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SAP Core Policy Level (v1.0)


This policy level (aka compliance level) sap:core:v1 MUST be fulfilled by all SAP applications and services. Exceptions are only allowed on a case by case basis.

This policy level is based on various SAP guidelines and rules - most of them which are already established.

It defines the core rules and guidelines that are shared across SAP, although more specific rules and guidelines MAY be applied on top.

General Policies

Access Strategies

  • SAP applications and services MUST support SAP specific access strategies:
  • The accessStrategy open MUST NOT be used without explicit consent by the responsible security experts, especially when the metadata could expose tenant (customer) specific information.
  • If the access strategy for retrieving the document differs from the retrieval of the resource definitions: At least one access strategy MUST also be provided for the resource definitions.


  • All SAP namespaces MUST be registered in the SAP namespace-registry.
    • All SAP applications MUST use the sap vendor namespace.

ID Constraints

IF the resources have already been published to the public SAP Business Accelerator Hub we MUST somehow keep a correlation between their ORD ID and already existing Business Hub ID. This is necessary to keep existing URLs stable and to ensure we update the existing entries, not create new ones.

  • Preferred Approach:
    • Get in touch with the Business Hub colleagues, to clarify which existing packages need to be associated with the registered namespace (from step above).
    • Keep the <resourceId> fragment of the ORD ID identical to the ID that was previously published on the Business Accelerator Hub.

Title Constraints

The following constraints apply in addition to the constraints defined in the ORD Document.

  • All title values (except link titles) MUST NOT exceed 120 characters, as per SAP API Style Guide and SAP Business Accelerator Hub guideline recommendations.

  • All title values (except link titles) MUST NOT contain the term "Deprecated" or "Decommissioned". Use releaseStatus to indicate this instead, if available.

  • All title values (except link titles) SHOULD use the following charset:

    A-Z, a-zLatin letters
    - Different hyphens
    ( )Parentheses
  • package title values MAY use the following additional characters:

    /Forward slash
  • All title values (except link titles) SHOULD NOT contain the following terms:

    Operation words
    v1, v2, etc.Versions
  • All title values (except link titles) MAY use the following specially approved terms:

    Approved TermDescription
    S/4HANAApproved product name
    country/regionApproved name
    G/LGeneral ledger. Approved abbreviation.

Description Constraints

The following constraints apply in addition to the constraints defined in the ORD Document.

  • All description values MUST NOT contain the short description. They are complementary to the short description and should not just be a longer replacement.
  • The description MUST NOT exceed 4000 characters. In general, more extensive documentation SHOULD NOT be put into the description but instead be added as (typed) links.

Short Description Constraints

The following constraints apply in addition to the constraints defined in the ORD Document.

  • All shortDescription values SHOULD NOT exceed 180 characters.

  • All shortDescription values MUST NOT repeat or start with the object name.

  • All shortDescription values SHOULD use the following charset:

    A-Z, a-zLatin letters
    - Different hyphens
    .Fullstop (Period)
    ( )Parentheses
    'sPossessive apostrophe
  • All shortDescription values MAY use the following specially approved terms:

    Approved NameDescription
    S/4HANAApproved product name
    country/regionApproved name
    G/LGeneral ledger. Approved abbreviation.

Misc Constraints

  • For setting and incrementing API versions and major versions, the SAP API Compatibility rules MUST be followed.
  • If an API or event resource has been deprecated, the deprecationDate MUST be provided.
  • For all releaseStatus changes, a changelog entry SHOULD be created.
  • For the taxonomy properties lineOfBusiness and industry: Only the recommended values MUST be chosen.
  • Although Vendor is technically not validated by a policy level, we need to ensure that within SAP we don't define the SAP vendor multiple times or reference it differently.
    • The SAP Vendor MUST NOT be defined by any SAP application or service, as this is done centrally.
    • The correct value for a SAP vendor reference is sap:vendor:SAP:.
  • For OpenAPI documents which are already published on Business Accelerator Hub, the existing x-sap- extension properties MUST be kept even if the information are now also in the ORD Document. This is to not break end-consumers that only have access to the OpenAPI file. We MAY remove this requirement in the future, by automatically post-processing the ORD information into the OpenAPI files centrally (feature request).

Context Specific Policies


  • For Packages with policy level sap, the Governance Guidelines for API Packages MUST be followed.
    • This includes the current limitation that Packages MUST NOT contain mixed resource types. E.g., a Package must only contain either APIs or Events, but never both together.
    • SAP Business Accelerator Hub publishing becomes slow if too much content is in a Package (> 100 resources). Consider creating smaller packages that are split around the aspect of what needs to be published in one transaction.
  • The vendor of a Package MUST be set to sap:vendor:SAP:.

Consumption Bundle

  • For public or internal API Resources with inbound or mixed direction (consumption pattern): MUST provide and assign a Consumption Bundle. This is necessary as some SAP ORD Consumers rely on Consumption Bundles to find and navigate accessible resources.

API Resource

  • For API Resources the Guidelines for publishing API Resources on the SAP Business Accelerator Hub MUST be followed according to our internal API and external API guidelines. The first link includes a decision table for internal vs. external, which corresponds to visibility internal vs. public in ORD.

  • The extensible property MUST be provided.

  • For API Resources with visibility: "public" or "internal":

    • Resource definitions MUST be provided for OData, REST, GraphQL and SOAP APIs.
    • OData APIs MUST have a resource definition of "type": "edmx" AND additionally one of either "type": "openapi-v3" or "type": "openapi-v2".
    • Plain REST APIs MUST have a resource definition of "type": "openapi-v3" (RECOMMENDED) or "type": "openapi-v2".
    • GraphQL APIs MUST have a resource definition of "type": "graphql-sdl".
    • SOAP APIs MUST have a resource definition of "type": "wsdl-v2" (RECOMMENDED) or "type": "wsdl-v1".
  • OpenAPI definitions SHOULD be validated via the SAP API Metadata Validator, using sap:core:v1 compliance level.

  • The SAP API Harmonization Guideline rules MAY be adhered, but are not part of the sap:core:v1 scope.

    • We intend to release an additional policy level (sap:core:v2?) that includes this as MUST requirement.

Event Resource

  • For Event Resources the Governance Guidelines for Events MUST be followed.
  • The extensible property MUST be provided.
  • For Event Resources with visibility: "public" or "internal":
    • Resource definitions MUST be provided.
    • CloudEvents MUST have a resource definition of "type": "asyncapi-v2" (see AsyncAPI specification 2.0).
    • SAP Business Events (that conform to the SAP Event Specification:
      • MUST use the SAP Event Catalog standard, which is compatible to AsyncAPI 2.0 ("type": "asyncapi-v2").
      • MUST NOT be part of a consumption bundle.
        • Events can only be consumed at an intermediary, i.e., the SAP Event Mesh.
        • Consequently, the producing application cannot describe how they are eventually consumed.
  • SAP Event Catalogs SHOULD be validated via the SAP API Metadata Validator, using sap:core:v1 compliance level.


  • If the mandatory Extensible object has a description, it MUST follow the guidance and rules of the SAP Technology Guideline TG12.R2.

Integration Dependencies

  • If an Integration Dependency is used to indicate Subscription Content for the SAP Event Broker:
    • Each EventResourceIntegrationAspect MUST provide exactly one systemTypeRestriction application namespace. The value of the systemTypeRestriction MUST always be the same within an integration dependency. These limitation MAY be reconsidered in the future.

Correlation IDs

With ORD comes a Correlation ID concept.

All correlations that target an sap.* namespace MUST use registered correlation ID types. Like the namespaces, they can be registered in the SAP namespace-registry.

This will help us to 1) achieve internal consistency that we can also automatically validate and 2) get an overview of valid and registered Correlation ID Types.