Pre-Release Information

Note: Spartacus 2.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

This document describes what is included in the latest pre-release of Spartacus libraries, such as next and rc libraries.

For an overview of what is included in a specific release, see Release Information. For detailed release notes, see the Spartacus repository Releases page.

Releaes 3.0.0-RC.0 - Friday, November 20, 2020

The first release candidate is here!

We’re proud to announce our first release candidate for Spartacus libraries 3.0. The RC includes:

  • B2B Commerce Organization
  • B2B Checkout
  • B2B Scheduled Replenishment
  • Session Management
  • Uses Angular 10

As always, feedback appreciated! Contact us through Slack or submit an issue.

Trying out the Spartacus 3.0 RC is similar to installing the ‘next’ versions. The following is a summary of the steps:

Adding the new sample data

  1. Download from the assets of the 3.0.0-rc.0 (or use this direct link). The spartacus sample data can be used with releases 2005 and 2011.
  2. Copy the spartacussampledata folder to hybris/bin/custom.
  3. In installer/recipes/cx, open build.gradle and add the following entry in the extensions section:

    extName 'spartacussampledata'

    Note: Do not uncomment the Spartacus AddOn entries. They are no longer needed because the sample data is now an extension, not an AddOn.

  4. Build the cx recipe.

Building a B2C store (requires Angular 10!)

  1. ng new b2cstore --style=scss
  2. cd b2cstore
  3. ng add @spartacus/schematics@rc
  4. In src/app/app.module.ts, check that baseUrl points to your server (localhost is default)
  5. In src/app/app.module.ts, update context as needed. The following is an example:

     context: {
       urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'],
       baseSite: ['electronics-spa', 'apparel-uk-spa'],
       language: ['en'],
       currency: ['USD','GBP']
  6. yarn install
  7. yarn start
  8. Browse to http://localhost:4200

    Note: The OCC prefix now defaults to occ/v2 and is no longer shown by default in app.module.ts, although you can add it.

Building a B2B Spartacus Store

The following steps are for B2B store features, including B2B Checkout and Commerce Organization. Ensure you have Powertools installed in your back end.

  1. ng new b2bstore --style=scss
  2. cd b2bstore
  3. ng add @spartacus/schematics@rc
  4. ng add @spartacus/organization@rc

    This step adds the B2B Commerce Organization module.

  5. In src/app/app.module.ts, check that baseUrl points to your server (localhost is default).
  6. In src/app/app.module.ts, update context as needed. The following is an example:

     context: {
       urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'], 
       baseSite: ['powertools-spa'],
       language: ['en'],
       currency: ['USD'] 
  7. yarn install
  8. yarn start
  9. Browse to http://localhost:4200

Release 3.0.0-next.3 - October 8th, 2020

We’re happy to announce that support for the SAP Commerce Cloud B2B Scheduled Replenishment feature has been released!

You can set up Spartacus 3.0.0-next.3 with B2B Scheduled Replenishment by following these steps:

  1. Make sure Angular 10 is installed.
  2. Create a new Angular app: ng new mystore --style=scss
  3. Change to the mystore directory: cd mystore
  4. Add Spartacus schematics using the most recent next release: ng add @spartacus/schematics@next

Then there are some slight edits needed, as follows:

  1. In package.json, add the following entries to the dependencies section:

     "@spartacus/my-account": "^3.0.0-next.3",
     "@spartacus/setup": "^3.0.0-next.3",
  2. In src/app/app.module.ts, make the following changes:

    • Change the import { B2c... line to import { B2bStorefrontModule } from '@spartacus/setup';
    • Change B2cStorefrontModule.withConfig({ to B2B: B2bStorefrontModule.withConfig({
    • Set the base URL to point to your Powertools store OCC API server
    • Set the OCC prefix (usually /occ/v2/ for version 2005 of SAP Commerce Cloud)
    • Update the context definition to include powertools, such as in the following example: context: {urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'], baseSite: ['powertools-spa'], language: ['en'], currency: ['USD']},
  3. In src/styles.scss, add the line: @import '~@spartacus/my-account/index';
  4. Run yarn install.
  5. Run yarn start.

For the final release, most of these setup steps will be taken care of by the installer.

For more information on scheduled replenishment, see B2B Checkout and Order Process on the SAP Help Portal. The “Scheduling a Replenishment Order” section is toward the end of the page.

Release 3.0.0-next.2 - October 5th, 2020

We’re happy to announce that the B2B Commerce Organization feature has been released!

B2B Commerce Organization allows you to point to a Spartacus Powertools storefront, sign in as the Linda Wolf admin, and then configure units, users, budgets, cost centers, and spending limits, as described in Commerce Organization on the SAP Help Portal.

You can set up Spartacus 3.0-next.2 with Commerce Organization by following these steps:

  1. Make sure Angular 10 is installed.
  2. Create a new Angular app: ng new mystore --style=scss
  3. Change to the mystore directory: cd mystore
  4. Add Spartacus schematics using the most recent next release: ng add @spartacus/schematics@next

Then there are some slight edits needed, as follows:

  1. In package.json, add the following entries to the dependencies section:

     "@spartacus/my-account": "^3.0.0-next.2",
     "@spartacus/setup": "^3.0.0-next.2",
  2. In src/app/app.module.ts, make the following changes:

    • Change the import { B2c... line to import { B2bStorefrontModule } from '@spartacus/setup';
    • Change B2cStorefrontModule.withConfig({ to B2B: B2bStorefrontModule.withConfig({
    • Set the base URL to point to your Powertools store OCC API server
    • Set the OCC prefix (usually /occ/v2/ for version 2005 of SAP Commerce Cloud)
    • Update the context definition to include powertools, such as in the following example: context: {urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'], baseSite: ['powertools-spa'], language: ['en'], currency: ['USD']},
  3. In src/styles.scss, add the line: @import '~@spartacus/my-account/index';
  4. Run yarn install.
  5. Run yarn start.

Using Commerce Organization also requires the latest pre-release of the Spartacus sample data extension ( or, which you can download from the Spartacus release page (for example, here if you are using a 2005 back end, or here if you are using a 1905 back end).

Note: If you are using SAP Commerce Cloud 2005, the sample data is now an extension and no longer an AddOn.

To install the sample data for a 2005 back end, add spartacussampledata to the extensions section of the localextensions.xml file. Do not add it to the addons section. You can also do the same if using recipes to install.

To install the sample data for a 1905 back end, see Setting Up SAP Commerce Cloud with the Spartacus Sample Data Addon.

Release 3.0.0-next.1 - September 17th, 2020

This pre-release moves Spartacus to Angular 10.

Setup instructions are very similar to Building the Spartacus Storefront using 2.x Libraries, except that you specify @next when adding schematics.

  1. Make sure Angular 10 is installed, either globally or as your local framework.
  2. Create a new Angular app with ng new mystore --style=scss.
  3. Then cd mystore. The package.json file should contain Angular 10 libraries.
  4. Run ng add @spartacus/schematics@next. The package.json should contain Spartacus 3.0.0-next.1 libraries.
  5. Run yarn install.
  6. Run yarn start.

A reminder that, by default, app.module.ts is pointing to localhost and uses /rest/v2/.

See Updating to Angular version 10 for information on what’s new in Angular 10.

Release 3.0.0-next.0 - September 11th, 2020

We’re proud to announce that our first next release for 3.0 has been published! It contains the B2B Checkout feature.

To set up a server for use with Spartacus B2B, do the following:

You can try out the new Spartacus 3.0.0-next libraries by following these steps:

  1. Create a new Angular app (using Angular 9) with ng new mystore --style=scss.
  2. Then cd mystore.
  3. Run ng add @spartacus/schematics@next.
  4. Run yarn install.
  5. In src/app/app.module.ts, replace B2cStorefrontModule with B2bStorefrontModule (there are two instances that need replacing).
  6. In the same file, change "/rest/v2/" to "/occ/v2/".
  7. In the same file, update the context definition to include powertools, such as in the following example: context: {urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'], baseSite: ['powertools-spa'], language: ['en'], currency: ['USD']},
  8. Run yarn start.

Note: If you have Angular 10 installed globally, you can install Angular 9 locally with npm install @angular/cli@^9.0.0 in a new folder, then follow the instructions above.

2.1 Pre-Release Libraries

Release 2.1 has been published! See Release Information for more information on release 2.1.

Customer Data Cloud Pre-Release

The Customer Data Cloud (CDC, previously known as Gigya) integration library remains in pre-release and will likely be final alongside the 3.0 release. This new library provides authentication and consent management through CDC instead of what’s out-of-the-box SAP Commerce Cloud. For more information, see the documentation.

Pre-Release Libraries for 2.0 and earlier

Pre-release libraries are no longer actively updated for versions 2.0 and earlier, as the final release of these libraries was already published. Pre-release libraries are still available but the final versions should be used.


If you have technical questions, you can get in touch with us on Stack Overflow. For non-technical questions, you can reach us on our Slack workspace. Feedback welcome!