Personalization Integration

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

For the following steps, the Electronics sample site is used along with the Spartacus Sample Data extension.

Table of Contents

Back End Extension Requirements

Make sure all the required personalization extensions and AddOns are installed in your SAP Commerce Cloud instance. For more information, see the Personalization installation instructions for your release.

Back End CORS Settings

As described in Configure Personalization for Commerce Web Services, add occ-personalization-id and occ-personalization-time to the following settings:

  • corsfilter.commercewebservices.allowedHeaders
  • corsfilter.commercewebservices.exposedHeaders

Note: These settings are for SAP Commerce Cloud version 2005 or newer. For SAP Commerce Cloud version 1905 or older, use the following settings instead:

  • corsfilter.ycommercewebservices.allowedHeaders
  • corsfilter.ycommercewebservices.exposedHeaders

If a setting doesn’t exist, create it.

If the setting already exists, add the new values to the end, including a space before. For example, allowedHeaders might look like this:

origin content-type accept authorization occ-personalization-id occ-personalization-time

Note: You can edit these settings using HAC, but you can also add these parameters to in the hybris/config folder or in the file of ycommercewebservices.

Personalization Configuration in Backoffice

  1. In Backoffice, go to Personalization > Configuration > Personalization Configuration.

  2. Select Electronics Site.

  3. In the Properties tab, General section, add Spartacus Electronics Site to Set of base sites.

  4. In the Commerce Web Services tab, set Personalization for Commerce Web Services to True.

To test that the configuration is working:

  • Send an OCC REST API call to your site. You should see Occ-Personalization-Id in the response header.
  • Send the call again but with Occ-Personalization-Id: yourid in the header, and you should also see Occ-Personalization-Time.

Enabling Personalization in Spartacus

Starting with version 3.2 of the Spartacus libraries, the personalization integration is part of the @spartacus/tracking library. If you are using version 3.2 or newer of the Spartacus libraries, see Configuring Personalization to Work With Spartacus 3.2 or Newer. If you are using version 3.1 or older of the Spartacus libraries, see Configuring Personalization to Work With Spartacus 3.1 or Older.

Configuring Personalization to Work With Spartacus 3.2 or Newer

You can configure personalization by adding PersonalizationConfig to personalization-feature.module.ts, as shown in the following example:

    personalization: {
      enable: true,

The following is an example of the defaultPersonalizationConfig:

export const defaultPersonalizationConfig: PersonalizationConfig = {
  personalization: {
    enabled: false,
    httpHeaderName: {
      id: 'Occ-Personalization-Id',
      timestamp: 'Occ-Personalization-Time',
    context: {
      slotPosition: 'PlaceholderContentSlot',
      componentId: 'PersonalizationScriptComponent',

You can change the default values by replacing them in personalization-feature.module.ts.

Configuring Personalization to Work With Spartacus 3.1 or Older

In app.module.ts, add the following to the settings in the B2cStorefrontModule.withConfig section:

personalization: {
  enabled: true,

Testing Personalization

To check if Spartacus Personalization is configured properly:

  1. From your Spartacus site, right-click the page, click Inspect, then click Network.

  2. Click the Spartacus store logo to go to the Home page, then click a product.

Any network call referring to cms/pages should include the personalization ID and time in the header. You can also run the command localStorage in the Inspect Console; the personalization-id and personalization-time should be visible in the response.

To test your own configurations, you can try out the steps in the following Personalization tutorials:

For more information, see Peronalization in the SAP Help Portal.

Setting Up Personalization Context For Spartacus (Optional)

The personalization context contains information about personalization details like segments and actions which influence displayed content. Such information can be used by reporting tools.

Sample personalization context :

  "actions": [
      "action_code": "actionCanonLoverSpa",
      "action_type": "CxCmsActionResult",
      "variation_code": "canonLoverSpa",
      "variation_name": "canonLoverSpa",
      "customization_code": "CategoryLoversSpa",
      "customization_name": "CategoryLoversSpa"
      "action_code": "canonLoverSearchProfileActionSpa",
      "action_type": "CxSearchProfileActionResult",
      "variation_code": "canonLoverSpa",
      "variation_name": "canonLoverSpa",
      "customization_code": "CategoryLoversSpa",
  "segments": [
    "CATEGORY brand_10"

Back End

  1. The personalizationaddon extension.

    The personalizationaddon is needed to expose the personalization context on the storefront. It should be added to localextension.xml.

     <extension name="personalizationaddon" />
  2. The PersonalizationScriptComponent

    The personalizationaddon contains the PersonalizationScriptComponent, which should be inserted into PlaceholderContentSlot.

    You can run the ImpEx below to add PersonalizationScriptComponent to your content catalog. Remember to set $contentCatalog parameter to the proper content catalog value.

    $contentCatalog = electronics-spaContentCatalog
    $stageContentCV = catalogVersion(CatalogVersion.catalog([default=$contentCatalog]), CatalogVersion.version[default=Staged])[default=$contentCatalog:Staged]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Component needed for personalization context visible in storefront
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    INSERT_UPDATE PersonalizationScriptComponent; $stageContentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]             ; name                  ;
                                                ;                          ; PersonalizationScriptComponent ; PersonalizationScript ; PersonalizationScript ; ;
    INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $stageContentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]     ; active; cmsComponents(uid, $stageContentCV)[mode = append]
                             ;                          ; PlaceholderContentSlot ; true  ; PersonalizationScriptComponent
    $onlineContentCV = catalogVersion(CatalogVersion.catalog([default=$contentCatalog]), CatalogVersion.version[default=Online])[default=$contentCatalog:Online]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Component needed for personalization context visible in storefront
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    INSERT_UPDATE PersonalizationScriptComponent; $onlineContentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]             ; name                  ;
                                                ;                          ; PersonalizationScriptComponent ; PersonalizationScript ; PersonalizationScript ; ;
    INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $onlineContentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]     ; active; cmsComponents(uid, $onlineContentCV)[mode = append]
                             ;                          ; PlaceholderContentSlot ; true  ; PersonalizationScriptComponent

Frontend - Spartacus

Spartacus contains PersonalizationContextService, which enables access to personalization context. If you would like to use information from personalization context, you can subscribe to it and get PersonalizationContext object.

export interface PersonalizationContext {
  actions: PersonalizationAction[];
  segments: string[];

export interface PersonalizationAction {
  action_name: string;
  action_type: string;
  customization_name?: string;
  customization_code?: string;
  variation_name?: string;
  variation_code?: string;

Below you can find a sample test service, which displays personalization context in the console.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {PersonalizationContextService} from "./personalization-context.service";
  providedIn: 'root',
export class PersonalizationTestService {
    protected service : PersonalizationContextService
  ) {
    this.service.getPersonalizationContext().subscribe(evt => console.log(evt));
  getServiceName(): String {
    return 'PersonalizationTestService';