Backup Data

To prevent full data loss, it is important to have periodic backups of the volumes or directories mounted into the following services:

  • Minio Storage (lab-minio: /data directory)
  • Mongo Storage (lab-mongo: /data/db directory)

Workspace Backups

The /workspace directory within all Lab-managed Workspaces is automatically backed up to the Minio storage every day at approx. 4am. However, all files in the /environment folder, as well as all files with a size of more than 50MB, will be ignored in the automatic backup. Lab will keep only the last three Workspace backups for every user. In the case of data loss, the last backup - if available - will be automatically restored in the startup process of the Workspace.

We recommend using Volumerize to backup the persisted data of the Minio and Mongo Storage to one of the many supported backends (e.g. filesystem, ssh, rsync, s3). With Volumerize, it is also possible to schedule periodic backups. Please refer to the Volumerize documentation for all features and usage information. In the following two sections, we will show examples on how to use Volumerize to backup persisted data from a Docker-local and Kubernetes Lab instance.

Example: Docker Local

Backup lab-minio and lab-mongo volumes every 2 days at 2am into the local folder that the following command is executed from ($(pwd)):

docker run -d --restart always --name lab-backup \
    -v lab-minio:/source/lab-minio:ro \
    -v lab-mongo:/source/lab-mongo:ro \
    -v lab-backup-cache:/volumerize-cache \
    -v $(pwd):/backup \
    -e "VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE=/source" \
    -e "VOLUMERIZE_TARGET=file:///backup" \
    -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin" \
    -e "VOLUMERIZE_JOBBER_TIME=0 0 3 */2 * *" \

Example: Kubernetes

In a Kubernetes Lab instance, the persisted data is on the manager node's filesystem in the folder specified with LAB_DATA_ROOT during the installation process. In the following example, the LAB_DATA_ROOT is /lab/data/ which means that the Minio data is persisted at /lab/data/lab-minio and the Mongo data at /lab/data/lab-mongo on the file system of the manager node.

The backup is scheduled for every 2 days at 3am as well. Instead of backing up the data on the local filesystem (as shown in the Docker local example) we will use rsync for this example to move the data to a remote machine specified via rsync://10.12.345.678//lab/backup. In order to be able to connect, valid key information needs to be provided (id_rsa and known_hosts) as demonstrated below:

docker run -d -restart always --name lab-backup  \
    --name volumerize-backup \
    -v /lab/data/lab-minio:/source/lab-minio:ro \
    -v /lab/data/lab-mongo:/source/lab-mongo:ro \
    -v lab-backup-cache:/volumerize-cache \
    -v /lab/backup/backup_key:/root/.ssh/id_rsa \
    -v /root/.ssh/known_hosts:/root/.ssh/known_hosts \
    -e "VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE=/source" \
    -e "VOLUMERIZE_TARGET=rsync://10.12.345.678//lab/backup" \
    -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin" \
    -e "VOLUMERIZE_JOBBER_TIME=0 0 3 */2 * *" \