BETA This annotation is beta and should be reviewed for completion and correctness.
The object model captures definitions of structural as well as transactional related aspects of the business data model.
Schema Definitions
- This is an extension vocabulary for CSN Interop Effective.
Annotations Overview
Annotation | Scope | Description |
@ObjectModel.compositionRoot | Entity | Entity is the root of a compositional hierarchy. |
@ObjectModel.representativeKey | Entity, Service | In case of multiple key elements: key element which represents the entity (in the sense that the entity itself is the list of values for this key element) |
@ObjectModel.semanticKey | Type | The property contains element(s) which shall be used to display the key in UIs (instead of the technical key). |
@ObjectModel.modelingPattern | Entity, Service | The property declares the modeling pattern applied in this entity definition. |
@ObjectModel.supportedCapabilities | Entity, Service | The property declares the supported usage type for this entity in the context of consuming data models. |
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association | Type | The element is of type cds.Association which points to the list of values. Use only for service internal associations. For cross service associations, use the @EntityRelationship Vocabulary instead. |
@ObjectModel.text.element | Type | The property contains element(s) containing a text for the annotated (id)element |
@ObjectModel.text.association | Type | The element is of type cds.association, which points to an entity containing (language-dependent) texts for the annotated (id) element |
Entity is the root of a compositional hierarchy.
Type: boolean
Default Value: true
Scope: Entity
Extending: EntityDefinition
In case of multiple key elements: key element which represents the entity (in the sense that the entity itself is the list of values for this key element)
External Type: Element Reference
Scope: Entity, Service
Extending: EntityDefinition, ServiceDefinition
The property contains element(s) which shall be used to display the key in UIs (instead of the technical key).
Type: Array<Element Reference>
Scope: Type
Extending: BooleanType, StringType, LargeStringType, IntegerType, Integer64Type, DecimalType, DoubleType, DateType, TimeType, DateTimeType, TimestampType, UUIDType, AssociationType, CompositionType, CustomType, TypeDefinition
The property declares the modeling pattern applied in this entity definition.
Type: Object(#)
Property | Type | Description |
string | Provide the value in { "#": "<value>" } enum notation.Allowed Values:
Example Values:
The property declares the supported usage type for this entity in the context of consuming data models.
Type: Array<Supported Capabilities Enum Value>
Scope: Entity, Service
Extending: EntityDefinition, ServiceDefinition
The element is of type cds.Association
which points to the list of values.
Use only for service internal associations. For cross service associations, use the @EntityRelationship Vocabulary instead.
External Type: Element Reference
Scope: Type
Extending: BooleanType, StringType, LargeStringType, IntegerType, Integer64Type, DecimalType, DoubleType, DateType, TimeType, DateTimeType, TimestampType, UUIDType, AssociationType, CompositionType, CustomType, TypeDefinition
The property contains element(s) containing a text for the annotated (id)element
Type: Array<Element Reference>
Scope: Type
Extending: BooleanType, StringType, LargeStringType, IntegerType, Integer64Type, DecimalType, DoubleType, DateType, TimeType, DateTimeType, TimestampType, UUIDType, AssociationType, CompositionType, CustomType, TypeDefinition
Example Values:
The element is of type cds.association, which points to an entity containing (language-dependent) texts for the annotated (id) element
External Type: Element Reference
Scope: Type
Extending: BooleanType, StringType, LargeStringType, IntegerType, Integer64Type, DecimalType, DoubleType, DateType, TimeType, DateTimeType, TimestampType, UUIDType, AssociationType, CompositionType, CustomType, TypeDefinition
Supported Capabilities Enum Value
Type: Object(#)
Property | Type | Description |
string | The entry declares one supported usage type. Allowed Values: