to be appended.

    Returns Omit<ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>, "execute">

  • Execute the given request and return the according promise. Please notice: The sub-requests may fail even the main request is successful.


    Promise resolving to the requested data.


    Returns Promise<BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>[]>

  • Returns Record<string, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>

  • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    The relative URL for the request.

    Returns string

  • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the servicePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    • servicePath: string

      Path to override the default with.

    Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

  • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

  • Set timeout for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Since v2.13.0. The timeout configuration is replaced by the more general middleware approach in version 3.0 of the SAP Cloud SDK.


    • timeout: number

      Value is in milliseconds and default value is 10000 (10 seconds).

    Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

  • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

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