OpenUI5-FHIR - The Official API Documentation 🔥

This is the documentation of the OpenUI5-FHIR project containing the sap.fhir UI5 library.

UI5 provides models out of the box, which can be fragmented in client or server-side models.

  • Client-side: JSON, XML and Resource
  • Server-side: OData V2, OData V4

Inside the healthcare community there are a few specifications for clinical/medical data. FHIR® is one of them. Furthermore FHIR® provides a query language to access and modify the data.

To develop an UI5 application based on an FHIR® backend applications, there is a need to provide an easy to use way to bind the UI to an model which takes care of creating, reading, updating and deleting the corresponding data in the FHIR® backend. This is the reason for the brand new UI5 FHIR Model.


The sap.fhir UI5 library includes following files:

  • FHIRModel.js: The model which provides functions to read, create, update and delete resources
  • FHIRContextBinding.js: The context binding provides functions to bind a single entity to an ui element such as /Patient/a234bc/
  • FHIRPropertyBinding.js: The property binding provides functions to bind a single property in an entity to an ui element such as /Patient/a234bc/gender
  • FHIRListBinding.js: The list binding provides functions to bind a collection of entities to an ui element such as /Patient?gender=female
  • FHIRTreeBinding.js: The tree binding provides functions to bind a tree of entities to an ui element (Tree of organizations, etc.)

Table of Contents

  1. Import OpenUI5-FHIR
  2. Create UI5 FHIR Model
  3. Releases

1 Import OpenUI5-FHIR

The easiest and most comfortable way of importing the UI5 FHIR Model is using the NPM dependency openui5-fhir, which includes all necessary files. Add following snippet to your project package.json and update the version of openui5-fhir to the desired version.

"dependencies": {
	"openui5-fhir": "2.4.0"

2 Create UI5 FHIR Model

Now, you can create the UI5 FHIR Model with a declaration in the manifest.json of your UI5 application.

	"": {
		"dataSources": {
			"myFHIRService": {
				"uri": "",
				"type": "FHIR"
	"sap.ui5": {
		"fhirModel": {
			"type": "sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRModel",
			"dataSource": "myFHIRService"

3 Releases

Overview about all releases.

Get the latest release.