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How to get help on the tools commands

Command Usage                          Description
help mbt -h Prints all the available commands.
help mbt [command] --help or
mbt [command] -h
Prints detailed information about the specified command.


How to find out the version of the installed tool

Command Usage                          Description
version mbt -v Prints the current Cloud MTA Build Tool version.


How to build an MTA archive from the project sources


You can use one of the following two approaches for building your MTA project: - One-step build using the mbt build command - Two-step build using a combination of the mbt init and make commands.

Both methods leverage the GNU Make technology for the actual build.
If you are using the one-step approach, the tool generates a temporary build configuration file and automatically invokes the make command. The generated Makefile is then deleted at the end of the build.
The second approach allows you to generate the Makefile using the mbt init command. You can adjust the generated file according to your project needs and then build the MTA archive using the make command. In this case, we recommend that you include the generated Makefile in the project's source control management system to ensure that the same build process is applied across all the project's contributors, regardless of the build environment.


  • GNU Make 4.2.1 is installed in your build environment.
  • Module build tools are installed in your build environment.

For more information, see the corresponding Download and Installation sections.

One-step build

Quick start example:

// Executes the MTA project build for the Cloud Foundry target environment.
mbt build

mbt build Generates a temporary Makefile according to the MTA descriptor and runs the make command to package the MTA project into the MTA archive.

Usage: mbt build <flags>


Flag Mandatory /
Description                           Examples                     
-p (--platform) Optional The name of the target deployment platform.
The supported deployment platforms are:
  • cf for SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment
  • neo for the SAP Cloud Platform, Neo environment
  • xsa for the SAP HANA XS advanced model
If this parameter is not provided, the project is built for the SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment
mbt build -p=cf
-s (--source) Optional The path to the MTA project; the current path is set as the default. mbt build -p=cf -s=C:/TestProject
-t (--target) Optional The folder for the generated MTAR file. If this parameter is not provided, the MTAR file is saved in the mta_archives subfolder of the current folder. If the parameter is provided, the MTAR file is saved in the root of the folder provided by the argument. mbt build -p=cf -t=C:/TestProject
--mtar Optional The file name of the generated archive file. If this parameter is omitted, the file name is created according to the following naming convention:


If the parameter is provided, but does not include an extension, the .mtar extension is added.
mbt build -p=cf --mtar=TestProject.mtar
-e (--extensions) Optional The path or paths to multitarget application extension files (.mtaext). Several extension files separated by commas can be passed with a single flag, or each extension file can be specified with its own flag. mbt build -e=test1.mtaext,test2.mtaext
mbt build -e=test1.mtaext -e=test2.mtaext
--strict Optional The default value is true. If set to true, the duplicated fields and fields that are not defined in the mta.yaml schema are reported as errors. If set to false, they are reported as warnings. mbt build -p=cf --strict=true
BETA   -m (--mode) Optional The possible value is verbose. If run with this option, the temporary Makefile is generated in a way that allows the parallel execution of Make jobs to make the build process faster. mbt build -m=verbose
BETA   -j (--jobs) Optional Used only with the --mode parameter. This option configures the number of Make jobs that can run simultaneously. If omitted or if the value is less than or equal to zero, the number of jobs is defined by the number of available CPUs (maximum 8). mbt build -m=verbose -j=8
BETA   -b (--sbom-file-path) Optional The path of the SBOM file. The last part of the path is the file name.
  • If the sbom-file-path is null, the SBOM file will not be generated.
  • The sbom-file-path can be relative or abs; If the path is relative, it is the relative path to the project root.
  • Only an XML file format is currently supported, so if the file suffix is .xml, or if there's no file suffix, an XML format SBOM will be generated.
mbt build --sbom-file-path sbom-gen/test.sbom.xml


Two-step build

Quick start example:

// Generates the `Makefile.mta` file.
mbt init 

// Executes the MTA project build for Cloud Foundry target environment.
make -f Makefile.mta p=cf

mbt init

Generates the Makefile.mta file according to the MTA descriptor (mta.yaml file). The make command uses the generated Makefile.mta file to package the MTA project.


Usage: mbt init <flags>


Flag Mandatory /
Description                           Examples                     
-s (--source) Optional The path to the MTA project; the current path is set as the default. mbt init -s=C:/TestProject
-t (--target) Optional The path to the generated Makefile folder; the current path is set as the default. mbt init -t=C:/TestFolder
-e (--extensions) Optional The path or paths to multitarget application extension files (.mtaext). Several extension files separated by commas can be passed with a single flag, or each extension file can be specified with its own flag. mbt init -e=test1.mtaext,test2.mtaext
mbt init -e=test1.mtaext -e=test2.mtaext



Packages the MTA project into the MTA archive according to the Makefile.

Usage: make <parameters>


Parameter Type Mandatory /
Description                                                           Examples
-f <path to Makefile.mta> string Mandatory The path to the Makefile.mta file that contains the build configurations. make -f Makefile.mta p=cf
p string Mandatory The name of the target deployment platform.
The supported deployment platforms are:
  • cf for the SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment
  • neo for the SAP Cloud Platform, Neo environment
  • xsa for the SAP HANA XS advanced model
make -f Makefile.mta p=cf
t string Optional The folder for the generated MTAR file. If this parameter is not provided, the MTAR file is saved in the mta_archives subfolder of the current folder. If the parameter is provided, the MTAR file is saved in the root of the folder provided by the argument. make -f Makefile.mta p=cf t=C:\temp
mtar string Optional The file name of the generated archive file. If this parameter is omitted, the file name is created according to the following naming convention:


If the parameter is provided, but does not include an extension, the .mtar extension is added.
make -f Makefile.mta p=cf mtar=myMta

make -f Makefile.mta p=cf mtar=myMta.mtar
strict Boolean Optional The default value is true. If set to true, the duplicated fields and fields that are not defined in the mta.yaml schema are reported as errors. If set to false, they are reported as warnings. make -f Makefile.mta p=cf strict=false


How to build an MTA archive from the modules' build artifacts

mbt assemble

Creates an MTA archive MTAR file from the module build artifacts according to the MTA deployment descriptor (mtad.yaml file).

Note: Make sure the path property of each module's mtad.yaml file points to the module's build artifacts that you want to package into the target MTA archive.

Usage: mbt assemble <flags>


Flag Mandatory /
Description                           Examples                     
-s (--source) Optional The path to the folder where the project’s mtad.yaml file is located; the current path is set as the default. mbt assemble -s=C:/TestProject
-t (--target) Optional The folder for the generated MTAR file. If this parameter is not provided, the MTAR file is saved in the mta_archives subfolder of the current folder. If the parameter is provided, the MTAR file is saved in the root of the folder provided by the argument. mbt assemble -t=C:/TestFolder
-m (--mtar) Optional The name of the generated archive file. If this parameter is omitted, the file name is created according to the following naming convention:


If the parameter is provided, but does not include an extension, the .mtar extension is added.
mbt assemble -m=anotherName
-e (--extensions) Optional The path or paths to multitarget application extension files (.mtaext). Several extension files separated by commas can be passed with a single flag, or each extension file can be specified with its own flag. mbt assemble -e=test1.mtaext,test2.mtaext
mbt assemble -e=test1.mtaext -e=test2.mtaext


Auxiliary commands

This section is dedicated for commands that execute specific steps of the MTA build process such as project validation, build for a single module, and generation of the deployment descriptor. These commands are useful if, for example, you want to build and deploy only specific modules for testing purposes, or if you decide to tailor your own build process for packaging MTA archives. At the moment, only the commands described below are supported.

mbt mtad-gen

Generates the MTA deployment descriptor (mtad.yaml file) according to the provided MTA descriptor (mta.yaml file) and MTA extensions.

Usage: mbt mtad-gen <flags>


Flag Mandatory /
Description                           Examples                     
-p (--platform) Optional The name of the target deployment platform.
The supported deployment platforms are:
  • cf for SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment
  • neo for the SAP Cloud Platform, Neo environment
  • xsa for the SAP HANA XS advanced model
If this parameter is not provided, the project is built for the SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment
mbt mtad-gen -p=cf
-s (--source) Optional The path to the folder where the project’s mta.yaml file is located; the current path is set as default. mbt mtad-gen -s=C:/TestProject
-t (--target) Optional The folder where the mtad.yaml will be generated. If this parameter is not provided, the mtad.yaml file is saved in the current folder. If the parameter is provided, the generated file is saved in the root of the folder provided by the argument. mbt mtad-gen -t=C:/TestFolder
-e (--extensions) Optional The path or paths to multitarget application extension files (.mtaext). Several extension files separated by commas can be passed with a single flag, or each extension file can be specified with its own flag. mbt mtad-gen -e=test1.mtaext,test2.mtaext
mbt mtad-gen -e=test1.mtaext -e=test2.mtaext

mbt module-build

Triggers the build process of the specified module according to the implicit or explicit build configurations in the MTA descriptor (mta.yaml file) and MTA extensions.

Usage: mbt module-build <flags>


Flag Mandatory /
Description                           Examples                     
m (--module) Mandatory The name of the modules to build. Several modules separated by commas can be passed with a single flag, or each module can be specified with its own flag.

  • If you specify several modules with a single flag, make sure there are no spaces between the names.
  • The tool builds the specified modules in the order defined by the build parameters in the mta.yaml file. If the specified modules depend on other modules that should be built before, run the command with the --with-all-dependencies flag or specify the required modules explicitly.
  • If the --target parameter is used, make sure that the names of the specified modules' build artifacts are unique. You can configure the build artifact name using the build-artifact-name build parameter as described here.
mbt module-build -m=my_module,another_module
mbt module-build -m=my_module -m=another_module
-a (--with-all-dependencies) Optional If this option is used, the tool builds all modules that the specified modules depend on in the order defined by the build parameters in the mta.yaml file before building the selected modules.
Without this option, only the selected modules are built.
mbt module-build -m=my_module,another_module -a
-s (--source) Optional The path to the folder where the project’s mta.yaml file is located; the current path is set as default. mbt module-build -m=my_module -s=C:/TestProject
-t (--target) Optional The folder where the module build results will be saved. If this parameter is not provided, the module build results are saved in the <current folder>/.<projectname>_mta_build_tmp/<module name> folder. If the parameter is provided, the build results are saved in the root of the folder provided by the argument.

  • If this option is used, the 'target' folder content (if it exists), will be excluded from the build results.
  • If the --target parameter is used when building several modules, make sure that the names of the specified modules' build artifacts are unique. You can configure the build artifact name using the build-artifact-name build parameter as described here.
mbt module-build -m=my_module -t=C:/TestProject/build_results_tmp

The module’s build results will be saved directly in the C:/TestProject/build_results_tmp/ folder
-e (--extensions) Optional The path or paths to multitarget application extension files (.mtaext). Several extension files separated by commas can be passed with a single flag, or each extension file can be specified with its own flag. mbt module-build -m=my_module -e=test1.mtaext,test2.mtaext
mbt module-build -m=my_module -e=test1.mtaext -e=test2.mtaext
-g (--mtad-gen) Optional If the parameter is provided, the deployment descriptor mtad.yaml is generated by default in the current folder or in the folder configured by the --target parameter.
A module's path property in the generated mtad.yaml file points to the module's build results if this module was selected using the --modules option.

  • The selected module list specified using the --module option, does not affect the list of modules in the resulting mtad.yaml file. The mtad.yaml file is always generated according to the default Cloud MTA Builder settings, the build-parameters configurations in the mta.yaml file (e.g. supported-platforms), and the selected target platform.
  • By default, the mtad.yaml is generated for the cf target platform. You can configure a different target plaform using the --platform option.
mbt module-build -m=my_module1,my_module2 -g
-p (--platform) Optional The name of the target deployment platform. Used only with the -g (--mtad-gen) parameter.
The supported deployment platforms are:
  • cf for SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment
  • neo for the SAP Cloud Platform, Neo environment
  • xsa for the SAP HANA XS advanced model
If this parameter is not provided, the mtad.yaml file is generated for the SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry environment.
mbt module-build -m=my_module1,my_module2 -g -p=neo


How to generate an SBOM file from the project source (BETA)

mbt sbom-gen This command generates SBOMs for project modules and merges the SBOMs into one, according to configurations in the MTA development descriptor ('mta.yaml' file).

Usage: mbt sbom-gen <flags>


Flag Mandatory /
Description                           Examples                     
-s (--source) Optional The path to the MTA project; the current path is set as the default. mbt sbom-gen -s C:/TestProject -b sbom-file-gen/test.sbom.xml
-b (--sbom-file-path) Optional The path of the SBOM file. The last part of the path is the file name.
  • The sbom-file-path can be null. If the sbom-file-path is null, the default value is /.bom.xml.
  • The sbom-file-path can be relative or abs; If the path is relative, it is the relative path to the project root.
  • The sbom-file-path's last part is the file name.
  • Only the XML file format is currently supported; So, if the file suffix is .xml, or if there's no file suffix, an XML format SBOM will be generated.
mbt sbom-gen --sbom-file-path sbom-gen/test.sbom.xml