Creating New Pages and Components

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Spartacus is a single-page application, but it still uses the concept of pages to distinguish the different views within the app. Spartacus pages come from the CMS, and are constructed with slots and components. A page contains slots, and slots contain components. To organize common slots and components, Spartacus supports page templates. A page template contains a layout, as well as components that can be used globally, such as header and footer sections.

Spartacus receives each page from the CMS with a list of slots and components, and this list is used to render the appropriate components.

Note: For information on replacing an existing component, see Configuring Custom Components.

Table of Contents

Creating a New Page

To create a new page in Spartacus, first you need to create the relevant page in the CMS. For information on creating pages in the CMS, see Creating Pages on the SAP Help Portal.

After you have created a new page in the CMS, Spartacus adds it automatically without any configuration. The URL of the page in Spartacus is the same as the CMS label.

Creating a New Component

To create a new component in Spartacus, first you need to create the relevant component in the CMS. For information on creating components in the CMS, see Creating Components from Component Types on the SAP Help Portal.

After you have created a new component in the CMS, it needs to be mapped to a new Angular component.

The following example shows how to map a new wish list component. In this case, the wish list component has the following file structure:


You can then map the wish list component in wishlist.module.ts, as follows:

imports: [
    cmsComponents: {
        component: WishlistComponent // The class of your Angular component

This logic injects the WishlistComponent wherever it is placed in the CMS. For more details on working with CMS components, see Customizing CMS Components.

Static Pages

You can also create a custom page with custom components by creating a static page.

The following procedure describes how to create a static wish list page with a wish list component.

  1. Create a static page and a static route.

    The following example creates a wish list page in wishlist-page.module.ts:

     import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
     import { CmsPageGuard } from '@spartacus/storefront';
     const staticRoutes: Routes = [{
       path: 'wishlist',
       component: WishlistPageComponent // Custom page component,
       canActivate: [CmsPageGuard]
     imports: [RouterModule.forChild(staticRoutes)];
  2. Add the component to the page, just as you would for any regular Angular component.

    In the following example, the component is added in wishlist-page.component.html:

       <!-- Selector of the component to use -->