* ${copyright}
//Provides class sap.fhir.model.r4.Context
], function (Log, ChangeReason, FHIRUtils, BaseContext) {
"use strict";
* Constructor for a new Context, should not be used, use the static Context.create function
* @class
* @classdesc Context implementation for the FHIRModel
* @alias sap.fhir.model.r4.Context
* @param {sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRModel} oModel
* The model
* @param {sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRContextBinding|sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRListBinding|sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRTreeBinding} oBinding
* A binding that belongs to the model
* @param {string} sPath
* An absolute path without trailing slash
* @param {string} [sGroupId]
* The group where the context belongs to
* @author SAP SE
* @extends sap.ui.model.Context
* @public
* @since 1.0.0
* @version 2.4.0
* @see sap.fhir.model.r4.Context.create
var Context = BaseContext.extend("sap.fhir.model.r4.Context", {
constructor : function (oModel, oBinding, sPath, sGroupId) {
BaseContext.call(this, oModel, sPath);
this.oBinding = oBinding;
this.sGroupId = sGroupId;
* Loads the context based on the configured <code>sPath</code> and the created context
* @param {sap.ui.model.ChangeReason} sChangeReason The reason for refreshing the binding
* @private
* @since 1.0.0
Context.prototype._loadContext = function(sChangeReason) {
var oBindingInfo = this.oModel.getBindingInfo(this.sPath, this.oBinding.oContext, this.oBinding.bUnique);
if (oBindingInfo && !this.oBinding.bPendingRequest){
var oRequestInfo = this.oModel._getProperty(this.oModel.mChangedResources, oBindingInfo.getBinding().slice(0, 2));
if (!oRequestInfo || oRequestInfo.method !== "POST"){
var oResource = this.oModel._getProperty(this.oModel.oData, oBindingInfo.getBinding());
if (!oResource || sChangeReason === ChangeReason.Refresh){
var fnAfterContextRequest = function(oData){
if (oData.message !== "abort"){
this._markAsReady(oData && oData.total, sChangeReason);
var mParameters = {
binding : this.oBinding,
forceDirectCall : false,
success : fnAfterContextRequest,
error : fnAfterContextRequest
FHIRUtils.addRequestQueryParameters(this.oBinding, mParameters);
this.oBinding.bPendingRequest = true;
this.oModel.loadData(oBindingInfo.getRequestPath(), mParameters);
this.bPendingRequest = true;
} else {
this.oBinding.bIsLoaded = true;
} else {
this.oBinding.bIsCreatedResource = true;
* Determines the dependent binding
* @returns {sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRContextBinding|sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRListBinding|sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRTreeBinding} oBinding The dependent binding
* @protected
* @since 1.0.0
Context.prototype.getBinding = function() {
return this.oBinding;
* Marks the context binding initialization or update as completed
* @param {number} iTotal The total number of bound resources. This information is needed to enable the property binding %total%
* @param {sap.ui.model.ChangeReason} sChangeReason The reason for refreshing the binding
* @private
* @since 1.0.0
Context.prototype._markAsReady = function(iTotal, sChangeReason){
this.iTotal = iTotal;
this.oBinding.bInitial = false;
this.oBinding.bPendingRequest = false;
reason : sChangeReason || ChangeReason.Change
* Refreshes all depending bindings
* @param {sap.ui.model.ChangeReason} sChangeReason The reason for refreshing the context
* @public
* @since 1.0.0
Context.prototype.refresh = function(sChangeReason) {
this.oBinding.bInitial = true;
* Determines the context for the given path with the binding and if it not exists creates it
* @param {sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRModel} oModel
* The model
* @param {sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRContextBinding|sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRListBinding|sap.fhir.model.r4.FHIRTreeBinding} oBinding
* A binding that belongs to the model
* @param {string} sPath
* An absolute path without trailing slash
* @param {string} [sGroupId]
* The group where the context belongs to
* @returns {sap.fhir.model.r4.Context} Context object used by this context binding or <code>null</code>
* @protected
* @since 1.0.0
Context.create = function(oModel, oBinding, sPath, sGroupId){
if (oModel.mContexts.hasOwnProperty(sPath) && !oModel.mContexts[sPath].hasOwnProperty(oBinding.sId)){
oModel.mContexts[sPath][oBinding.sId] = new Context(oModel, oBinding, sPath, sGroupId);
} else if (!oModel.mContexts.hasOwnProperty(sPath)){
oModel.mContexts[sPath] = {};
oModel.mContexts[sPath][oBinding.sId] = new Context(oModel, oBinding, sPath, sGroupId);
return oModel.mContexts[sPath][oBinding.sId];
return Context;