Technical Changes in TUA Spartacus 2.0

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Table of Contents


Remove Method

Method Name Description
getMaximumTierEnd Returns the maximum tier ending for the provided prices

New Method

Method Name Description
calculatePrice Returns the final price after applying alterations (TmaPrice has one time $10, and has alterations of $2, so the final price is $8)
calculateTotalDiscount Returns the total discount applied on a price (OriginalPrice is 10, and has discountedPrice is 8, so total discount available is 2)
computePayOnCheckoutDiscount Returns the price discount applied on payOncheckout charge
flattenPriceTreeWithDiscount Transforms the price and price alteration composite structure to a simplified array of prices with alterations
getCycledPriceAlterations Returns a list of all alternations for a charge, if any alternation has a cycle attached
getFormattedPrice Returns the formatted form of the price provided (as $ 15.00) currency is appended


Remove Methods

Method Name Description
getAverageCostPerMonth Returns the average cost per month based on the consumption and term provided
getAverageCostPerYear Returns the average cost per year based on the consumption and term provided
getEachRespectiveTierUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only the each respective tier usage charges
getFormattedContractTerm Returns the formatted form of the contract term provided
getHighestApplicableTierUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only the highest respective tier usage charges
getMaximumTierEnd Returns the highest tier end for the prices provided
getMinimumPrice Returns the minimum price of a product
getNotApplicableUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only the per unit usage charges, which do not have a usageType defined
getUsageUnits Returns the usage units for the product provided
getVolumeUsagePrices Returns a list that contains only the volume usage charges

New Method

Method Name Description
calculatePrice Returns the cumulative sum of prices after alternations
calculateTotalDiscount Return the total discount applied on a price (OriginalPrice is 10, and discountedPrice is 8, so total discount available is 2)
getCycledPriceAlterations Returns a list of all alternations for a price, if any alternation has a cycle attached
getDiscounts Returns a list of discount charges for product offering prices
getHighestPriorityPriceForSPO Returns the highest priority price of an SPO product
getUsagePrices Returns a list that contains usage product offering prices
sumOfCharges Returns the sum of the charges with discounts filtered out

Updated Components


This component extends the ProductSummaryComponent to display information about the prices of the product offering in the Product Details Page (PDP). It displays the price charges. For more information, see TmaPriceDisplayComponent.

Note: If a product offering has multiple prices, highest priority pricing is used to determine the price.


This component extends the ProductDetailsTabComponent to display detailed prices of the product offering in the Product Details tab of the Product Details Page (PDP). The followings information is displayed:

  • Contract Duration: <contract term name>

For example, Contract Duration: 12 Months - monthly billing.

Note: If a product offering does not have a contract term, recurring prices, or usage charges, this section will not be displayed. No charges will be shown in this component. All product charges are shown in a price tree in the product summary component.


This component extends the ProductListItemComponent to display information about the prices of the product offering in the Product Grid Item page. It displays the price charges. For more information, see TmaPriceDisplayComponent.


This component extends the ProductGridItemComponent to display information about the prices of the product offering in the Product Grid Item page. It displays the price charges. For more information, see TmaPriceDisplayComponent.


This component displays the usage charge details in the product pages in the following format:

<value><currency>/<usageUnit> for <cycle start> to <cycle end> <usageUnit>

For example, Inside “Per Minutes Charges (Charged By Each Respective Tier)” TmaPriceDisplayComponent, Usage Charge as 0.08 $ /minute for 1 to 100 minute for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component displays the one time charges in the product pages in the following format:

<value><currency> <billingEvent>

For example, Inside “Activation Charges” TmaPriceDisplayComponent, One Time Charge as 50.0 $ On Checkout for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component displays the recurring charges in the product pages in the following format:

<value><currency> <billingEvent>

For example, Inside “Service Charges” TmaPriceDisplayComponent, Recurring Charges as 50.0 $ monthly for the signatureUnlimitedPlan product.


This component displays one time charges on the cart item in the following format:

<value><currency> <billingEvent>

For example, one time charge of 50.0 $ On Checkout for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component displays the recurring charges on the cart item in the following format:

<value><currency> <billingEvent>

For example, recurring charges of 50.0 $ monthly for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component displays the usages charges on the cart item in the following format:

<value><currency> /<usageUnit> for <cycle start> to <cycle end> <usageUnit>

For example, usage charge of 0.08 $ /minute for 1 to 100 minute for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component displays the details of the cart items in the following format:

<discounted value>

For example, $50 $32 for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.

The component is updated to show pay now prices with alterations if applicable and it has modified the display of the appointment details to move at the cart entry level. For more information, see TmaCartItemListComponent.


This component is added to the cart dialog to show the entries added to the cart. It is updated to show the formatted “pay now” price of the cart for composite pricing and to include the AppointmentDetailsComponent in the Add to Cart dialog.


This component displays the prices of the subscription order. It is updated to include the TmaCartItemPriceDisplayComponent.


This component displays product details in a grid. It is updated to include price display component. The followings is displayed: Price Charges. For more information, see TmaPriceDisplayComponent.


This component that displays product details in a list. It is updated to include price display component. The followings is displayed: Price Charges. For more information, see TmaPriceDisplayComponent.


This component displays the Add to Cart button for a BPO, which calls the checklist action and opens the checklist action stepper if any checklist actions for the Appointment or the Installation Address are present. If multiple products require Installation Address and/or Appointment, the user is prompted to provide one-time information, so that the same information is copied for similar other products, which require Installation Address and/or Appointment.


The guided selling is added to the cart dialog to show the entries added to the cart. It is updated to show the formatted “pay now” price of the cart for composite pricing. The component is updated to display the AppointmentDetailsComponent. For more information, see AppointmentDetailsComponent.


This component is updated to include:

  • The JourneyChecklistInstallationAddressComponent.
  • The Next Button To save the address in the address book of the user and navigate to the next step, which can be either Add to Cart or the selecting an appointment.


This component displays the available time slots to the customer.

  • The Please Call to Schedule option is selected by default.
  • The other values are in the following format: Month Date, Year Time (AM/PM). For example, Sept 9,2020 12:00 PM.


This component displays the displays the appointment details in the order page, order-history page, cart summary page, and on the cart pop-up in the following format:

Appointment: Month Date, Year Time (AM/PM)

For example: Appointment: Sept 9,2020 12:00 PM or Appointment: Please Call to Schedule.

Contract Duration: The contract duration is displayed in the “Appointment: Month Date, Year Time (AM/PM)” format. For example, Appointment: Sept 9,2020 12:00 PM or Appointment: Please Call to Schedule.


This component is updated to include the AppointmentDetailsComponent on the cart entry level.

  • For SPO, it displays at the Cart or the Order Entry Level.
  • For BPO, it displays at the BPO level.


This component displays the **Add to Cart” button, which is enhanced to call checklist actions, and open checklist action stepper if any checklist actions for the Appointment or the Installation Address are present.

New Components


This component displays prices in the product pages. It includes subsequent product charge types components in the following format:

<POP Name> (In Case No <UsageType>) is present

For example, Activation Charges for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.

<POP Name> (Charged By <UsageType> if UsageType is present)

For example, Per MB charges (charged by highest applicable tier) for the signatureUnlimitedPlan product.

It displays all the usage charges, such as:

  • one time charges. For more information, see TmaOneTimeChargeComponent.
  • recurring charges. For more information, see TmaRecurringChargeComponent.
  • usage charges. For more information, see TmaUsageChargeComponent.
  • alteration charges. For more information, see TmaAlterationDetailsComponent.


This component displays alteration charges in the product pages in the following format:

-<value><currency> OFF <billingEvent> : Without Cycle

For example, A-10.0 $ OFF On Checkout for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan or -20.0 % OFF On Checkout for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.

-<value><currency> OFF <billingEvent> for <cycle start> to <cycle end>: With Cycle

For example, -10.0 $ OFF monthly for 1 to 6 for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component displays prices on the cart. It includes subsequent cart charge types components, such as Hierarchical Price in case:

No (<UsageType>) is present

For example, Hierarchical Price for the product signatureUnlimitedPlan if added in the Cart Hierarchical Price:

(Charged By <UsageType>) if UsageType is present

For Example: Hierarchical Price (Charged By Each Respective Tier) for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan if Added in Cart.

It displays all usage charges for:

  • one time charges. For more information, CartItemOneTimeChargeComponent.
  • recurring charges. For more information, CartItemOneTimeChargeComponent.
  • usage charges. For more information, CartItemOneTimeChargeComponent.
  • alteration charges. For more information, CartItemOneTimeChargeComponent.


This component displays alteration charges on the cart pages in the following format:

-<value><currency> OFF <billingEvent> : Without Cycle

For example: -10.0 $ OFF On Checkout for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan or -20.0 % OFF On Checkout for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.

-<value><currency> OFF <billingEvent> for <cycle start> to <cycle end>: With Cycle

For example: -10.0 $ OFF monthly for 1 to 6 for Product signatureUnlimitedPlan.


This component wraps the TmaAddressFormComponent for the checklist pertaining to the installation address. It is intended for populating the address while editing.


This component displays the installation address details in the Order page, Order History page, Cart summary, and Cart pop-up. The “Installation Address” details contains: Building Number, Street Name, City, State or Province (Optional), Country, and Postal Code.


This component is a wrapper for the AppointmentComponent and InstallationAddressComponent. It is responsible for editing an appointment, hence has an Edit icon.


This components is used for populating address details, such as House/Building Number, Street, Apartment/Unit/Suite(Optional), City, Country, State/Province (appears only if the country is United States), and Zip/Postal code.

Removed Components

  1. TmaProductFacetNavigationComponent
  2. TmaVolumeChargeComponent
  3. TmaPerUnitChargeCo

For more information, see Updating to Version 2.0.