Technical Changes in Spartacus 2.0

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Table of Contents

Breaking Changes Introduced in 2.0

CMS page guard has less dependencies and all are public

Before 2.0, some dependencies of the CmsPageGuard were not public, so the guard was not easily customizable. Now most of the logic (and dependencies) are moved to a new service called CmsPageGuardService, and its dependencies are made public.

Config validation mechanism is now a separate module

Previously, config validator logic was part of ConfigModule. If you are not using StorefrontFoundationModule or any of its descendants, it’s required to import ConfigValidatorModule.forRoot() in order to make config validators run.

Selectors removed from @spartacus/core

The ProductSelectors.getSelectedProductsFactory was removed because it was outdated.

Factories removed from @spartacus/storefront public API

The pwaConfigurationFactory, pwaFactory, getStructuredDataFactory and skipLinkFactory were removed from the storefront library public API.

Bad Request Handler

The BadRequestHandler handles 400 errors. Previously, it was handling not found errors for OCC CMS pages because these were not returned as 404 errors. This was done in a generic way, by handling all other errors. Since the 1905 release of SAP Commerce Cloud, the OCC CMS returns a 404 error if a page is not found. Accordingly, we removed this special handling in the BadRequestHandler. This might affect custom implementations that relied on this behavior, and in these cases, it is recommended to throw 404 errors from your back end, or to customize the BadRequestHandler.

UrlMatcherFactoryService was renamed to UrlMatcherService and its methods were renamed

The service UrlMatcherFactoryService was renamed to UrlMatcherService and its methods were renamed as follows:

UrlMatcherFactoryService (removed) UrlMatcherService (new counterpart)
getFalsyUrlMatcher getFalsy
getMultiplePathsUrlMatcher getFromPaths
getPathUrlMatcher getFromPath
getOppositeUrlMatcher getOpposite
getGlobUrlMatcher getFromGlob

New way to opt out from suffix routes for PDP and PLP

Before 2.0, the suffix routes **/p/:productCode and **/c/:categoryCode (added for backwards compatibility with Accelerators) were implemented in Spartacus using separate Angular Routes objects. To opt out from them, you needed to dismantle the ProductDetailsPageModule or the ProductListingPageModule (or both), and reassemble them again without defining suffix routes.

Now that the separate objects for suffix routes were dropped, the suffix mechanism is now implemented in the original product and category routes, thanks to the support of the configurable Angular UrlMatcher that arrived in Spartacus 2.0.

So the default config of Spartacus for the product route now contains a matchers property with an array containing PRODUCT_DETAILS_URL_MATCHER, and the config for the category route has PRODUCT_LISTING_URL_MATCHER in the matchers array by default. These matchers match both the paths from the routing config as well as the suffix patterns **/p/:productCode and **/c/:categoryCode. To opt out from suffix patterns, set the config of the matchers routes explicitly to null, or to an array containing your custom matcher (or matchers).

Dropped functions in NavigationUIComponent

Since isTabbable was never called, it no longer exists in the NavigationUIComponent. Also, the getDepth function was renamed to getTotalDepth.

Anonymous consents feature toggle

The anonymous consents feature is now part of the core features, and the anonymousConsents feature toggle has been removed.

Changes in PaymentMethodComponent

The PaymentMethodComponent is now more similar to other checkout components, and the behavior is more aligned with the ShippingAddressComponent. The changes to the public API are as follows:

  • setPaymentDetails no longer has a third parameter. It should be used only for creating new payment details.
  • createCard method now has a third parameter for selected payment details. Parameters are also now typed.
  • selectPaymentMethod has different behavior now. It dispatches the CheckoutPaymentService method for selecting the payment. Previously, it only modified the local component state.
  • getCardContent was removed and replaced with the cards$ observable, which emits all payment details cards, along with the payment details for each one.
  • selectedPayment variable was replaced with the selectedMethod$ observable.
  • allowRouting variable renamed to shouldRedirect.
  • deliveryAddress, checkoutStepUrlNext, and checkoutStepUrlPrevious are now protected variables. Previously, the were private.
  • next method has been removed. Use goNext instead.
  • back method has been removed. Use goPrevious instead.
  • paymentMethodSelected method has been removed. Use selectPaymentMethod instead.

Changes in DeliveryModeComponent

The public API of this component has not been changed, but the behavior is now more aligned with other checkout components. Each change immediately triggers an update in the API. The default value is also set on the API during component initialization. As a result, the order summary is updated after every delivery mode change. On clicking the “next” button, the delivery mode is set one more time with the last selected value, and you get redirected to the next step only after an update has occurred on the API . When the delivery mode is set in the order summary component, you will see “shipping” instead of “estimated shipping”.

Removal of cmsPageLoadOnce feature flag

The cmsPageLoadOnce feature flag has been removed. The same behavior is now achievable by configuring routing.loadStrategy as RouteLoadStrategy.ONCE.

Products endpoint configuration

The backend.occ.endpoints.product_scopes configuration key was merged into the backend.occ.endpoints.product key.

Launched in Smart Edit detection

The isLaunchInSmartEdit method was removed from CmsService. Instead, use the new isLaunchedInSmartEdit method from SmartEditService.


The addDynamicAttributes method now has a different parameter order. The cmsRenderingContext parameter is now the last parameter and it has a type.

CmsActions and CmsSelectors

The CmsActions now have only parameter: payload. Other parameters are now part of payload.

The getComponentState, getComponentEntities, componentStateSelectorFactory and componentSelectorFactory were removed from CmsSelectors. Use CMS selector factories instead.

Default OCC prefix

The default value for the backend.occ.prefix configuration key is now /occ/v2/. This is the default value for the 2005 release of SAP Commerce Cloud.

Cart components changes

The removeEntry and updateEntry methods were removed from the AddedToCartDialogComponent component. Its logic is now contained in the getQuantityControl method.

The updateItem and isSaveForLaterEnabled methods were removed from the CartItemComponent component. The remove and update outputs were also removed. The isReadOnly input is renamed to readonly. The cartIsLoading, parent and potentialProductPromotions inputs were removed. The new quantityControl input was added to this component.

The ngOnInit, isSaveForLaterEnabled, updateEntry and getPotentialProductPromotionsForItem methods were removed from the CartItemListComponent component. The potentialProductPromotions input was removed.

The SkipLinkComponent methods blur, tabNext and tabPrev were removed.

The skip link default configuration was simplified. Previously, by default, there were skip links for the top header, bottom header, facets, product list, and footer. Now there are default skip links only for the header, main content, and footer.

Product list component service

The clearSearchResults method was removed from the ProductListComponentService. The method was not needed in the ProductListComponent anymore since the data will refresh on currency change. Instead, you can use clearResults in ProductSearchService.

Context change action not dispatched on the initial setting of the value

Before 2.0, the LanguageChange NgRx action was dispatched on setting the initial value (as was also the case for CurrencyChange). Moreover, the language (and currency) sometimes was initialized multiple times by the competing sources of truth (for example, routing, session storage, default config), which caused fake multiple language change actions in some circumstances (combinations of configuration and user journey).

Now the language change action is not dispatched on application start (and the same is true for currency). The language is initialized only once, using one source of truth. The first matched condition wins, according to the following order of priority:

  1. If the SSR transferred state is present, take the value from there. If not, proceed to the next condition.
  2. If the param was configured to be persisted from the URL, take the value from there. If not, proceed to the next condition. (When the value is not present in the current URL, the URL is updated using the default configured value and then we use this value.)
  3. If the value can be retrieved from session storage, take the value from there. If not, proceed to the next condition.
  4. Take the static default value from the config.

The same order of priority holds for currency. For base sites, however, only the first, second and fourth conditions apply, because there is no session storage as source.

WebComponentHandler is not provided by default

To enable Web Components support for CMS components, you have to provide the support in your app. The following is an example:

      provide: ComponentHandler,
      useExisting: WebComponentHandler,
      multi: true,

Automated Migrations for Version 2

  • CheckoutService no longer uses CartDataService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService (and AuthService). These services needs to be provided to CheckoutService.
  • CheckoutPaymentService no longer uses CartDataService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService (and AuthService). These services needs to be provided for CheckoutPaymentService.
  • CheckoutDeliveryService no longer uses CartDataService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService (and AuthService). These services needs to be provided for CheckoutDeliveryService.
  • CheckoutGuard no longer uses CheckoutConfig. This config usage was replaced with corresponding methods from CheckoutConfigService, ExpressCheckoutService, ActiveCartService. These services needs to be provided for CheckoutGuard.
  • AddressBookComponentService now uses CheckoutDeliveryService. This service needs to be provided for AddressBookComponentService.
  • PromotionService no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for PromotionService.
  • CheckoutLoginComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CheckoutLoginComponent.
  • CheckoutDetailsService no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CheckoutDetailsService.
  • NotCheckoutAuthGuard no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for NotCheckoutAuthGuard.
  • ShippingAddressComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for ShippingAddressComponent.
  • CheckoutPageMetaResolver no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CheckoutPageMetaResolver.
  • AddToCartComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for AddToCartComponent.
  • CartNotEmptyGuard no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CartNotEmptyGuard.
  • CartTotalsComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CartTotalsComponent.
  • MiniCartComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for MiniCartComponent.
  • CheckoutOrderSummaryComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CheckoutOrderSummaryComponent.
  • CheckoutProgressMobileTopComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CheckoutProgressMobileTopComponent.
  • PaymentMethodComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for PaymentMethodComponent.
  • CheckoutAuthGuard no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for CheckoutAuthGuard.
  • CartPageLayoutHandler no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. ActiveCartService and SelectiveCartService need to be provided in CartPageLayoutHandler.
  • SpartacusEventService no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. This service needs to be provided for SpartacusEventService.
  • ClientAuthenticationTokenService now uses OccEndpointsService. This service needs to be provided for ClientAuthenticationTokenService.
  • UserAuthenticationTokenService now uses OccEndpointsService. This service needs to be provided for UserAuthenticationTokenService.
  • OccCartEntryAdapter no longer uses FeatureConfigService. This service usage no longer uses the legacy methods: legacyAdd, legacyRemove, and legacyUpdate, and needs to be provided for OccCartEntryAdapter.
  • OccCartAdapter no longer uses FeatureConfigService. This service usage no longer uses the legacy methods: legacyLoadAll, legacyLoad, and legacyCreate, and needs to be provided for OccCartAdapter.
  • OccUserOrderAdapter no longer uses FeatureConfigService. This service usage no longer uses the legacy methods: legacyLoad and legacyLoadHistory, and needs to be provided for OccUserOrderAdapter.
  • UserConsentService now uses AuthService. This service needs to be provided for UserConsentService.
  • UserOrderService now uses AuthService. This service needs to be provided for UserOrderService.
  • UserPaymentService now uses AuthService. This service needs to be provided for UserPaymentService.
  • UserService now uses AuthService. This service needs to be provided for UserService.
  • AddedToCartDialogComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. Also PromotionService is now a required parameter. These services need to be provided for AddedToCartDialogComponent. FormBuilder no longer needs to be provided for this component.
  • CartDetailsComponent no longer uses CartService and FeatureConfigService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. PromotionService, SelectiveCartService, AuthService and RoutingService are now required parameters. These services need to be provided for CartDetailsComponent. The deprecated method isSaveForLaterEnabled() was removed.
  • ReviewSubmitComponent no longer uses CartService. This service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. CheckoutConfigService and PromotionService are now required parameters. These services need to be provided for ReviewSubmitComponent.
  • OrderDetailItemsComponent now requires PromotionService. This service needs to be provided for OrderDetailItemsComponent.
  • OrderConfirmationItemsComponent now requires PromotionService. This service needs to be provided for OrderConfirmationItemsComponent.
  • CartVoucherService now requires the new ActiveCartService parameter. This service needs to be provided for CartVoucherService.
  • CartCouponComponent no longer uses AuthService, FeatureConfigService and CartService. CartService service usage was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. Also, CustomerCouponService is now a required parameter. These services need to be provided for CartCouponComponent.
  • LogoutGuard no longer uses FeatureConfigService, which was used previously to determine the feature flag.
  • LoginFormComponent now requires the following new parameters: WindowRef, ActivatedRoute and CheckoutConfigService.
  • RegisterComponent no longer uses FeatureConfigService, AuthService and AuthRedirectService. Also RoutingService, AnonymousConsentsService and AnonymousConsentsConfig are now required parameters.
  • StarRatingComponent now requires the new Renderer2 parameter. This service needs to be provided for StarRatingComponent.
  • ProductService now requires ProductLoadingService.
  • ProductCarouselComponent no longer requires FeatureConfigService.
  • CurrentProductService no longer requires FeatureConfigService.
  • ProductPageMetaResolver no longer requires FeatureConfigService.
  • ProductListComponent now requires the new ViewConfig parameter. This config needs to be provided for ProductListComponent. The viewPage method was removed.
  • isSamePage is removed from the ProductScrollComponent because it is a deprecated method.
  • ConfigurableRoutesService no longer uses UrlMatcherFactoryService, but instead uses its counterpart, UrlMatcherService.
  • ExternalRoutesService no longer uses UrlMatcherFactoryService, but instead uses its counterpart, UrlMatcherService.
  • OutletDirective now requires new DeferLoaderService and OutletRendererService parameters. These services needs to be provided for OutletDirective.
  • ConsentManagementComponent now requires the AnonymousConsentsConfig, AnonymousConsentsService and AuthService parameters.
  • ConsentManagementComponent no longer uses the isLevel13 and isAnonymousConsentsEnabled properties.
  • ConsentManagementFormComponent no longer uses the isLevel13 and isAnonymousConsentsEnabled properties.
  • AnonymousConsentDialogComponent no longer uses the isLevel13 property.
  • PlaceOrderComponent now requires the new FormBuilder parameter.
  • CustomerCouponService now requires the new AuthService parameter. This service needs to be provided for CustomerCouponService.
  • UserInterestsService now requires the new AuthService parameter. This service needs to be provided for UserInterestsService.
  • UserNotificationPreferenceService now requires the new AuthService parameter. This service needs to be provided for UserNotificationPreferenceService.
  • UserAddressService now requires the new AuthService parameter. This service needs to be provided for UserAddressService.
  • ProductReviewsComponent now requires the new ChangeDetectorRef parameter. This service needs to be provided for ProductReviewsComponent.
  • SearchBoxComponent now requires the new WindowRef parameter. This service needs to be provided for SearchBoxComponent.
  • AddressBookComponent now requires new TranslationService, UserAddressService and CheckoutDeliveryService parameters. These services need to be provided for AddressBookComponent.
  • CartItemListComponent no longer requires FormBuilder, FeatureConfigService and CartService. CartService was replaced with corresponding methods from ActiveCartService. The deprecated method isSaveForLaterEnabled() was removed.
  • CartItemComponent no longer uses FeatureConfigService. The deprecated method isSaveForLaterEnabled() was removed.
  • PaymentFormComponent now requires the new UserAddressService parameter.
  • ComponentWrapperDirective no longer uses the CmsService param.
  • DynamicAttributeService requires the new SmartEditService parameter.
  • NavigationUIComponent no longer uses the allowAlignToRight property.
  • StoreFinderSearchResultComponent now requires the new StoreFinderConfig parameter. This service needs to be provided for StoreFinderSearchResultComponent.
  • PageSlotComponent now requires the new CmsComponentsService and ChangeDetectorRef parameters. The CmsComponentsService is used to read the configurable page fold from the layout configuration. The ChangeDetectorRef is needed to update the slot pending state asynchronously.
  • TabParagraphContainerComponent now requires the new WindowRef parameter. This service needs to be provided for TabParagraphContainerComponent.
  • SelectiveCartService now requires the new CartConfigService parameter.
  • QualtricsLoaderService now requires Angular’s core RendererFactory2 and no longer uses the QualtricsConfig. The service has been refactored for better extensibility and reuse.
  • QualtricsComponent now requires the QualtricsConfig to load the global qualtrics deployments script. This was a dependency in the QualtricsLoaderService in 1.x. Also, the component no longer uses the qualtricsEnabled$ property.
  • AmendOrderActionsComponent now requires the new RoutingService parameter.
  • FooterNavigationComponent no longer requires the AnonymousConsentsConfig parameter.
  • ProductFacetNavigationComponent no longer requires ModalService, ActivatedRoute and ProductListComponentService. It now requires BreakpointService.
  • StoreFinderGridComponent no longer requires RoutingService. The viewStore and prepareRouteUrl methods were removed.
  • SkipLinkService requires the new KeyboardFocusService parameter.
  • StorefrontComponent requires the new ElementRef and KeyboardFocusService parameters.
  • AutoFocusDirective, AutoFocusDirectiveModule, OnlyNumberDirective, OnlyNumberDirectiveModule and FormUtils were removed.
  • authentication.kyma_enabled configuration option has been removed. Kyma is now enabled by importing KymaModule.
  • features.anonymousConsents configuration option has been removed. This feature is now part of the core set of features, and it is enabled by default.

State utility changes

  • LoaderState, ProcessesLoaderState, EntityState, EntityLoaderState, EntityProcessesLoaderState were moved under the StateUtils namespace.
  • StateLoaderActions, StateProcessesLoaderActions, StateEntityActions, StateEntityLoaderActions, StateEntityProcessesLoaderActions were removed. All actions are now accessible from StateUtils.
  • StateLoaderSelectors, StateProcessesLoaderSelectors, StateEntitySelectors, StateEntityLoaderSelectors, StateEntityProcessesLoaderSelectors were removed. All selectors are now accessible from StateUtils.
  • loaderReducer, processesLoaderReducer, entityReducer, entityLoaderReducer, entityProcessesLoaderReducer, initialEntityState, initialLoaderState, initialProcessesState, getStateSlice were moved under the StateUtils namespace.
  • ofLoaderLoad, ofLoaderFail, ofLoaderSuccess methods were removed and are no longer available.
  • entityStateSelector was renamed to entityLoaderStateSelector.
  • EntityResetAction was renamed to EntityLoaderResetAction.

Automated migrations of page meta resolvers

The implementation of page meta data resolvers has been changed with 2.0. Previously, each meta resolver implementation had been responsible for resolving all page data, by implementing the abstract resolve method from the abstract PageMetaResolver. To allow for more flexibility and to simplify customizations, the individual implementations no longer implement the resolve method. Only a specific resolver is required, such as the PageTitleResolver. The PageMetaService will invoke the specific resolvers when available. This is done by the registered resolverMethods. You can further extend the list of resolverMethods without changing the implementation of PageMetaService.resolve.

These changes were introduced under a feature flag in version 1.3, and are standardized in 2.0. The FeatureConfigService was used for this feature flag, and has been dropped from all constructors with version 2.0. This change will be migrated automatically.

The individual changes per class for 2.0 are the following:

  • PageMetaService
    The resolverMethods access modifier changed from public to protected. The resolve method will invoke individual resolvers by iterating over the resolverMethods.
  • ContentPageMetaResolver
    The deprecated method resolve is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because individual resolve methods (resolveTitle and resolveBreadcrumbs) are invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolvers no longer receive arguments, but use the local cms$ observable to resolve the required data.
  • ProductPageMetaResolver
    The deprecated method resolve is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because individual resolve methods (resolveHeading, resolveTitle, resolveDescription, resolveBreadcrumbs, resolveImage and resolveRobots) are invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolvers no longer receive arguments, but use the local product$ observable to resolve the required data.
  • CategoryPageMetaResolver The deprecated method resolve is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because individual resolve methods (resolveTitle and resolveBreadcrumbs) are invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolvers (resolveTitle, resolveBreadcrumbs) no longer receive arguments, but use the local searchPage$ observable to resolve the required data.
  • SearchPageMetaResolver The deprecated method resolve is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because the individual resolve method (resolveTitle) is invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolver (resolveTitle) no longer receives arguments, but uses the local query$ observable to resolve the required data.
  • CartPageMetaResolver
    The deprecated method resolve is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because individual resolve methods (resolveTitle, resolveRobots) are invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolvers (resolveTitle, resolveRobots) no longer receive arguments, but use the local cms$ observable to resolve the required data.
  • CheckoutPageMetaResolver
    The deprecated method resolve is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because individual resolve methods (resolveTitle, resolveRobots) are invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolvers (resolveTitle, resolveRobots) no longer receive arguments, but use the local cart$ observable to resolve the required data.
  • CouponSearchPageResolver FindProductPageMetaResolver
    The FindProductPageMetaResolver was introduced in version 1.5, and has been renamed to CouponSearchPageResolver in version 2.0.

    The deprecated resolve method is removed in 2.0. This method is no longer supported because individual resolve methods (resolveTitle, resolveBreadcrumbs) are invoked by the PageMetaService directly. The individual resolvers (resolveTitle, resolveBreadcrumbs) no longer receive arguments, but use the local total$ observable to resolve the required data.

    The score method was refactored heavily to better cope with synchronize router state. This resulted in a change in the constructor which should be migrated automatically.

Larger Refactoring for 2.0

Pagination Component

The reusable PaginationComponent has been completely refactored for 2.0. The pagination component had various flaws in version 1 and the implementation wasn’t great either. The new version is fully configurable and easily extensible as the build logic is solely delegated to the new PaginationBuilder. The default configuration is more concise and shows a maximum of three pages with a start and end link.

The HTML and accompanying CSS is refactored as well. A clean DOM consists of only anchor links, nothing more. The availability and order of pagination links is driven by the configuration. The component is fully accessible and prepared for directionality as well.

Using anchor links is the preferred action for pagination links, but action links (using click events) are still supported and used in various areas in Spartacus. The product listing page, however, is using anchor links.

For more information, see Pagination Component.

If you have used the pagination component directly, you should refactor the implementation, as the inputs have changed.

Payment Form Component

The method isContinueButtonDisabled() because been removed as the submission button is no longer disabled by default.

Address Card Component

The component AddressCardComponent has been completely removed and is replaced by CardComponent. Use CardComponent instead.

Storage sync mechanism change in multi-cart

The storage synchronization mechanism previously used to persist the active cart id had some limitations that caused bugs on multi-site stores (issue:

The default storage sync configuration was removed from MultiCartStoreModule. Instead, a state persistence mechanism has been added for multi-cart to provide the same behavior and to support multi-site stores. It is build on top of StatePersistenceService. This is a new and recommended way to synchronize state to browser storage. For more information, see State Persistence.

Cart state and selectors removed

We are replacing the old cart store feature (CART_DATA, StateWithCart, CartsState, CART_FEATURE, CartState), along with its selectors (CartSelectors), with a new cart state that was available in previous versions under multi-cart. We recommend working with ActiveCartService and MultiCartService, which use the new cart store feature under the hood. This allows us to support more carts (for example, wishlist, saved carts, and so on).

Typed payloads in NgRx actions

To avoid one type of bug (missing parameters) when dispatching NgRx actions, we added types to their payload. We want to be sure that we always have all required parameters. Additionally, creating new actions is easier with types, as you get better editor support when specifying the payload.

The following is a list of actions with changed payload type: CartAddEntry, CartAddEntrySuccess, CartRemoveEntry, CartRemoveEntrySuccess, CartUpdateEntry, CartUpdateEntrySuccess, AddEmailToCartSuccess, MergeCartSuccess, CartAddEntryFail, CartRemoveEntryFail, CartUpdateEntryFail, CartRemoveVoucherFail, CartRemoveVoucherSuccess, CartAddVoucherFail, CartAddVoucherSuccess, CreateCart, CreateCartFail, CreateCartSuccess, LoadCart, LoadCartFail, LoadCartSuccess, LoadWishList, LoadWishListSuccess, AddEmailToCart, AddEmailToCartFail, MergeCart, DeleteCartFail, ClearCheckoutDeliveryModeFail.

The following are removed actions: CreateMultiCart, CreateMultiCartFail, CreateMultiCartSuccess, LoadMultiCart, LoadMultiCartFail, LoadMultiCartSuccess, AddEmailToMultiCart, AddEmailToMultiCartSuccess, AddEmailToMultiCartFail, MergeMultiCart, MergeMultiCartSuccess, ResetMultiCartDetails, ClearCart, RemoveTempCart, ClearExpiredCoupons.

The following are renamed actions: ClearMultiCartState -> ClearCartState

The following are new actions:

  • LoadWishListFail
    A dedicated LoadWishListFail action was added to maintain consistency in the wishlist. It is dispatched in the wishlist effects instead of the LoadCartFail action.

  • DeleteCartSuccess
    The DeleteCartSuccess action was added to maintain consistency in the delete cart effect. It will be dispatched after DeleteCart action will successfully delete cart in backend.

  • SetActiveCartId
    The SetActiveCartId action was added to set the active cart id from the state persistence service.

Services changes

MultiCartService.createCart and MultiCartService.mergeToCurrentCart now have more strict types for parameters.

New Deprecations

  • ADD_VOUCHER_PROCESS_ID const, CartResetAddVoucher action: we plan to migrate from the add voucher process to cart voucher events
  • CartProcessesIncrement and CartProcessesDecrement: instead, extend EntityProcesses in actions
  • CartVoucherService methods: getAddVoucherResultError, getAddVoucherResultSuccess, getAddVoucherResultLoading and resetAddVoucherProcessingState. These methods are replaced with event listeners.

Forms Changes

Naming convention

From 2.0, FormGroups will be named according to the components they are used in. For example, FormGroup in loginComponent will be named loginForm.

New FormGroup list

Component name Old FormGroup New FormGroup Notes
PlaceOrderComponent - checkoutSubmitForm new FormGroup added
AddressFormComponent address addressForm  
PaymentFormComponent billingAddress billingAddressForm BillingAddressComponent was removed (read more below)
PaymentFormComponent payment paymentForm  
RegisterComponent userRegistrationForm registerForm  
CSAgentLoginFormComponent form csAgentLoginForm  
CustomerSelectionComponent form customerSelectionForm  
CartCouponComponent form couponForm  
ForgotPasswordComponent form forgotPasswordForm  
ResetPasswordFormComponent form resetPasswordForm  
UpdateEmailFormComponent form updateEmailForm  
UpdatePasswordFormComponent form updatePasswordForm  
UpdateProfileFormComponent form updateProfileForm  
CheckoutLoginComponent form checkoutLoginForm  
LoginFormComponent form loginForm  

File removals

Due to changes in forms and form-related functionalities, the form-utils file was removed completely, and its functionalities are now handled by FormErrorsComponent. Also due to the aforementioned changes, BillingAddressFormComponent was removed and its functionalities were moved to PaymentFormComponent. The same is true for the module: instead of BillingAddressFormModule, use PaymentFormModule.

How to Use FormErrorsComponent


This component was created with easy usage in mind. The only thing you have to do is pass a form control to it as an attribute [control] and the component will handle everything for you, such as icon rendering, message, showing/hiding validation error, and so on.

Useful information

  • You can use the FormErrors component in any place you want, so you do not have to place it right after a related control element. For example, you can place it in a custom popup.
  • The FormErrors component uses translation keys from the common chunk.
  • Each translation is mapped to specific validation error names, such as cxPasswordsMustMatch, for example.
  • The visuals of the controls (red border) are fully handled by CSS. They take advantage of the ng-... form CSS classes (valid, dirty, touched).
  • FormErrors visibility is also relying on similar CSS classes (.control-valid, .control-dirty, .control-touched). As a result, you can use it in any place you want.


<form [formGroup]="testForm">
  <input formControlName="myInput" />
  <cx-form-errors [control]="testForm.get('myInput')"> <!-- pass the control -->

<cx-form-errors [control]="testForm.get('myInput')"> <!-- this will also work -->

Changes to components’ variables, methods, etc

Component Change type Old value New value
PlaceOrderComponent variable tAndCToggler removed
PlaceOrderComponent method toggleTAndC removed
PlaceOrderComponent method placeOrder submitForm
ForgotPasswordComponent variable submitted removed
ResetPasswordFormComponent variable submitted removed
UpdateEmailFormComponent variable submitted removed
UpdateEmailFormComponent method isEmailConfirmNotValid removed
UpdateEmailFormComponent method isNotValid removed
UpdatePasswordFormComponent output submitted submitted
UpdatePasswordFormComponent method isNotValid removed
UpdatePasswordFormComponent method isPasswordConfirmNotValid removed
UpdateProfileFormComponent output submitted submitted
UpdateProfileFormComponent method isNotValid removed
CSAgentLoginFormComponent method isNotValid removed
CheckoutLoginComponent method isNotValid removed
CheckoutLoginComponent method isEmailConfirmInvalid removed
LoginFormComponent method login submitForm
LoginFormComponent method - loginUser
RegisterComponent method submit submitForm
RegisterComponent method - registerUser
RegisterComponent variable isNewRegisterFlowEnabled removed
RegisterComponent variable isAnonymousConsentEnabled removed
CustomFormValidators validator emailDomainValidator removed
CustomFormValidators validator matchPassword removed
AmendOrderActionsComponent input isValid amendOrderForm
PaymentFormComponent method showSameAsShippingAddressCheckbox replaced with observable showSameAsShippingAddressCheckbox$

Store Finder Changes

In StoreFinderConfig, the radius parameter of the googleMaps? parameter is now configurable.

Save for Later Configuration

The saveForLater feature flag was removed.

Instead, use cart configuration to enable/disable saveForLater feature. The following is an example:

cart: {
  selectiveCart: {
    enabled: true|false

Translations Updates

New translations have been added: small stylistic changes in the default values of loginForm.dontHaveAccount, productList.appliedFilter, and productFacetNavigation.appliedFilter, and a new formErrors translation group was added to the common chunk.

CDS Library Breaking Changes

  • Enum ProfileTagEventNames.LOADED value was removed.
  • ProfileTagEventService.addTracker now returns Observable<string> instead of Observable<Event>.

Peer Dependencies

We updated peer dependencies for every library to correctly list all dependencies if you don’t use the storefront library. Previously, we only maintained this list for @spartacus/storefront.

Now, during any library installation, you will see which other packages you have to install in the project.

Deprecated Since 1.5

API Replacement Notes
WishlistEffects, CartEffects, CartVoucherEffects, CartEntryEffects, effects Create your own effects in a separate class and take into account the default behavior from effects We didn’t plan to export effects in the first place. Cart effects in the public API were a mistake. If you extended this class, you should move your effects to a separate class and keep in mind that default effects will be working.
getReducers, reducerToken, reducerProvider, clearCartState, metaReducers, clearMultiCartState, multiCartMetaReducers, multiCartReducerToken, getMultiCartReducers, multiCartReducerProvider Extend cart behavior in higher level (facade) or use custom actions for your specific use case We didn’t plan to export reducers and utilities for reducers in the first place. Cart reducers in the public API were a mistake. Any changes to reducers should be handled in a different layer (facade) or separate store module. Keep in mind that default reducer behavior will be working under the hood.
CartDetailsComponent.getAllPromotionsForCart method removed Use PromotionService PromotionService is now the main promotion data source. Whenever you need promotions information, you should use this service.
OrderDetailItemsComponent.getConsignmentProducts method removed Use OrderConsignedEntriesComponent instead This functionality has been extracted into a separate component.
CartItemComponent.potentialProductPromotions input removed Use PromotionService PromotionService is now the main promotion data source. Whenever you need promotions information, you should use this service.
CartItemListComponent.potentialProductPromotions input removed Use PromotionService PromotionService is now the main promotion data source. Whenever you need promotions information, you should use this service.
CartItemListComponent.getPotentialProductPromotionsForItem method removed Use PromotionService PromotionService is now the main promotion data source. Whenever you need promotions information, you should use this service.
ProductImagesComponent.isThumbsEmpty property removed Use thumbs$ observable instead -
KymaServices const removed Use OpenIdAuthenticationTokenService directly -

Deprecated Since 1.4

API Replacement Notes
config i18n.backend.crossDomain - It is not needed anymore since using Angular HttpClient for loading i18n assets
CartService removed Use ActiveCartService instead ActiveCartService has exactly the same name, arguments and return type for most of the methods from CartService. One function was renamed: getLoaded is changed to isStable to better describe function behavior. Two methods are not present in ActiveCartService. The getCartMergeComplete method was removed on purpose. Cart merging is an implementation detail of OCC and we don’t consider that information useful. Instead, you can rely on the isStable method that will correctly present the state of the cart. During cart merge, it will emit false values. A rule of thumb is to only dispatch cart modifications (for example, addEntry, addEmail) when isStable emits true. The addVoucher method is also not available in ActiveCartService. Instead, use the CartVoucherService.addVoucher method.
CartDataService removed Use methods from ActiveCartService and AuthService Our libraries are generally moving towards reactive programming and observables. CartDataService used completely different patterns and it was hard to follow if existing data was already updated, or represented a previous cart state. The following are replacements for CartDataService properties: userId -> replace usage with AuthService.getOccUserId(); cart -> replace usage with ActiveCartService.getActive(); cartId -> replace usage with ActiveCartService.getActiveCartId(); isGuestCart -> replace usage with ActiveCartService.isGuestCart(). The hasCart property doesn’t have a direct replacement. Instead, you can look into the ActiveCartService.getActive() method output to see if it emitted an empty object (which means that there is no cart).
ProductService and CurrentProductService use product scopes - In some cases, the current product won’t return the full product model. You should use scopes to optimize back end calls related to product data.
withCredentialsInterceptorProvider It is provided by default in OccModule -

Deprecated Since 1.3

API Replacement Notes
PageMetaResolver.resolve() Use individual resolvers The caller PageMetaService service is improved to expect all individual resolvers instead, so that the code is more easily extensible.
initSiteContextRoutesHandler, siteContextParamsProviders - The constants were not meant to be exported in the public API.
inititializeContext, contextServiceProviders - The constants were not meant to be exported in the public API.

Deprecated Since 1.2

API Replacement Notes
CheckoutActions.ClearCheckoutDeliveryModeSuccess() CheckoutActions.ClearCheckoutDeliveryModeSuccess(payload) The ClearCheckoutDeliveryModeSuccess action requires a payload. CheckoutActions.ClearCheckoutDeliveryModeSuccess(payload: { userId: string; cartId: string })
ANONYMOUS_USERID OCC_USER_ID_ANONYMOUS OCC constants are now available under the OCC prefix to make it more clear that these variables are related to OCC.
AddressBookComponentService.addUserAddress(userAddressService: UserAddressService) AddressBookComponentService(userAddressService, checkoutDeliveryService) The constructor now also uses the CheckoutDeliveryService. AddressBookComponentService(userAddressService: UserAddressService, checkoutDeliveryService: CheckoutDeliveryService)
CheckoutGuard(router: Router, config: CheckoutConfig, routingConfigService: RoutingConfigService) CheckoutGuard(router, routingConfigService, checkoutConfigService, expressCheckoutService, cartService) The constructor now uses new dependencies. CheckoutGuard(router: Router, routingConfigService: RoutingConfigService, checkoutConfigService: CheckoutConfigService, expressCheckoutService: ExpressCheckoutService, cartService: ActiveCartService)

Deprecated Since 1.1

API Replacement Notes
cxApi.CmsComponentData cxApi.cmsComponentData -
OccCartEntryAdapter.getCartEndpoint Use configurable endpoints -
OccCartAdapter.getCartEndpoint Use configurable endpoints -
OccUserOrderAdapter.getOrderEndpoint Use configurable endpoints -

Shipping Address component variables and methods removed

Support for declared variables dropped:

  • cards This variable will no longer be in use. Use the cards$ observable instead.
  • goTo This variable will no longer be in use. Avoid using it.
  • setAddress This variable will no longer be in use. Use selectAddress(address: Address) instead.
  • setAddressSub This variable will no longer be in use. Avoid using it.
  • selectedAddressSub This variable will no longer be in use. Use the selectedAddress$ observable instead.
  • checkoutStepUrlNext This variable will no longer be in use. Use CheckoutConfigService.getNextCheckoutStepUrl(this.activatedRoute) instead.
  • checkoutStepUrlPrevious This variable will no longer be in use. Use CheckoutConfigService.getPreviousCheckoutStepUrl(this.activatedRoute) instead.
  • selectedAddress This variable will no longer be in use. Use selectedAddress$ observable instead.

Support for functions dropped:

  • addressSelected This method will no longer be in use. Use selectAddress(address: Address) instead.
  • back This method will no longer be in use. Use goPrevious() instead.
  • next This method will no longer be in use. Use goNext() instead.
  • addNewAddress This method will no longer be in use. Use addAddress(address: Address) instead.
  • ngOnDestroy This method will no longer be in use. Remove.