Route Configuration

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Spartacus includes predefined route configurations in default-routing-config.ts that allow you to run your storefront app without needing to configure any routes at all. However, all routes in Spartacus can be configured by importing ConfigModule.withConfig() with an object containing the routing property, and every part of the predefined configurations can be extended or overwritten using ConfigModule.withConfig() as well.

The following is an example of extending a predefined configuration:

    routing: {
        routes: {
            product: { paths: [':productCode/custom/product-path'] }

Predefined configurations are extended and overwritten as follows:

  • objects extend predefined objects
  • values, such as primitives, arrays, and null, overwrite predefined values

When you extend a predefined configuration, you must always use the route parameters from the predefined configuration, such as the :productCode parameter in the product/:productCode path. If you omit a route parameter, the storefront’s components could break. The following is an example of what you should not do:

    routing: {
        routes: {
            product: { paths: ['product/:productName'] } // overwritten without :productCode

Note: The paths property takes the form of an array to support route aliases. For more information, see Route Aliases.

Working with Angular Routes

For Routes to be configurable, they need to be named the same in the data.cxRoute property and in the route keys in the configuration.

The following example shows the data.cxRoute property defining the name of the route as 'product':

const routes: Routes = [
        data: {
            cxRoute: 'product' // the name of the route
        path: null, // it will be replaced by the path from config
        component: ProductPageComponent
        /* ... */

And in the following example, product is again used as the name for the route:

    routing: {
        routes: {
            product: { // the name of the route
                paths: [/*...*/]

Note: The path property cannot be undefined. Angular requires a defined path at compilation time.

Child Routes or Nested Routes

An Angular Route can contain children (also known as nested routes), as shown in the following example:

const routes: Routes = [
        data: {
            cxRoute: 'parent' // the name of the route
        children: [
                data: {
                    cxRoute: 'child' // the name of the route
                /* ... */
        /* ... */

In this case, you need to configure both the parent and the child routes, as shown in the following example:

    routing: {
        routes: {
            parent: { // the name of the route
                paths: ['parent-path'],
            child: { // the name of the route
                paths: ['child-path']