Early Login

Note: Spartacus 2.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: This feature is introduced with version 1.2 of the Spartacus libraries.

It is common practice for B2B stores to be password-protected, meaning that users need to log in before they can access the site. At the very least, a login page must be publicly accessible, and there can be other public pages as well, such as registration, help, and support pages. Other than these public pages, the rest of the B2B site requires authentication for the user to access it. The Spartacus early login feature allows you to make one or more pages of your site public, and to set the rest of the site as password-protected.

Protecting Most Routes

You can enable early login by providing a configuration, such as the following:

    routing: {
        protected: true,
        /* ... */

This configuration requires a user to be logged in to access any CMS-driven route (that is, any route that has a CmsPageGuard), with the exception of the following routes, which are defined as public in default-routing-config.ts:

  • login
  • register
  • forgot password
  • reset password

Configuring Public Routes

When the global protected configuration is set to true, you can still override this for individual routes and make them public by explicitly setting protected: false for the individual route’s configuration. The following is an example:

    routing: {
        protected: true,
        /* ... */
        routes: {
          contact: {
              paths: ['contact'],
              protected: false // make the contact route public
          register: {
              protected: true // make the register route protected by overriding the `protected: false` configuration in `default-routing-config.ts`

In the above example, the global configuration is set to protected: true, so all routes on the site are password-protected, except those routes that are defined by default as public in default-routing-config.ts (in other words, the login, register, forgot password and reset password routes). Now that the site is protected, you can still make specific routes public, such as the route for the Contact Us page, which is made public in this example by setting the contact route to protected: false. As already mentioned, certain routes are defined as public in default-routing-config.ts. If you want to make any of these routes password-protected, you can explicitly override the default setting, as shown with the register route in the above example.

Note: If the the global protected configuration is set to false, all values for individual routes are ignored. In other words, you cannot protect individual routes when the global protected configuration is set to false.

Protecting Individual Routes

The early login feature is not recommended for protecting individual routes, because it only allows you to allowlist public pages. If you want to protect only a small number of routes, it is better to use CMS guarded components instead. For more information, see Guarding Components.